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Everything posted by z00se

  1. Pondering about quitting pondering...

  2. Hey Gerard, If you go bigu before Easter can i have your easter eggs?
  3. Mmmm, i see. I certainly don't force things either, thats definitely a recipe for disaster. I would say instead that i 'tend towards' or have an intention that with added energy gets carried out. Sometimes i may also request or ask to indicate direction. All this though can still lead to the possibilty of too much. In this system do you have a direction or have the direction find you? You said balanced practice with a combination of what you listed above, perhaps some are bringing in energy and others are making use of it or letting it out, that is where the balance is found? I have bought and read Ya Mu's book a while ago but i think Gift of Tao or perhaps some other parts weren't included in it so i don't have the complete picture. I've been told i should get it but i have many things i should do i'm sure i'll get around to it one day.
  4. Yes i agree. I think different practices have different results, and sometimes i even think perhaps that any actual practice is not even necessary. People practice different things so that they can get to a specific place, then once they know how to get there they don't even need to do the steps to get there they can just be there. Sometimes i think all the practices are just steps, they are just a way to allow the mind to more solidly believe that it can reach a certain place, a sensible and fathomable path, yet the path in reality was not even required. One more question for you Ya Mu, I remember reading before about recommended practice times in your system depending on if you were healing people or if you were just doing it for personal development. I just want to know do you think it could be detrimental to practice 4 hours a day if you weren't healing others, concentrating only on yourself. Would you think one hour would be plenty enough and the extra hours would be excessive, or do you think its fine to practice for hours on end without an outlet for the energy? Just wondering in the difference from what i practice, because i need to either use the energy or ground excess out. Harmonize ingoing with outgoing to to speak.
  5. Haha yes, but i find this somewhat in every field. You pay good money, thinking you're going to a professional and the often the guy has bugger all experience or just common brains and you'd be better off doing it yourself copying a youtube video. I fix 90% of the things on my car and around my house just because i want the job done properly, and i also enjoy doing some varied work instead of doing overtime in my usual work. When it's not their own thing they're working on people don't care. My bro is a roof plumber and said one of the most common things you hear on the roof regarding stuffups was, 'It looks good from my house'. That's because they from their house they couldn't see it haha.
  6. Haha, but it's mind training.... A bit like training to slam dunk a basketball ring. You don't just jump up and down all day long trying to reach the ring. You do some of that yeah, but you also do isolated leg exercises, balancing drills, sprinting, calf raises, etc, etc so that then when you put it all together you can jump higher than the basketball ring so that you can do some tricky moves on your way up there to fake out opponents and stuff and still slam dunk it in their face! knowing in detail how every part of the body reacts and interacts gives you greater insight and hopefully a better final result. All the methods are good. Doing them is however is the most important =] This is where wisdom of a good teacher comes in, but you can figure it all out yourself and get a better understanding i believe, it just takes a hell of a lot longer and the guts or curiosity of trying a range of different new things.
  7. What has TaoBums taught you?

    That time can pass very quickly interacting with this forum
  8. Some background for my thoughts... I have spent some time a few years ago doing kan & li (mantak chia) and i know you have said before you didn't know much about Chia's stuff but he sells that as high level qigong, spiritual qigong. What i found is that in the end it didn't matter what i did it all ended up being the same, this same high frequency light. As soon as i included sexual energy in the mix, whether i was doing iron shirt (very physical) or kan & li, i got to the same place of feeling this high frequency energy. Any meditation then seemed to just quickly lead towards that state. Kan and li obviously as high level neigong only and iron shirt, well low, mid, and high levels together, but probably with a greater concentration on the physical, but they ended up being just different ways to the same point. The same point in that the energy was exactly the same, yet the experience wasn't exactly the same. I found taking a more physical path it was easier to stay grounded and centred, as apposed to feeling comfortably centred but not grounded in the physical realities around me. I found this high frequency light to have very little or no pushing power but extremely strong penetrating power, it could go through anything, but it would not make obvious changes. I have to admit that there was not alot of controlling going on with it, other than how strong it was and where i put it. I think thats because it was only one, like there weren't different frequencies or rays or 5 element energies, just the single one so really what could i 'do' with that, it just did it's self. I would also have to admit that each time i did it something quiet miraculous would usually happen after. I don't know HOW it worked, i just know that every time i did it something very intriguing would happen after. Examples are, girls chasing after me moments after, fantastic opportunities like training with a TCM doctor who had a constant long queue with half-a-day waits who couldn't even speak english but he was training another chinese guy for a short period before he went back to oxford, who could translate for me, i mean what are the odds. This is just scratching the surface, but things would happen directly after practice, like within 5-10 minutes or less, some bigger and some smaller i can't even remember them all. And it was consistant, whatever perhaps my spirit wanted manifested, but not always exactly how i wanted, maybe a bit like Aladdin's lamp where u get the wishs but get screwed over in another way. ...I liked it and i didn't. They were things i wanted but i didn't want. Both feelings simultaneously like with the wishes in Disney's Aladdin's lamp. There was no controlling it, other than turn it on or turn it off, or more power or less power. I didn't intend for any particular wish to happen, things just happened that amazed me. But after playing around for a while i decided i didn't like the energy, i didn't like the feeling of the energy it's self. I didn't like some of the things that happened because of the energy, it bought temptation for trouble in my life. Another thing was that i honestly found the quantity of the energy i was using was just getting rediculously huge, there was no need for such power, it was being greedy. Of course i dabbled and tried it just to test the territory but more energy just meant keeping that high level state for longer with such a tiny amount of practice, and more force, forcefully pulling me into the moment, not letting myself fall into it. Consistant practice was forcing me to lose myself instead of allowing me to give myself. I found myself feeling a sense of superiority over people, including those that had talants much greater than mine and it did feel good, but it was linked only to this practice, if i lost my huge energy for any reason (usually partying) then i lost my feeling superiority too, until i got my massive energy back. I felt invincible and incredible, but at that time with so much power I had a lack of control. There was no metal element, perhaps others too, but no metal was very obvious. Maybe that was me going a little overboard with it, but that is my tendency. But what i learnt from it is that sure, by high level cultivation I may follow my destiny but to what end? I like my life, i don't want to just drop everything i'm doing and change stuff i like just because of destiny. I want to do what 'I', want to do, and i want a way to support that, yet i know i can't stray too far away from destiny either. For me it's again all about balance, a bit for 'ME' and a bit for 'US'. Another reason i stopped doing it was that i found it didn't really help heal my health issues as much as the lower levels did, and that was my primary concern at that moment, any other benefits were considered secondary. That was just what I found most benefitial, and that is what lead me to concentrate more on lower and mid levels. You said you have found this to be true personally. As someone who is obviously very good in this high level approach, do you believe you are at the point where the one thing you really needed is taken care of and there is no longer a need for pain? If so is it something that happened recently or a very long time ago? Is that the end of the healing and does it last forever, or do you believe this is a life long journey where people need to consistently keep taking care of what is 'really needed'? If it is not a once off lasting forever thing, then surely the very root of the cause has not been found, or there would be nothing that needed taking care of in the future. I think that by this line of thinking, the root could quiet well be in the physical and not in the spiritual at all, the cause behind the cause could equally be in the physical as it could be in the spiritual, why couldn't it be bi-directional? Yin and yang are equal powers. Perhaps there is no root, there is only what is, and by correcting what is to what should be in all three levels there is no seed left. Yet i am certain that something will stir once again. There is nothing that is constantly correct, the only thing that can be certain is that there will be change. I do this too, i fight with my destiny as you put it, and i give myself pain but it means enough to me to put myself through the pain so that i can get from A to B the way 'I' want to travel that road. I don't see it as a lesson needed to be learned, i see it as a something 'I' want to do. I find what i practice lets me heal myself and gets rid of the pain so i can once again putting myself back into pain getting done what i want to get done, in the way i want to have it done. It sounds silly, but really it's not - this is life. I find when i practice on the low and mid levels and come back into balance the destiny thing (high level) automatically bares more heavily on me and i lose track of 'MY' own path, i don't want to be too strongly lured into my destiny because if i go too deeply in it could be ages before i get out, and it would be a setback (in 'MY' path). In my low/mid level practice i have actually specifically tried to avoid that high level, high frequency energy but i assure you it is impossible. I find that physical balance and connection to destiny goes hand in hand, that most certainly is my experience. With a low / mid level practice high frequency energy is not the focus but it finds it's way in whether you want it to or not. Strong development in low or mid level practice sees high level characteristics become resident, there is no way that it can not. It is like having a magnet with only a north pole, it can't exist. This is why I just think this distinction you have between high and low level practitioners does not exist. Any weakness you mention would be present in a low level practitioner could be equally (oppositely) present in a high level practitioner of equally low skill.
  9. Yeah definately. TCM is a theoretical framework you can use to bring about all these different aspects harmoniously, thats my main use for it anyhow. Perhaps beginners, but at advanced levels it is impossible to be ignorant, it seeks you out. At high levels of all martial arts, eastern or western the high levels are present in people who practice. All the arts speak of this. Martial arts are primarily physical in my point of view, although as pointed out tai chi, ba gua specifically aim at all three, however if one practices diligently enough the higher levels will appear in the person practicing whether if they concentrate on it or not. Each lower level also includes each level above it, it is like a mirror of what you say and it goes both ways. I think you misunderstand me, i don't mean the person working on the physical will get better results. Working on the physical implies also very closely indirectly working on the mind, just like working on the spiritual does, they are equally strongly connected. I think we agree on the fact that working on all three is the best, the whole, a balanced approach. What i feel i do disagree with you on is that you always seem to mention that you practice a 'higher level' qigong (and unless i've misunderstood) that this higher level healing is the best. By concentrating on a Higher level, it's more refined has this and that that the lower levels don't have. However there are equally as many things that the lower levels have that the higher levels don't. Things such as the power of the 5 elements at the mind level (which i'm sure the high level approach uses just as much as the low level approach) and food, herb and specific exercise prescriptions at the lower level. I'm sure you may use these sometimes to a lesser extent, this shows the fact that the lowest level is present even in the very highest level, just like the white dot in the black of the yin yang. I'm not too sure about what's taught where i only know what have spent my time doing, learning very little infact from people teachers, no lineage or anything like that, just learning from my environment and my own experiences. To me personal experiences with qi and the 5 elements within us makes TCM many times more effective, it is like additional practice when you are not practicing on your patients, to get a deeper understanding of how it all works. Correct the lower level can't, but doesn't need to, if they are skilled they use the physical to make sure that the largest stones in the garden remain set in the correct manner so that the increase in 'higher level' energy automatically turns the smaller stones over by it's self. Sometimes working only at the highest level one could be so busy turning over all the stones that the largest and most important ones roll back by themselves to their original ill-health locations crippling the entire attempt. Not saying that's what all high level practitioners do, but it's just to highlight the equality of a lower and higher level approach. Thanks for your comments Ya Mu, i love hearing another 'higher level' side to what i have intimately experienced myself through concentrating on the physical / mid levels.
  10. At first through reading about the topic i came to believe wisdom was better than intelligence, and that was what could be found through meditation. However through experience i now feel that it is not that wonderful, it ruins the surprise, you know with high probability if it will be a good or bad day, event, weather, or what not. Wisdom, like intelligence limits the possibilities within your own mind just from different angles. You need intelligence and wisdom to live day to day in civilization but it stifles the thrill of living. When i have strong qi, i can control things, but often i choose not to just to see what will happen, it seems more fun even if the outcome is not generally 'desirable'. Often something more desirable can come from something previously less desirable. Sometimes the best thing is something different, a new feeling or experience, being saturated in the unknown. That perhaps is the most thrilling of all. Agree or disagree?
  11. I agree, and I think it doesn't rely on the 'higher' level at all. The highest level is present in the deepest of the lowest level, as can be seen by the white dot in the black of the yin yang. The highest level relies on the lowest level, and vise vesa. You don't need to foresee the greatest picture because taking such a high level approach may be so long sighted that person looking for results don't persist long enough to start getting the benefits of healing on a physical level. And as to 'more refined', sure it is, but that doesn't make it better. Refined white sugar is sweeter, but not necessarily better. TCM is fantastic, but there are so many different types of TCM, it is not a standardized approach (although it is more so becoming that way) and so different doctors using different understandings can have exceptional results in their own specific field. It is a rough guiding framework than any set of rules. The 5 elements, yin and yang and the meridians & TCM view of organs are all very real and correct. It's when you get to the nitty gritty details, without understanding how you came to those nitty gritty details, as would be read in a book without your own personal experience, as is cultivated through qigong and meditation, that it can all fall apart. The person doesn't have the expertise or experience to use such detailed and refined TCM knowledge and so it seems that TCM becomes incompetent, when this is not true at all. TCM many different theories can be used for the same situation, some are more correct than others, the more specific you get the more likely it will be less correct. I know that good people produce good results and in the absence of good people in different methods, the one person who seems to have good results, their view seems to gain the most attention, however this should not be the case. To be honest i think most people want their physical problems fixed and are less interested in whether they fulfill their destiny or not. I think high level is not the aim, the best or anything like that, it is just a part of the complete picture that needs to be addressed along with the low level stuff. The low level stuff that can be more easily felt can also add the benefit of placebo effect. By taking a rounded high mid and low level to healing you can treat the widest range of people and illnesses. Taking a single approach you may get a greater 'wow' factor in some specific instances but all round it won't be best, how can it? Balance is health, high level alone is not balance, balance in all is balance all around. I'm not picking, being subtle or anything to anybody, i'm just saying the truth exactly as i see it.
  12. yeah exactly... But not 'my' wisdom, just wisdom in general. The weather on tv uses maths and intelligence along with wisdom. If i see a foggy morning where i live, most likely the afternoon will be very hot. And like if you're friends have been out two nights in a row and you go out the third night with them you know it will be pretty mellow because they're already worn out. This kind of thing... I'm not talking about mystical knowings or knowing when the world will end, winning the lottery or anything of this kind of thing. Of course everything can change but even with experience and wisdom you can know the stock market and make more money on average over a longer period of time.... but sometimes you miss that big fluke of a win. It's the surprise that is thrilling, the feeling that anything can happen.
  13. the power of clenching

    Yeah i think relaxation allows the chi to flow. Tensing and trying to get it flow can make it flow easier once the tension is released, i think that's the only benefit of tensing. Oh and to make you hot. Tension without a certain purpose however is restricting to your mind and meditation, you need to be relaxed to get the full benefits from your meditation.
  14. I think for somebody more hot, a doing type, mindfulness is more useful, for a cooler type person energy meditation is more useful. Mindfulness is grounding, energy meditaiton is energizing, it all helps bring into balance. Somebody who is already balanced will do good with both. Infact a little of both is good for everyone, but more time spent on either depending on your particular type. But it is true that depending on the direction we wish to travel, that is the direction we go. If we spend more time in awareness / mindfulness then that is what we will get good at, if we spend time with energy, again that is what we will get good at. I think in the end it all just boils down to how would you like to feel, how do you want to live your life? Head in that direction and you will recieve all you ever wanted. After all the meditation, though it may be both within and without, is your own experience. Once you have the tools and a little experience you can make yourself feel however you like whenever you want... and what more could you want than that?
  15. Energy Cultivation and electrical devices

    My computer used to stuff up all the time, windows always used to come up with errors. Installing linux seemed to fix it so i guess it's not my chi
  16. When i was living in China and learning tai chi we used to practice outside in around -17 degrees. I'm from Australia where it very rarely gets below 0, so that was freakin freezing for me. We used to have shoes on but our teacher made us take our hats and gloves off and just practice in our tai chi clothes (those chinese silk PJ things). Once you get in the zone, or in the moment so to speak my whole body felt fine. Not hot but not cold at all, as soon as i stopped (or left being in the moment) to ponder about how it was that i didn't feel cold my fingernails would just start burning from the cold. Few more minutes of being in the moment and the cold went again. I also did iron shirt in Australia in the mornings when it's cold without shoes on and although it was cold and i was standing still for quiet a while i sweat and feel hot. So really to feel fine, you just need to be in the moment, be aware and not thinking. Everything seems to sort it's self out. About getting hot, well i guess that's tummo and i have never practised it.
  17. "No one likes to be judged..."

    mmm yeah i hate meant to watch that for a while. Tonight!
  18. Hmmm before i hand only read some of the latest posts and what other people are saying... here is a reply to your original post... i had some similar type experiences so this is what i found to work best for me. Ok so you have some health problems so doing meditation at the beginning of course would not be easy because minor imbalances must have been there for a long time and have developed into physical problems. It seems before when you did 15 mins a day it kept you calm and slowly headed you towards total body balance, but now you are doing an hour that is 4x more so u're going to be healing at a rate 4x faster so it's going to bring more side effects. That ecstacy feeling, that is good, thats what things tend to feel like more and more often later, but i got sick of it all the time so then I just get rid of that feeling too. But i think that feeling is better than the negative feelings you are feeling, so hold onto it to make it easier to ride through the rough stage. When you get that ecstacy feeling just increase it, you will find you can. Play with it, make it more, make it less, move it around, be able to bring that feeling on by yourself when u are even depressed, but don't let yourself get so depressed that it is too hard to bring on the ecstacy feeling That depressed thing too it's just your body balancing out, i get that if i party for a week or so then get back into meditation n that, then i always feel depressed at the start.... i'm used to it now and i know it only lasts 1-2 days so i just let it run it's course, and it's not really too bad if you seperate the feeling of depression from yourself. You spoke of feeling some of that seperation before, so just play around with that too. I come more from an energy practice background than what you are doing just watching breathing. I've done that too 10 days all day every day only stopping to eat and sleep so i know a little what you are going through. I think the whole thing what you describe is normal and crap that you just need to put up with until you get through it, depending on how messed up your body was at the start depends how long it will take. The thing is.... the original problems you talked about in your post, i think nearly everyone gets some sort of things like these. Then you can do the things like i said or find other ways to patch up these problems so these problems go but then other things arise, you can use qigong again to fix em but ya end up just going around and round in circles and what started as 15minutes a day ends up being huge work and a giant task. I find myself having to spend more and more time to patch more and more bits... is it worth it? i dunno it fixes the problems short term but doesn't fix the root of the problem, uncomfortable feelings still arise one way or another. Here is the main one that would help you... just try to do some smiling meditation for your kidneys, healing sounds for them, spend time througout your day listening more than looking. While driving, chatting, eating, everything just listen with your ears, like it is one long never ending music track. Why is it good for you? because you have anxiety which means weak kidneys. Libido shot, weak kidneys also. The hearing will distract you and engage the kidneys at the same time because ears / kidneys are linked. Eat a portion of seafood or meat a couple of times a day to help build up kidney essence. Anything from the sea is good, and good for thyroid too. You could also massage ur balls gently especially any tender parts once every 2 days, but wait until most of your problems have settled down, otherwise any other issues that arise will be even stronger and harder to cope with. I think these things are all linked. Your lack of get up and go brings all these. You come into balance (no emotions / intuition) then you go out of balance and then everything seems a bit much. hahah yeah get used to having no rush, and no pleasure from addictions. You lose the ups, but you lose the downs too, you just stay awesome all the time, its better than the rushes and pleasure you used to get before except there is nothing to compare it to so it becomes boring too. However when i'm balanced and i try start drinking alcohol i actually feel worse than i did before. Not that i feel bad, but being drunk just wasn't as enjoyable as before i started drinking... apart from that i have to drink stacks more to get properly drunk too. Yeah i know it sucks at this stage. So all you need is mind games to keep you going for a bit longer until the crappiness starts getting less and less and the contentment gets more and more. You have gone this far so you might as well stick it out and get a proper taste of it. Your pretty sporty playing golf and baseball etc, so u should have good mind body connection. Plus if ur job is fairly physical u wouldn't be all in your head. If you have hardly drank alcohol or smoked for a few months now that wouldn't cause any issues either. Soo... here are your choices as i see them 1. Go back to practicing only 15 minutes a day and after a few days you will feel better (Easiest one). Boost up to half hr if u can some days, then if u start feeling bad again just reduce it and play with how much you practice according to how you feel. Slow and steady 2. Keep practicing like you are and just put up with it, but drinking to deal with it or feeling so up and down all the time is actually making you make slower progress than you would imagine you should be. (i don't suggest it) 3. Try to patch up issues using what i told you above, which will solve them somewhat but other problems will arise. You can try this and see how you go for a little while. You can also do the standing meditation putting ur mind in the ground if you want, might help make things more bare-able and let you continue on your same course. Just try different things, time is passing all the time and it will get easier and easier as time goes by. You can do exercises to strengthen lung / metal and kidneys / water. 4. Less intensity, but longer duration. Because of the meditation you have been doing there is a different meditation that i think you would find good. It is very similar to what you have been doing, watching the physical, but instead of doing it while seated you can do it all day long in your activities. This will keep your mind amused so that you forget about depression and whatever other problems arise, you don't experience them because your concentrating on something else. If you do this, you can give up your seated and standing meditation and just do this, it will get you further with less issues. Have a look anyhow maybe need 5 minutes reading, then you can try it for 30 seconds then decide if you like it or not, http://www.healthcultivation.com/meditation/instructions/awareness-meditation-30-second-meditation-part-1/ It's easy and good. Especially for you because you been watching your breath so long already this will be a cinch. I suggest no 4, if you want to make fast easy progress, no 1 if u want to just take it easy for a while, 3 if you want to keep on your same path, 2. i don't suggest it because you will probably give up if it gets too hard, can't just keep pushing more and more or you hurt yourself. Good luck!
  19. "No one likes to be judged..."

    i dont think judging causes violence, racism or even wrongly or negatively judging people. All these things are internal the person being judged doesnt even know, even if you have racial hate. The problem only comes when we dont treat others with respect. Respect is all that is required and then all judgements are fine
  20. well all what ur doing sounds good but seems u still not grounded enough! Haha when u do ur horse stance dont go too low. Just have legs slightly bent so u can last much longer and stay there as long as u can and transfer some of ur seated meditation into meditation while in a high horse stance. When u get tired just sit down and finish the remainer of ur meditation seated. Using ur legs to stand will ground u more. Then to make grounding stronger still, instead of watching ur breathing put ur attention in the ground, however deep u want up to u. Now there is nothing to watch nothing obvious moving like with ur breath, just feel like ur mind is in the earth and discharging. Awareness can be everywhere but attention should be in the ground. On the website were u either wood or fire element? Also are u a student or office worker or basically someone who sits at a computer lots and does lots of thinking?
  21. when u say ur meditation is concentrating on ur breathing u mean just the physical aspect yeah? The air movement and body movement correct? Do u only do ur nose or do u do your lungs and throat and belly too? Watching Breathing is good because its always moving and taking notice of the physical is grounding too. So to make it even more grounding watch ur breathing the same, But at ignore the nose throat and lungs and just watch how ur breathing moves and effects the lowest part of ur abdomen u can. The lower down u place ur attention in meditation the easier it is to stay grounded. Strengthening triple warmer will help too and exercises suggested on that webpage i mentioned before
  22. I love you ( mantra's )?

    I think the goal is to cultivate love in general, and the feeling of it rather than to love yourself. It is a bit like a zooming out so you become less important and less the focus,and you see a wider picture, then it gets wider, and wider still until it's all in view. Love is whats left when you reduce your concentration and so the zooming out becomes easier. I would agree, i think it is The only reason there could be pain is because there is a blockage, or qi stagnation. If you are concentrating on a certain place the amount of chi trying to get into that place must be too much for the capabilities of the energy pathways to that place, either that or when you stop concentrating on that place the energy goes somewhere else and it can't rush away fast enough due to energy channels being too narrow. So what can you do? 1. Stop doing it, like u said u gave up these techniques or 2. widen the channels to that area so you can do the technique without pain. But then you are developing your energy body unevenly creating imbalance. So either widen the channels around your body evenly or just remain aware in every moment and the channels will widen in balance at at the right amounts all in good time.
  23. i think it is silly question. Techniques to compress qi? Just compress it! Spiral hard. Push down with ur lungs, push in with ur hands. Any technique that doesnt directly compress the qi is a second rate technique. Command it and it will be done!
  24. i would agree that u need to do more grounding work. The energy created in ur meditation is too much for the space within ur body that can accomidate it. You can bring about deeper levels of balance and wider energy channels by practicing some more physical aspects of ur cultivation. Then u will be more prepared to take larger amounts of energy in. If u can spare 10-15 mins to answer a few questions suitable suggestions can be found here - healthcultivation.com/TCMIS/preQuestions.php
  25. "No one likes to be judged..."

    But if you judge everything on it's own merits, that is hard work and tiring and i don't think we would have time. We group things together and make generalizations so that we can judge more things with less work and hopefully reap more cream and leave more problems behind. I think theres nothing wrong with being prejudice, so long as you're open to changing your initial thoughts if the judged warrants it. I judge people on race, whether they are male or female, if they have tattoos, piercings, smile, look grumpy, i judge on it all. If someone is asian well i automatically judge them a certain way, and even differently depending on their country, because i have experienced their culture. Russians like to drink alcohol, english don't like spicy food. Italians can be sneaky, they're always trying to fake it that they got hurt in the world cup.... it's in their bones. Chinese are indirect, thais just like to enjoy themselves, etc. They ARE different. It's not racist because i don't think they are better or worse for it. These are not like / dislike judgements, rather it gives me insight into the person with some degree of accuracy. If i see a guy with tear drops tattooed on his face and ink all up his neck wearing rough looking clothes drunk and falling over i would probably leave him alone, however if he was skinny without tatoos, had glasses on and was having trouble standing up i'd probably try to help him sit down safely. The most useful judging for me however is judging facial expressions and physical actions in each moment where you can see the truth.