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Everything posted by z00se

  1. What have YOU learned?

    1. Try in everything you do, then you will only get better at it. 2. If you find a good girl, kill her quick before she turns bad.
  2. The pyramid shape

    The Food Pyramid tells us what we can eat! It is in fact quiet wise i have found after all these years of dabbling in different diets. Bit vague but that is perhaps it's strength. The government has the most resources to research into these things the best. Paranoia and scepticism of the people only do themselves harm.
  3. Definitely not OK! What were you thinking!
  4. The Spectacular Now

    The Spectacular Now is a movie, i watched it last night and really liked it. Recently over the last couple of years alot of movies have focused on living in the moment, finding your light, the wonder of enlightment or realising yourself along different themes etc. I even took my son to his first cinema experience the other day and watched The Lego Movie and it had the same thing on the theme of master builders who could build whatever from their inner light. They all focus on how great and wonderful it was. The Spectacular Now shows different perspectives on this point, beyond the thrill of enlightment. I suggest anyone to watch it if they would like a kick back movie night, it's a good watch. Not necessarily indicative of every case and every person but it's just nice to see a different spin or angle on this trend of movies. An angle i support on this forum just to rub against the grain in a forum that has a majority of seekers of the light. It's not that i am anti-light, anti-spiritual or anti-enlightment i just believe that when you find the light you need to balance it with the dark and not become overcome by it. If you've seen it share your thoughts. As already mentioned what happens in the movie is not my point, because it is only one example but it's a point indicating in a direction i support. The movie is done very well because even watching the first little part for a second time i can see the theme and lots of good points and comments indicating the central movie theme right from the beginning although it's not even clear what has happened yet. It's a proper hollywood movie, sure beats watching some bald guy in robes babble on. Enjoy!
  5. The Spectacular Now

    That's a good trailer once u know the movie. Hadn't seen the trailer before, thanks for posting.
  6. You said to post things that you see here. I see many things, yet they become normal and they don't seem special any more. I think the most important thing that i see that is useful to me is really seeing. I see things on other's faces and bodies that they don't even realise themselves. The link between consiousness and real life becomes closer and closer with meditation but most people can stare something in the face, even feel it in their bones and muscles and still not realise it. Their body does but their consiousness does not. When i see this in motion it makes me chuckle to myself. However when i am stressed i have the same problem, i don't consciously realise what is under my nose. Sometimes it burns me hardcore when i make silly decisions. Makes me feel silly because i could have known but didn't use it! Knowing is not always the key, using it still has fantastic merit. I still struggle to balance the two.
  7. The cats that speak in clairvoyance in english, are they from an english speaking country? When i lived in china the animals there seemed to understand chinese. The sound beyond sounds, of all sounds and silence together is magestic. I think your posts are wonderful, somebody who has reached great levels but has taken the time to understand and relate these things to their own experience and physical mundane situations to help share their understanding of things that can't be understood unless you understand. They are all very real however and help everybody understand. I find it is possible to go further and deeper until you get so deep and entangled in the web of the tao that it becomes impossible to relate it on a physical plane and explain it to others, but by slowing down your progress and anchoring it in conscious understanding it becomes something you can keep, not something that flows in and flows out and is gone. You can then share that with others and discuss matters which are the same as other's experiences yet from a different perspective. The physical is a plane where we can all relate in different ways, yet the subtle levels are places where all these different ways merge into one. What you do is make use of knowledge gained from beyond this world, and that is what i think is most valuable. And i think you gain that from not learning from one specific teacher, but from your environment that becomes your teacher. This is what i do, yet from reading your posts your knowledge is much greater and wider than mine. I think because i anchor everything i realise to the same TCM system i have developed it cuts and limits my boundaries, yet i feel it gives me one point or focus for devising solid knowledge and some grounds apon which to test that knowledge. Without my system of checking and consolidating i can come undone. I'm only 31 also so a few years less of wisdom hauding opporunity I enjoy reading your posts because it comes from somebody who knows. Cheers, Louis
  8. Binural beats are out of your control. Don't do it. Lets use some common sense here.... it always comes in handy.... Stop doing what's making you feel like this!! We will also use some basic TCM which works for every case (unlike specific TCM) You mention you are afraid, hesitant, and have intense phobia. That would be clearly indicative of weak kidneys. Kidney's relate to sex drive and the strong urge (i'm sure you had as a teenager) to just get it out - i am assuming you are a boy. No self, interconnectedness, feeling of one-ness are all 'high' feelings achieved through certain types of meditation, Ok you have reached the top, but how about the bottom, it is exhausted and you are out of balance. You have no anchor left to keep you in balance. The water element is that anchor. Let me guess you started off doing a certain type of meditation and it made you feel good. You continued it so you could keep feeling good, and as the sauce, fuel, or jing ran out you started feeling out of sorts. You continue to meditate because thats what you think you should do, but the only meditation you know is what you have done in the past. It feels right to feel this way after meditation becuase that's all you have ever done. Even if you do meditation correctly now, it will end up the same way you have always done it because thats what you have trained your body to do over not only a period of months, but years. Don't get me wrong, it probably still makes you feel good as you rev your overheated yet worked v8 engine to it's peak, but it's fuel is very limited and causing it to stall as the tank quickley becomes dry. You need to retrain your body to become normal and in balance once again. Getting high on meditation is alright every now and then but that's not how you live every day. As i have put in several posts, if anybody would like help to learn how to put their body in balance i am always more than happy to help, but you would need to give up your old meditation and do only what i say for an absolute minimum of two weeks, 4 weeks would be a more preferable minimum. I don't want to waste my time with people doing a bit of this and a bit of that and getting nowhere. If you try everything and still get nowhere my private message box is always open
  9. 'THE' ultimate method of breathing? How can there be only one? You should breath for how you want to feel, or let go and let your breathing go the way that it should on autopilot. Different formal qigong methods in a formless approach is the only way to go. Breathing one way all the time like you learnt on the internet is a bad idea. New Agey qigong is full of unknowns and people that haven't tried enough things for long enough. Shallow breathing is just as benefitial as deep breathing, you need both at different times. Oxygen and CO2 are needed in balance.
  10. How to help cure the flu?

    Sorry that was a bit late but hope it helps someone in the future. From my page here http://www.healthcultivation.com/remedies/qigong-colds-flu/
  11. How to help cure the flu?

    It is possible to bring your body into balance so that you are free from any symptoms, yet your body may still contain the bacteria or virus. Wim Hof has been injected with substances that cause very serious and unpleasant health symptoms yet he failed to show any symptoms see here. This is scientific and medical proof to show it is possible. Although Wims injection is perhaps a bit over the top, you can do a similar thing yourself with colds or flu that you catch using meditation, diet and exercise. When you have a virus or bacteria present in your body yet show no symptoms it is called asymptomatic. I have also achieved this state through very intense daily exercise, yet following such a routine leaves very little time to do anything else in your life. When in an asymptomatic state you can feel the presence of bacteria or a virus yet you still have plenty of energy, and as stated before, no symptoms. You can get closer and closer to this asymptomatic state gradually as you learn to feel and balance your body with greater skill through experience. It is important to realize that although you may be fully symptom free, your body still contains the virus or bacteria that is trying to knock your body out of balance, so you should try to avoid environmental stresses on your body (like cold, overexercise, drinking alcohol or smoking), otherwise these stresses together with the virus or bacteria could have enough power to unbalance you and bring forth the symptoms of the cold or flu. When you have a cold or flu infection your body loses balance in several different ways during the course of the illness. At some times you may have some symptoms, at other times you have others. Each of the symptoms indicates that your body is out of balance at a different angle. You need to continuously be aware of which symptoms you are experiencing and how severely so that you know how intensely you should apply the balancing techniques. If you do too much of certain techniques you may find some different symptoms appearing as you lose others. The suggested balancing approaches are a heavy handed approach to the symptoms and should cause a noticeable difference within 1-2 days (depending on how severe they were to begin with). Then if the symptoms become mild you should only do ½ or ¼ of the suggested approach to avoid overshooting the mark, which will give rise to other symptoms. When the symptoms disappear discontinue the suggestions entirely unless the symptoms return. The strategy should be to read all the balancing approaches for all the symptoms you have, combine them together so that you dont eat anything in the AVOID list (even if it is in a different EAT list) and try to eat things in the EAT list (unless they are in another AVOID list). Reading the literature on the rest of the site will help you understand what we are trying to achieve. With experience you will know with more accuracy how you should best apply these methods within your own body. Here are some approaches to balance your body for some common symptoms. Try eat the foods 3-4 times a day and the exercises 2-3 times a day. Sore Throat Although your throat could be sore for several reasons, one very common one is in Autumn when the weather becomes cooler and the air dryer. This can cause your throat feel hot, dry and sore. The aim is to cool, moisten and strengthen the lungs and avoid anything that will heat or dry them further. Foods to EAT: Pears cooked with small amounts of rock sugar. Soy bean milk with honey Or you can have soy bean milk with pears and honey run through a blender Foods to AVOID: Chilli, pepper, garlic, ginger. Any spices Lamb Exercises: Lung healing sound 12-24 times Lung exercises 12 times Try not to breath through your mouth at any time throughout the day, that will dry your throat out further. Always breath in and out through your nose, thats what its there for. Make the noise like you are trying to cough up some phelm. It sounds terrible but it vibrates your neck and increases circulation. Especially try to vibrate the areas that are most tender. Do every hour to help a sore throat. Squeeze and relax the muscles around your throat 18x. Do it every hour to help fresh blood flow to the area. Gargle salt water while squeezing the muscles at the back of your throat. Not like a choke using your hands, but just by tensing the muscles there using your mind. Massage either side of your neck towards the front around the glands that tend to swell when you get a sore throat. Do 18x every hour on each side. All these exercises work best before your throat gets really sore, you should begin at the very first signs of a slightly sore or itchy throat. Do them every hour or whenever you remember. Runny Nose A runny nose with clear or white (NOT yellow) discharge indicates excess dampness in your lung. The stomach is usually the source of dampness and it gets stored in the lung. Although usually it is just part of catching a cold, sometimes if you eat too many cooling or dampness causing foods for the lung a runny nose can develop. The aim is to warm, dry and strengthen the lungs and avoid anything that will generate more dampness. Foods to EAT: Pepper, onions, garlic and ginger. You can boil some water with onions and ginger and drink the water, and add some pepper to the food you normally eat. If your nose is really runny you can have some hot chilli to speed the drying process. Foods to AVOID: All dairy Fatty or oily foods Cold foods or drinks from the fridge Exercises: Lung healing sound 12-24 times Lung exercises 12 times Try not to breath through your mouth, always use your nose, the airflow will help to dry out your nasal passages. Blocked Nose / Sinuses / Head Congestion You can get a blocked nose for many reasons, not only because of a cold. I had a chronically blocked nose for 12 years or so until I worked out the remedy. Now I can run and do any activity breathing solely through my nose. The aim is to avoid dampness, strengthen the lungs, and relax the area around the nose while stimulating chi flow in the area to clear the congestion. The foods to avoid along with the exercises are the most important aspects of this treatment. Foods to EAT: Although these foods may provide short term relief, relying on them may cause other problems in the near future so its best to concentrate on the other aspects of treatment. Pepper, onions, garlic and ginger. You can boil some water with onions and ginger and drink the water, and add some pepper to the food you normally eat. If your nose is really blocked you can have some hot chilli help clear the nose. Foods to AVOID: All dairy Fatty or oily foods Cold foods or drinks from the fridge Exercises: Hold the pressure points as indicated in the picture below. You should feel a little dint in the bone either side of your nose that is a bit tender to touch. This is the point you press. Hold the point for 60 seconds as often as you like, and if you are experienced in meditation concentrate chi at those points too. Also you can rub along the bone from the nose out to the cheek (this direction only) 12 times or more to stimulate circulation there too. Rest for a minute or two to feel the effects. <<INSERT ACUPRESSURE PICTURE>> The whole time while performing this next exercise you should try to remain as relaxed as possible, and be gentle with yourself, dont force things. Sit down, then while breathing at your normal rate (dont hyperventilate in preparation) begin to hold your breath while pinching your nose after an inhalation. Hold your breath as long as you can but not so long that you need to gasp in air to save your life. Once you really need a breath of air, let the air out though your nose (as much as you can you may need to use your mouth too) then try to go back to breathing calmly and normally through your nose as best you can (you can do this a few times if need be). The aim is for a small clear passage to open up in at least one of your nostrils that you can begin to breath through. Next we continue to melt the congestion. Continue to remain relaxed and breath slowly through the small opening in your nasal passage, and as you breath out each time relax your whole body and feel your body become heavier and heavier as described in the yin version of the smiling meditation. The goal is to breath only through your nose, constantly feeling like you are slightly starved of air, being very relaxed, and having very gentle and smooth rolling breath, much like a sine wave. Things to look for in your breath are You shouldnt be breathing deeply because that takes a lot of effort and muscle to expand your stomach / chest outward. Instead take slow, shallow, gentle breaths, letting your body breath by its self with out any force imposed by yourself. Its best to breath as slowly as possible while remaining relaxed. If you start to feel your diaphragm spasm or tighten then breath a little faster or deeper, not suddenly but give yourself slightly more air consistently, to allow yourself to remain relaxed. When your nose is very blocked you may find that very little or no air travels through your nose, yet your diaphragm still gently moves up and down as if you were breathing. Just relax and let this happen for as long as you can, then take a breath through your mouth if need be so you can get some more air, then continue with the relaxed breathing (or breathing attempts) through your nose again. Continue doing this, focusing on the smooth (although maybe very constricted) flow of air through your nose, or if your nose remains totally blocked, on the smooth suction effect of your respiratory system on your blocked nose as you try to breath. Notice especially the very smooth transition from exhale to inhale and from inhale to exhale, like the peaks and valleys of a sine graph, as well as your whole body sinking deeper into relaxation with every exhale. The increase in CO2 in your body while slightly starving yourself of air allows for greater relaxation in your body giving more room more circulation around your nose, and providing an opportunity for the congestion to clear. After 5 minutes or so of breathing like this your nose should have cleared considerably, definitely enough to allow you to breath through your nose without having to use your mouth. You can now breath however you like and then go back to using this method any time you feel like it. <<INSERT SINE GRAPH>> When you lay down in bed to sleep with a blocked nose, lay on your side with your most clear nostril on the top. This will help that nostril to remain clear during the night. Stretch and relax your neck and shoulders. This improves circulation to and from your head and creates room for the congestion to drain away. Lung healing sound 12-24 times Lung exercises 12 times Try not to breath through your mouth, always use your nose, this will help to keep the nasal passages open
  12. The people on here represent a very small and specific sect of society. Other's opinions and comments on here are just that. Feel comfortable within yourself for what you express. Ground out the energy you don't like. Your own experience counts, you couldn't begin to cater for each individual in here, let along each individual in real life. Keeping your heart open or whatever you want to be is your choice, theres no need to tie it down to what others express on an internet forum, even in a real life experience for that matter. If you want to make it easy put yourself in an environment that will make it easy to feel how you want to feel. It is all for the present time, anyone can change their mood or thoughts at any given time. The real world is not a cushion it is the real world. Family and close friends are more of a cushion and padded pillows. If thats what you desire then thats where to look. I relate to alot of your posts generally and i think you have a solid understanding of what you explain. In these posts you seem confused and unsure. Find out the underlying reason and work through so you become confident once again. Nobody knows everything and everything is subjective, and so people usually just post on things they feel confident about at the time. Find the beginning of the string and measure from there, it's impossible to get an accurate measure from anywhere but an end.
  13. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    Further... if the farmer is not greedy and doesn't let his stockpile of tomatoes rot and shares them with everybody, the others may invite him to their full moon parties and it may indeed be at a time when the farm fails, indeed as god or the tao may and can whim it. The rough can be smoothed out by the party goers without a grain of rice in their cupboard. We are all one, and can help each other in times of need, or even not in extreme times of need. Friends and love are the balancing point where we can all become one, enjoy each other and share.
  14. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    I see cultivation as not like you say, but more like farming. Cultivating a vege patch so to speak. Of course it is not natural to make a farm, but you tailor the water levels, the earth nutrients, ph, and plant in a good sunny spot and you get good fruit. I think qigong is good for health, it allows you to cultivate your health like farming allows you to grow more than you need. You can throw it away and it can go to waste, infact you need to or you can have too much. But in times when you are sick, this is comparable to a drought or floods, and by changing the landscape by building drainoffs, dams or digging wells you can get the perfect balance and a high yeild crop. But this can't last forever, the same as environmental engineering, the engineered spot enjoys exceptional health while down stream somewhere another area ends up being bone dry. To live with awareness is to live with nature, taking the ups and the downs and enjoying it all (spiritual also). However in the down times everybody looks to the farmer and sees how much food he has stockpiled and how much money he gets from selling it to everybody. Meanwhile everybody forgets about all the full moons where they danced under the sun toasting mashmellows over the campfire, while the farmer was sitting in his tractor ploughing the meadows and planting his seeds.
  15. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    Yeah, i think thoughts are a way to concrete your direct experiences. You can go 'wow, this and this happened at that moment' and then you can change your thought patterns in a way that accomodate this so that you may grow. The thought process allows you to communicate your experiences and pass them on as teachings or even just a point of view. Being lost in the moment is great but sometimes it's just not enough. You want to share these experiences with others through words, you want to share them with yourself in a way that is more solid than just a passing moment. Some things are worth attaching too.
  16. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    I think the inner journey is different for everyone, of course because we are all different. For me, if my meditation was like this i wouldn't do it. It's like a front row seat and a hardcore test to remain non-judgemental to the things that you most likely want to judge. I wouldn't consider that fun, a constant and persistant test - i wouldn't like it. I use meditation to change things and my perceptions to what i do like. It's a bit like sitting infront of the TV watching the show (which is my life) but being able to flick through the channels to find something i like. Infact i can make something up but if i make up too many things it obviously leaves me ungrounded. I use meditation as a tool to either change my reality by using my energy (at my highest levels) or by not caring and letting everything pass me by (at my lowest levels). High or low levels both have merit, they both allow me to tailor my experience more so to a way i enjoy, a bit like cooking dinner. Of course the world goes on, just like if you have chicken for dinner you have chicken, or if you have fish you have fish, but by adding salt, pepper, vinigar or even tomato sauce if you like, you can adjust your experience to one that you enjoy. After all i feel 90% of your meditation is felt by you, and number 1 is the main concern, so tailoring life to suit yourself seems like the main benefit, and that is why i meditate.
  17. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    Oh yeah and also stay away from bananas, monkeys love those
  18. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    Yeah i have trouble with it too, but i find bringing more energy in makes it worse. If i sink into myself and concentrate on awareness, grounding or listening the thoughts go and i get in the moment pretty easy. It's qigong that makes it hard, especially if you're a thinker like me. It puts more energy into the thick cables i have built up to my brain. I think it depends on your job too. If i develop software it causes the monkey mind to rear it's head real easy. If i leave the PC alone for a couple of days it's much easier to have a clear head. 3 days of purposely trying not to think and i can do it well for most of the day. I think using the internet etc is training the monkey mind to become stronger. If you want to have a clear mind, thats what you need to practice. No reading, looking 'generally' not specifically (like look at everything but not going from face to face or checking out hot girls or anything like that). Sitting watching tv or movies i think is good but you gotta watch the whole room too, not just get sucked into the screen. I remember going away for several 10 day retreats by myself and meditating pretty much all day and eating fruit eggs bread and canned food that didn't need preparing. I would get tremendous benefit every time. Then another time i did the same thing but bought a meditation book to read and try to learn some new techniques, and got bugger all out of it. Every time i had my 'reading time' prob an hour or so in the day it would stuff up my progress even though my head would be clear. I dunno go figure. Perhaps in ancient times where there were hardly any books and people didn't go to school the monkey mind would be much easier to control. But considering everybody has spent 12 years minimum reading books and training their mind to be very active all day almost every day + uni if you went.... thats alot of not thinking you need to do to balance that out. I feel thinking is good and fun, but it would be good to have a button to turn it on and off. But there is none that i can find, you either spend a few days going into no thinking, or start thinking again. I am yet to learn how i can be in deep thought then stop it at a whim.
  19. Following my yin energy...how?

    I think there are many different things all playing their part, but the main truth is that we will one day become like the dinosaurs. Ants and crocs are still here from the dinosaur ages so maybe a race of humans can prevail, good luck to all life!
  20. chi kung insight watned

    Another common sense thing would be, how long have you had this problem for? What has changed since when this problem began? Or 2 weeks before it began? If you have been sleeping in the same room with the same sheets for the last 3 years and only just got this problem i doubt the sheets or the room are the problem.
  21. chi kung insight watned

    Well you say you are fully energized throughout the day and then some. Perhaps too much energy? Heat in liver, dryness relates to heat, liver relates to eyes. You may not think too much energy because you probably like it but something must be amiss or you wouldn't have the problem. If it is an allergy then TCM is very good at fixing allergies. Qigong is energetic TCM. It's all about balance, if you don't have balance in mind when you're practicing it's willy nilly. Do you ever have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep? Are you clever or a 'thinker' ? Nothing. Master is lots of experience, qigong is qigong. My opinion is that the qigong you are practicing is helping to create the dry eyes. You say the qigong you do makes you feel very energetic, this would indicate heat. You need to do the opposite of what you are doing. Of course i don't know what you're specifically doing but whatever it is i would have a strong tendancy to believe it's not helping you any and most likely making you worse. When it comes to eyes, i would consider myself half a master. Liver & eyes have been the main focus of my attention for almost a decade of daily practice.
  22. cultivation paranoia

    I dunno, it sounds more like paranoia to me. Do you want to move the chi in a way that will hurt yourself? If so you will do it. If you want to feel good you will do it too. If you persist and keep doing something to make yourself feel like you don't want to feel it will do some bad. If you persist and drill yourself into the ground keep making yourself feel what you don't want to feel like, it will probably manifest as an illness on some physical level. You have the opportunity to make yourself feel good and there is some lee-way to make mistakes. Just be aware and watch yourself. It can be all pleasent. Power of the mind, if you are unsure you are unsure for a reason. Be sure. That is quick to change
  23. More awareness and you wouldn't lose it in the first place
  24. chi kung insight watned

    haha gas mask seems a bit overboard, probably end up with a rash from the rubber mask. I think theres more to it than just doing high level qigong in a willy nilly fashion. If it were that simple everyone would be a master. If qigong can change the way your body works, you should change it so that it works in a way that stops any symptoms arising. See what other help you get first, and if after trying them all you still are suffering you can message me and i will tell you how to fix it in 1-2 weeks. You will have to stop your other qigong though because if you're doing that now and you're still getting dry eyes then it will conflict with what i suggest. I don't want to waste my time typing out stuff while you try a bit of this and a bit of that because what i say needs to be done in it's entirety. If you want to try my method leave me to last, then send me a message.
  25. chi kung insight watned

    test two - result of test - don't waste your time using a windows phone to make posts, it won't work properly