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Everything posted by -O-

  1. Charles Luk's Toaist Yoga ... it goes into this and also states that the Yin shen is preliminary to the yang shen and if worked too much (more then once or twice) will destroy the cultivation up to that point - or prevents the yang shen from emerging. The tell tale sign between the two is the yin shen can not interact with and is not seen in the physical where the yang shen can been seen by others and can effect/interact with the world. The yang shen is immortality - the yin shen is one step toward completion of the yang shen and if considered the end result will be a fatal mistake... also too much visualization prevents the yang shen as well.
  2. sex with entities

    Yes, time to stop saying you don't know anything.
  3. sex with entities

    We are bent on being "prepared" for things. We go to school to learn before we are sent out into the world; we train tirelessly before we enter the ring. But what about experiences which are total new and forgen to us? Theres the rub - for us to grow beyond who we are today we must step into the unknown, unprepared - into the dark room. And being bent on being prepared leaves us standing at the threshold of that room with the assumption that we cannot cope with the darkness - and the only reason at that point why we are not able to cope is because we have made that assumption. It is the assumption of "I can not cope" which leaves us broken. "But I don't know what to do?" "I don't have the strength!" "I don't have the skill"... of course we feel this way, because at this point we have never fully completed this experience.... and what prevents movement forward is the held belief that "you cannot cope". The key to this kingdom is, regardless of how you feel or what you might be thinking, is to trust - for no reason - that you can cope with this. You may not know how yet - but trust that you will- it is going to get harder before it gets better - but trust it will get better. Everytime you struggle, everytime you doubt or feel fatigued - bring everything you've got back to that trust and the answers & paths through this will open up to you. The only power these things have over you is the power that you give'em in assuming you can not cope with'em. Take your power back and don't give it up again. (The focus on the physical is excellant advice).
  4. sex with entities

    Lino, consider that one of your main influences (in the flesh) may not have been able to guide you properly and has opened you up to all of this in error. In our conversations my main feeling with you is that you have given over your power (not in a spiritual sense) and self-authority over to others (many others, and again these are people in the flesh) and thier combined input has caused more tension and confusion for you then it has helped. My heart is with you brother.
  5. You are all delusional!

    Are you guys sure "That Guy" is pointificating to you his beliefs? He came across to me as someone who has spent a fair amount of time on the topic of chi - qi gong etc. It seemed to me that he had a heartfelt struggle with his own beliefs and was looking to the people here (who do believe) for input.... perhaps the perceived arrogance and hostility of That Guy is a belief which might not be accurate (or a delusion) in and of itself?
  6. You are refering to aquired knowledge - not awareness. Nobody taught us HOW to see the color red. Nobody teaches us to HOW to feel the weight of an object... because these are distinctions found in awareness - not acquired knowledge. We are taught what the color red is called and how to spell it and speak it.... Teaching others HOW to aquired more awareness is problematic when at the end of the day the only way to aquire more awareness is to be more aware. When you figure that one out then all of the practices learned from teachers of great lineages and all of the stife and struggle we go through to learn what they have to offer - to "get it" seems like a big divine joke - because it is and always was (literally) right infront of your face the entire time. Teachers are useful - passing over authority of our own awareness ("what you are expereincing is this...") is not and will run you through circles and waste your time. Proper teachers will convey, as best as can be done, HOW they aquired more awareness WITHOUT taking authority over the students awareness and experience. In that they are not teachers as much as they are techinical guides. Transmissions, permissions are nonsense, period. It is a means to give the ego an excuse or reason to open up to experiences it can not conceive of (of which the teacher represents) and gives the teacher a position to be able to guide and massage the student's expereince to a particular outcome. In other words it gives the little "I" a reason to trust - which gives the teacher a means to persuade to an end. Anything beyond this is belief system - an anchor to gather up intention. Again the knowledge gained is from observation through awareness which is then unravelled into an explaination which can be conveyed accurately to others. In the case of science - this explaination is considered correct if it can be recreated consistently. AWARENESS is the key to the knowledge. Having permission to practice a technique or not will have no effect on the outcome if the practice is sound. If transmission and permission are nessesary for the outcome then the outcome is dependant on the suggestions of teachers and the suggestibility of the student. The more dedicated, loyal and unquestioning the student is the more suggestible the student will be - thus more result. This is setting out to learn a belief system then experience the belief system directly - has nothing to do with truth, awareness, nature... however, by applying great and consistent effort "to achieve" inevidably the person will bump into limitations of thier own awareness and thus through consistent and great effort will learn a thing or two about mind and awareness... but at the end of the day was it the teacher, the teachings, the transmission, the persmission or the students great effort and intention to aquire more awareness which produced the result? Lineages have a psychological impact, nothing more. And that impact is a double edged sword - can help and can hinder.
  7. A strange psychic visit

    Sounds to me that the crown is opening - poping could be the tension in the sutres releasing - once released the energy will rise up the spine like you mentioned. During cultivation there is a process where energy from the bottom of the body rises to the head - pauses and builds - as external energy is attractd to it. Then the energy sort of arches across the crown which opens it. As a result the MCO changes direction, the central channel opens and clears and then you have direct access to external energy from the crown through the central channel. Depending on how clam and balanced the mind is during the ocurrence will determine just how much you are aware of (or feel) it all happening. JMHO.
  8. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    I implore you to stop.I honestly feel you are disgracing the men you hold in esteem with your posts. At first you where saying things about uprooting Kunlun, then about abuse of students, then about your own student (which was right out of left fild), then about disrespecting elders, now cult tactics and event promotion. You come across as a child in a playground picking fights - in fact you come across as manic. So I ask with sincerity. How are you feeling? Are you okay?
  9. Instant karma :)

    That's nine bucks good karma!
  10. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    In more ways than one. I won't. It's one thing to attempt to patch things up - clear the air etc. But this is all over the map, and I find to be disgraceful behaviour for someone of this position. I say, as one who apparently knows a thing or two about accusations ; if your are going to do it, then put some thought into what you are doing first. Anyway - that's just me making more accusations myself -with tongue in cheek of course.
  11. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Dr. Hata, with all due respect, you are starting to sound like a travel ad. (One thing I find interesting in these threads is how much impact they have on search engine rankings).
  12. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    ...it might be in regards to this.
  13. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Questionable cause... Actually all of the following fallacies (cognitive dysfunctions) can be applied: relativist fallacy genetic fallacy appeal to ridicule
  14. Kunlun follow up poll

    And TexasNative took a bow. I have removed everything with exception of this and the the post which clarifies the statement. Be well.