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Posts posted by Blume

  1. Thanks for the suggestions, I guess i will use the big draw only to stop from spilling without using external finger lock.

    I was having some sharp pain in the penis doing the finger lock method, maybe not pressing the seminal vesicle right or something, and was wondering why?

    Its just that use of force alone(internal) is a bit too much without external fingers use to stop spilling the seed.


  2. You see the secret of life is to die before you die and find that there is no death.


    If you are truly living this you and ueshiba are at the same level.


    At that level it absolutely does not matter if the other guy kills you or not.

    Because you know for sure you cannot be killed. Because you are immortal.

    At that level you would rather be killed than take another person's life.


    Almost all the military personnels are not at that level of training which takes decades or more to realize.

    So they find reasons to kill(even for self defense)

    This is the highest level of being. The level attained by few rare individuals.


    But is that possible. At least we can try!


    All humans should strive for this. Once all people are there violence will end from the world. Peace will reign. We will have saints walking around all over the world. No need for police, army, military.


    People will have no fear of death. Utopia.

  3. I guess this is the most relevent thread to post my question.

    I do practice testicle breathing, scortal compression but my question is regarding dry ejaculations.


    This topic is not covered much in any book i have read.


    I would like to ask when i self pleasure and get close to orgasm i stop myself from ejaculating by holding my breath and contract the perinium with full force and pressing the perinium with the fingers. I go past the point of no return and actually have an orgasm(dry) without loosing semen. Because i do not loose semen this allows me to continue pleasuring myself, if i would have lost semen i would not be able to continue self pleasuring.


    I again repeat the same process.


    My question is how many times i repeat this dry ejaculation thing(going past the point of no return). Once, twice, thrice, or more? Till muscle fatigue?


    Any response is appreciated...


  4. I don't know why anyone would recommend any book other than the Power of Now from Eckhart Tolle.

    All you ever need is that book and offcourse Full Lotus posture.


    World is going to see increasing chaos, conflicts , violence, natural disasters etc.

    Time for taking retreats is over.Time for taking KAP course is also over.

    People will not find clean water to drink. good food to eat. They will not find time to practice qigong etc.

    Their ambitions like Kundalini awakening will be thwarted by the divine.

    What divine wants to see at this time period is that if you can surrender or not when things go WRONG.

    I mean seriously wrong. That is the only way to grow spiritualy from now onwards for majority of the population of the world.

    Specially relevant are the last two chapters of the Book Power of Now which explains the meaning of surrender.

    So just keep your inner space clean while things fall apart all around you.


    It's not about being healthy , it's about what to do when you have AIDS and nowhere to go.


    I don't believe in doomsday. I would much rather see peace, joy, and love flourish.


    The Power of Now will show you how.


    I place it even above the Bible and Quran.

  5. Please allow everyone regardless of the location to join in. I was getting this nice energy boost a few months back from you guys.

    It lasted only a day for me but was worth it for me. For some reason i don't get it anymore.If you two can make sure that you are not blocking people for karmic reasons or some other reason.

    Everyone in world should be able to take advantage of this blessing!

    Also if you can please make it a bigger event by joining hands with other masters.

    Just some thoughts.

  6. I try to drink green tea. I'm in good shape.

    I do vipissana and 5 times prayer. and workout regularly.Yes karachi is very polluted city.

    I don't eat junk food but its not that much of quality food either.

    Dont know how much qi i get from elements. I,m not that qi sensitive.

  7. I think i should ask all my diet related questions here.I think everyone agrees that junk food is bad for health. The simpler the food the better. How about meat and poultry.I have heard conflicting advice on eating meat and poutltry.Some people suggest eating raw meat some say its bad for heart. Some gurus say lamb meat is good for health. How about milk .Is that good or bad.I have heard that its bad and produces phlegm. Is there a unanimous decision on these food items.

  8. During the past few weeks i have started eating raw tomatoes, carrots etc to makeup for the lack of vegies in my diet. I would like to know more about Digestive qigong, but anyhow i already work on my midsection quite a bit.


    I have learned enough on my own from various sources to incorporate good food items like dates, olive oil, organic apple cider vinegar etc into my diet, but as things improve in my life i will incorporate those too.


    Thanks for so many good ideas though.

  9. I really appreciate any suggestions on my diet. Since i have to get that right before going on fasting.


    Mostly everyday i eat rice with some sort of gravy at lunch and at dinner pita bread with some sort of gravy.


    In breakfast eggs and bread and some times meat. I also try to eat fruits during the day.


    This diet maintains my weight well. which is around 56kg.


    I don't have much choice in my diet since this is what is cooked at home.


    I have heard that starches like rice and bread are not good for health, but i cannot imagine diet without rice and bread.


    I will try to implement any suggestions.

  10. I realized that fasting is good for health and longevity by reading Paul Bragg's work.


    Decided to try it but got to a point where i cannot even talk without forcing myself. At that point i decided to resume eating my lunches. I guess there is a period of weakness and after that one feel rejuvenated.

    I would like to copy spiritual masters who do not eat, sleep or have sex. But i guess that takes decades of time.

    I think everybody should copy spiritual masters. But i don't know how to explain people like Michael phelps who eat 10,000 calories a day and perform at their best. Don't he need to limit his food intake for cleansing purposes. Confused.

  11. I recently started to skip meals usually lunch on a daily basis.


    Not only lost a few kgs but also started feeling really really weak in the knees and body.

    I thought fasting is energizing not weakening.


    Does body takes a long time to get used to not eating?


    Do i have to be really careful about what to put in my system.?

  12. I don't know what powers are useful for the real world. I saw the picture of one guru in one of recent threads and that guy looked abnormal who could not holda job. Throw them in the middle of people and you will see all sort of character weaknesses. Sex issues will come up , money issues, personal authority issues and what not.


    Look at Osho i mean what mess he created in his lifetime.


    Real guru like me will survive best in the real world. Sorry but had to tell the truth.