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Everything posted by enouch


    I can't get it to load...I almost got it too the point of reading:windows is now starting up...then it restarts all over again and again and again.The only reason I had hope is because I got through once,I spent that time[aside from downloading anti-virus programs] tryng to register for online storage sites for back up, I even left my computer on for a few days but it wasn't enough time.Otherwise I probably would have wiped it by now...but when I think about the priceless information[time invested not even counting money] I just can't bring myself to wipe everything out.
  2. Hi! Wang Shu Jinn advocated strongly to B.K. Franztis practicing the bagua single palm change and spitting from h-sing for the development of chi.''Practice for hours and skill[chi] will come naturally'' So, I'm curious if any bums have video[you-tube] footage of either of those two sequences? Wang was also deeply experienced with taoist sexual meditation.
  3. Spring forest for martial arts?

    Becker, has deleted a lot of his posts but one place to look would be in his'' right then'' thread.Also he mentioned the qi was dangerous and goes to heart of whoever you are attacking,sometimes getting out of control.In the first thread, he mentioned he got further[or more out of] practicing spring forest than mo pai''Of course spring forest is about helping others not becoming master of the universe'' Sean Denty called the technique mechanical in a shaolin wahnam forum post before being banned.''It's like going to a track coach and being told to run really fast and then come back in a year without any real coaching'' He went on to write other things as well, very interesting, people should go through all the posts from those with first hand knowledge[experience] and discern insights.As I've written before I don't think I've ever caught Denty in a bold face lie [exaggeration perhaps] he always been willing too share his experiences. Fascinating too imagine these people know each other either directly or indirectly.Mo pai student mentioned to[introduction lobby,tao bums] Drew, he'd met Denty a couple of times.Denty, studied with the author of Magus of Java as did Becker.I'm surprised no one has written a book entitled Western Disciples: In Search OF True Neigong.Each one detailing their experiences in various chapters, it would make a great read.As it stands now, you are forced to go hunting through all the threads on many forums back to 2004.
  4. Spring forest for martial arts?

    ' Kind of hard too discern what you mean but I guess the answer is yes. It is interesting what you write about Effie Chow, reminds me of a post from MJJ Becker on the dangers[unique nature] of mo pai neigung and how the qi goes directly too the heart. He considered it only fit for mountain dwelling hermits since it's so dangerous.Both Sean Denty and Becker arrived [totally different paths]at the conclusion spring forest will get you futher than mo pai,or Denty called the mo pai technique very mechanical and hard to progress. I guess when it comes to applications of chi it all comes down to intent.
  5. Thanks Steave! But I was looking for The specific forms for developing chi.Most of my collection is on hard martial arts:Muay Tai,Systema,knife fighting,Krav magva, jeet kune do, ecetera.
  6. John Chang versus Mike Tyson?

    Las Vegas ,before the fight! Maybe weeks,Tyson's bodyguards were involved as well.
  7. Is there an objective world?

    The flaw in your design lies in the fact even self hood can be altered, memories can be erased, new personalities formed.I agree with you both, Marblehead , in that the universe seems to be manifest regardless of humans.With Gold. in that everything is processed through human consciousness. Maybe we can't know everything fully but we can know somethings truly.But then I'm a theist...so my worldview is different.
  8. Which art measures up? All bets welcome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMZZr94WFRc...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nnjIhml2YY...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLcpGHeNGgI...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cAe6GADI_g...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nnjIhml2YY...feature=related
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have a dvd with two flying phe. meditations by Terry Dunn but I got caught up with practicing spring forest, Damo's muscle tendon changing,whole body breathing, Robert Peng's stuff, Tridaya, and others that I didn't give it a fair go.Actually, it was among the first qi-gung dvds that I purchased.Maybe that's why it seemed so long and complex. If it truly is as energizing as people claim I'm game to give it another go.
  10. Here you go!

    Free trail for 15 days!http://www.transparentcorp.com/products/software.php http://www.xtrememind.com/DNAActivatorMax.mp3 http://www.iso-tones.com/tones.html http://www.box.net/shared/g8i15z9iyk Sorry this is for blasto who wanted binaural file!
  11. Looking for a free Binaural Beat file

    http://www.transparentcorp.com/ free software for 15 days!
  12. Looking for a free Binaural Beat file

    Here you go! http://www.xtrememind.com/DNAActivatorMax.mp3 http://www.iso-tones.com/tones.html http://www.box.net/shared/g8i15z9iyk
  13. Have any bums enjoyed results from these practices! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX2JyCogiNM Or these? Dim Mak! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bcyv40vQ7UE...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oFUaw5-PS0...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjplRtzWwww...feature=related
  14. Magnet Healing therapies

    Did you align them correctly? Right hand too magnetic north,left hand to magnetic south? I have magnets as well but sometimes I attach them to my dantien while doing spring forest or whole body breathing.Any results?
  15. Magnet Healing therapies

    Here's some applications of those magnetic rings and a zapper combo! http://www.xtrememind.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3312 http://www.xtrememind.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3362 http://www.xtrememind.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3186
  16. Anti Aging - The China Study

    Also blood purification and magnetic pulser by Dr.Bob Beck. 2. Shedding or brushing the skin-a yogic technique.3. Replenishing internal enegies-energy of the organs.
  17. Anti Aging - The China Study

    As a avid weight lifter I take in soy and whey protein.To look many years younger develop a dynamic physique and you'll have too chase the opposite sex away! It is biology written in their genes and most lack the internal discipline to resist.2.Hyuronic acid is great for the skin I've attached a primetime live session on it.3.Have you tried large ammounts of rna? I've attached certain articles.4.The five tibetan rites.5.Chunny the founder of spring forest qi gung recomends massaging the backof the hands[wrists to?] for the elimination of age spots.6.Enter into deep trances and instruct your subconcious mind how you want too look and evolve.7.White[lights] leds are well known for reducing wrinkles,also infar-red lasers[at target] and blue leds eliminate acne.8.Take 1 or 2 grams of l-arginine on a empty stomach to spur the release of hgh-it adds to skin thickness and reduction of bodyfat.Take it before lifting weights as well,lifting heavy weights for 45-60 minutes creates hgh release.9.Try magnets...on the left[little pinky finger] hand directed to magnetic south and on the right to magnetic north.10.Almost forgot ethocyn....hit the link.11.Face yoga! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vqDLbHeVl0 http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med.nut...05f1bf41e55a6cb http://www.vrp.com/articles.aspx?ProdID=1166 http://www.xtrememind.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3312 http://www.xtrememind.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3362 http://www.xtrememind.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3186
  18. Dr. Barbara Keesling" titled "how to makelove all night & drive a woman wild".......its an interesting read & has all the exercises http://static.scribd.com/docs/4vxairln1yoj4.pdf Taoist alert!
  19. What do you mean? How about this one?http://www.scribd.com/doc/6386632/tantra-sexual-martial-arts-and-sexercise Exercises don't work or link does not work? Sorry here it is http://www.scribd.com/doc/6386632/tantra-s...s-and-sexercise

    Hi guys! I collect and practice various memory systems and I was wondering if any bums have tried this guy's course? One woman at another forum raves about it, but others have said it's just repackaged mnemonics.Anyway, a lot of bums are in college so any info would be appreciated.Imagine having this power for remembering data or taoist classics.On some level this is as impressive as Wim Hoff or John Chang! If true! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UePKxMat4KM...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGRobQyw4jc...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOzWkrHTYeA...feature=related
  21. Giant Blue Spiral Over Norway?

    I wonder if it is harp like technology at play? Torsion waves,hyper dimensional physics? A way too suck energy out of the vacuum?
  22. Cultivation and attractiveness

    Is it true, as several teachers assert[like B.K. Frantis] you have to give psychic permission for this kong jing too work? Or can a stranger or randomly agressive person feel the effects as well.
  23. Random Event Generators For Feedback Devices?

    Interesting video indeed! Yet it brings to life the observation of how primative the western mind is when dealing with psycho-spiritual effects.We're still trying to gain acknowledgement of metaphysics,while people like Wim Hoff,Swami Rama,John Chang, Pralad Jani, Wang liping, and other yogis are performing incredible feats!
  24. Cultivation and attractiveness

    Do you know if Shi Ming is for real? John Bracy in his Bagua book mentions Ming wanted him as a student but Bracy was skeptical since he wouldn't demonstrate on anyone not a student! He would only demonstrate on John after working with him for awhile.John did write his qi-gung posures looked authentic but something gave him pause.