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Posts posted by bindo

  1. Correct. Here's part of an article written by Master Chunyi Lin;


    Yin and Yang: The upper part of the body belongs to yang energy; the lower part of the body belongs to yin energy. Breathing in is a part of yin energy; breathing out is yang. One of the reasons we get sick is that yin and yang energies are not communicating well. By pulling your lower stomach in as you inhale and letting it out as you exhale, you are enhancing the communication of the yin and yang energies.

  2. Anyone know what kind of a (minimum) daily time commitment is necessary for the practice of SFQC level one?

    Good (minimum) - 10 minutes

    Better - 30 min. (one chi cycle = 28 min 48 sec)

    Best - 2 hours (four chi cycles, one for each season)


    The more the better.


    This info is from the Level 1 lectures.

  3. Dorian,


    I'd say it's safe to assume any teacher who refuses such a question hasn't attained any real abilities. I'd also say any teacher who claims to have abilities and doesn't submit to the rigors of a thorough scientific investigation is a fraud.

    Oh, how I so completely disagree with this! Ridiculous,...just ridiculous.

  4. I read it too. It was an average read at best. Not something I would read again, or recommend to others.


    Not saying he's a fraud or anything, just didn't like the book. Though, I tend to agree with Scotty about the "glimpse".

  5. I'm not sure what you mean when you say the transformation can go either way.


    The Integral Yoga is a great book. I wouldn't even leave the house without that book, for many years.

    A nice overview of his system is on page 211 - the central process of the yoga.


    The psychic being is your individual Divine nature and as it grows it gradually takes over your sadhana so that it becomes more and more effortless.


    He says awakening the psychic being first is the best way to go because it will allow things to go safer, and more smoothly. Going upward before going inward may give you more experiences but they won't necessarily change the nature unless the psychic being is brought forward first.

  6. You may be interested in a book called "Mind of the Cells; or Willed Mutation of Our Species" by Satprem.

    It's about how Sweet Mother, (Sri Aurobindo's partner) was pulling down spiritual energy into her body in order to spiritualize it.


    Otherwise, "Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness", also by Satprem is probably the best book to read first when approaching Sri Aurobindo's work.


    "Letter's on Yoga" is excellent too. The letters are replies to his followers question's about their spiritual practice. It's free online too.


    In "The Synthesis of Yoga", he has a chapter on hatha yoga that is very interesting. I just apply it to qigong instead of yoga.


    His way may be the opposite of what you are looking for though. He tapped in to the spiritual energy first and then pulled it down into the physical. At one point, he would walk up and down the stairs of his house, for hours at a time, in order to accomplish this.

  7. Sri Aurobindo has been the guiding light in my life for the past fifteen years. There is none higher in my opinion. I found him through Mother Meera. (err, they found me).


    His extensive writing explains the spiritual path in detail unmatched by any Master in the past, imo.


    quieting the mind and awakening the psychic being are the first two steps.


    His books are free online at


    I'll stop here before my enthusiasm for his work gets the best of me.

    • Thanks 1

  8. If I had to choose one book only, it would have to be The Integral Yoga by Sri Aurobindo.


    Runner's up would be; Illusions by Richard Bach

    The way of Zen by Alan Watts

    The wisdom of insecurity by Alan Watts

    The Book...on the taboo against knowing who you are by Alan Watts

    The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo

    Awaken healing energy through the Tao by Mantak Chia



    Honorable mention goes to;

    The only dance there is by Ram Dass

    Miracles of Love by Ram Dass

    Be here now by Ram Dass

    Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

    I am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Chronicles of Tao by Deng Ming Dao

    The book of Macrobiotics by Michio Kushi

    The Mother by Sri Aurobindo

    The Mother by Adilakshmi

    Answers by Mother Meera

    The Adventure of Consciousness by Satprem


    I'm sure there are a few more...