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Everything posted by bindo

  1. QiGong Energy Distant Healing

    Never tried him, but I listened to a radio interview where he did an on air healing and he makes a lot of bizarre sounds when healing. Kind of a cross between Tibetan chanting and Curly from the three stooges. I was interested in him as well, but despite his good reputation and results, I couldn't get over the damn sounds! I believe he realized his healing abilities thru Tibetan qigong as taught by Master Zi Sheng Wang. I'll see if I can find that interview.
  2. Haiku Chain

    Yet no one is left In the light of awareness Tao alone exists
  3. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    What makes you think I'm holding on to anything? He addressed the first part of his post towards me, by name, so I responded. There was obviously a miscommunication between us and I not only apologized, but complimented you as well! But here you come again with, what seems to me, another smart mouthed response. I took the high road by apologizing and complimenting you. You respond with a "my bad" and a "flame off" Who's holding on here?
  4. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    oh? and what point would that be? seeing that I didn't express any opinion whatsoever about either guy, and Craig admitting that he inferred something that I didn't say and have never said. Please tell me. You're right, tone can be difficult to read, which is why it's important to choose our words carefully when posting. The burden is on the one posting, not the reader. My original post said; I read an article a few years back about how Peter Ragnar met Matt Furey and learned about internet marketing from him. Please point out where one can pose an argument against my statement w/out making assumptions. Thank You, G
  5. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    who got riled up about marketing besides Craig? He took a jab at me about something I didn't even say. That's dropping a challenge to me, and one I won't put up with either. I think the tone of his post was aggressive. Otherwise, I agree with what he said about being paid for spiritual teachings. Also, just so we're clear about this,...I could not possibly care any less how anyone decides to market their product, service or whatever. I just don't care.
  6. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    Usually your posts are insightful and thoughtful and I look forward to reading them. Couldn't you have made your point w/out a challenging, "in your face" tone? I'm sorry for unleashing on you. G
  7. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    Kiss my ass! Did I raise any objections? Did I say anything to discredit him or his offerings? Mwight mentioned the marketing on his website so I mentioned where he learned it. A simple statement! Do you have a fucking problem with that? Maybe it's not a good idea to post when you wake up with a bug up your ass. One more shitstarter trying to confirm their existence by stirring up controversy where there is none.
  8. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    I read an article a few years back about how Peter Ragnar met Matt Furey and learned about internet marketing from him.
  9. Max Christensen, 1966, Red Guard China?

    I believe Max lived on a military base in Michigan as a child, and Master Wu Xiao Deng was working there. That's how they met.
  10. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    Ian, Yes, the CD I'm using is the one from the website though I bought it at Borders. GAMMA Meditation System. I believe the GMS 2.0 is hyper-gamma which is different. GMS is more of a soundscape, rather than music. Awakened Mind System 2.0 (single cd) is also excellent. What else would you like to know? G
  11. The white skeleton meditation is available from his site as an ebook. I think it's $7.95. The other one's I don't know about.
  12. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    I listen to a GAMMA CD frequently. Had a very powerful experience yesterday while listening and doing japa. I recommend Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's work at
  13. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Jakara, please spare us your complete ignorance about Max and the Kunlun practice. The 60 or 70 people attended a FREE lecture. Not a seminar. The seminar is four hours each day for two days. About Max condoning death. Use your head. Notice how death was used in quotes? duh. The "death" experience is very common in many traditions. Some take the experience farther than others, but nevertheless, anyone who has a little bit of spiritual studies under their belt has a good idea what is meant by the term when used in this context. Or are you just being a smart ass? About questioning Max. Please, man! Why do you think there are so many threads on kunlun? Have you bothered to read them? Then you know we've had endless questions. About visualization. Some practices use it, others don't. Contrary to what our resident Kunlun expert WYG thinks, Red Phoenix is about feeling the energy, not visualization. READ THE KUNLUN AND LAMA DORJE THREADS BEFORE POSTING THOUGHTLESS COMMENTS. AND THEN BUY THE BOOK AND/OR ATTEND A SEMINAR, AND THEN, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. THEN COME BACK AND YOUR OPINIONS WILL BE WELCOME AND RESPECTED. OTHERWISE YOU ARE JUSTING WASTING OUR TIME AND YOURS.
  14. Pillars of Bliss

    starjumper, while everyone should feel free to express their opinion, and hopefully it's an informed opinion, I wonder why you would come here to dump all this negative energy on the forum? Do you not have any respect for your own energy? not to mention everyone else's. I would think in your 30 yrs of internal arts training you would have a little more respect for where you put your energy and what you do with it. Does this type of behavior improve your practice somehow? Do you think it doesn't affect your practice? Will it help you reach the "mountain top" faster? I just wonder what people are thinking sometimes!
  15. Zdenko Domancic- search google video for Think About It Bioenergy for a documentary on him and his method Gene Egidio @ he's in the San Diego area and does distance healing Zdenko is in Slovania Ron Wilding - absent healing
  16. Oil Pulling

    I stopped after six weeks because my dentist said two old fillings were becoming loose. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or what, but I got a few family members doing it, and I'm waiting to see what kind of results they get.
  17. Masaru Emoto, who wrote "The Hidden Messages In Water", photographed water after Dr. Sha sent his energy and they turned into beautiful geometric shapes. I think Dr. Sha has some abilities and I've had some good results using his techniques, however, I've never been moved to study with him. There does seem to be some wackiness in his organization. I'm on the email list and they wanted everyone to buy multiple copies of his new book to get a high amazon ranking. A real turn off, man! What you described, inner light, is not cool at all! Very manipulative. And expensive. Many people have benefited from his techniques and, I think, he was Qigong Master of the year some years ago. Nevertheless, it may be best to just purchase the books and not be directly involved with him.
  18. I have his first two books and I like them. He's a very happy person! A bit eccentric. Can't understand him on tele conferences though. He had to hold the san jiao posture for five hours before his Master (Master Guo) would accept him as a student.
  19. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson and Taoist Magic.

    Has anyone read, "Taoist Master Chuang", by Michael Saso? I found it quite boring, but if you're into Taoist sorcery and magic, and religious Taoism, this might be a good read. It got great reviews at amazon. He talks about Maoshan magic and thunder magic and gives incantations, among other things.
  20. Group Kunlun to ring in the New Year?

    midnight PST I'm in!
  21. Nice Nootropic article

    I've tried several of the "smart drugs" and most of the "natural" nootropics. I would have to say Dilantin/Phenytoin was my favorite. It works by balancing both the brain hemispheres and results in pin point concentration. Unfortunately, the effects wear off with frequent use. Deprenyl was the worst. My friend and I called it "instant stress" because we found we had no patience whatsoever while taking it, and were constantly agitated by every little thing. Of the natural supplements, I like Theanine a lot, and DHEA in small amounts works well too. Mood Factors by Country Life has also been one of my favorites for years. It's an amino acid based supplement. GH3 and vinpocetine had no noticable effect, but I tried GH3 when I was in my twenties which may have been too young to really notice much. Now in my forty's, maybe I'll try it again... Zumba was too much! Ginseng + aphrodisiac herbs + a small amount of testosterone = rip your hair out horniness!!
  22. .

    THANK YOU SEAN!!! Irritating, isn't it?
  23. Jed Mckenna on bliss

    Jed McKenna is a joke. Please don't even get me started on this clown. If you think love and compassion have nothing to do with enlightenment, you are sadly mistaken. Enlightenment comes in many forms and many stages. Why do you want to set rules that it must follow? It's different for everyone. Anandamayi Ma was God intoxicated her entire life. BLISS Baba Neem Karoli said to "just love God". LOVE Sri Aurobindo never wanted anything for himself. He wanted to free India from British rule, and then to enlighten the earth consciousness for everyone. COMPASSION If you want to construct walls around yourself so nothing can enter, be uncaring, and irresponsible for your actions (or inactions), then by all means continue to read Jed's crap.
  24. Kunlun Question

    YES! All this week my right hand has been cold and my left hand normal, but, on a desktop.
  25. Qinway Qigong

    Qinway has been around for several years. They used to be in the San Diego area. I don't know anything else.