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Everything posted by bindo

  1. Yang Jwing Ming
  2. Not more energy, but definately intense dream activity.
  3. Fragrant Qigong Lots of info here. For years I wrote it off as an old person's qigong. Then one day I did some research and was pretty impressed with what I read, and also saw that there were similarities to the energy healing work I do for others. Now, I like it and do it every day.
  4. Get a Chinese name Get your Chinese name here!
  5. Get a Chinese name

    Hahaha! Macktastic Jared G...I like it! I'm Silicon Slick Gordon Shizzle
  6. Get a Chinese name

    here you can get your pimp name! Here's some numerology stuff on your b-day and name.
  7. Life Force

    Sounds good, Chris. I'll have to check it out. I hope you're doing well. Gordon
  8. Met an Enlightened Guy

    Is this the guy?
  9. Matrix Energetics

    I don't think Reiki is it. It's about connecting two points of energy. I remember someone on the ME forum saying they had asked Richard Bartlett about 2 pointing, and he said it was like two ducks swimming towards the same piece of bread. (It may have been two swans or something).
  10. Matrix Energetics

    I read the book a couple of years ago and couldn't quite figure it out. So, I went to the ME forum to learn more but it seems that even people who take the seminar have difficulty understanding it, or at least explaining it. I would check out the forum and maybe ask over there.
  11. SSTT- Healing Aspect

    When might you be coming back to San Francisco? I would have liked going to that seminar. I read where you mentioned coming to SF and I was watching for an email from SSTT meetup groups but didn't receive one. Should I contact Aine? Gordon
  12. Home slice

    Go to 3:07 homeboy's rappin' 'bout the chi!
  13. what books to recomend a beginner?

    Hey, hey! Hundun!, Good to see you are still around. I hope all is well with you. I agree with you on The Healing Promise of QI, and Spring Forest Qigong. Haven't read Relaxing Into Your Being.
  14. Chilel Qigong workshop by Frank Chan

    Cool! I've been interested in this method for a while. I think I'll go.
  15. afraid?!

    you know, a scaredy cat. I hope you know I'm just kidding anyway.
  16. afraid?!

    It means you're a little woosie boy.
  17. Huge Painful Hemorrhoid

    Wow,...that must suck. Is it a hemorroid or a boil? I once made a paste of baking soda and turmeric and put it on a boil at night before bed, and also used MMS (miracle mineral supplement) internally and campho phenique externally and the boil went away in three days. check out for remedies.
  18. Burning Palm System

    Pretty impressive, Ape! Good work!
  19. Ken Cohen is the real deal

    enouch - you have some different opinions about doctors. Knowledge isn't the foundational key to excellence, experience is. I have both courses. Ken Cohen is pretty good. He's knowledgable about qigong, but, Chunyi Lin is in a category far above Ken, imo. He is a true master who has experienced the height's and depth of what qigong is about. Qigong isn't a complimentary practice; it is the foundation. "Working out" is much more about fitness than health.
  20. Life Begins At 40

    Happy birthday! You sound about the same as me and I'll be 45 in a month. I haven't felt too much of the physical decline that many people experience by the time they get in their 40's. I guess I've lost a little bit of that firey, get up and go energy, but my endurance is better now. So, for me, the energy has changed a little bit but I wouldn't say I have any less energy than when I was 25. I consider it "lifestyle qigong". Using energy more wisely. Turning 30 was the difficult b-day for me, for some reason. Turning 40 was great. I wouldn't want to be any younger. So, did life begin at 40 for me? No. Not really. I guess my interests and goals are more defined now, and I have more money, but, other than that and more life experience to draw upon, I haven't noticed much difference. But hey, 50 is the new 40, so we'll see what that brings.
  21. Chi self-massage

    Master Chunyi Lin, of spring forest qigong has recently introduced a Qi~ssage instructional dvd. There's a demo clip at you tube.
  22. retention makes you gay

    Retention rule #1; Hands off the schlong! Maybe you could stick with the celibacy for a while until you overcome both hetero and homo fantasies/desires. If you throw in the towel every time you start having homo fantasies, you're not really getting anywhere. While eating or drinking, attend to the one! When happy, attend to the one! When anguished, attend to the one! When sick, attend to the one! Whether passing through water or fire, always attend to the one! Especially when you are agitated, attend to the one!
  23. What do I do after 20 months of Nei Kung?

    Jim Borelli is one of two people authorized to teach Chu Nei Kung and he's in Santa Monica. You could talk with him. Or, you can just send Master Chu an email. I had some correspondence with him about nei kung a few years back. He seems like a very nice guy. I agree with Iskote.
  24. What do I do after 20 months of Nei Kung?

    Why don't you ask Master Chu?
  25. I have to agree with MPG. The spring forest course, the lectures and practice, are quite good. I have nothing but praise and respect for Chunyi Lin.