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Posts posted by DarkMind

  1. Well said Lin.


    And not all religions point in one direction. Buddha's path transcends samsara. Others keep you wandering.


    Pure Dhamma is very grounded and all mind.


    A sign of a practitioner is in his/her conduct through the 8fold path. If you can't show good conduct in speech/action/mindfulness on an internet forum where you have all the time in the world to gather your thoughts before posting, self investigation is recommended.


    Enjoy your practice.




    In my opinion, Patrick is right, because there is only One Truth. Buddhas existed before Shakyamuni Buddha. And the real Buddhism existed before the term Buddhism came about.

  2. What you think of Witchcraft? The spells they use, is it simply Chi? Or is it much more then that?


    I think real witches (of the European tradition) are rare today, if any still exist.


    My familarity is with the "magic" scene in places like Thailand. Those with real power can be found there, even today.

  3. I have a somewhat unsual situation but I am curious to see if I could turn it into something that might further my spiritual self or be roped into my beginning meditation and interest in Taoist alchemy.


    It involves sex. Or rather the lack of it I suppose. I only get to see my boyfriend twice a year since he is lives and goes to school in another state but we voice chat via Ventrillo every night and webcam on the weekends. When he was here a few weeks ago he was here for 2 weeks.


    The background to my upcoming questions is this:


    I don't have an insanely high libido. If that were the case I couldn't be in a long-distance relationship because the natural outcome is celibacy.




    I keep reading that celibacy can be used to one's advantage and is even recommended for some Taoist practices but they always seems to be geared for men. I would like to know how women can use it the way men can. Can anyone direct me to a source or give me some beginner exercises to use my sexual energy to further my beginning practice? Perhaps there is a practice men use that can be modified for use by women? Any info is warmly welcomed.


    Cheers to everyone at Taobums - I love this site.


    Tantric sex can be practised without a physical partner. However, it is strongly advised to get an authentic guru to teach you. It might be safer to get one from an established spiritual tradition.

  4. Hi,


    I am only asking this out of curiosity. Death is the most important part of life. Without understanding death, no spiritual discipline is complete. So if a person wants to experience death directly by killing himself, what's the easiest and painless way of doing it?




    If you want to experience death, and still live in this life, you don't have to kill yourself. Just practice Dream or Bardo Yoga. The dissolution of the elements at the time of death is similar to that experienced when those Yogas are practised.

  5. While on a trip to one of the middle eastern countries, I was a forced witness to an exorcism performed by Sufi Priest on a 7-year old. She spoke several tongues - it all seemed same to me though. But the ones there which included a visiting French linguist, all visibly shaken, stated that she was speaking several ancient dialects of Persian, and Hebrew and something else. It was fascinating to watch the whole ritual and equally frightening. In this case, explaining is easy as all this was attributed to an entity within the child.


    Why were you forced to witness it?

  6. DarkMind,


    I think the piece of jade had a clear coat on it before like a laminate which is now flaking off. Reason why I say that is because the "crystalisation" is only present at edges.




    I tried moving the "crystalization" (a little bit of it), but it can't really be removed.

  7. IMG_0855.jpg



    This is strange. It appears that my Jade Buddha amulet (Somdej to be exact) has some sort of "Crystalization" which wasn't there when I first got it years back (I have an early photo of it which does not show the "Crystalization"; this is a more recent photo).



    I had transferred some of my Kundalini energy into it some years back.


    I just find it strange, so I'm sharing the story here. Perhaps those viewing this can share their thoughts/comments.

  8. A couple so-called Tantric masters are coming into Memphis for a workshop.


    I think I am going to meet them, and invite them to smoke a bowl with me. How can I gauge the legitimacy of their claims?


    In tantra, (per Georg Feuerstein [sp?]) a master is gauged by his capacity to perform the supernatural... (siddhi's, I think they are called?)


    but, I am sure these two failing the religious requisite to title of master, how else might I be able to determine the mastery of these practitioners?


    Which Tantric masters are those?


    For me, I believe Garchen Rinpoche to be Enlightened.

  9. Yes a master of daoism which I believe is now immortal was known for his sleep and dream Qi kung methods and lived for a few hundred years.


    What's his name or lineage?


    Any way to contact him? (via meditation, in dreams for example)


    You might want to look into Lieh Tsu, who lived at around the same period as Chuang Tzu. His writing style is very similar, if you like Chuang Tsu, but he tends to focus more on some of his lucid dreams and astral projections as metaphors for his Taoist philosophy. It is one of my all time favorite books. While he does not list any methods, he does give some very interesting stories.


    I also recomend reading the Songs of Chu (also translated as "The Songs of the South" or "The Lyrics of Chu"). These songs predate Chuang Tzu, but many scholars believe that the old hermit came out of this tradition since he was also originally from Chu. Granted, their songs seem to be more about astral projection than lucid or clear light dreams, but it is still in the same vain.


    Here is an example of one of the songs:


    We gazed down of the Middle Land [China] with its myriad people

    As we rested on the whirlwind, drifting about at random.

    In this way we came at last to the moor of Shao-yuan:

    There, with the other blessed ones, were Red Pine and Wang Qiao [famous immortals].

    The two Masters held zithers tuned imperfect concord:

    I sang the Qing Shang air to their playing.

    In tranquil calm and quiet enjoyment,

    Gently I floated, inhaling all the essences.

    But then I thought that this immortal life of the blessed,

    Was not worth the sacrifice of my home-returning. (tr. Hawkes 1985:240)


    Thanks for sharing. :D


    What does the author of the song mean by "home-returing"? Does it mean returning to his Original Nature or just his native home (town or village)?


    To all:


    Plus, please see this help thread of mine : http://www.thetaobums.com/Hello-t10329.html


    Thanks. :D

  10. "Once you experience your natural state

    of unconditional love and bliss,

    all your ideas and beliefs

    go out the window.


    In this state of unconditional love,

    there is a sense of devotion

    that cannot be explained in words.


    You are so madly in love

    with love itself

    that you disappear into it

    so that only love remains.


    That constant urge to move forward,

    acquire things

    and become something ceases.


    So fulfilled by the scent of the flower,

    you give up the idea of yourself

    to become the scent itself.


    That is the greatest joy.



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    Nice :D

  11. Hi everyone.


    Recently I met this Thai monk whom my friend said could see into people's past lives.


    Briefly this is what happened:


    Brief background of this monk:

    - He was a white-robed Ajaan (or sorceror) before he ordained.

    - He meditated 5 days and 5 nights with a friend. His friend passed away during meditation; he came back, a changed person, (I would think) attaining some spiritual level.

    - In one of his past lives, he was a disciple of Xuan Zhang (the Chinese monk who transported the Buddhist Sutras from India to China; he is made popular by the Sun Wu Kong tv series). In another past life, he was the disciple of 6th Zen Patriarch of China Hui Neng.

    - In his past lives, he had lived in Tibet and China.


    I asked him a number of questions. One of them was:"Please tell me about my last life in brief"


    His answer:

    - I was a Taoist practitioner living in China on a mountain in my past life.

    - I had failed to realize the Taoist goal.

    - If I wish, I have to re-learn everything I had forgotten in my past life.


    He also said that I am the disciple of a Taoist Deva (or celestial being), and this Deva is in my body.



    Can anyone provide guidance or recommend some Taoist master (preferably in Singapore, where I reside) to verify what the Thai monk told me? Or you may recommend some other reliable master (not necessarily Taoist) or psyhic (whether fee for service charged or not) to me. Thanks.



    Another reason why I am here is that I am looking for healthy and constructive discussion/exchange with spiritual (or even occult) practitioners of other traditions.


    I am a Tibetan Vajrayana (Buddhist) practitioner but I welcome discussion with those practising other forms of spirituality or religion.


    Thanks. :D