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Posts posted by FAT

  1. Hey guys!


    This probably isn't in the right section... but I really look up to you guys and would appreciate any input.


    I finished school late last year and STILL haven't even had a job. Going to be 19 in July. I do realise that this is due largely to laziness... but I have been unable to identify any career path that would even slightly interest me in going down... nothing I have found resonates with me in any way. All besides spirituality -- but I am no Guru and have no profound knowledge. Like many I am but a complete beginner at this too. Currently there is pretty much zero direction in my life and as a result there is next to zero motivation for even doing anything about it.


    It would be great if you guys could help me out one way or another; suggest a direction, help me out of this irksome psychological pit, etc... any advice of any kind.


    Thanks everyone -- you guys are awesome.



    • Like 1

  2. Fascinating, yes?


    I've always wondered about this. Wouldn't it be amazing if one could remember all, some or even just one of their past lives and retain all knowledge and experience gained from them... is this possible?


    I think a past life regression technique is in order, anyone care to share? :P

  3. Interesting about contraindicating full lotus for women. Do you know any reasons why they advise women don't full lotus?


    nomad, can you describe the pain more clearly? Is it persistent pain for hours or days after wards? Or is it an initial soreness or numbness that fades after you get up and get mobile?


    One of the reasons for sitting in full lotus is to impair circulation to the legs. Pinching the femoral arteries causes more blood to circulate in the trunk and also forces smaller arteries in the leg to develop. Consequently, numbness is a common sign and some masters say you don't even begin developing full-lotus gongfu until the legs are numb and in pain. The ability to sit longer periods without numbness and pain is a sign of development, but also a sign to push your practice further. My teacher suggests sitting for an hour after the numbness kicks in.


    On proper position, the ankles shouldn't be bent (a little is ok at the start), and the ankle should be up on top of the femoral artery. If you can't accomplish this with at least the bottom leg, you should spend more time in half lotus getting there. If your ankle is wrenched into a weird position that can damage the tendons and ligaments. Same goes for the knees. However, knee pain is common in the beginning stages of full lotus and should suffered through until it dissolves. Knee pain is generally due to tight hips, suffering through it allows the pain/heat to open up the hips - don't bail out early. Always quitting when the pain gets to a certain area will damage that area. Be brave, be equanimous, suffer through.


    It's strange that the ankle pain doesn't kick in during full-lotus though. How long do you sit?


    Fantastic information, friend. Just to gain a degree of clarity on this subject -- is it OK to suffer through to the point where ones legs are completely dead after coming out of lotus? That is... not feeling anything in the legs and not being able to move them? Is this desirable? Functionality and feeling return after a few minutes of course.

  4. Not sure whether or not this is the place to post this -- but all is Dao, so...


    Out of body experiences, quite interested. Have tried to induce them on many occasions but are yet to be successful. Would be greatly appreciative for any kind of help offered.


    Also, what is the consenus on them? Have they any negatives related to them? Heard (cannot remmember where this was heard) that it damages the shen, is this truth?

  5. I've heard about this man, but what did he do? What's his philosophy, if he had one? I don't seem to find anything comprehensive on the net, no books at all written by or about him.


    Ah, Gurdjieff! A mysterious individual indeed -- Recommend that you pick up "Gurdjeiff; An Introduction to His Life and Ideas" by John Shirley. T'is a good place to start.

  6. Greetings, taobums!


    Amazing forum you all share here, very thankful for the opportunity to take part in the magic.


    Chat with you soon,


    ~FAT :lol: