peter falk

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Everything posted by peter falk

  1. Alchemy Weight Training

    it's possible that period injuries could be caused by our "scripts." after i looked into this, the new found freedom that resulted was exhilerating. look at eric byrne's book 'what do you say after you say hello?" shows you how to identify and break out of scripts. but beware, it's only for people who are very serious about altering their life pattern. there are some fairly shocking things in it.
  2. Massages and Wood, is it normal?

    the ethics in china state that a female masseuse should really workt he groin area and give her client a hard-on so he'll purchase the "extra service."
  3. Hindu Squats

    i started with five hindu squats just to show my body what i wanted it to do. and five hindu pushups. then i added five squats a day nd one-3 pushups. now i do 40 hindu squats every morning. this is of course after i've done over a hundred squats of varying depth during my MO practice and before i do my regualr cycling. so i dont wanna overdo it. pobably add 5 a week fron here on. for the hindu push ups i'm only doing 16 a day right now. they turned out to be harder than i thought. especially on the deltoids. don't work the pecs much though. as for the superman rollouts, i have not yey been able to do even one! i can do 6 halves, or 6 two-thirds. jesus they're hard! i also added wall walking since i dont have a padded floor or mat to do wrestler's bridges on. the yoga mats here are really thin and don't give quite enough padding on concrete and tile floors. the wall walking is awesome though. cant get all the way down yet, but it's good. i come copletely off the wall aftter each climb and feel this real pull in te back of the legs. been great for releasing kinks in the back and posture.
  4. Zen Radio

    being one of the few marks of civilization in this country, i make certain to support starbucks whenever i can. my efforts are paying off as the number of starbucks in shenzhen has doubled since i first got here. every ninth bag of beans is free. one inicator of how wonderful cofee is to the human race is that the word for coffee in every language i know of is the same. even in chinese. of course, to each his own. we all have unique needs and responses to the food we eat.
  5. Massages and Wood, is it normal?

    i find the key is to just relax very deeply. it's especially critical here in china where you'll get charged extra for getting a boner. massage rates end and hooker rates begin when the wood rises but seriously, i have found that i occasionally enjoy massages more than sex, but i dont have problems with unwanted erections during it. just feels really good and relaxed. i think its the intimacy of it, not the sexuality of it. it's another form of intimacy that fulfills us in similar ways i think.
  6. Alchemy Weight Training

    they're all wimps compared to the apaches. those guys could run 3 days nonstop without resting. then they'd have a big celebatin where they'd eat and dance for three days more without sleeping. tough motherfuckers. did fox running or scout running. but we've talked about this before so you can search the threads. not many apaches today can still do this.
  7. Gallery section

    the pix appear ion the reverse order you load them. you have to organize a list or other folder on your hard drive in the order you want them to appear. then upload them in the OPPOSITE order. i learned this the hard way doing wudang and had to delete the album and redo it to ger the chronological effect. to edit the title and description of a photo after it's uploaded, click on the pick to enlarge it, then choose edit to change title and descritpion.
  8. Gallery section

    i'd like to add that the "bulk upload" doesn't work. it takes you to the single-pic-at-a time upload screen.
  9. Ok 2012 Mayan Prophecy Poll

    yeah, but that guy has a mullet. you gonna believe anyone with a mullet?
  10. Alchemy Weight Training

    yeah i do it with the hindu squats, since it already resembles one of the HT exercises and get great results. i don't do any weight training though. i also do it on teh bicyle some times.
  11. Hi everybody:)

    welcome. so how are the chicks there?
  12. FINALLY!!

    wudang pix posted in the gallery. some of them go with part four. in fact, most of them do. which isn't even written yet. oh well, enjoy them anyway. or not.
  13. Ok 2012 Mayan Prophecy Poll

    yeah. i think one fo the things that goes along with this is the approach of a giant orbit-shaking planet that by now should be visible like a second sun in the sky. yet, i see only one sun. astronomers detect no trace of this planet. it should be impossible to miss it, it's so huge. i'm starting to wonder at this point in my life if doomsayers have ever been correct. i guess, if the stories of atlantis and lemuria are true, then somebody was eventually right about doomsday. in a way. i mean, we are all still here. i'd love to see winn's book on this.
  14. Ok 2012 Mayan Prophecy Poll

    hmmmm.....144,000. the same number as those who will be saved according to Revelations. i still think it's crap. but even if it isn't, who cares?
  15. revenge of the sith

    denying the existence of your enemy is different from denying the existence of evil itself. i could say that the nazis no longer exists (ok, so there are small pockets of neonazis, but not the nazis of hitler's reich). that doesn't mean i deny the existence of evil. it has other forms, including those within myself, that i need to be wary of. unfortunately, most people, including those in positions of power we call "leaders," have an aversion to recognizing this or to thinking like them in order to better protect citizens against evildoers. thus when evil is in their midst, they don't recognize it, and it runs roughshod over well-intended people. perhaps the jedi had to be destroyed inorder to be reborn again. they'd become dogmatic and complacent. it happens to every group of spiritually oriented people if they fail to evolve as a group. the darkside is equally stupid. they don't see how their selfishness interferes with their grand schemes and failure to make reliable alliances. this happened in real life during WWII, getting back t that theme. hitler declared war on the U.S., even though he was not obligated to due to any treaties with japan. he was hoping japan would return the favor by declaring war on russia. they never did.
  16. revenge of the sith

    i like our yoda a little better. same great looks, better grammar.
  17. revenge of the sith

    not true. in fact there is nothing in any of the movies that supports this. in fact, the movies support the opposite. now there are people in real life who think that way.... true. this also a two-way street. evil needs good. the taiji, or taoist yinyang symbol as it is also called, is the symbolic representation of this. in later heaven, all things are known by their opposite. both "good" and "evil" require each other's existence because they each need an enemy. negatory, good buddy. good and evil exist in balance, whatever that balance is. and if things get out of balance, balance must be restored. locally, in some small corenr of the universe, evil may appear to be stronger, and in some other small corner good may appear to be stronger. overall, the balance is always there. evil destroys itself because the minions of darkness cannot work together, except in teh most temporary arrangements. each individual is looking to advance his or her own agenda. if cooperation is suitable to that end, members of the darkside can work together, provided they each feel some benefit, some increase in power, from that arrangement. meantime, the scheme about how to take out their partners so they can rise to the top of the heap. the ultimate, supreme, and pure selfishness, is what undoes them in the end. this is very typical, very basic darkside psychology. one of it's symptoms is certainly rule breaking for selfish gain. the light side gets its strength from the ability to cooperate to achieve a common goal that is to the benefit of all, and for which none of them benefit particularly. if they lose this power to work together, they fail. thus, even if a single shaman or master, or adept appears to be working alone, he actually has the unseen support of countless others who preceded him--the ancestors. the darkside does not have this power. in spite of this, the darkside will never be wiped out, nor will the light. they are both part of the great cosmic dance and both essential to it.
  18. Hindu Squats

    ok, i'm not big on strength training. i do push ups, ab-roller, and some pull ups. thats it. so decided today to do the maike mahler stuff. the hidu squats were easy, probably cuz of the cycling i do. the hindu push ups were harder, partly cuz of the form, and partly cuz i'm using new muscles due to more range of motion. the tiger pushups were really hard. i thought they were the same as the hands-together push ups i was already doing. but when i checked the form to be sure, they weren't. and they were tough. the other really tuff one was the superman roll outs. i do the ab-roller on my knees and thought it wouldnt be too hard to make the transition. man, did i have another thing coming! really pulls on the top of your thighs. pretty tuff stuff. i think i'll give it a whirl for a while.
  19. Raw Chi

    i used to follow my standing practice with some kind of movement qigong to circulate and digest. 30 minutesw of standing and then 8 x-vessels or core channel practice.
  20. Hindu Squats

    my web browser's telling me cannot be found. even clicking on teh google link.
  21. revenge of the sith

    with the force.
  22. revenge of the sith

    obewon delivered on this when he "killed" annaken. no room for sentimentality in the life of a jedi. god! what a triumph that was. sacrificed his greatest love to save humanity. fuckin neo in the matrix couldnt do that.
  23. Happy Birthday to YODAMAN!

    yessir!! to celebrate, saw yer new movie. loved it! what i wanna know is, did you also learn the secret of immortality? if so, tell us! and many more happy b-days to come.
  24. favorite jackie chan movie?

    snatch is awesome. classic denis farina frustration and cussing. the whole cast is terrific. i dont know how brad pitt came up with that accent either. brilliant stuff. the austin powers stuff is great too.
  25. The Green

    i think my most spiritual experiences came on LSD, but shrooms were good too. as far as i'm concerned, it can be a useful tool for waking up. i'm not gonna take the PC stance and say i regret it or that i would never recommend it (not saying you are, cameron, as you may truly believe in your heart what you said). everyone's on a different path. shaman have used different medicines for ages, some of them psychoactive, to assist them in their Way. now we have modern versions of the same. the problem is, people identify with the method, instead of the state. they think LSD or pot or whatever will free them from the prison of the mind. had i never done acid, i might never have gotten on this path. it was the key to the doorway, or the toll at the gate, the universe offered to me, and i used it. when i ws done, i gave it up and found new and different methods for continuing the process whcih staying with drugs would've impeded. i don't regret a minute of it, and i had a great time. but it's not for everyone. there many ways of finding the path and working on your own evolution. some are useless to some people, some are even dangerous to some people. this method worked well for me and i'm glad i did it. i'm also glad i ahd the good sense to move on. like tom brown says, "when the process is finished, abandon the process." still like a toke o' hash a cupla times a year.......