peter falk

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Everything posted by peter falk

  1. Is pornography bad for your qi?

    this discussion is primarily about porn as a tool of sexual fulfillment or desire. there'santoher purpose to porn: humor. sometimes it's just hysterical. i believe this is ok, even beneficial. there is no attachment to the image(s) in sexual sense. instead, you view them as a representation of some human foible or revelatio of human nature. porn is not completely evil. think of those emails you get that had you cracking up. there is a deeper question we can explore here. What is the difference between porn and ertoicism, and how do you know which one you're looking at? what is the difference between greek sculpture, renaissance art, the kama sutra, and penthouse, scat, or hogtie magazine? is one elevating sexuality and the human form while the other is debasing it? are there any real objective standards for determining this? you could also get into (and i think we;ve discussed this b4) how fetish fits into alchemical cultivation. do need your girlfriend to wear boots and miniskirts b4 you get it on, tie her up, cover her with food, dress up like a japanese school girl, shit in her mouth? ltos of peoploe have some kind of fetish, many have more than one. are they blocks to cultivation or stimulants to get it started? where do they come from? should they be worked out by working with the shen? or should we just accept them as normal and dismiss mral judgments against them? yeah, this topic brings up a lot of questions........shit i never think about of course
  2. Michael Wiin's post on evil...

    the war started many years before pearl harbor, ronnie boy. roosevlet didnt have to start anything. it had been going on for a long time already. or don't you know history? and nobody ever called kamakazis terrorists, so please don't go attributing things to people they don't say. as far as i know kamakazis were legitimate military personnel attacking legitimate military targets. hardly terrorists.
  3. Michael Wiin's post on evil...

    there is a lot of film footage of japanese soldiers killing their own civilians because the refused to commit suicide in the face of advancing american forces. i havet o wonder how many civilians would have been slaughtered wholesale by the japanese army if japan had been invaded and their civilian population preferred surrender to death. of course, i always find it interesting how people love to pick on the nuking of nagasaki and hirosima as some horrible, evil or unnecessary act and therefore paint the US as some villain in WWII. faults of the US Gov't aside, the fact remains that the japanese killed over 15 million people in that conflict, committing atrocities in the process that rivalled or even exceeded the nazis. the japanese suffered only 2 million casualties themselves, military and civilian. if you wanna know what the japanese war record is, come to china and get their perspective. living here has been a very eye-opening experience. the rape of nanjing in 1937 is the centerpiece of japanese atrocities in china. the army spent 6 weeks raping, torturing and killing over 20,000 chinese women aged 11-76, while slaughtering a total of 3-400,00 civilians over the same 6 weeks. what a horrifying bath of blood and terror that had to be. yet they revelled in it. if a country does shit like that has a nuke dropped on them, i really dont feel very sorry for them. they call it upon themselves. karma. where's your compassion for the 15 million people the japanese tortured and killed? their own people among them? sorry, dude. i know all the sides of the story and all the goddamned intrigue and scheming on all sides. so don't tell me about roosevelt knowing about the attack, and blah, blah, blah. that doesn't exonerate japan for attacking pearl harbor and casting the first stone or the atrocities they wrought on humanity that began years, YEARS before pearl harbor.
  4. Michael Wiin's post on evil...

    it was done to save lives, not win the war. read it again. i know this will piss off you antinuke types, but the only time they were ever used tactically in all of world history, nuclear weapons were a tool of comapssion.
  5. Michael Wiin's post on evil...

    dang, bee-yotch. i don't know why, but this post really impressed upon me how far you've come on your journey in the last couple of years, and by gum, i just wanna tell ya! just keep doin whatever it is yer doin.
  6. time scales

    wasn't sure if i should put this in off-topic or taoist discussion, but it does relate to taoism in the macro/microcosm sort of way. i was watching some nature documentaries recently about evolution, geology and astronomy. seems there is a shift in time scales as you move through different kingdoms of nature or scales of existence. for example, plants (or trees anyway) live on a much longer and slower time scale than animals. if you count the virtual immortlaity of some plants in the seed state, it's much much longer. then moving to geological time, you enter a staggering time scale of billions of years and processes that take millions or billions of years to take place. moving out further still, astonomical time scales are so vast, they are measured in light years. these numbers are virtually stupying to the human mind. i also wondered what effect these things have on the people who study them, who may have no proclaimed or conscious interest in spriritual things. many of the scientists seem deeply effected ona personal level contemplating the time scales that are essential to their work. anybody else think about these things?
  7. time scales

    supposing we all have the same time scales and that we only choose to see use one of them? almsot invariably we use theone that's most convenient (less difficult, more self-centered, etc). now suppose we cna shift back and forth bewteen those time scales or that we can even be conscius of them all simultaneously.....
  8. Thinning hair...

    i did the he shou wu thing and didn't really get any results. my acupunturist said it doesn't work on gfenetic baldness, only alopecia, which medical baldness induced by stress or toxins. just go bald. when you are a high level adept you can alter your genetics.
  9. Michael Wiin's post on evil...

    hear! hear!
  10. 9/11

    hey, man, i dont put events like 9/11 past any gov't, even the good ol' u.s. of a. just look at what we did to the indians (and still do). there's a holocaust that never gets talked about and publicized. (fortunately the NMAI has been established to fill that gap in history). then there's japanese internment during WWII, starting a war with iraq, medical experiments on black soldiers, etc. all i'm saying is that i don't see the solid proof for a 9/11 conspiracy. at best i see a vast sea of incompetence. and i'm especially suspicious of conspiracy theorists who disregard hundreds of thousands of reliable eyewitness accounts.
  11. Hello!

    pretty cool as iceland itself seems to be doing alchemical cultivation.
  12. 9/11

    that's why i asked where it came from. a guy i know emailed me this one thing about the pentagon and how it was hit by an unpiloted military drone, photos and video had benn altered, blah blah blah. what he didn't realize is that i, being a native washingtonian, am very familiar with the area around the pentagon and am cognizant of the fact that hundreds ofthousands of rush hour commuters in northern virgina who regualrly see passenger jsts come inblow over the pentagon at a rate of more than a plane a minute, wintesses the collision and certainly know the difference between a commercial airliner and a small military drone. many of these conspiracy theorists are banking on the fact that you only use them as your information resource and don't do any other research. some of them my be onto legitimate stories. however, it's very difficult to seaparte the wheat from the chaff without tiome consuming research.
  13. races ...beings

    part of the fun is not knowing........
  14. 9/11

    where'd ya find that?
  15. GWB-Chancellor Palpatine or philosopher?

    the fact that you would wanna even think about that means you're very sick and need help the chinese have a saying that the gov't never changes, only the face of the emperor. it's true in every country and in every time. it's really hard for me to rag on bush when i look closely at the other presidents who preceded him and the shit that goes on behind the scenes you dont read about and probably blame your congressman or president for when they may only be front men. don't get me started.........
  16. Mostly out

    hmmmmm. i'd love to see you two in a catfight. but of course you've got more important things to do and i hope it turns out well for y'all. the difficult times on the journey make the rest of it easier. good luck and good healing journey!
  17. Hara

    several meridians rung thru that area: spleen, large and small intestine, kidney, triple heater, liver, etc.
  18. Hara

    sorry, i don't know my elbow from my hara. i'm generally illiterate when it comes to exotic vocabulary.
  19. Hara

    hahhahaha! looks like that warrior trainin is paying off! you can hit or massage the kidney one point (bubbling spring) on the ball of the foot with a sockful of mung beans, and work with the kidney shen. or you can spend the cash for chia's special steel wire iron shirt hitting stick.
  20. The Shensters ...

    my understanding is that there ae two shen--one is your spirit and the other refers to the 5 shen, or body spirits/intelligences. to me the 5 shen are 5 good friends to hang out with and receive gudance from. the other shen i don't feel entirely qualified to comment on much. we're not such good friends yet.
  21. Alchemy Weight Training

    the orbit goes both ways really: up the front and sown the back while simultaneously going up the back and down the front. i realized this in my own meditation and micahel winn confirmed it for me. thought it mighta been a brain fart at first. it should take a matter of milliseconds or less to "do the the orbit" once it's open. otherwise the speed of doing it depends entirely on your own mind and the effort it attaches to "doing it." if you just let go, it goes by itself independently of earthly time. soooo, if youre standing at a bus stop or drivin down the road or waiting in an ofice or watching tv or whatever, just tune in to it to see or feel it happening and see what you get.
  22. Mikey Likes it!

    straw dogs.....
  23. A friendly hello

    ZOIKS! any more sisters, you two? looks like y'all gotta lotta candy, eye candy that is....
  24. revenge of the sith

    i highly recommend this. there is nothing fairy tale about this film. it is a dark and serious examiniation of evil. one of the lessons that i'm sure 90% of the audience missed--the hippy version of compassion is a direct path to the darkside. the cold, ruthless comapssion of the jedi is what preserves human dignity. yeah, the political relevance was sort of interesting. but that was just a side effect of the real story. and everyone's missed it. george lucas is a genious. everyone but the evil chancellor and the jedi knights, were completely asleep, including annikan (darth vader). it was horribly close to real life. if you don't wanna know what people are really like (including you), DO NOT see this film.
  25. New subforum suggestions / discussion

    too complicated. i dont see a need to separate sexulaity and alchemy in any case. i do like the ranting and raving provided it is clearly described as being unmoderated and that it is also stated that anything pornographic or flame-like be put here. if it isn't, it will be moved. it saves us from having to delete some juicy stuff and leave it up for thoswe who are interestedto enjoy. people deserve a place to speak freely without stepping on the more objective stuff. this wuld be disinguished from off-topic which can focus on what it does now (movies, music, conspiracy theory, etc.) in a civil fashion.