peter falk

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Everything posted by peter falk

  1. Sealing the Energy in

    wel i used to review food additive petitions at the FDA, so i probably know more about whats in food than you do, impressive though your knowledge may be. its not wrong that you take it seriusly, but it is wrong if you take it TOO seriously, and people who take things TOO seriously are always the last ones to know. you also suffer from generalizations, which most activists do. you automatically associate gum with aspertame. gums have plenty of other sweeteners and flavors than aspartame. whats more, FDA requires it in the labeling anyway, allowing all consumers to make informed choices. sadly, most of them dont. there is nothing wrong in suggesting that someone chew gum for exercise. it does NOT mean they'll fill their body with aspartame. the choice of gum determines that. and gum chewing may be exactly the practice someone needs and your fear-mongering doesnt help. it maight've been better to to say "be careful of gums that have apartame and sudan I" or some such thing. there's also nothing wrong with hot dogs or hamburgers per se. i've had lots and lots of burgers made from organically raised beef as well as buffalo and deer. i've had good wholesome hotdogs too. so i know better than to listen to some guy who just bases all his opinions on the latest alternative diet propaganda and reactionaryism, regardless of how well researched it is. pizza is also a wholesome food. and no, i'm not making that up to make myself feel better. see, its like the discussion on symbols vs. whats being symbolized over in the 5 animals discussion. certain foods have been cursed thru dietary propganda so much so that they are all believed to be evil in a most superstitious way. i sertiously dont think i'm exaggerating when i say this. people are finding all sorts of superstitions to adapt to the modern world--in politics, health, science, medicine, whatever. thats not to denegrate any of these fields, just the superstition that surrounds them from some parties. and there's a lot of superstition around diet. even renowned physicist linus pauling was superstitious about vitamin C. hamburgers became a symbol of junk food because of fast food. NOT ALL HAMBURGERS ARE BAD. what they symbolize in pop culture is bad--not eating right, eating too much of something from bad sources. the same can be said of gum. sure you slurp up 3 or 4 big buddies a day and you'll get too much sugar. chew a little gum of the right kind and it could have health benefits at pointed by, was it, yoda? i personally don't do qigong to improve my helth. i do it to achieve immortality. that process may include improving my health, but thats not why i do it. so yes, there are other reasons to do it. broaden your view. just cuz you have reasons for doing somethng or ahavent thought of other reasons for doing something doesnt mean there arent any others. i know what youre thinking--arent i superstitious about qigong. the answer is--possibly. i'll only know in the end when i succeed or fail. its an experiment, like all alchemy. possibly, yes. thats how wars start.......... look, man, its cool you've increased your awareness of the food supply, but chill out. the stress over food is just as bad for your health as eating a big mac a day. i know; i went thru it too. i reviewed over 700 food additive petitions including the 30-0dd volume tome for aspartame. or was it 40-odd volumes? i just remember it was huge. i was afraid of margarine tubs, plastic straws, recyclable plastic bottles, can-end cement, you name it. shit you probably never even thought of. chill out, bro. eat some ben and jerry's and watch repo man or something. ro is all ice cream bad too?
  2. Sealing the Energy in

    gotta love the gutsy honesty
  3. Osho Rocks!

    funny you should say this. i never referr to what mrs. columbo and i have as a "relationship." it just turned me off and i never knew why. maybe yer onto something.....
  4. Sealing the Energy in

    i'd be willing to bet you 2 weeks pay i can find a gum, even here in china, that doesnt have that stuff in it. jesus christ, dude, get yer religion out of the kitchen and stop being so reactionary. it aint healthy.
  5. 5 animals

    i learned it as: crane: heart bear: kidneys monkey: spleen deer: liver tiger: lungs but that might be irrelevant as you can connect any totem you want with whatever organ you want. what matters is how effectively that totem help you develop the relationship and if the shen are happy with it.

    hahahaha! we're actually not married. yet. just a little pop culture humor. get it? peter falk, columbo, mrs. columbo. who incidentally eventually got ehr own tv show (that sucked!) but went on to play capt. janeway in star trek voyager. you can see her picture in the gallery.
  7. Peter Falk's Blog

    rj, i address your practice viz: 1) MAKE LUV TO YER WIFE GENTLY (WELL JUST FOR EXPERRIMENT SAKE GODDAMIT!!!) FOR 2 HOURS 2) BANG DA HOLLY SHIT OUTTA YER WIFEY FOR 2 HOURS 3) SPANK YER NBABOON FOR 2 HOURS WATCHIN ROCKO SIFREDDI'S MOVIES. in my latest blog entry if your or anyone else cares to read it.
  8. heyoka

    many native american societies had a heyoka, or sacred clown. they typically did things the opposite way of cultural or societal norms. this either induced hysterical laughter or profound teaching. they're considered important because thjey teach us to question our own values or show us our own darksides in an acceptal context. american culture has them too. a couple of modern examples are lenny bruce and johnny knoxville of jackas fame. i usaully find myself in this roll in whatever communities i join, byu i yield to the super heyoka powers of ron jeremy on this list.
  9. same ol' same ol'...

    hidden in all that loud cursing though are a lot of pearls of wisdom and knowledge. we need to learn how to see what's inside the package, not the packaging. and obviously his wife has.

    hayhahahahaha! then maybe yer further along than me! mrs. columbo and i havent made it past 2 hrs. yet.
  11. Peter Falk's Blog

    i'm not sure if the physical coctractions are necessay, although they arte one effective practice. i'm going to see if emptying the core channel to act as vacuum is as effective and report back. i wanna sere if this will induce a natural, effortless flow.
  12. Peter Falk's Blog

    yoda, first of all, thanks for the stellar review. i also enjoy reading about your sungazing, though its not a practice i'm called to do right now. the simplicicty and richness of it is obvious from your posts. secondly, i'm as surprised as you at the results of my practice, in a manner of speaking. i mean, i dont believe in any limitations to these practices and figure at some point i might just find myself on the moon or something. but, the reuslts i've been journalling have come so quick and so powerfully. i just try to relax and go with the flow. thirdly, your obviously much more of a scholar than me and i'm not sure i can discus the practice in the context you describe. this could be perhaps to my disadvantage. however, it is to my advantage in that i dont try to see if my results match others' teching. i only look at whatever results come. what i do is just warm up and then start doing whatever core channel practices i've learned. sometimes the shen direct me to other practices i never realized worked the core channel. i dont have a preference for empty core or moving energy in it. the practice itself guides me to which ever state is required at the time. maybe my advice is twofold--a) surrender to the practice and listen to the shen, 2) forget everything you learned WHILE DOING THE PRACTICE. fourthly, i dont have much time to write today, but i'm going to try to get something in about empty core specifically in the blog today. it concerns retention, but no i dont have it iced nor do i think it essetnial as ronnietsu does. his results cerainly cause me to respect his opinion though. it is afterall, all about results. fifthly, hope you liked the bird article. yer the one who inspired the research on that with your request to hear more about the birds..... one more note to trunk: thanks for the suggestions. i looked up those practices at the link. i dont feel called to do them right now, but i will keep the info handy. i've been to that website before (yours?) and found some of the stuff very useful.

    weeelllllll, it takes all sorts. let um have fun. i have to admit, it was a little extreme, even for me. to discuss taoism i mean. but it sure did have some skanky shit that would be funny after a cupla beers.......
  14. scary shit in oz

    no, they dont block chemtrail sites per se. the do block a lot of free homepage services though like angelfire, geocities, tripod, etc, that have a lot of chemtrail info. others i cant get might just be due to very finicky internet here, and some of those others might be due to other info that is "harmful"
  15. scary shit in oz

    ronnietsu, i'm having trouble accessing a lot of chemtrail sites that come up on a search for chemtrails in china. here's the link to the google search page so you can further your knowledge.
  16. strength training and qigong

    that's called "interval training." top athletes use it to develop anaerobic capacity, and all that sprinting is pretty ruff on the joints. the "fox run" or "scout run" the apache indians and otehr southwest indians used is way better. you legs go up and down like pistons, your heels never touch the ground, and your head should stay level. in other words, if you were running along a string that was stretched and level to the top of your head, you would never move the string vertically. land on the outside of your foot and roll to the inside and back, but never put your heels down. i've done this kind of runing and it is invorgorating and rejuvenating no matter how far you go. indians using this method could routinely run 75 or 100 miles without getting tired. your legs have to go up and down like psitons to prevent the bouncing. as for weightlifting, lozen is right. you train your muscles to work in ways you never use them. it's better to just have active employment like in landscaping or carpentry soemthing where you use your muscles in groups and gently exercise them all day. primitive people never "work out" but their lifestyle is ideal for keeping fit.
  17. strength training and qigong

    yeah, well, wht i men is they shouldnt go passed your toes, which is how i interpreted your post, perhaps incorrectly. the whole i dea being your knee should never bee forward of your toes. directly over at maximum flex, behind at maximum extension.
  18. tracker students

    and apparently i need to download a plug in for this new browser and mrs. columbo just arrived so i'm outta here to go get a little afternoon dee-light......
  19. tracker students

    sorry about that. i w typing a hellacious blog entry on my core channel experiment.
  20. scary shit in oz

    thats alright. we're both bigger than the average chinese. thats why its so easy to get some pootang. i'll show ya around if ya ever make it. i'll see what i can find out, but i reckon yer way more informed and know where to start at least........
  21. scary shit in oz

    well, ronnietzu, i got a sofa if ya need a place to crash..... i gotta warn ya of the "perpetual woody" though. it comes from looking at nubile chinese girls all day.
  22. strength training and qigong

    your seat adjustment may be wrong. all the authorities on cycling say the same thing, as far as i know. your seat height and position forward/back should be such that your knee is over you toe when bent. maybe your cranks are the wrong lenght. or a combination.
  23. Looking for POE

    by experimenting. hahaha! it's true, but i understand what youre saying. the point is i'm really not that advanced. i've only completed the lesser kan and li which is the third formula. so i've only done less than half of them. and even i'd done all, it would mean nothing if i didnt have the dirt time and development. meanwhile, a diligent student who only learns the microcosmic orbit and hamers it every day and struggles for advancement could have al the formulas manifest spontaneously. theoretically. worst case scenario is i'm completely fucked up. next to worse case is my theory could be applied to practioners at my level, whatever that is. best case is it works for everyone. you could do it and report to the group and help[ advance the development of western taoist practice.
  24. scary shit in oz

    i've actually never witnessed any chem-trails. maybe cuz i'm from washington, dc and they keep that little pocket of air clean. now i live in china and they dont need to lay down chemtrails cuz the pollution is bad enough
  25. Looking for POE

    i'm going to do a sound one month experiment with this theory. i'll do my best to post regualr, hopefully daily, updates in my training blog so y'all can follow it. started today. the daily practice will follow today's practice closely. any mods will still be core channel practices.