peter falk

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Posts posted by peter falk

  1. Peter,


    Can you elaborate how you are moving the center during the ceremony and how you are pulling out darkness and dissolving it ? Wuji chi kung is one of my favorite practices and I do it regularly. I don't remember Michael Winn addressing what you are talking about on either the video or tape set. It does sound like it would be a great addition to the practice.







    well, it's really intent driven. you shift your spacial awareness to the palce you wnat o cetner the practice. just envision yourself being there. close your eyes when you do it.


    open your eyes and see your physical location. now keep awareness of both.


    the neutral space acts as a kind of vacuum tht will suck in and balance anything that is out of balance, i think is how it works. you can also make the gathering fo the dark force or unhealing correspond to the physical gathering movements of the form. since you're invoking many pwoerful assistants and guides when you do this, you can get help from them--the powers of the four directions, center, heaven , earth, taoist immortals, ancesotrs, ancient ones, whover you care to include.


    now i just peeked over at the healing tao forum and it seem michael winn doesnt have any problems with any of this, because he did reply and didnt mention this issue. only thing he responded to was the issue of yuan qi as the foundation of physical reality. so i might just have something here :o

  2. i dint really know where to post this. i thought about putting it in personal practice discussion, but i havent puyt anything there for so long it was like, "whats the point?". then i thought about putting it in articles, but i have no ide3a how longits going to be. then i thought its such a popular recurring topic (the wuji qigong), why not just put in taoist discussion?


    i've had some fantastic results with the wuji lately. i've been involved with this healing work from afar and found that the neutralizing power of the wuji is tremendoous. sure it expands the neutral space within each of us who does it. it enables powerful shifts into the energy body. it mixes jing, qi, and shen. it manifests the unmanifested. and so on.


    the work i've been involved in lately, and that is turned on 24/7 and has me kinda spaced to the point that i havent been participating in physical culture or society muych lately, is a distance healing, of both individuals and groups. the helaing is of a paticualry thorny nature in taht it involves "exorcizing" darkness, demons, the dark side. i dont mean that in a judeo-christian hell-born entity sort of sense, i mean it in a individual energetic and group energetic sort of sense.


    what i found is that no matter where you are in teh universe, you can center the wuji qigong anywahere you want. for example, though i am physically here in china, i can center my wuji practice at a place in new jersey, or the caribbean, or the moon.


    the practice has the immediate and automatic effect of neutralizing, that is balancing, yuan qi making effect on the local environment. it also has that effect on the place where you are spiritually cetnering the practice. thus you can neutralize that location or individuals and groups in it. you can pull out the "evil" or darkness that effects them, gather it in with the wuji, and dissolve it, returning it to the earth in its transformed state. thus the healing is achieved.


    also, because of the expansioin of the neutral space, any dark forces that attempt to interfere are pwoerless. they cannot enter that neutral space. if they do, they are gathered in and neutralized as well. keeping this neutral space well established is perhaps the best protection against demonic forces. what i'm wondering now is, is it possible to expand this state infinitely for yourself and even for humanity, creating a universal harmony? i dont know if this can be done physically owing to the dual nature of physical reality.

  3. I think Lezlie will beat us all to these feats. She is hitting up the gymnastics multiple times a week now doing crazy tumbling like that ... I am much lazier aerobically and focus more on just stretching ...





    i look forward to the video. hope she wears something sexy..... :lol:

  4. the name is sort of a minor guardian of the threshold, i guess. in intiatic work, especially the western variety, each level of work is protected by a guardian of the threshold you have to get past to enter that level. they're often terrifying beasts or ordeals. if you don't really want it, you won't really try.


    could we say the same of plato's scat porn on taobum? infintile transgression, or cleverly connived guardian?


    amazing how thought provoking scatporn can be sometimes :lol:

  5. how about "running vs. yoda"?


    i've never cared much for yoga, at least hindu yoga. tibeta yoga i did a lot of and it seemed to be very good at conditioning the body, almost like physical exercise.


    as a former distance runner, i found the running high to be pretty persistent. and addictive. when pushing the distance i really got into a trance-like state that was very similar to meditation or a shamanic trance.


    the first time i entered zen i think was as a bike messenger. the mortal demand on awareness and presence took me there in an automatic, involuntary sort of way. now cycling, or any demanding exercise for that matter, triggers it.


    love the fact that yer observing and studying your practices like this. i was observing some chinese people today doing their morning routines and i was amazed at how vacantly adn mechanically they go thru the qigong. couldnt perceive any deep awareness or focus.

  6. You need to work out your Hidden Agendas...


    two excellent books about this. one is Games people Play and the other is What Do You Say after You Say Hello?, both by eric berne. brilliant, brilliant analysis, discussion and remedy of the hidden agenda. i can't think of any one (or two) books that were more critical thje psychological aspect of my spiritual work.


    it's raucously hysterical, but also very down and dirty. you'll probably end up hating yourself and not want to actually do the work. i still highly recommend both books.

  7. Qing Yuen who lived to the age of 252...seems to be according to this character Mindell who claims to be the best nutritionist in the world. Meanwhile, he claims bot Western and Eastern scholars agreed on it, and claims the secret of his longevity is this juice made from a special berry...



    Saposed to kick noni-juice's ass...



    yeah, i think the englsih termis actually wolfberry. shit'severywhere in china--medicine, food, soup, snacks. never seen the juice though. you can get boxes of it in china town. it's cheap.

  8. sit up.

    turn off tv if it's on.

    turn off a/c and open doors and windows.

    start coffee.

    brush teeth.

    turn tv back on to see ABC news on hong kong tv or ALCS on ESPN.

    drink two cups of coffee and smoke 'em if i got 'em.

    take a big massive al bundy shit while reading something in English.

    do wuji qigong and whatever else.

    get ready to bike.


    lock office door and change clothes hoping my secretary doesn't intrude.


  9. To me it's akin to wearing spandex when bicycling. Yeah, it may in fact lessen wind drag, but there's a lot more important things to focus on to make you a good athlete.


    yeah, but if ya suck, the only time you look cool is posing in your shorts. :blink:


    and i wouldnt want ot discourage the ladies from wearing them......

  10. i think at first i was all about the lists and the thinking and th eremembering. but then, as i went thru the practice, i learned to let go and let the shen guideme and give me what was inportant in the moment. eventually i got into dialogues with the shen. you can read about this in my blog, or you can read some of sean's stuff which has pretty amazing close encounters of the third kind with his shen.