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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. The Serpent - Satan?

    I mentioned nothing of "satanism" or Earth ism. Strictly symbolically speaking, Satan is a symbol of the earth and its oldest archetypes which have existed in every tradition have always been associated with the earth or below type verbage. I dont believe in a satan. I believe in archetypes. So If you actually believe that a horned red guy is some where down below ready to torture You if u listen to him and that is responsible for all the negativity people do than That is your belief and fine but you wont be able to understand what I am saying if you do, BUT ofcourse the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convince the world he didnt exist haha
  2. The Serpent - Satan?

    from my expierience forgivness is simply being aware and mindful of the true nature of things. Most of the time holdiing on is self delusion,Now forgivness and forget are two different things.
  3. The Serpent - Satan?

    Dude what?!?
  4. The Serpent - Satan?

    The problem here is that you are assuming I view the satan ARCHETYPE negatively, Which I do not. What flaws? I mentioned and referred to none. To view the satanic archetypes as something evil is in my opinion mislead and based in the christian dogma and rejecting the body. And yes, satan if of the earth, GOD IS above in the heavens and satan is below. Earth The view that satan is an entity or is inherently evil must be let go, It is just a symbolic representation of the material..
  5. The Serpent - Satan?

    Satan is the bringer of light and the bestower of knowledge/wisdom. Satan is symbolic of the earth, of the lower chackras,SHE is the libarator. satan is more feminine in nature. Science is in essence of the satanic archetype. Expirience of what the physical world has to offer and the search for truth are also satanic. All of the negative qualities of satan come when the lower chackra's are disconnected from god, The higher chackra's. Christians are pretty anti earth (seen in adam and eve)so they demonize the satan arechetype who is the bringer of light BUT NOT the light itself..... The serpent is great, Having had a kundalini awakening, it means alot to me
  6. New Age Bullies

  7. How to overcome sugar cravings

    With all due respect this is by far the worst advice possible for a person who wants to control there blood sugar. Just plain bad.... A fruit based diet will only promote more dependence on sugar and "good" "bad" sugar, CHEMICALLY sugar is sugar, fruit just has a little more fructose that more processed forms but the difference is not huge. Yes fruit is better in priciple becuase of many factors but 400 grams of carbs form fruit is 400 grams of carbs from any source the same and WILL cause problems in glucose control
  8. How to overcome sugar cravings

    There is no such thing as "complex carbs" and the effect of "whole grains on blood sugar is usually the same as it refined counterpart except in some select cases. overall avoid grains just eat fruits and veggies for carbs, more fiber which slows the release of glucose into the blood stream and there is just more bulk to eat with less carbs in general. Avoid very sugary fruits.
  9. How to overcome sugar cravings

    The primal blueprint is AWESOME! I have been following it for years now and it will def help with suagr cravings. I also advise magnesium glycinate and chromnium chelated to vitamin b3.... Will work wonders
  10. Kali yuga is over

    he who speaks does not know, he who knows does not speak. Are limitations always bad?
  11. Empty Space is Not Empty!

    fucking well said!
  12. Empty Space is Not Empty!

    I guess that kind of my point, uh yeah that means the universel las kind of promote life
  13. Empty Space is Not Empty!

    Well I appreciate the detailed response but I guess what I mean is that this guy keeps sayng the everything is remarkable and that evolving seems to be noting special and thens saids nothing is remarkable and that evolving happend do to natural laws. Yeah? How is he so sure its nothing special or that we are nothing important? He is just assuming and basing his idea on bias. his science is clear his interpretations are biased...
  14. Empty Space is Not Empty!

    doesnt that guy strike you as kind of full of himeself and a little bit of a know it all with circular logic?
  15. zhan zhuang

    Is this guy overreacting big time or what? Zhan zhuang is a powerful exercise, and is best done under supervision. Those who practice wrongly and still persist on, may vomit blood, have deformed bodily structure, or insidiously damaged internal organs. There are usually warning signs for wrong practice, such as discomfort, pain and nervousness. Whenever you have such warning signs, stop your zhan zhuang and revert back to Ba Duan Jin. Resume zhan zhuang training only when the warning signs have disappeared. If you practice zhan zhuang on your own, which is actually not advisable but may be attempted if you are very careful, you have to proceed very slowly; I repeat, very slowly. If someone training with a master takes 6 months to attain certain result, you should aim at that for two years. Like how wrong could you possibly do this and really in general?!?!/
  16. zhan zhuang

    Thanks guys
  17. zhan zhuang

    yeah this huy kind of freaked me out a little. He is a martial arts sifu. So last word is that zhang zhuang wont fuck you up right? the link \ http://www.shaolin.org/general-2/stance-training.html
  18. Outer dissolving

    So I have been looking into the outer dissolving meditation. I am a little confused. You do this mediation while standing, i got that. Now the focus is totally on the aura? Outside the physical body right? Totally in the aura? Also I had question about using inner dissolving to heal joint pain. My knees hurt so..... TO heal them do I do outer dissolving in the aura while standing or do I do inner dissolving on my knees while standing OR SITTING focusing just on the knees? Also i see he recommends starting at the head- and dissolving down BUT if I just want mainly physical benefits can just focusing on the knee and dissolving be a viable option? thank you
  19. Outer dissolving

    Man I felt nearlt tortured during sometimes of kundalini. Whenever I try I seem to always shift to inner dissolving. Thats why maybe I dont undertsand completely, either that or I am just stupid.
  20. Outer dissolving

    so the outer would be slightly more superfical? around the outer rims of the body not going in as deep pursay?
  21. http://www.ancientwa...CFQpLbQodKWwA_Q
  22. Outer dissolving

    ? Then whats the difference between inner and outer dissolving
  23. couples taichi and sharing energy?

    your sharing energy with others all the time. Every interaction has energy behind it. Now sharing that type of energy, Well...... It depends on alot of factors, follow your heart, and see where it leads you
  24. So when I do chi gung I am still not 100% percent sure on what to feel on the way up and down. When I move upwards with arms and body I try to feel as if i am floating/being pulled up and when I go down I fell as if gravity is sinking me down/ sinking into the earth in a way. Is that correct/healthy/benficial?
  25. Outer dissolving

    I appreciate all the answers really. one question though. when standing and doing outer dissolving i am still not sure what to dissolve/focus on? Body, aura, Where on the body On the skin?