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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    Due to kundalini I CANNOT go with out animal foods particullary red meat for to long. The poster stating that not eating animal foods leads to no deficiencies.. Basic biology disagrees with you, BUT the mind is everything so its possible that a person practicing inner alchemy and acupuncture ect, might alter his physicality on a quantum level and not need meat, True, But at the level of biology without any energetic work and such... we need meat
  2. Hymen Reconstruction Surgery on rise in China

    Well I kind of agree with GIH a little on this one. I dont like having sex with virgins. Bring on the freaks seriosly tho it is about control and male insecurty/superiority complex thing going on. i like women to be equals in all things, sex is also one of those For sure...
  3. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    I used to think the isssue was clear cut. not so much anymore. Diet definalty affects your spirituality, but i dont think eating meat makes you any less spiritual automatically and I dont think being a veg head makes you more automatically, many times the reverse may happend in both cases.Maybe it depends on your brand of spirituality and what that means. I think physical/mental constitution matter, if you are an ungrounded person meat will probably help and your very grounded natrually then being a vegatarian may help. Also different stages of development make a difference in what you may need. I howver believe quite strongly in a quote I once heard. " no man should stop eating meat and force vegatarianism unto himself unless happends natrually"
  4. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    awww dont tell me the debate is over... I dont eat breakfast either, I eat when hungry, If you wait a few hours after waking and eat within an 8 hour window or so daily, you put your bosy through an 16 hour fast daily. Its good stuff
  5. Getting rid of stress

    No offense taken but I dnt do heart math that way. I guess the real message for me was listen/think to/with the brain in your heart. I do just that whne I am stressed and remember to do so. I just focus in on that brain and listen to what it saids. Works for me. That would seem like whet the should be promoting as practice. Why use a machine when your heart is available to you 24 7?
  6. Getting rid of stress

    In a good "hey i can do that" or a "ha what a dumbass" kind of way. or ?
  7. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    The fact that they tended to gardens implies agriculture and farming in a sense. thats not paleo. Also I have papers by actaul athroplogist showing that veggies were quite unrepresented in the diets they have been able to study. further even weston a price himeslf studied a ton of cultures who ironically did not eat much in the way of veggies. If you have read his original book you must have noticed it? Also they did not usually eat much variety. I am aware of what you are reffereing too, with the natives, as I have also read of them farming plant foods and hunting game. They had quite abundent diets. even showing pilgrams how to plant corn (agriculture) But again many cultures began to eat and plant foods when there enviornments ran out of meat or wernt as plentiful. I do eat quite a bit of variety and cycle my foods except for a few daily staples. Humans have eaten a wide range of diets. The healthiest pre industial scoeiety's studied by weston did not eat veggies in any significent amounts. We are designed for a high quality omnivorous diet. high quality meaning not much indigestible plant matter. Also I never really said I didnt eat non animal foods, I said I didnt eat veggies.
  8. Getting rid of stress

    Good sex, massage, heart math, exercise and martial arts, foam rolling, breathing, healthy diet, doing things you love to do, hot baths, acupunture, playing with puppies or other pets, walking in nature, spending time with close friends, I could keeo going but whats the point
  9. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    I dont get it I mean there is plenty of food that not veggies if thats what you meant. Veggies taste like shit, I doubt paleo's were snacking on them for fun. Maybe if they were starving. Anyways, Who defines food? Veggies havent played part of our diet until relativley recently, So hey, eat what you will just my conclusion based on the research. Oh after rereading your post I see what you meant, HAHA im tired today,
  10. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    Well veggies are not really a food that humans would or did (according to most arhceolgical recor) consume. Why consume them? What the point Unless you significantly overweight? They do not have a good ration of digestible calories to non digestible plant matter, In the wild humans would treat food as a way to survive, so anything we ate, would need to give us an energetic bang for our buck. Vegtebles simply dont offer much in the way of useable energy. They are really high in fiber, we do not have digestive systmes advanced enough to really get much out of them or extract a siginificent amount of vitamins/minerals from them. Veggies are LOADED with plant toxins of all damn types, that can have low level effects on our hormones over time. Children generally dont like them (there are exceptions) for a reason: they dont get much from them so why eat them? The concept that they are a good source of antioxidants is true but how much do we reallly absorb? are these antioxidants trully beneficial or for that matter needed? the most important antioxidants are the one are body makes itself and lo and behold animal foods give us just the building blocks we need to make them, veggies do not. if you like to eat them then fine, but I dnt think they are important and might not be good for some poeple. Regarding the comment by myth maker, yes coconut oil is a paleo food, as tropical traditional cultures used them and YES made oil from them. Paleolithic man was smarter than us, what make you think they were incapable of processing a food? Virgin coconut oil is not a very difficult thing to make and does not take much equipment, just the know how. Olive oil, I dnt knwo for sure, but that makes no difference either way, it is a fat, mostly monounsaturated, so can serve as a fat source in a modern world. where paleo eating has to adapt.
  11. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    well for me, its been a trial and error thing along with alot of research. I do what I consider TRUE paleo diet. I eat only Meats, fish/and seafood, fruits and roots and tubers. My main oils are coconut and olive oil along with animal fats found in meat,bone marrow, tallow ect. I avoid nuts and seeds, dairy, eggs (most of the time) and veggies. I also try to keep my carbs between 100-120 grams a day and eat as much coconut oil as possible.
  12. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    It doesnt hurt to use western science to dictate a diet either guys. taomeow has obviosly done so, and IMO opinion is the most informed poster here so far. I personally follow a paleolithic diet. Any diet that doesnt take the evolution of man atleast into some consideration is more than likely gonna be psuedo bullshit. But of course im aware of the energetic case for food aswell, I would just say that its not so (unsubstansiated) and based a little more theoretically at least in quantum mechanics. Taomeow, u are correct diet is one of the most complicated damn things on earth, for me the more you learn the less you know! But yes grains in general are not good for health. I would say, the three monsters could be 1. candida/digestive distress/leaky gut 2. high glucose and insulin( causing all kinds of hell) 3. possibly going crazy which gluten is linked to VERY strongly- Just a guess
  13. The Serpent - Satan?

    lino, I have read your post and the post that have followed hesitent to mention anything as i do also trust in the process I do howver think there are factors that can interfere and also maybe listening and getting help would be part of that process. I would suggest you focus on your diet and you may find relief as some types of mental disorders are strongly linked to diet. I would cut out ALL Grains ESPECALLY gluten contating grains. Also dairy and nuts and seeds. These foods contain protiens that the human body has not adapted to eating and cause leaky gut releasing undigested protiens into the blood that eventually make it to the brain and cause this. Surley the worst offender is the gluten. Eat nothing but Free range meats, fruits and veggies (thats it). Cook all foods in olive and coconut oil. Actaully slam the coconut oil to help repair the brain and digestive track, put in coffee and on ALL of your meals, shoot for 6-8 tablespoons a day. Supplemnt krill oil as well, Omega 3's that make it into the tissues safley and effectively compared to regular fish oil. Also walk outside barefoot for 30 min a day to connect to the earth. Peace
  14. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    Your totally right. I have come across research showting that taoism has its rotts in chinese shamans who worshipped the divine mother. Also analyze the yin and yand symbol, its all enwrapped in a Black "yin" circle, im sure that wasnt an accident and wasnt overlookedby taoist sages...
  15. Chi packed breakfast dishes?

    Most foods that are natural and unprocessed are packed with chi. Organic free range meats, fruits, nuts and seeds ect.. have chi, I would worry about the people eating it liking it lol
  16. we've been doing it all wrong

    Nah I have had a dark night of the soul. They may be different for everyone, but that was not it. Im not buddhist or even agree with there ultimate goal, Although I find great satisfaction in the actual teachings.I do not care nore strive for "enlightenment" I only seek to live a good life that is in sync with shakti. I agree there is much to do after the dark night of the soul, Usually just the beginning, But that happend years ago for me and that was not it. I have thought alot about vipassana and I do not like its goal of detachment, I dont like the idea of no self. The goal of alchemy is to forge a new self, or better yet to integrate all aspects of who we are in order to EVEN create a "self". thats my goal at least, ironically I think either one is possible, Escape from samsara or a potentially "immortal' self in some sense
  17. we've been doing it all wrong

    maybe its my kundalii or something else but that crap made verything around me empty and meaningless. I felt like nothing in my life was worth anything, like there was o point to life. I dont like it.
  18. Self-Preservation VS. Altruism

    Well, some valid questions here. I think, personally, the monk setting himself o fire is a perfect example of self hate, which was one othe the things floating aroundin my mind when I said that Also, Like I said I think its ourself first AND then others, Thats why ofcourse I would smoke someone trying to kill me like a cuban cigar.. :ph34r :
  19. Self-Preservation VS. Altruism

    We live within oursleves and expirience the world through ourselves so SELF-ish is the only thing we can be. Now I ask Why is that a bad thing? Yet in a larger sense we are all one LITEALLY. One huge organism, like any other. Cells in the body acting for themselves and their own survival also IRONICALLY contribute to their place in the whole. BY Helping we are helped, and by being helped we are helping. True balance is acting for yourself AND others. Preserving the self and when possible assining others, WITH A SESNE of compassion and yet if something is going to be given back, it should be embraced and accepted as part of the process. I think wanting to be TOTALLy selfless is a form of self hate. I mean if you dont love yourself enough to preserve and work for yourself in the world?... On the otherhand again it is clear that a connection to others and to a larger whole is radically important to mental and pyscial health aswell as social health for the communtity as a whole. All things are fractal in nature and it starts with the individual, happiness and abundance at the singular level eventually spreads into happiness and abundance at the macro level. So BE Selfish but also be loving and compassionate, which in the end is two sides of the same coin. We have to cater to the self and to the others, Yet begin with yourself, love yourself first that in the end is where the journey begins and ends.
  20. The Serpent - Satan?

    Thanks Santi
  21. The Serpent - Satan?

    Well I didnt hav ant teachers pursay at the time of awakening. I had mine at 17. Santihas helped me get more balanced in the last year or so, but not at first. I was meditating on my own. I n the otherhand have always been quite open to spirtual issues and was an an empath at early age. Seems like an interesting perspective
  22. The Serpent - Satan?

    What do you mean by lineage one is connected too? What is spiritual merit exactly?
  23. The Serpent - Satan?

    ur a Smart guy, I like u. HAHA. But yes in I see your point! definatley not a "satanist" I try to keep A balanced perspective, so that wouldnt work for me. Someone might make that connection and your concern is appreciated. I didnt see that. I can see what u mean, the whole devolution perspective on "satan". I myslef am more attracted to the warrior/scolar/sage archetype lol. Anyways to me chi is is a whole set of quantam processes that are collectivly " chi" I see nothing wrong with it simply being chi though. Kundalini to me on the other hand is a VERY literal biological/ pshyco-spiritual evolutionary force also related to quantam processes. actually its as 'real" as its gets for me. More foundational than archetypes, Yet like every other state can be affected by archetypes due to whatever we asscociate with.
  24. The Serpent - Satan?

    Your being to literal, They are all one acrhetype at there foundation that are TAINTED by differents faith\ traditions, The early church had a reason for turning pan into satan, because they were destroy the pagan faith, U JUST SAID ABOVE that they are one thing that has been colored by different perspectives whether they are understood or not, There is no ARCHETYPE soley responsible for the evil people do, Just different complexes between the archetypes, There is no DEVIL, NO TRUE satan,