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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. Harmonics, resonance, and interference

    U are correct, I think it was a projection onto what you said. I apologize. I also didnt say ANYTHING about YOU just what you said and your opinion, I think they are different. Also I didnt say you did not know hard physics. its more like a " I know what mainstream physicist think so If it doesnt fit its pseuodo science" attitude I was picking up. It was a couple of days and I have been going through a large energetic shift that I am still trying to incorporate. either way, No excuse tho, I do apologize. Trully. I hope we can still be friends. I was out of line and Am embarassed. Oh physicist OR experts in realted fields Fred alfred wolf amit goswami ervin lazlo bruce lipton roger penrose nassim haramein Ulrich Winter Karl Pribram's I can send You a few more if u like... So U think that this guy the music dude, Has nothing real to offer that the universe cannot be explained in musical terms? I think at some level it can, considering everything has frequency and that resonance, synconization ect are part of the fabric of the universe. Ur thoughts?
  2. Zhang zhuang

    Very interesting, So which postures are the most "water"? So Do I keep my arms BELOW or at level with the nipple? Dmatt, I am not sure how u end up doing this LOWER SMALLER posture, could u elaborate A little more if possible. Drunkard, Should I plae my hand at my navel the way its reccomended on top of a moving practice? I might just do someshaking for a few minutes.... THanks everyone for your responses!!
  3. alien religions?

    Do u think the O negative blood type is related to them? or to kundalini?
  4. Zhang zhuang

    Well that sounds good. I guess wuji is a little more yin and honding the tree is more yang? or the opposite? Whenever I do the eight brocades my knee hurt. Infact any horse stance posutre hurts them so I stay away.. Do u think its a matter of preparation for the more advnaced postures little by little?
  5. alien religions?

    How does this really interesting thread turn into a spiritual cock size conest between ralis and vajra? Cant we all just get along and disuss this really cool issue? Anyways, I wonder what the aliens, If they are real, belive in or worship? So are you all saying that u believe aliens created man kind? If so what is spirituality?
  6. Zhang zhuang

    Well thanks guys for the resonses! But this is very interesting, especially if it happened to another person too.. It is worth investigating. DMATT what posture were u practicing? I switch between, embracing the tree, hand in the river, holding up the balloon. Did u store the energy afterwards? How long do u do wuji, and does that help? Pablo what do u mean staring at the front very intensly? I kind of let my vision blur... I thought it might be release but I also thought it might be energing my emotions in general??? Lets discuss....
  7. Increasing BONE Mass

    Its possible but would require effort and the right supplements, exercise routine and diet. But yes its doable. Do you mean glutathione?
  8. Increasing Jing

    I agree ralis. Something that is an OVERALL hormone optimizer is magnesium oil. That you rub on you skin, stuff is amazing! I can post references if you would like. Zinc is important too. The problem with ZMA is the b6. most have the artificial form of the vitamin AND it DISPLACES the active form. Its better to supplement them seperatley IMO. Especially when the natural form of b6 is important in testosterone metabolism.
  9. Feminine issues

    you seriously do impress shaktimama
  10. Feminine issues

    multi vitamins will not do much as I sated above, but lets not throw the baby out with the bath water Kelp capsules will be VERY helpful, it improves hormone function, helps to balance them, so to speak and low carb diet will also help fix the imbalance. Im sure qigong i wll be helpful too, im not as knowledgeable in that subject.
  11. Feminine issues

    I dont personally like multi's, to generic, people are individuals, Its better to buy the best of the best, of individual supps and take what you need for you. Iodine is good, so is krill, fish is less effective than krill and can be a little damaging, krill is much safer.
  12. Feminine issues

    Well Ideally all grain and grain products. You can overeat carbs from whole plant sources too , fruits and veggies, but its harder, as long as you arnt snacking on dates and bannanas all day, you should be okay. But the TOTAL carb load is most imortant. I would shoot for about 80 NET grams a day total with polycystic ovarian syndrome
  13. Feminine issues

    your disease = carbohydrate intolerance. Right on shakti mama, you continue to impress.
  14. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    read a book called the vegetarian myth, if you want to understand why, a vegetarian world, is not possible or healthy for the world. please don't comment back on how it is wrong unless you read it first. But the idea that vegan planet is better is false, BIG time. Yes over fishing is bad, But there is more to the story and largley underrepresented side.
  15. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    grow a bigger stomach and lose the size of our brain? seems like what most people are trying to do anyways
  16. My scary Lipid Panel

    Yeah , indeed http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/ If you like I can post about 30 more links "literally" showing how the conclusions drawn form the reasearch of the china study, Would be "biased" AT BEST and downright charlaton at worst.
  17. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    Im not sure if you missed my post? I also have an awakened kundalini and CANNOT function without meat, and I usually need more red meat than anything. When you have kundalini, your energy is CONSTANTLY on, the catharsis is hard to stop, so meat helps to ground, to slow the process and it allows the energy to intergrate before another balst of self insight. That has been my expeirience. Just to mention by the way, my wife is a vegatarian, she saids that its helps here connect more to her energy. So it all depends on what is needed. Also I am aware of what you meant astral by the lasting pleasure comment. What I meant is that I dont think that is easily attained and I am not sure it is real. thats all. well have different definitions of liberation.
  18. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    What is so damn spirirual about foregoing food all together? What is Lasting pleasure? A constatnt state of bliss? With no outside influence? damn that would really suck. again I guess its the denying the body thing, I hope that falls in line with your goals. If it even is possible to have lasting pleasure. How about eing fullfilled with life? thats more doable, more intergrated. no offense, but becoming Libarted has always seemed like pretty selfish and cowardly, no? You know kind of like running away from anything difficult and not wanting to expirience it again? I mean thats all well and good and we should probably learn to live our lives that way, But "libaration" is kind of extreme huh?
  19. My scary Lipid Panel

    Well im glad your keeping a mind open enough to atleast consider the two sides. I was saying regarding ornish that the studies that "prove" he was able to reduce gunk in the artieries also had A whole bunch of other Proven interventions. So his diet CANNOT be given the credit. IN controlled clinical studies. One after another has shown a reduction in all markers of heart disease WITHOUT any other interventions snimply by controllong the amount of carbs one eats. Read that book, the whole history and falseness of the lipid heart hypothesis is shown clearly AND was never proven in the least. Also one year wont do anything, if you flush it out and start again on the bad habit bandwagon you will simply be back where you are now full circle. SO you need to change the way you eat indefinitaley or accept the dnagers of not doing so. But when yoy look at a diet thats doing to pretty much eating what you need to in ORDER to cause a high risk cardiac profile, you may relaize why i said the ornish diet will kill you. Please just read the book before you start anything and then draw conclusions after the fact.
  20. My scary Lipid Panel

    Dude ornish proved nothing. His diet is not supported by science in any way shape and form. he proved that by not smoking, and exercising, meditating and a few more live interventions that you could reduce plaque, how much of that was related to diet? no one knows because its one thing, could they have done better on a different diet? probably. Look if you want me to post a huge post one ths science of not eating ornish and doing the opposite, I will do so with references. Or you can pick up a good book and see what it has to offer, Without exploring both sides VERY WELL, you are gambling with your life. Get a book called "good calories, bad calories" by gary taubes.Which goes into the utmost detail of how plaque is formed in the first place and how it is related to diet, its not a diet book,its ony science. The best tpye of science. He is an award winning science writer, winninng more awards than other wirters, in physics and cold fusion ect.. than who simply took an intrest in nutrition, and produced this. Please read this, for you own knowledge and willingness to explore both sides. also just check out a few links I was able to pick at random quicky. http://books.google.com/books?id=Xdm40JUD9HwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=good+calories+bad+calories&source=bl&ots=aLubN2IDCb&sig=Rk963-C6ka8jYd6lX09otkXhEk4&hl=en&ei=-x9wTPTaIIKmsQP5q4zJCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/weight-loss/low-carbohydrate-diets-increase-ldl-debunking-the-myth/ http://www.marksdailyapple.com/fat-phobia/ http://www.alsearsmd.com/
  21. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    Best resonse yet! jane to be honest you can keep trying to point this out but The People who dont get it wont. This guys reponse show exactly the the tye of attitude i have been talking about for a while. A denial of the physical. Control instincts and transcend ect. proof is in the pudding. If this is line with his spiritual beleifs, then that is good but is an unbalanced view, not an intergrated view, like the one you have. Not every sritual tradiditon seeks to intergrate. Which s where alot of the real work is waiting to be sone. So the people who are vegatarians and think they are being spiritual, WILL defend that violently and often do. Also why is comfort somehow looked down upon, its what all things seek, if meat makes you comfortable then... Dude, I mean no disrepsect paul but to call meat eating a eating disorder is the most ludacris shit ive ever heard. I wonder O I wonder what every culture round the world must have did to get b12 if they werent consuming bee pollen, eating dirt or obviosly their own shit, because the b12 in produced by our gut does not effectivley make it into the blood. Oh wait I know they were eating blue green alge I Guess that what we were all eating when we were evolving these big brains, dumb scientist they think the large brain size came from meat eating. Oh b12 deficiency has nothing to say about the value of getting it from meat. The digestion of b12 is based on something called intrinsic factor and is one of the hardest nutrients to digest, because intrinsic factor is related to many things in your life having nothing to do with meat or veggies, stress reduces it big time. OH by the WAY long term vegatarians are deficient in b12 aswell so thats not a good argument. I would venture out to say that MOST (not all) vegans, and raw foodist have the eating disorders. They are denying what humans have been doing sense humans are humans. If you eat vegatarian simply because it feels better energetically and did not do it for philospohical purposes then, you can claim your body did it natrually. Love and respect to all those in the debate
  22. My scary Lipid Panel

    ORNISH WIL KILL YOU!!! EAT PALEO EAT PALEO EAT PALEO EAT PALEO EAT PALEO EAT PALEO EAT PALEO EAT PALEO im telling u stay away form ornish.For all choelestrol issues, eat PALEO
  23. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    All our emotional gunk and insecurities, fearsect.. is stored in the lower chackra's for the most part, those need to be nurtured aswell. And Meat is the only real source of b12 anyways bessides vitamins. So what do you mean using meat as the ONLY source? Veganism is unnarural for humans at best. We do however live unnatural in many ways now, so its possible.
  24. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    mike mahler is also a vegan and one strong mofo! He is the first guy doing the snatches. To clear he modles his diet after a meat eater. Plenty of fat and protien moderate carbs, but still vegan.