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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. Taoism and the feminine divine

    What happends in internal alchemy? You give BIRTH and make a immortal fetus. If thats not feminine symbology what is? The yin and yang symbol by all accounts of known symbology is a predominent female symbol. It does include the yang but the symbol is feminine. Water which holds laot of emohasis in the dao de jing is a femeinine elements. All the talk of be soft and yeilding in the dao de jing is feminine. Also he does refer many times to the dao as a mother or having feminine qualities. So how exactly is there not a feminine spin on all this? Also so what if lao zi was a flesh and blood man? There are male divine mother worshipers. Im not saying the male is not there but there is quite a female spin on things. Even the sexual practices of daoism are made to help us preserve our essencse and keep it within like a women and not release it like a man.
  2. Well some of the stuff came from daniel reid but not all of it. Oh I forgot to mention that they also practiced food combining. Some of it came form (story's) of people who have lived very very long (legends) but you analyze the story's and you can see they are daoist, then you look at the advice given. I think these legends are ways of transmitting info. You see it all over daoist stuff that they did not eat alot. So there is tha calorie restriction. They of course supplemented, you can find an old daosit remedy called (spring wine) on google. They did avoid grains. I dont know where but i have seen references where it was balieved that an animal living in the wild eating berries, roots and leaves were more nourishing that livestock and that (earth chickens) -wild- were better than home grown. I dont follow all these rules just a few I was just posting what I have gathered in an informal way across time.
  3. Seasonal local eating, avoiding grains, eating wild game/free range animals, fruits and vegtables, calorie restriction with optimal nutrition, They did not avoid fat, Supplemented diet with herbs and longevity formulas that contained both herbs and animal products.
  4. Veganism the the way many people practice is really unhealthy. With few supplements like B12 and s very intelligent approach its possible, but a raw food vegan is a pretty hard diet to be healthy on. Also Original toaist diets were not like the diets promoted by todays chinese medicine, they were much smarter than that.
  5. Water style boxing

    I guess im the odd one out i love that form! I think its beutiful and like it because it is less martial and more about energy, more about flow. What can I say i guess i like flowery, flowers are beutiful.
  6. Is there something wrong with nature?

    Firstly i really like your post, very clear and real. I do see what your are saying but i you made me think of a quote, "knowing your limitations, allows you to exercise your true power" I dont know just though id throw that in there for fun But Can of feel what your saying and i think that are situation is a mystery and cannot written off as evolution or creationalism. No idea what else there is!
  7. Water style boxing

    The two forms you put up do not seem to stress the knee to much, Am I correct? If so where can I get an instructional video. Not of the (flowery form) that would kill my knees. Thanks
  8. Water style boxing

    Its considered the fourth internal art and one of the most devastating of them. Not that flowery.
  9. My experience

    energy moving across the body. I have involuntary contractions just by focusing on how amazing the universe is. You dont need to be doing enerhy practice to have energy move around.
  10. Enhancing physical energy

    Well organic chicken, wild seafood and fish, Grass fed beef and game. Also by healthy fats I mean natural fats. grass fed/orgabic butter, raw dairy, coconut oil, nuts and seeds, cage free eggs, olive oil, sesame oil ect stay away fom margirine and vegtable oils and trans fat. natural saturated fat is not bad and is important for health. Stay away fom simple carbs if you want more energy. Stick with complex stuff. Strive for balance among the Macros first and then adjust to what works for you.
  11. retention makes you gay

    hey man its not a big deal and is actually a good thing. Its the blending of the male and female energies in the body and mind. Its not something to freak out about. Its not about being gay or str8 its simply intergration, relax. Women do not release there (ejaculation) so if you are not either you are tapping into that female force that female archetype and blending two polarities, embrace your feminine side. It does not mean be gay as for a man thats probably not good for your energetic system, to much yang vs yang going on. I once read on a TCM site that if you put two differnet sperm togther they will fight for supremecy. For women its not bad yin and yin. In my opinion it shows progress so again relax. The whole point is the yin and yang intergaion!
  12. Enhancing physical energy

    In large amounts L carnitine can fatigue you. And with the co Q 10 be modertae with the dose. The dosage should be 10 grams for a persons age in decades. If you over do it, it can have some fucky side effects. No sleep, heart racing, anxiety. Anyway try to eat more protien and healthy fats. That may help with energy.

    Ive tried yang, it hurts. i think im gonna stick with my own forms for now though. See what I can create and eveolve with. So yeah I habe been analyzing the taoist arts and boy were those guys geniuses. Take a look at the heart, now people have a big misconception of the right way to train the heart. A healthy youthful heart needs variability in its rythym. I needs to be able to shift speeds with ease, a healthy heart when observed will show variability. Now an unhealthy heart is more like a clock, very linear in its beat. most people train the heart like a clock with traditional aerobics. The bad thing is, is that you are training the heart in a way its not meant to work and end up causing inflamation in the heart muscle. Now look at chen tai, bagua, hsing-yi. Those were the original arts. They train the heart for variability. Shifting between speeds and intensity thus training the heart for variability, they found a balance between hard and soft in one continuous flow thus improving the way the heart works according to its real nature. They were also more stenuous so they ended up preserving muscle and bone mass, improving metabolism, releasing growth hormone and promoting insulin sensitivity. All this without heavily taxing the system like other forms of stenuous exercise, All this while also connecting the mind and body, moving energy and clearing the channels. Wow!

    Thanks for the responses guys very appreciated I do alot of joint mobilty and corrective exercise and it does help alot! Question here. I have alwyas been quite talenteded with a staff but have never been taught anything, it just comes very, very natural to me and I understand its workings. I dont do drugs (anymore) but a couple of years back i did Lsd and when i picked up my staff my understanding of it transformed from being and external art into an internal one> I began to understand the mechanics, the momentum, the feeling of being one with the staff. I have been training with one (self taught) for 10 years but have never put togther a sequence. i have been thinking about putting togther sequnces that or forms based on the 5 elements, one form for each. Of course the intent is to embody the element and get out of it what I would get out of other internal/external martials arts. Maybe when I master each form I can put up a video and you guys can critique it. The art will not be purley martial but also carrying movements that are ART first then martial. For some reason my knees dont hurt as much when i do my own thing. Any thoughts, sugggestions, ideas? thanks alot guys
  15. Is there something wrong with nature?

    I think you should look into kali, She may have some things to teach you. Good luck
  16. Raw meat

    So ralis you live in new mexico huh? me to im in rio rancho. Karen what do you think of raw grassfed meats, eggs, butter and raw milk and such in supporting healthy qi? Sense im gonna start soon. Also what do you think is the energetic differnece?
  17. Is there something wrong with nature?

    you see a parasite, i see interdependence, is see sacrifice (nature sacrificing one of its own for another of its own). You cannot say that nature is not perfect nor can you really say it is as that is a matter of perception. But by analyzing nature we see the Yin/yang and so nature must be both perfect and imperfect. It is my opinion that alot of what is being said is focusing to much on duality instead of seeing the union. What do we really know about perfection anyhow? Are we perfect? Humans are then what? Why do we consider ourselves so important. You compare cancer to lets say a bird. Now TO US the bird is beutiful but to the lion it looks like dinner. What about the cancer's reality? Do you think that a tree has any sense of a women being beutiful? What you are comparing your idea of perfect and imperfect is a snap shot of your secular reality but mine s different. So wjo is right? reality can be quite relative. You know the other day I saw a flying grasshopper and it fascinated me and so i went to take a pic of it. When I got close he flew off i watched him fly away and suddenly a bird swoops down and eats him. No i say oh no i cant belive he just died cuz of me. Then I realize that why starve the bird to save the hopper? I realized how small I am and How im connected to everything and Im just a small part of an ever turning wheel. I used to think just like you until I realized that there are very few absolutes. When you can value the snail as much as the human then you will no what is perfect and what is not. Im still on my way there so dont ask me any way good wishes
  18. Raw meat

    Yeah thanks for the responses guys. I am eating grass fed and range fed fed foods.
  19. Raw meat

    Oh i have lived on all meat diet before just not raw plenty of healthy cultures around the world do it or have done it I would be more cautious with raw vegan or vegan diet. i was jsut curious from a TCM view of the energy of yin yang in relation to raw meat. Thanks
  20. Raw meat

    Well daniel reids book on tao of health and longevity. He saids how raw meat has alot of enzymes. I know he personally eats raw meat. i researhed it and raw meat is loaded with a bunch of enzymes. Also a website called biology of kundalini states that raw food provides the quickest evolution. red meat is very nurishing to the root chackra hence why most kundalini awakened people need meat in their diet. I think alot of the ungrounded things we see in qi gong and such could be that there is not enough connection to the route. Carbs tend to excite the nervous system and meat diets tend to relax it. I plan on getting into alot of qi gong and energy work so i need good grounding. I am also going to do it in a calorie restricted life extenison way. The jump to raw meat is mine persay because i was a low carber and tend to go with a lot of their ideas.
  21. Raw meat

    Lets just say its complicated, But health and spirtuality. I know it goes against what everyone thinks but i have my reasons. meat helps to ground my kundalini. Also raw food is better for it according to some sources. Also i dont do to well well with produce my body prefers the meat.
  22. Is there something wrong with nature?

    without ugly there is no beutiful. Without sacrifice there is no reward. without hate where is love? without pain where is bliss? male and female? Lets turn it around without love there is no hate.\ When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises When it knows good as good, evil arises Thus being and non-being produce each other Difficult and easy bring about each other Long and short reveal each other High and low support each other Music and voice harmonize each other Front and back follow each other Therefore the sages: Manage the work of detached actions Conduct the teaching of no words They work with myriad things but do not control They create but do not possess They act but do not presume They succeed but do not dwell on success It is because they do not dwell on success That it never goes away regarding your "practice" It reminds me of a story. A student comes and tells his master that is meditation is not going well. That he is not feeling it and it is not flowing. the master saids dont worry it will pass. Another day the student goes to the master and saids that is meditation is going great and he can really focus, all is well. the master saids dont worry it will pass. maybe you should find a new practice. in the words of bruce lee. Absorb what is useful and reject what is not. remember that every perception is a reflection of who we are. Ask yourself do you know? Peace
  23. always aroused around girlfriend

    Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something?
  24. Spirit Guides

    I think Carl jung was on the money when he called such things archetypes. They are patterns of thoughts or thought forms which the mind turns into an image we can understand. Sort of decoding a message. Not that they have no power or that they are only the imagination. As it is quite clear that thoughts are things, can influence and have power. According to some quantam physicist they are the most powerful thing. It's just that its not a "spirit" the way we see it.
  25. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    What happend to "where the mind goes chi follows"? The mind does it all and is everything.