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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. Haiku Chain

    What is there to grasp? what is knowable in life? hold the self steady
  2. Not all spiritual traditions care about your expirience, some just want you to follow rules. Not all philosophys care about talking some care about expierince. The difference is a relative term i think.
  3. Haiku Chain

    pure lotus rising spirit sings a golden song love becomes solid
  4. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    The secret is full of shit BUT the law of attraction is not. All is mind. Quantam physics is saying that very loudly, so dont forget that. The secret people pissed off a whole bucnh of the physicist in that movie because of 'editing" their interviews, but never the less the priciples have solid ground in science and metaphysics. With the inner alchemy thing I agree mind is resposnible but not in a simplistic manner. The acupoints do exist, Mind and body are one so emotions would correspond to organs Ect.. In a world of infinite quantam possabilities we have the intent to perform a certain goal (alchemy, healing) and from that we collapse a possability (method, archetype, pattern) into existence, we create the method with our intent. It does not mean the method is not real or that archetypes are not powerful, its that we create with our intent and belief/interpretation and make a reality.
  5. Near death experiences

    A physicist that believes he has proven life after death and solved BIG problems in cosmology and physics. Its called Survival Physics. Ironically he saids the big bang did not happend and that (get ready for this guys) That Positive and Negative forces (he mentions yin/yang) are colliding into each other and creating matter in an infinite void. That we are all the same (soul) separated by information barriers (all is one) and that matter is a product of this force aswell. This is a SHORT summary you can find more/mathematics on google. http://www.victorzammit.com/afterlifeartic...ronpearson.html Oh the universe will give you exactly what you need in order to grow in the way your true heart desires. be carfeul what you wish for. Some physicist have seen how the present is in contact with the future and how we actually may be remembering ourselves and our lives into existence, so therefore you feel I future you want like feeling your "cosmic self" and it gets brought into existence some how, You basically are collapsing on a quantam possability into reality as it may not be exactly Who you were at the moment BUT who you wanted to be.
  6. Taoist Pick Up Lines

    hey babe im a taoist immortal, just think about the type of baby's I can make.
  7. Taoist Physical Exercise?

    Then why do so many Alchemist/energy practioners die young? After kundalini i definatley dont have the energy i used to physically. I have energy left in my lower chackras for sure but kundalni is not qi. Internal alchemy is not about about longevity, it is about an immortal soul, it prepares you to leave the body hence why some of thge practices ask you to exit the body so you know what that like for the time of death. certain tools of alchemy can be used to extend life. But many of the longevity practices aside from alchemy are there to preserve the body long enough to complete that task. If all you do is internal alchemy your body will become weaker and weaker while your energy body gets stronger thats why you need to balance it out with more physical things like martial arts, qi gung, self massage, zhan zuang, nutrition ect
  8. Taoist Physical Exercise?

    OI have been thinking about this and think I got and answer. Alchemy at least alot of internal forms is not really about life, its about death. Inernal energy practices go and transform jing into qi then into shen. How would that not weaken the physical body? It will give streghth tp spirit but..... Then we have the whole transforming sexual energy and lower energys into higher ones, again how is that good for the body? Sealing senses, kan and li, the orbit, the three treasures, birthing an immortal fetus, healing, emmiting Ect ect. these are not really practices aimed at longevity of the "physical body". How many daoist do make to old age in great health? Alot, with some amazing cases. What the difference? That there practices were usually not as transforming to the lower energy's as others were. Now "healing" the lower energy's is one thing, healing the emotions in the organs, giving power to the their elements, cleansing and opening channles, breathing exercises, "some" Higher work. Those are all still going to enhance the body i think, but transorming energy's is another story. I f you are bringing lots of energy from above into the lower I think you asking for early death or preparing your spirit to leave the body by speeding up its evolution. In a book I got it talks about how in an unelightened person the flow of energy in the orbit is up the front down the back and in a master/immortal its up the back down the front, so basically you are speeding up the spirit and giving it power with the orbit which in turns speeds up the prorcess of leaving the body i mean thats what the practice is there for in the first place.Any thoughts?
  9. Taoist Physical Exercise?

    They usually go in good healthy though, not completly blown to shit. Maybe its that their spirit is ready to go?
  10. Taoist Physical Exercise?

    You mean that these practices are advanced when you master them? In that case that is a good thing.
  11. Taoist Physical Exercise?

    Yes, exactly, the more you focus on spirit alone the weaker the physical body becomes. Also sending out alot of energy to people (healing) will suck you dry one way or another. I have been realzing latley aswell that really advanced energy practices, are not conductive to good health, not in todays world. That simpler methods like , inner smile, bone breathing, deep breathing, basic three dantien work, basic 5 element stuff that trunks has laid out, spinal breathing, accupressure, self massage, zhan zuanhg, chi gung, 6 sounds ect is much better for health and easier to balance properly and also if trully mastered each of these probably has alot to offer in terms of spiritual growth from what i hear. I was talking to a dim mak practioner and he told me that the Micro orbit weakens the physical body. he said that in dim mak to weaaken an opponent you swipe the energy up the back or down the front then you strike. You can actually kill someone that way from what I understood. Thats dim mak though. Anyway I also think creation was right when he said that really advanced chi manipulation should be done in a teachers presence. All the best to everyone.
  12. that is the funniest shit i have ever heard That was really good laugh.
  13. Well that maybe so but that does not mean he has nothing useful to offer in the way of getting a girlfirend which is kind of dependent on ego (sense of self) anyway. I dont go buy his stuff but some of the techniques for women work. Im married so not for me but i use to have my way with women and some of his stuff is useable in that respect. Absorb what is useful, reject what us not. This will only to help you get in the door but the heart and the truth will get you across the hall.
  14. Well im not sure traditional but there is a "daoist/alchemist" That teaches pretty interesting techniques. meditation-mantra.org You have to get to his you tube profile some how(i forgot), then there you can find it.
  15. Taoist Physical Exercise?

    Scott sonnons system of intuflow, clubbells is great. opens up all the channels, heals the joints, provides exercise. The original daoist martial arts are quite physical. Chen the (original) tai chi, bagua, xing yi. well hua to was against exausting the body but was up for a good sweat. from what I understand if you focus only on subtle energies you weaken the bodys dense nature (not good). Yin/yang my friend. Certain types of exercised aimed at the body can carry over to the channels and mind/emotions like scoott sonnons stuff, yoga, pilates and martial arts certain qi gungs.Vice versa many meditations and subtle energie practices aimed at the emotions/mind and channels carry over to physical body. You cannot have one without the other, body and mind are one, just some practices focus more on one aspect but to much of either will disbalance the system. the meditations address what cannot be done through exercise channels, emotions, quality of internal organs ect and exercises dense nature maintains the bodys structure. Remember though that the original intent of longevity was to live long enough to grow a powerful spiritual life. Good luck
  16. The vitamin B-12 in nato tempeh miso ect and many other plant sources are actually analogs of the vitamin. They actually interfere with the real vitamin and increas ethe need for it. I would not play around with b-12, the deficiancy can be like dementia, only reversable but still thats not cool. low b-12 alos gives high homocystiene levels not ood for a few things. Can also increase the risk of cancer. There is no way we were getting the amount we needed by being in the dirt, we ate animals and that indisputable. If you want to be a vegan simply supplement, why not? Just make sure its methylcobalamin and its sublingual tablets, those are the best and most easily assimalated. Because b-12 is hard to assimilate in the first place and there are certaian co factors in "meat" that help it along. Being a vegan is unnatural but that is cool as todays world is not really that natural and its better for the enviornment so if you are smart and supplement well "especially minerals,cofactors and specific amino acids" aswell as include certain foods then you can be healthy, just dont think that avoiding meat automatically makes you healthy because it does not.
  17. Thanks trunks. Hey what about mentally going through the channels? Well nei gung in addition to the accupressure. I have a book called qi gung empowerment that has an exercise called the 14 meridian circulation that looks similar but is done with yi. It goes through 14 channels and 108 accupoints. I have been feeling kind of hesitent about working with the channles lateley though, feeling I should keep to simpler stuff and do it with the accupressure. Hey that bone breathing link to the healing dao on your site is not working> just thought id let you know incase you were not aware of it. So trunks what would you say of this practice, easing off the heavy yi circulations? Joint mobility inner smile various breathing exercises spinal breathing accupressure grounding yi swallows chi bone breathing (possibly) self massage, kidneys, vital organs, ect Your 5 element stuff (great stuff) cultivating the virtue's om mani padme hum Absorbing heavenly and earth energy marrow washing (gentle) bagua Navel gazing/nourishing qi alligning the the 3 dantiens twin hearts meditation I am trying to keep it balanced and take alot of what you have told me into account
  18. Sorry if im being a bone head trunks but i am lost. Are you talking about the 6 paired meridans you have on that link? Also are you saying to Only do the 8 extra channels when you have a surplus of energy and instead focus on the regular accupuncture channles, the basic ones on the skin that correspond to the organs? I need it laid down nice and thick.
  19. tummo

    Pretty cool study on tummo from harvard http://www.hno.harvard.edu/gazette/2002/04.18/09-tummo.html thought you guys might like it Does anyone know how to do this and why use it? Also to any KAP practitiners, I was talking to santi and he told me it was a good Idea to meditate on the elements but we got destracted and he never told me how. How would you meditate on each element?
  20. Well thanks for the response i will look in the frolics. By hua to right? but I really do feel All the above mentioned is pretty basic safe stuff. I like to explore, and if i dont do pretty powerful stuff even if that power comes from several weaker things i cant balance my self out. Also If you look at the KAP curriculum you see they have alot of stuff. Im not in KAP cant afford it as im 19 and out of work right now. I think kundalini is giving me a brake so I can balance this all out and find the right practices. But I have talked to Santiago and he does alot of stuff and has balanced himself out so im trying to take some of his advice. Oh Im not going to try to directly focus on opening the orbit withn what I mentioned its more just for overall maintence of the etheric body and spirtual life. Thanks for all the responses everyone
  21. 50,000 hours

    you have an interesting soul. Magic, I agree, is will/intent. The mind is the true reality, the physical is also mind. All is conscoiusness. (spelled wrong)
  22. Well thanks for the encouragment! It makes me feel better kknowing i will be doing something that is better for me. Hopefully i can find balance I habe beeen struggling with kundalini for a few years. Creation These are some of the things I alos plan On doing Any comments? should I just oush foward. 6 Healing sounds om mani padme hum- mantra bone breathing simple bascis stuff trunks has laid out on jis site like, 5 element/organ stuff> its really basic simple gentle stuff Like focusing on connecting the heart and small intestine with attention to there already existing connection. Gate breathing (palms,feet,crown, perineum) Some simple bagua water meditation (cleansing the body with water visualization) Pulsing thanks creation, any suggestions besides this
  23. I dont get it what do you mean. I am not trying to move the kundalini energy. I am not only doing this for longevity im trying to balance out my spiritual life. Re you saying the a "kundalini man" Should not be doing alot of qi work? because it can cause some sort of problem maybe? You know weirdly enough I have been getting that same feeling. That maybe I should stick to simpler stuff. Breathing exercises, inner smile, lower dantein work,twin hearts meditation, dantien balancing, accupressure, grounding ect. Just energy work but not activaley trying to stick kundalini into a specific flow. Any thoughts? Edweir thanks for the thourough response.
  24. yeah I was going to follow mantak chia's but started to see he has a few dangers in his system and its incomplete. Cant afford micheal winn becuase he does not have anything low cost. Right now what I have at home is A whole bunch of stuff from trunks site. A mantak chia book awakening healing light of the tao, Qi gung empowerment, As well as a few print outs including that link that was posted in response to this thread. i have been looking and cannot find a system. So I am blending alot of knowledge but sticking to the basics. Inner smile, little orbit, micro, macro, 8 vessles, absorbing earth and cosmic energy into the channles, navel gazing, nourishing qi, self accupressure ect. Trunk has some safe and gentle 5 element basics and gentle basic kan and li stuff that I might do. Im not messing with the really advanced stuff as I cant find a whole system. But Is there any particular order you can reccomend to me to follow? Trunks I did not see a sequence there in the thread you mentioned. Was there one there? Also That worries me a bit, does meditation on the 8 vessles weaken you? does it take energy from the regular meridians or does it energize them? god im so confused.
  25. Not according to the books I have. The books I have and the sources I have seen simply include the 4 limbs as the macrocosmic orbit. The belt and thrusting channels come later. THe eight extraordinary vessels circulation includes all the channels but not the macrocosmic orbit.