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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. Hey guys is it possible to string together a bunch of qi gung exercises from different sources sytems and practice as your own set?
  2. Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi

    Hry guys on there are two forms the first and second level. Some of the second level forms focus more on the legs and hurt my knees,some dont. Do you think its okay to take out the moves That i am okay with and ignore the other ones and just add the moves from the second form to the first one to make a longer form? Or do you think that would cause something energetcally?
  3. http://www.second-opinions.co.uk/carn_herb_comparison.html We are not herbovores
  4. T'ai Your Own Chi

    I tried it but my movements look alot like chen tai chi some fast then some slow. It feels good. But are you sure that the movemnts clean the channels and dont cause any problems that we wont be aware of? Will it really promote a free flow of chi like the other arts? I seem to have a small chest pain on the left side after. Could it be clearing of the heart and lug meridans as I know I have quite a few emotional blockages in that area? Thanks alot for the response.
  5. You know 11:33 i would love to see a taoist that lives a relaxed life (like many taoist did) without alot of wordly responsability avoids grains eats meat practices martial arts (tougher ones) Chi gung Chinese medicicne (herbs, massage, accupressure, acupunture) Breathing exercises some nei gong study's daoist philosophy's and arts regulates sex life (properly) without some lofty goal except good health Then with all of the above covered we can see a 120 year old BUT how many actually do All that?
  6. T'ai Your Own Chi

    Im quite curoius? How is it done
  7. Raw meat

    hey guys is raw red meat a yin or yang food? Is it balanced? Same thing for raw eggs? Also what about goat butter? I am starting a raw animal foods diet and am trying to get a clear picture on the whole thing. I know raw fruits and veggies are yin so i wanted to know. Now I dont know why but my hands are always cold. I think that could mean a yin constitution? Also I did mantak chia taoist astrology and it saids I have alot of yin energy. Thanks guys
  8. Well with all do respect that point is pointless because just about wherever you go there is wild life all year round that can be hunted OR meat can be dried and preserved. Compared to vegetation meat is higher in calories so it will kepp you alive longer and ONE animal just ONE can sustain human life.SUCH as living off buffalo (more bang for your buck), Organs are VERY high in Vitamins and minerals, ALOT higher than any plant. NO one plant can sustain human life. So that whole vergatarian idea of food being shipped as being the same as game/meat is not really A good comparison. Also your idea about getting your hands dirty is relative becuase i you were a human needing to eat meat to survive, were raised to do so and your concept of spirituality was different then it would be second nature to you just like taking a bath as it is and was to many meat eating societies. I trully mean no disrespect by pointing out your point has no ground to stand under. All the best http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...sa%3DN%26um%3D1 This guy is 55 and has been a CARNIVORE or MEATATARIAN for 20 years. Health is very acheivable without vegtables.
  9. Haiku Chain

    go right now in peace the mind is clear, love prevails victory, heaven
  10. that form is actually the one from the dvd beginers qi gung found at whole foods! With garipolli (forgot first name) pretty powerful stuff actaully
  11. 11:33 we are very different from rats in the way that food and metabolism dance together VERY DIFFERENT so that is of little relavence, But Dao child We are not vegan animals. There are few purely vegan animals as most eat insects and bugs but thats beside the point. NO animal on earth is attempting to do what VEGANS are trying to do. There are herbovores, frugovores, ruminators Ect there Are no animals that do a combination of all the above Like Vegans. Second the only thing that remotley allows you to survive is civilization as there is no way that people living in nature could survive on a VEGAN diet. Why? Becuase fruit does not grow year long only seasonaly, vegtables are pour sources of calories and macronutrients, nuts again same thing as fruit. Grains well thats a different story but they are not good for you so. No culture besides the hindu indians are vegans, humans did not eveolve on vegatation, We have these big brains because we started eating meat. Right now I can point Out about a dozen biological adaptions to meat and few if any to vegetation. This diet is only possible in an unnatural world as it is an unnatural diet. Meat does not cause cancer if you were asking that question regarding the rats. all the best
  12. the okinawans too! Hara hachi bu= eat until 80 percent full. There was also a study done on humans following the diet for a few years. They had the blood pressure of 10 year olds! I agree i dont think its gentically programmed ALTHOUGH I do believe genes do help! Read a book called Biology of Belief, Now that is a book. He is a doctor that was a pioneer in the field of epigentics (a frontier science) that basically showing how we control our genes and they are not destiny. So if you BELIEVE genes determine longevity I hope your parents had bood health as our attitude towards aging influence how it will happen. This is his site check out these articels they are some gems! http://www.brucelipton.com/article/a-romp-...e-quantum-field http://www.brucelipton.com/article/the-wisdom-of-your-cells http://www.brucelipton.com/article/the-wis...ol-your-biology http://www.brucelipton.com/article/the-wis...ur-cells-part-3 This is also why i think that the meditations focused on organs Inner smile, 5 elements, would definatley increase longevity. as would visualizations aimed at healing.
  13. 11:33 I would really suggest you take a look at trunks site. Longevity on its own is an empty goal and will leave you feeling empty. Taoism will produce similar or greater "REGULAR" longevity compared to other longevity systems BUT it about HOW we live and what meaning our life has thats important. LIFE IS RELTIVE. So if taoism works on the basic level then why not. So its not a good idea to throw out the baby with the bath water. Trunks is right, to many people get way to into the whole immortality Ect As OPPOSED to trully focusing on the health potnetial (which in taoism's path can also nourish spirit in a GENTLE way). remember that many of the people we see die young were probably not really doing this and were either,- fighters, healers, immortality chasers and EATING GRAINS (bad Idea). Now what kind of longevity can we achieve By - Avoiding grains Breathing exercises joint mobility/exercise accupressure/ self massage BASIC, GENTLE nei gong like Inner smile, 6 sounds, gentle versions of the more complex stuff (trunks site!) Chi gung LLT work These practices will probably produce great longevity, a calm spirit and a good life.
  14. What Do Monks Eat Everyday?

    vegatarianism/veganism is a religon, I dont think its about meds!
  15. An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory.
  16. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    quantam physics.
  17. The Secret deleted first 7 minutes

    I wonder why they did that, That was good material.
  18. Haiku Chain

    Haiku chaos reins peace burdens the unwilling unknowable truth
  19. the thing is that its pretty easy to maintain a fair levels of health and mobility well into old age even if your not doing taoist internal arts. Just dont live like your trying to kill yourself (junk food, not exercising, smoking stressing, AND not attending to the soul) So taosim is more about basic longevity AND the cultivation of spirit as well as keeping you in good health while alive. Taoism fills your life with philosophy, art, practices, culture, peace and awe for the universe and existence. It is a beutiful archetype that we choose to embrace Its also about individuation. So the way i see it taoism is about living a good life not only a really long life. I may be true that really long life may only happen in really high levels of cultivation, BUT, that is the only reason to live so long, so that you can finish that cultivation, That usually requires most of your waking attention anyways so.... That what your life becomes. Taoism and its practices are tools to live a good life.
  20. Also 11:33 one more thing i forgot to mention, chinese people are way more adapted to eatin vegeatation than most other races. their pancreas and salivary glads a bigger than most, so that might have something to do with the vegan diet. They In any case are a more evolved race as for the earth to survive we will all eventually need those gentic changes Heart attacks, obesity, What? Thats new what are you reffering. I have read that intense packing and other dumb shit like that can screw you up.
  21. Haiku Chain

    I like mine spicy with a sweet lemon zest lifes simple pleasures
  22. Most of the stories I have heard concern martial arts, chi gung, breath work, Basic/gentled meditation, herbal and nutrition therapy, self massage, sex regulation. I have not heard stories of fancy methods extending life. Not making conclusions just saying what i have read/heard. I would seem that such a life style would promote quite a healthy life.
  23. The Secret, is it BS? (Law Of Attraction)

    You seem to have alot of disdain and hate for the ego. If you try to rid yourself of it and constantly avoid it, it then becomes an act of the ego, seeking to rid itself of this horrible thing, as it is wrong. becareful ehgo takes over. you are not speaking in an egoless fashion.
  24. Hey guys I just got my wuxing analysis which is suppose to help guide you to practices more suited for the individual. Depending on the chart it lets you know which method is best for you so you can balance out and harmonize. Well i have A BIG defiency in wood, water, metal. I have normal fire and ALOT of excess earth. So Fire methods would seem to exaberate that imbalance (I am really attracted to fire methods) But that might be a bad thing sense I find them hard and exausting. Anyway i plan On getting BK's book of relaxing into being. I know there is no pure water or fire method but of these methods which ones are more fire and water. shibashi Tai chi bagua chi gung inner smile secret smile 6 sounds grounds 5 animal frolics zhan zuang deep breathing/dantein breathing, applying the 3 locks ect.. water visualization meditation (I ask because its a Visulaization) moon mediatation/ Moon is realted stronlgy to water but is an astral body, So? Also any water practices I should do? Any tips on how to fix the imbalance. Oh Im yin earth person in case that matters. Thanks guys Its abig help
  25. Wuxing Analyisis and Fire or Water Method

    http://www.healingtaousa.com/astrologycenter.html Here you go my fellow tao bum I do think they sould be used to determine proper practice for the individual. Maybe thats why we see some cultivators/healers/alchemist die young because they are causing an imbalance in the body with practice,nutrition, art Ect ect I dont know maybe im off