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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. Not so new agey. this is the last world in hinduism. Called kali yuga this is the last world in the hopi tradition called the 5th world this is the last age in the mayan calender known as the fourth world They all kind of agree There are a few more that I dont recall but these traditions seem quite old to me. Aswell as the fact that ALOT of strange shit is happening on a planatery and cosmic level. So its not that wild to think something may happend. Taoism is great but no one traditions holds it all. these prophecy's of the world ending are not new age huey, that does not mean that they are true pursay, just that its not new age. Also the magnetic reversal of the poles is without a doubt a fact and we are expected to have anotherone 9as we have had many in the history of earth) at anytime becuase we are over due. edgar cayce new age or not was one amazing dude.
  2. HUH? where did you get that idea from what i said? Also reiki is art not ki. Hence reiki.
  3. I guess it depends most GOOD systems stress storing energy in the LTT after practice and from there it will go where it must. Also chi has no direct intelligence but is manipulated by the meridians so I would assume the meridians must be clear for chi to flow everywhere as Chi is needed everywhere!
  4. qigong empowerment question

    For safety and effectivness what I have read and talked to others about aswell as have had some expeirnce with, these books are at the top. Opening your energy gates relxaing into being the great stillness Qi Gong for Total Wellness: Increase Your Energy, Vitality, and Longevity with the Ancient 9 Palaces System from the White Cloud Monastery transform stress into vitality jin shin do: accupressure way to health intuflow: from scott sonnon
  5. Magick! Is It Real?

    Very true because magick works on the premise the mind can affect the material and spiritual world. Which according even to some of history's most gifted physicist should be able to happen. And there are experiments that have pretty much proven that mind can alter the material world and objects. So I would assume it real if you accept it as such and align yourself with that reality.
  6. Western Magick and Emptiness

    I think they are perfectly complimentary if you are the type of person who can intergrate the two. But what bardon is doing is teaching you how to cultivate the POWER of the mind and bruce is trying to calm the mind. Alot of power can come from a calm mind. But i dont know what the magiks long term goal is????
  7. qigong empowerment question

    Well physically we are different and emotionaly aswell. The energetics around us are also different. Like for example the salivary glands and the pancreas of an asian can be 50% bigger than ours. Hence the whole of their metabolism will be different. Insulin sensitivity will be higher. Then we look at the actual structure. people in the east squat. they squat alot and will sit around for hours from childhood and into old age in a squat position while talking,eating, whatever, as a consequence there bones infuse in such a way that they can get into a rock bottom squat and their lower backs remain relativily str8, their knees dont take alot of pressure sense their is little restriction in the hips. So at their KWA, ROOT ect.. they are much more open and aligned in a much more natural manner than the average westerner who cant even squat rock bottom LET ALONE keep thier backs str8 and knees healthy. If you work at it eventually you may be able to get better at it but the bones are SET in childhood into puberty ect.. so right there is a drastic difference. We know that the physical body affects the energetic one. on a mind level asians tend to be much more community orientated and family orientated than westerners who are much more "fuck you this is my life" on average and on a collectice level. Also traditionally western traditions usually find meaning from without themselves and many eastern traditions put more emphasis on finding meaning from within. Our brains also work different in that our language is opposite to each other in structure and hence the sides of the brain and the way they interact with words and written words is opposite. We are much more left brained and chinese our more right brained on average. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west hence enviornmentally the energy is probably different. i mean we are pretty much opposites in many ways so hence something energetically is different as you can see.
  8. Well you wont find junk science in PPLP. The doctors are very real about what they do. It is still a RECOMENDATION that even after you finish GCBC that you check out the archives at the PPLP site. WOW! is all i can say about some of the info. But you are correct in that you will get alot more in GCBC but at the same time they are both really drawing on alot of the same science. If you want to be able to sit down and teach doctors about the dynamics of human metabolism then GCBC is a good reference
  9. Thats great! yes very dense book. protein power lifeplan can still offer some tidbits here and there which are good to know IMHO. But if you feel satisfied by GCBC then by all means follow your heart.
  10. qigong empowerment question

    I have the book and think it is good but is missing some detail on many of the exercises. it was never meant to be a one stop shop but and encyclopedia. So whatever you do i would seek out a more detailed source and use Qi empowerment as a reference. Reverse breathing drives energy into the lower dantien. But it can cause alot of problems if it starts to become habitual (programmed into nervous system) also people have enough trouble breathing in a natural pattern as it is, So it seems a little crazy to start doing reverse breathing until you can breate for REAL. Plus what alot of people dont realize and micheal winn has written about this is that the western energy body and body in genral is different than the asian one. Those breathing patterns may not be healthy for everyone.
  11. Well for whatever reason you seem to not have understood what it is you were talking about. So therefore I made that deduction. I may have been wrong but that was my impression as you were wrong as to what you think archetypes are, so..... Maybe what you read 35 years ago was wrong? As archetypes obviosly exist to some degree... You can try to bypass them I guess... just like you can try to bypass the physical body in search of spirtual growth. You are right though it does come from thinking BUT just because it comes from thinking does not mean it is a filter Also carl jung did not reach his conclusions by "thinking about it" he Imersed himself in the mind as a recluse for years. people thought he was crazy but what he saids is what he found through expeirence. Also how do you explain the fact that culture's around the world thought of and came up with Dragons, elves, fairies ect.. Or alchemy, shamanism ect... All EXTREMLY similar when these cultures had no way what so ever of having contact. There is SOME validity to what he is saying. But hey no more need to debate
  12. Agreed! BUT.....you cannot call something babble or untrue until you fully understand it. HOW on earth can you say that you dont agree with this threory or whatever when you have not even taken the time to disvalidate it? You just ASSUME hence: project, imagine, speculate.... that is not true but what you are possibly disagreeing with is your own prejustice towards something NOT the thing. Anyway I will read on thank you!!
  13. Well the simple fact (according to the theory) is that being human is a conustruct of energetic archetype's that shape the ONLY possible way we can percieve the world. They in essence are what make you human. The search for self realization is simply to empower the archetype of the self which is the organzing priciple that joins the other archetype's of the personality. The process is simply aliigning the opposite's archetypes and creating harmony within them. When perfect harmony existing between the predominant archetypes that sorround self then you are a realized being. The way it is described is that archetypes our not a CONSTRUCT of the mind but are primorial PATTERNS that shape our existence. So simply wanting to transcend what you mistakingly believe to be archetyp's is initself the archtype of transendence, the seeker, or spritual priciple embbeded deep within. Maybe you should pickup up a few book's about carl jungs theory's as they will be much more informative than most other sources (which are incomplete) out there.
  14. No archetype huh. So the dragon, tiger, archer, hands in the stream ect.. forms in zhan zuang are not archetypes? Ocean breathing-not an archetype? The five animal frolics? bagua and circle walking as representing the I ching and the universe? the yin and yang symbol? Pushing away heaven and earth? For godsake the whole of taosim is archetype's! I could go on forever and metion a hundred more. CARL JUNG studied taoism and it helped form his theory. Either you dot fully understand archetypes (which regarless of what they are called, DO INDEED HAVE REAL POWER!) or you are in denial. Becuas archetypes are at the heart pf taoism.
  15. Dao child read the link I put up then tell me what you think. Alos check ouy a book called the "The Body Electric" It basically explains how the healing response is mitigated by electrcity. This researcher himself is famous for his work on regenaration. he also did study;s for the governement regarding acuprssure points and found them to have special electrical properties. SOOOOO the points have been measured SEVERAL times by many DIFFERENT researcher's in the east and the west. But even if it had not, It is absolutley not true that "we would have found it by now" sense we learn more and more about the bosy and things we did not even know were there. What Is being said in most study's is acupunture's effectivness verse fae acupuncture. First in chine when the DOC sticks you he also uses Chi in the needle. Also we do not always know how the condition was diagnosed (in the study's) and how it was done ect... Maybe if the study's were on actual ENTIRE treatment of TCM by an expeirined doc VS a complete sham treatment or On herbs without accupuncture or a western treatment ECT... they have not taken real care on researching this subject.
  16. It seems like the meridians really are electrical phenomena. So if anything it would simply imrpove communication between the organs and with the nervous system. So to "stimulate" the electrical signals the organ is recieving and giving and possibly cleansing emotional chemical messengers that may have affinitys for these electircal circuits and or organs. sooooo as a consequense I do not think it is a cure all on its own. How many of the study's done really comebine qi gung, breathing exercises, herbal medicine AND acupuncture prescribed By a EXPERIENCED TCM practioner. remember it has always been several things used to treat patients not just acupunture alone! If this paper below is correct it seems Stimulating the elctrical pathways (by the way electricity is PROVEN to be ONE OF THE main healing agent's in the body) Then it would probably not be enough on its OWN for most maladies BUT in conjuction with everthing else gives that little extra on an electrical level to promote healing. Herbs work on the chemical, breath and chigung work onm the physical and Archetype's assciated with the body (I think TCM works through archetypes aswell). hey guys really read this! its a little dense though. http://www.i-sis.org.uk/lcm.php You know most of the acupoints are found between the muscles inside the connective tissue.
  17. Boycott Science!

    Who's with me? just felt like joking about it sense there is some much discussion about it lately.
  18. Boycott Science!

    i was just joking, damn. altthough I do agree completely with josh young, It will change and reality will shift and somehow AlOT (not all) of what we consider true today will one day be considered false. So what do we know? What is the big picture?
  19. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlere...i?artid=1142259 http://www.ortho.lsuhsc.edu/Faculty/Marino...cupuncture.html this one is awesome http://www.i-sis.org.uk/lcm.php It is interesting to note the importance the of connective tissue in chi theory. Maybe its is bio electricity and the nervous system. like scott sonnons stuff-stimulating the nervous ystem and affecting the muscles and connective tissue could have effects on these theoretical structurs and opening channels. Also it could be that these structures (rougly correspond to organs) http://www.camresearch.net/showabstract.php?pmid=12467083 some stuff With the hree dantiens i am still in shock about that. There is a LITERAL brain in our gut. There is a LITERAL brain in our heart and there is a liertal brain well in our head. This could all be a series of electrical networks and magnatism ect... If so it would all make so much sense...
  20. Man my hand is there and I can feel it. The nerves light up when we do. how the hell is that imagination? The ancients use to speak of a THOUSAND accupressure points. So How do we know that they are not affecting one of the undocumented ones?
  21. Traditionally Taoist do some kind of practice. Not for the sake of practice but for what it does to you. Transformation, union, understanding ect.Taoist have a million techniques for a million things becuase so many different daoist have developed different practices for Health and longgevity and for the spirit. so it would seem that a daoist is more than simply reading the dao de jing. But is is also that. I daoist is someone who is a daoist.
  22. Send me a picture or a name. After i meditate and have some juice I send you some chi. I am not by any means a pro but I can do it. I have healed my wife and sent her energy where she like this is to much.
  23. Dude are you saying that feeling my hand by focusing on it is my imagination? Uh there are actual things happeing and the nerves around that area are firing. Thats not imagination that is FOCUS. Cold hands can be other things besides circulation. I also said THAT MUCH stronger as to feel such a POWERFUL flow. As a vegatarian which i think you are correct? It can make that cold hands thing worse. You need some animal fat! Why doesnt some medication work, if things like this are a placebo? I know people who had a disease, went back and forth between treatments and nothing. then they see an acupuntureist and BOOM healed the NEXT DAY! Why didnt the placebo effect kick in for those poeple with regular treatments? becuase maybe there is more to it than that.
  24. Definition? LOL Jk white tiger alot of people who classify themselves as daoist are not. I think they misunder stand it. Taoism is an ancient, continuously evolving group of practices that are not well known and are difficult to define. Taoism doesn't have a single founder the way Buddhism does. It is a discipline of collected wisdom from many sources over several thousand years. The essence of Taoism is a way of discovering yourself and the entire world. Towler (1997) describes it as " a deeply spiritual but decidedly non-religious way of life." ~ Ron Catabia, SunDo Associate Master "Lower Tancheon Psychotherapy," The Empty Vessel, 2007 PRACTICES, Attitude, a deep awe and contemplation of mystery and a grey (not black and white) undertanding of things is what i consider a taoist.