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Posts posted by SmallFrameGrandUltimateFist

  1. Until recently I did AdvancedYogaPractices. I’ve read some of Tibetan Ice’s posts critiquing AYP, and I agree with much of what he’s said.


    I’m fully expecting some people to make comments like ‘every path leads up the mountain’ or to tell me not to judge. But as everyone’s mind works on the same principles, clearly practices need to be based on certain principles if they are to lead up the mountain. In other words, every VALID path leads up the mountain, and not all are valid. The first step towards truth is fair and open debate to spot falsehood.


    I followed AYP for under 2 years compared to TI’s 4 and a half, but I feel like I should add my thoughts on the matter so people can make an informed decision on the pros and cons of Yogani’s system.




    ‘Deep Meditation’

    The core of AYP is DM, which is a meditation where you mentally repeat a mantra invented by Yogani, in an effortless way. It’s basically TM, but with a different mantra.


    This method worked for me for a while, but ultimately, by the nature of the practice, it leads to a dead end. If you just watch the mind use the mantra, then your coarser mental processes will slow down and the mantra will refine. However, once the mantra refines into silence what do you do to go further? You’re told to use no sustained effort whatsoever, so you rest in that fuzzy pseudo-clarity for a while until the mantra comes back.


    If you’re lucky, you might experience samadhi once in a while, for a brief time. But I am aware of no AYP practitioner who’s really refined their mind and mastered any level of samadhi. I haven’t reached samadhi yet (I’ve only been into this stuff for about 2 years, and much of that time was in AYP), but I can tell you that towards the end with AYP it was getting clear that I wasn’t advancing any further. Indeed, TM’ers only seem to reach a basic relaxation that could be achieved by repeating any word mindlessly (and remember, DM basically is TM).


    DM is better than nothing, so long as you manage not to end up cultivating torpor. I did get into the habit of meditating at least, and was able to reach a slightly clearer, slightly more refined mental state than before. And I 100% agree that meditation and suchlike is more important than working with prana. That's one area Yogani is spot on, IMO. But since I started anapana instead, the difference is obvious: much richer, more natural, smoother. Anapana has stages leading on to samadhi, and the right balance between sustained effort and force. As does any real technique.


    Someone posted on the AYP forum:




    Is this really desirable?



    AYP pranayama


    The pranayamas in AYP are focused on the sushumna nadi as far as the third eye, then forward to between the eyebrows. You take prana up on inhale and down on exhale along this route for the basic 'spinal breathing', in 'spinal bastrika' you breathe faster a la bastrika pranayama, and there are some which include kumbhaka. There is little direct focus on the chakras, which I feel is wise. What's the point of making the pump powerful if the pipe is still clogged?


    AYP practitioners seem unusually rife with kundalini issues and whatnot. Yogani says this is because the practices are so powerful, but I doubt it. I think it's because there are flaws in their design.


    Holding mulabanda on inhale and exhale is a very unusual practice. It means that on the exhale you are taking the combined prana and apana from the inhale back down to the root to combine with yet more apana and prana. Anyone doing that for even slightly too long would have the equivalent of an uncontrolled fusion reaction taking place right where the kundalini rests.


    Also if the prana and kundalini starts really flowing, it will go up the sushumna and have nowhere else to turn because none of the other nadis are properly developed yet. The classic yoga pranayamas often don't ask you to direct the prana along a particular nadi, so that the whole system can clean up naturally, in a balanced way.


    I now do simple nadi shodana pranayama, with kumbhaka after the inhales, with no attempt at all to guide the prana. It's much better. I actually feel the prana doing its thing more than I did with AYP, but that prana can flow how it should all around.


    It's not that guiding prana is bad in itself. It's just that AYP does it without forethought, and exclusively in one area. What about the feet, arms, sides, back, front?


    AYP claims working on the sushumna automatically clears the whole system because it’s the main channel, so more prana through there, more flushing along the whole system. But that’s nonsense because prana, like everything else, tends to take the path of least resistance. Technically it’s correct, but you’d need to do AYP pranyama for two hundred years to really get somewhere. It would be like flushing a fire hose down the Nile to try to clear pollution from the world's entire water system.


    And even then, you’re still not past the form skhanda!



    The AYP approach to asanas


    I never practiced the AYP asana sequence as it’s in the books and I never bought any of them (judging by the contents pages, it’s just the online lessons and a little more). However, the AYP approach of asanas being a relatively minor practice, and as a warm-up for pranayama and meditation, is something I really agree with. The other 7 limbs are somewhat overshadowed by asana these days, and AYP tries to counteract this. Good job Yogani!


    AYP recommends siddhasana as the posture to sit for practice. I did it for a while, although without back support (AYP suggests back support, but unless you need it I think it increases risk of torpor) and it was OK, but after a while I gave it up and sat cross-legged. Try siddhasana, it might work for you though.



    'Self pacing' and terrible kundalini advice.


    AYP advises people pace themselves if they have issues. Sensible, though maybe Yogani wouldn’t have to devote so much time to saying this if his practices were better designed. Tibetan Ice exposes the crap advice AYP gives to people with kundalini issues here.



    The ‘scenery’ half-truth


    In AYP all experiences are treated as scenery on the road to enlightenment. While I certainly advise not getting fixated on flashy stuff along the way, this motto isn’t quite right. A more accurate statement would be ‘experiences aren’t the destination so don’t get sidetracked, but some of them are really useful signposts’. Astral projection is scenery. Insignificant pranic experiences are scenery. Contact with advanced beings who can guide you is not scenery, so long as you are sensible and don’t obsess over it at the expense of your practice!


    Some experiences are signs that you should change your practice. The experience of going nowhere told me it was time to leave AYP. The experience of breath stopping in anapana is a sign to shift focus from the physical breath to prana, or a namitta, or what have you to progress to samadhi. Yogani doesn’t seem able to understand this:




    Which brings us neatly to my next point...



    ‘Inner stillness’ and ‘ecstatic conductivity’


    Yogani sees the stillness when thoughts slow down as the Self, not realising that there are layers of the psyche still working outside this small bubble of silence. What of the chitta, buddhi, and the levels of samadhi? You won’t get to them because you need focused awareness to do that! Yogani has the audacity to say that inner stillness is the Self, when it isn’t even anywhere near the consciousness skhanda, let alone beyond it; beyond existence and non-existence, subject and object, space and time. AYP’ers end up clinging to a little bubble of stillness, which is often not even real stillness but just torpor, as the friggin’ absolute basis of reality!


    Ecstatic conductivity is defined as a pleasurable flow of prana through the opened sushumna. AYP really says this is HALF of enlightenment? It’s surely just a foundational stage of pranic development, and (ironically!) scenery. AYP does say to its credit that ecstatic conductivity alone leads nowhere, but I still think it makes much too big a deal of it.





    Tibetan Ice goes into this here.



    AYP Tantra


    To Yogani, Tantra is just sexual practices.


    But hey, at least he acknowledges the need to retain veerya/jing and transmute it, although once again the theory behind this is very flaky in AYP. Semen actually travelling up into the brain? Obviously not! The seminal fluid is just a physical counterpart of veerya, not the veerya itself.


    Many yogis these days don't mention this AT ALL, so big kudos to Yogani there.





    Is AYP all bad? No. I wasn’t harmed personally during the nearly 2 years I practiced it. As I say, it did get me started and through AYP I was able to develop beyond the level where it still helps you. There are some nuggets of good stuff mixed in there!


    Read the AYP lessons as food for thought and to exercise your skepticism muscles if you like, but don't do their practices. AYP is an experiment and its practitioners are the guinea pigs...

    You said alot there and to be honest I did not read through it all but I will tell you that this practice is very beneficial. You are looking for something else, yet you are already there. Once you find the original nature, you must accept it and steep. I don't know about AYP I do know some basic Yoga however, I can say that all these arts yield the same thing, if you achieve the same goal. I do not consider myself a Taoist, even though I have been gifted with many Taoist arts, I am grateful but I also know that many other systems from many different culturres yield the same thing. We are human beings and though there are many different techniques there is also the limitation of our beings, no matter how many different ways you augment it, eventually it simply becomes minor variations of the same thing. I have always sought universal principle, most get stuck in their way and become trapped by it's ideals, this is unfortunate much wisdom is lost by becoming one sided. Best of Luck to you in your training.

  2. I have been struggling with this in my mind as well, I know I have something that few have, I will not say that non have it but I know it is very few. Though many believe they have it. Though I view it as sacred and profitting from it has always seemed so wrong. Perhaps there is a way where one can give good and get good back.

  3. Hello friends,


    I am stuck in a bit of a dilemma here...


    This last December, I had what I am very positive to be a Kundalini awakening. I cannot say 100% for sure, but I am still pretty damn sure. The only reason I am not 100% sure is because it was incredibly frightening and traumatizing, whereas for most people, it seems like it is bliss. It basically felt like I was dying and my heart was going to explode. Afterwards, I had many of the debilitating Kundalini symptoms such as body shakes, spontaneous heat and cold, intense pressure in the head, etc. etc.


    On the positive side, it seems it has brought up some amazing insight and intuition and clarity into the "higher goal", if that makes any sense.


    Anyway, my question is: does Kundalini have the ability to remove entities, or at least make you work through your karma in such a way that the entities might leave?


    I have pretty much ALL the signs and symptoms of being the host to a very bad entity. The other day I finished reading through Sifu Jenny Lamb's website and it really is spot on. So I decided to email her and inquire about healing and entity removal.


    The thing is, though, that for some reason, I am absolutely 100% confident that even if I actually do have the worst entity imaginable, that I really can get rid of it on my own, either by letting Kundalini do it's thing or through hard diligent practice. Maybe not in one day, but if I continue doing the right things that I am doing now, that it will clear up on it's own. Am I delusional in thinking this?


    The other problem as mentioned before, is that getting a confirmation from someone who holds a lot of spiritual authority such as Sifu Jenny that I may indeed have an entity, would only reinforce the idea and make things unnecessarily worse.

    I partially agree with what songstan said. Kundalini experiences are good, but entity attacks can have very similar symptoms at least to what you said. It may not be a kundalini experience. Please do not feel as if you are being robbed of your gift when I say that, I am not saying you will not or have not had a kundalini opening. However, you should note that just having many bizzarre sensations in the body can mean alot of things.


    Dealing with things in this field is difficult to understand, and even more difficult to find help with. I have no personal experience with Sifu Lam, but everyone on here seems to speak very highly of her, I assume she is knowledgable. You may also visit feng shui shops and they may be able to link you with someone. Don't be afraid. See this as a personal journey and quest, get out there and find the answer and you will find many amazing things on the way. I certainly did.


    The best I can say is do not be afraid and stay calm, you can visit people of all types of traditions, I was once given a great deal of wisdom from gypsy mystic whom I met at a Bazaar. The process of learning to use energy will also have some side effects such as this, just be grateful for the transformation and don't turn into a weirdo :) Get out in the sun and be happy.

  4. Seriously man this is a place of solace and peace for many people, this sort of government is out to get you stuff is for the unbalanced. The truth is the people of Craft and their founder Chris Kyle are heroes who have sacrificed a great deal for this country. Anyone could shop online and purchase some tan boots and bdus and get a couple shirts with the punisher skull or even actual Craft shirts. Police hire people like this for security consulting quite often. I think it's too bad that we assume they were there to do no good. If anything there may have been intel that an attack might occur, however as with anything else, without hard evidence they couldn't simply say lets cancel the marathon.


    Craft is comprised almost entirely of former Navy SEAL's, these people do not murder Americans. The type of hell they go through just for their right to protect America is legendary. Terrorists are getting smarter they even make us attack ourselves now.

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  5. I personally don't see anything wrong with this, except when you start producing teachers that are unskilled. I remember when my teacher told me that I could, "teach" if I wanted to. It was so casual, yet it was an important message, we don't have colored belts, we don't have gold laced certificates. My teacher giving me the go ahead meant that he felt my understanding and ability was to his satisfaction that I could pass on the art properly. Even to this day I still feel like I want to run things by him before I implement them.


    This isn't terrible and honestly five to ten years ago it would have disgusted me, however, I realize now that if we are not more open with our arts they will simply fade away and be lost, as so much already has to be sure. Not everyone will attain mastery that is the case even inside of the master's group of students, but a few will. Besides those are just basic yang derived postures, that are a common as water in the sea.

  6. HA HA HA HA






    The best way to teach a fool is to let the fool do it his own way.

    Go on! Do it which ever way you want to!


    Not one of the Masters I had the fortune to be under in taijichuan ever told me taijichuan is Taoism.


    Almost all the tiny masters and charlatans I known waving arms and legs slowly pretending the chi runs here and runs there knowing nothing at all of taijichuan talked of taiji and Taoism. Weaving rubbish with their fantasies with their students panting for more and more!


    HA HA HA




    Idiotic Taoist

    If the fool does not laugh at it, it could not be called Tao

  7. I hope you are able to cleanse this energy from yourself if you are dealing with these issues. I had encountered many varieties of things you might call entities, many different shapes faces etc. I was fortunate to have been trained under a taoist group in the far east who dealt with this sort of thing. I cannot give much advice besides, staying calm and avoiding fear, these states please these things, some even say they can thrive off of that energy. Bathing in salts will help you overall, and ultimately continue to cultivate positive energy. You probably unknowingly activated your third eye region without proper spiritual preparation, this is essentially what happened to me. The half waken realm in which you encounter these things can be controlled to a great degree with your own will power. I will tell you now that you should avoid exapnsion of your energy and meditations that involve excessive visualizations, particular of glowing energy. Like moths to a flame. You can hide your light, but that does not mean you must extinguish it. They can be destroyed but it is usually neccesarry, and may bring repercussions. Calm, clear, use your will power.

    sorry I meant to say it is usually not necessary to destroy them.

  8. Very interesting. Yes, seeing what I saw as a child, it was f*cking crazy to say the least. I forgot to mention that there was a second exorcism, just to make sure this entity was gone and strangely enough there was a second out burst, but I remember that the second time was not as bad, the relative no longer suffered from this entity. What sucked was the witch doctor sent all of this energy BACK to the other relative and she ended up having to cope with what she put out unfortunately, to teach her a lesson apparently. Hence, the build up of energy. Very interesting stuff. I am very happy to finally find some answers to this stuff. It always stood in the back of my mind growing up as to what I saw as a child, because most people rarely see such events occur.


    Yes, I highly agree. Depending upon where I am located through out the day, or when I happen to engage with certain people I do tend to feel a sensation behind my head. I have been able to feel this even more so after keeping a steady meditation schedule as well kicking all the bad habits to explore and remain 'clean'. I even sometimes feel entities while merely surfing this site. lolz. Some times it feels as if some one is tapping into my pineal near the back of my head. Sort of like this diagram. I some times even feel things that seek to attach themselves to my lower dan tien or seek to penetrate it. I had felt a hand once in my lower dan tien, it hurt like hell. That same night I got a vision of chakras. They all had light in them, except the top ones. I felt as if some one was seeking to extinguish them. Strange stuff.





    How did you go about destroying this entity? I've never destroyed an entity, but I have deflated one once in a dream. I had first saw it in a tree, the thing began circling around my head and was complaining about too much peace of mind and it slowly began to dwindle and deflated into a balloon. lol.


    In another dream, I had seen another relative who had a black orb floating around her which I shot energy at in my dream scape. I had seen another black orb floating around my room. I woke up out of body and shot energy out of my right hand at the orb and never saw it again. This happened instantaneously without thought. Mind you, it seems I was cleaning up what was weaved by some paid psychics or sorcerer. I have learned so much by just observing my family and learning about all the skeletons in the closet. It's a shame, but you can definitely find light in the dark.


    I've also been socked in the eye once by a dragon apparently. I wasn't aware of chaos magickians, but after reading about people being able to invoke cartoon characters I had seen Goku appear in my minds eye and protect me. lol. Crazy stuff.

    I hope you are able to cleanse this energy from yourself if you are dealing with these issues. I had encountered many varieties of things you might call entities, many different shapes faces etc. I was fortunate to have been trained under a taoist group in the far east who dealt with this sort of thing. I cannot give much advice besides, staying calm and avoiding fear, these states please these things, some even say they can thrive off of that energy. Bathing in salts will help you overall, and ultimately continue to cultivate positive energy. You probably unknowingly activated your third eye region without proper spiritual preparation, this is essentially what happened to me. The half waken realm in which you encounter these things can be controlled to a great degree with your own will power. I will tell you now that you should avoid exapnsion of your energy and meditations that involve excessive visualizations, particular of glowing energy. Like moths to a flame. You can hide your light, but that does not mean you must extinguish it. They can be destroyed but it is usually neccesarry, and may bring repercussions. Calm, clear, use your will power.

  9. Yes, the essence of good Bagua. The lower the better. Lower basin work is extremely demanding but oh boy! the benefits...


    The following video gives you an idea of what true lower basin walk involves.



    A couple of videos of young Chinese practitioners:


    1. Boy


    2. Girl

    Thats a very nice video you posted, it's good to see authentic arts, I myself have found it to be most discouraging to see so little of true Gong Fu. Particularly in my own study of Chen Style, so many people practicing high stance yang style and so forth with chen even, it can be somewhat discouraging to find so little to align with.

  10. You seem to know much of this way of thinking and it's philosophies, please expound. I have studied the Tao in depth and I am aware of the classics. However as far as Shiva and the path of it's development I know nothing. What practices does it prescribe ?

  11. The basic hand position is fine, the idea is to produce coiling in the body. The lower body is actually more important and you should endeavour to stay as low as possible. This art along with Tai Ji and Xing Yi represent the three most difficult arts to master as they are internal. You will only be able to do so much without a teacher, but finding one will be equally challenging your going to have to do alot of research and visit many people.

    • Like 1

  12. It is not self indulgence to refine one's self. Reading too heavily into words confuses matters, in the east lao tzu was very famous but taoists there consider him to be overly well known and not really to be the center of study. Consider that if you do not build a strong body you have a poor foundation to work on the tao. If you do not secure a steady career you have no free time to work on the tao. Unless you wish to live as a homeless person and beg for food and money you will have to abide by societal constraints. One should not use the Tao as a way to justify laziness. Work hard, handle worldy affairs early on and gently cultivate along the way, once your responsibilities to your family and loved ones have been taken care of you can truly manifest the great way. It is said those who abandon their families in order to pursue the tao are not worth speaking of, they are selfish and vain, that is true self indulgence.

  13. Yes, I agree with what you both said, my point is this though, to clear out everything is clearly quite difficult as much as we know that ultimately that is how it must be, I doubt there is really anyone here who would be so bold as to claim they have done it, and mastered it. Ok maybe a few moments here and there, maybe even for a few days, but eventually something comes up. I believe that at the very least we can try to avoid negativity as it is clearly harmful, extremes in positivity is also harmful yes, we can't just laugh like idiots all day now, and certainly that is not what I am suggesting. But I find that the place to start is to clear out the negatives, at least from there your gonna be a happy camper, you will enjoy your life. If you master that then maybe you can take the time to tone down the remaining emotions till there is none. But if you sort of try to do it all at once, it you may kind of tone it all down you still have negative thoughts, which make us feel bad no? Does anyone every really want to feel bad ? Does feeling bad motivate us to go out and do something and be somebody ? Some thoughts and emotions are bound to come up unless you have finally crystallized everything, but until then if your gonna have a thought or a feeling, may as well be a happy one right ?

  14. Deepbluesea,

    I personally meant no disrespect either, you have every right to say and post what you want, and if you wish to test an absolute with an extreme by all means you should do so, I know when I said what I was saying I was probably just being overly realistic, and clearly we must not take ourselves too seriously sometimes. So please accept my apologies, your reply clearly shows me that you are not the sort who would seek to start an argument and I'm sorry I suggested that. In other words, by being humble you have humbled me. Good Job there cause I like that feeling.

  15. Edweir,

    It Sounds as if you already have a strong force that works for you. All I can say is use that force to your advantage, destroy those evil things withing you and you will find yourself again, I am always happy that if only even a small part of something I say can help someone find themselves, that is enough for me. Good Luck


    Sorry to keep adding so many replies, I must tell you though Edweir what you quoted from Steam is about as right on as it gets,


    So Steam good to hear that man, alot of people run off from the world, I am very very happy to hear you say what you did, and your understanding that this is the work of many lifetimes, most don't know this, and most don't think about the fact that not only might it take many more lifetimes in the future, but the fact that we are here studying Tao at all means we've already taken many lifetimes in the past working on it, so we should not foolishly waste our lives and our countless past efforts. I find that some 98% of the people I hear Talk about the Tao aren't even close to where your at, Good Luck and Godspeed.

  16. Hey guys sorry for going a bit too in depth, I do not want to seem self indulgent, to sum up the rest of what happened, the guy who my aunt brought over, turned out to be a taoist priest, he and his teacher took an immediate interest in me and I learned their ways, I would not say they are solely exorcists or anything, even though I might have said that in the past, they practice Tao and through their practice they have found a need from others for their help, clearly this is a path wrought with many unusual things, from a general western standpoint we feel we cannot even talk about it because people will shun us, or as Edweir says accuse us of being on drugs or something.



    That is interesting, I think I've heard that before somewhere too, but I don't know where. High carbon sword steel is just baisically iron with 1-2% of carbon spread throughout it, a few others here and there varied but It's more or less 97-98% iron, so that is interesting. I didn't really even think of that back then, I just sort of did it. But after my studies and learning their Taoist arts in this regard, I was taught a few different stages. I have been back about 4 times, staying for about 6 months at a time, my first visit lasted nearly a year I was learning Tai Ji and during that first year. The first few stages involves spell like things they taught me which call their Gods to aid me, after sometime they taught me which one's are connected with me personally and they are the ones that aided me. On my second visit, I studied with the head master of the Temple and he taught me the higher levels of it, which pretty much involve use absorption type techniques, I said in my other post the first priest I met who is the masters #1 student was walking around my aunts house and he would raise his hand here and there, that was what he was doing, they just sort of absorb it and dissolve it. It's more of a will power thing, but your meditation training must come first and I cannot suggest this for anyone because if you don't have the ability to dissolve it your more or less pulling it into yourself and thats no good. I was also taught how to form weapons from energy, and will, he said if you choose a sword make a sword, something like that. My third trip I was told my God aide or whatever you would call that had changed almost like a promotion ? I dunno thats how he said anyways, so with that he taught me higher skills, he said that now I was on par with how he did things, dispelling these things by pure intent and will alone, no physical movement is necessary at times the slightest movement with a finger perhaps, I was still encountering these things though less often and far more powerful though, kind of like only the really menacing ones dared try their hand and messing with me. My fourth trip he gave me my final lessons saying that I need nothing else, no charms, no mala, etc, he said now there was no more left to teach and I should use what I learned to help people if they needed me. I have not seen or heard from anything since then, I can feel sometimes in certain places they are there, certain places they like to stay shadowy tree lines at the edges of parks for example, bodies of water late at night. But I now feel that they are either very intrigued by my presence or just plain flee, once I even heard heavy footsteps dash off as if in fear followed by a greenish shadow when I was out walking my dog late at night. I can feel their intent, alot of them are like us, they get scared, startled, angry, etc. I have encountered some things that I've been warned of, crazy types, they alluded these to psycho's in the human world, they flat out don't care if your dangerous to them, there just crazy baiscially.


    Since everything is more or less quiet now, and has been for the last seven years or so, I almost forgot about all these weird things, and sometimes thinking about them, I kind of even wonder if they were real or not. But I dunno with so many experiences over and over, I cannot discount that there was definately soemthing going on. Since I feel myself to be pretty level headed healthy athletic and not one to drink or use drugs, I more or less rule out that I was mentally ill, I mean I wasn't weird or anything, heck I'm not even the type to be superstitous, these things happened and I had no choice but to deal with them. Fate seemed to lead me to an answer, I am grateful for that. I am glad that you all have such supportive comments and insight, that we can share these experiences that would otherwise cause people to think we are off our rocker, is a very special thing. I hope you all can confide in me as I do you.

  17. Erdweir I suggested a book for you in another post of your Vitality Energy and spirit, by Thomas Cleary. It is all you will likely need, for well everything, but know that it is one of those books you will have to read over and over and over, Specifically pay attention to the section call, "Compass Center Directions" to me it is the most direct explanation of the Tao there is, very deep , not easily practiced, but I have been all over the place and when I finally found real Taoists Priests their methods are more or less exactly as this section describes. As far as this experience goes, all I can say is try and roll with the punches, and don't get scared, hopefully it won't be as weird for you as it was for me, but umm yeah you might want to be prepared for something weird, just incase.


    Fizix, yes this is exactly what I went through, except rather than simply silhouettes they had tangible form and color, similar to the blue greenish blur than remains after looking at a bright light. You Know? you get a shape of that light after wards when you look away right ? It was as if these things were made of that blur, but detailed, like faces and forms and with depth and dimension, what was scary was well they would all be different. You know like different people, and not just people but things. This even happened to me when I was traveling through asia, and you wanna know whats funny ? There faces over there were yes you guessed it asian. These things whatever they are are clearly intelligent at least on some level, not all of them but some were, there would come right up to me look me in the eye, some friendly, even beautiful, but some horrid and frightening. I mhave to say thie first few times were probably some of the most frightening experiences I have ever had, because when this happens no matter where you were sleeping without fail everytime, thats where it happens. If I was on the couch, I would be on the couch, if I was at a hotel I was at a hotel, if I was in my room, well you get it, point is if it were just a dream wouldn't I be somewhere random ? Weird huh ? I think herb might have some opening effects on certain parts of the subconcious, cause I did smoke early on in highschool, but I was clear of it for more than several years before this all began for me. I think for me it was improper meditation, I think the energy wasn't settling enough, either that or it was something like the phase of things waking up, kundalini maybe, I'm not sure exactly.


    I hope you guys don't mind me deleting this, it has always been somewhat private to me, those of you who read it I am happy to share it with you and for those who didn't oh well I guess. Hope that doesn't bother anyone.

  18. Yeah, used to happen to me alot, and yes very close to whats reported during OBE like Fizix said. I hated it because it happened like every night to me, and pretty much it was either that or lucid dreaming, at first it was kind of cool, but after a while, you just get sick of it, for some reason it seems to drain alot of spiritual energy from you when this happens. Don't worry, but I would do some more reading about this, and learn to control it. If you get paralyzed which I am sure will happen if this continues remember this, Do not try and get up with your body ie your muscle movement, this will only make the pressure worse, get up with your mind, think yourself up, I know it sounds weird but this is how it's done trust me, I have had probably close to a thousand of these experiences, which as far as I know is the most anyones ever had, even the people that write the books that are supposed to tell you how to have them. I remember reading these books and they said that they've had like two or three hundred of these experiences. I had them nonstop like everyday, for nearly four years. So when I say a thousand I am positive that is a safe underestimate. Use your mind to move, ok? And you will be able to float up through the pressure. This pressure can be scary at first, because it can feel like it's hard to breathe, just relax, also you will likely hear and see disturbing things in the transition state, entities, spirits, and old tale tells of the hag that sits on your chest. Have no fear, they can't really hurt you. Your lucky in a way, I had no one at all to relate this to when it happened to me, I wasn't sure if I was going crazy or what. But feel free to send me an e-mail if it gets worse and you need more specific advice, you will of course need to be more specific about whats happening to you, but I feel confident it will be nothing I haven't dealt with before.

    Take Care

  19. I'm pretty sure when he said you should respect where you come from he meant well, saying what if your father was hitler is just silly. Is it not ? Do you really think that person meant that even if you were the son of the worlds most famous evil dictator you should humbly follow in his footsteps. Thats like if I said you should respect your parents, and you saying but what if your parents are murderers and rapists, and engineered airborn ebola to end the existence of humans. Come on man, really? :rolleyes: One should not take things to be absolutes. What you said makes me think you almost want to start an argument.

  20. I don't want to talk to much, but sometimes things should be clarified, for examply someone said being sad and being happy is the same or sad and joy is the same whatever, the truth is it is not. Being joyful and being sad is NOT the same. Happiness brings life, the will to live, the desire to make a good life, to live life and do things. Sadness brings death, desire to hide away, shrivel up and essentially die. When did someone who was truly happy ever kill themselves ?


    How is this the same ? Happy people build themselves fine careers make good money and live comfortably, they can then meditate all day if they choose, or practice yoga and tai ji all day as they please, eat quality organic vegan food if that is their thing. How are you going to train if you didn't set yourself up well and have to pull 9-5 er's all week long ? When you get home, your gonna just want to watch some tv and pass out. You can still do it this way I guess, but I find it disturbing that people don't realize that those people who made good money earned it, they were the ones that stayed home and studied while others went out and partied, some may resent them for their success, thinking that the way implies we should all be impoverished monks or something, FOOLISH! Nothing but. Make a good life for yourself, then you can do whatever you please, unless you think your hearty enough to go into the mountains and live like a mountain man for the rest of your life, with no electricity or running water, hunting every meal, building a fire for every meal, and simply not to freeze to death. I know survival skills well it is one of my forte's, most people dream of disapearing into the mountains like an immortal, but the reality is, until you are an immortal, you can't do this, you will simply die, if not of starvation, from a wild animal attacking you, or disease from the countless insects which will chew on you threw the night. Those that think themselves so tough in this regard should try not eating for just one week while they hike strenuously, out of ten seven or eight wouldn't make it through a day, and out of those two or three left, only one would make it through the next day. And that one would certainly be chewing on pine cones by the middle of the week. I'm not saying seek fame and glory, I'm saying set yourself up well, and you can train all day or whatever you want, that is the responsible way, the hardworking way. Just sliding by is easy anyone can do that. Throwing everything away is easy, anyone can do that. Running away from it all is easy. Facing life and taking it on and winning takes a true Human, a true practitioner of the Way. I sincerely wish you the best in this regard.