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Everything posted by VCraigP

  1. The Nei-Yeh

    Hi all Found it. 18 page Word Document. The link to this was posted at some point and I downloaded it. PM if interested with email and I can email it out. Craig
  2. Nei-yeh chapter 1

    Once upon a time someone posted a link to the whole Nei-yeh. I think I have it on some back up harddrive somewhere. Craig
  3. Egyptian Revolution

    I like clarity. This is difficult to attain from TV news. I think the following is accurate 1. Egypt was and is a Military dictatorship. 2. Mubarek was the target and symbol of the oppression of the Egyptian people by the military dictatorship. The mob which demanded change in their country focused on FIRST having him removed. This protest was "allowed" to happen by the Military which chose not to act against it's own people. IMO the removal of Mubarek has not changed the power structure of the country at all. The military is still in charge. I believe they will do all they can to create the illusion of a democratic process. Whether the people will be able to achieve any further progress in that direction is certainly an open question. There are some questions I believe American citizens should be asking themselves. Do we support democracy? Do we agree with policy which grants billions to oppressive governments because it supports our goals in the region? If one takes the view that America has the right through economic and military might to achieve whatever advantage we deem necessary then we must also understand that our support of oppression WILL have a negative impact on others which will result in resentment and hatred of American policies and perhaps of American people and our way of life. It is historical fact that we have supported the overthrow of democratically elected governments which policies did not reflect our interest in a region. We have propped up dictatorships throughout the world. Did these actions advance American and Multinational corporate interests? Certainly. As an American (and I know not all reading this will be Americans) you must view historical facts and global political reality with as much clarity as possible. Are American actions justified? Can we be an example to the world of a successful democracy while still engaging the world in the ways described above? Are we truly a democracy? Can we promote freedom and liberty within our borders and work to deny it outside our borders? The inconvenient truth is that without taking these actions American interests would not have been protected. The result of not engaging the world in this way would no doubt have led to a tremendously different America and world. However it is incumbent upon US Citizens to KNOW what is being done in our name. This is in my view the most dangerous aspect of America in the world. Our populace is largely IGNORANT of what we are doing outside our borders, and IMO are intentionally kept ignorant by those in power who mostly hold the opinion that citizens can never be told everything as they would not make the right decisions about international affairs and protecting their own interests. I attempt to maintain my neutrality while making the above statements and just encourage all to view things as they are and minimize one's projections. It would be simple to just agree that the popular uprising in Egypt is a good thing and that our support of a dictator for 30 years is a bad thing. I basically DO feel that way, but the world would be a far different place I feel if we had not used Egyptian cooperation to stabalize the region. Cooperation which would not have been forthcoming IMO had we not bought and paid for it with massive military support. It is nice to contemplate what the world would look like if we ALWAYS insisted on supporting democracy and overthrowing tyrants, and if we insisted on extending our laws and constitutional principles in all dealings done outside our borders. Wouldn't that be nice. while we're at it, wouldn't it be nice if we had no standing army and no nuclear arms. Wouldn't it be nice if we had cradle to grave healthcare and free schooling up to graduate level too? Sorry, just daydreaming now. Wishing for clear vision to all. Craig
  4. Egyptian Revolution

    would appreciate it if the source were attributed.. Craig
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Wow. What a rich and multi layered essay. Will re read again. Deep bow. thank you. Craig
  6. stuff i thought i knew

    thanks listened to several old friends today. Craig
  7. Ralis, you said; The idea that this is Sean's house is preposterous. Your assertion is preposterous. It IS in FACT Sean's website. It is not a democracy. There are simple rules. I am continually amazed at how much time is spent WHINING about the rules. Get over it. There are moderators and there are rules. If you don't like it, LEAVE. Have a nice day. Craig
  8. A quick question about Egypt

    I think we have a tendency to overly focus on the figurehead here. I believe the protesters understand better that replacing one figurehead for another is not going to get them much but window dressing. In fact this is an example of a military dictatorship trying to represent itself as a free country on the world stage. The Military has already chosen a side, their own. The rank and file Army probably would not attack peaceful protesters. But the power brokers of the Egyptian military are further entrenching their power in the government since Mubarak dissolved his government during this crisis. A much higher proportion of military not civilian people are stepping into the roles of those dissolved by Mubarak. I expect more window dressing and figurehead shuffling. To get the Military leaders of Egypt to step aside for a true constitutional democratic reform is Highly unlikely. The new Vice President was a CIA liason who worked with our government in the "rendition" program to do work offshore which we could not do in the USA because it was not legal. I doubt the Egyptians would see him as an acceptable alternative. Hopefully the press will be allowed to operate freely again soon to help the world see clearly what is happening there. Craig
  9. A quick question about Egypt

    Coo coo. Actually coup d'etat is the full term (courtesy of your local spelling police) the Mubarak supporters appeared out of the blue the day after Mubarak gave his speech defying the protesters demand to leave. It has been widely reported that the pro Mubarak supporters were paid for their activity. Other analysis indicated that this move was a fairly unsophisticated attempt to discredit the heretofore peaceful protesters by luring them into violence. The term "agents provocateur" has been used for hundreds of years and this is a perfect example of this ploy. In any case, no, this was not a coup attempt, but rather an attempt to de-legitimize the protest movement.
  10. Spiritual Embryo

    hmmm Is it possible that the concept of immortal fetus is an example of the use of symbolic language which is so prevalent in Taoist and Chinese thought? Perhaps it is not a thing in itself but an attempt at describing a stage of development. IMO it is an analogy and not a description of an actual physical mini me :-) Something which needs to be created by combining yin and yang. Something which must be nurtured to properly develop. Something which should not let free from the body prematurely. something which eventually matures into the world. But dont take the analogy too far. It is not a child which separates from the mother and has it's own beingness. IMO this is where the analogy should be abandoned. Craig
  11. TCM Circadian Clock

    Consider this... No matter what time you eat, sleep, etc the Sun rises and sets. the seasons change. The effect of the tides of energy coming from the ebb and flow of the daily rhythm are always there. Craig
  12. regarding my practices

    What kind of "gongfu" do you do? Perhaps you can inquire with your teacher regarding meditation practice and/or qigong to go along with the "gongfu" training?
  13. Jack LaLanne

    In Memory of Jack May all schools insist on daily physical training of some sort for ALL students. This statement of what is ideal is so far away from what is really happening these days. Meanwhile I am teaching my son how to do perfect pushups. How to deadlift and swing a kettlebell. Also Hsing I structure and standing practice. If the school doesn't offer it properly you must fill in the gaps yourself. This is true for all subjects. Thanks Jack for helping us remeber to get up out of our chairs and do SOMETHING! Wow I just realized Jack was almost exactly twice my age!! If i'm lucky I am just at my halfway mark :-) Time to do some Jumping Jacks!! Does everyone realize where the name comes from? Good health and long life to all. Craig
  14. "Right Bucks" by Ken Wilbur

    I found a few things about this thread remarkable. It is astonishing how little actual dissection of the article there is and now much knee jerk reaction to each individuals preconceptions about the subject and what they think Ken Wilbur was saying, or in the case of those not reading it at all, what they suppose Ken W would say. (one of my more egregious runon sentences, Yes?) What I got from it was first of all, CONTEXT. What is the nature of agrarian societies in which the dharma and similar philosophies evolved? How does the agrarian society compare and differ from our Post-industrial society? How does this difference inform on the appropriateness of charging for so-called Dharma. Also for me this article was quite valuable in defining the meaning of Non-Dual. What does it mean to acknowledge the ascendant, transcendent as well as the descendant, material world, and how is that contrasted from purely ascendant traditions and their rejection of MONEY, Sex (women), the Body and Food. This perspective of acknowledging both impulses and not rejecting but embracing the material as part of spirituality, ie balance and harmony represents my ideal of what Taoist practices and philosophies have advised. As for paying for Dharma, practices, etc my view is as always the same. ANY Teacher deserves to earn a living. However if said teacher seems to be taking far more than he needs or asking far more than seems proper to YOU, then YOU have the choice to view them as not being in Harmony with your values and therefore not a proper teacher for you. We are not an agrarian society and do not have the same support structures for Monks and the like as have existed in the past. Therefore the impulse to view money as "filthy lucre" and paying for spiritual teachings as a taint is an impulse in my view which needs to be grown out of. FYI I speed read about 2/3 of the article before I ran out of patience today so Kudos to anyone else who may have studied it better. That's what I got out of it. Thanks ShaktiMama. TTFN Craig
  15. Shamanic Tiger Qi Gong

    Again, check out the "Three Treasures CD" This covers some really good basic material including shaking and I recommend it to everyone. Sorry for the direct plug of my teacher's material. Not something you will see from me regularly. Finally in the end I always refer to my sig: Think not that all wisdom is contained in your school
  16. Shamanic Tiger Qi Gong

    And with good reason...
  17. Turn blue with colloidal silver

    Do more research. Dont believe ANYTHING the FDA tells you. ta ta Craig
  18. "Deep" internal qi-gong

    Kate Your first post and your most recent reflect entirely different conditions. "Trying" to pulse in your brain is one thing. Saying energy "wants" to go somewhere is quite a bit different, if that is really the case. In order to better answer it would be helpful to know what your practice is that results in energy "wanting" to pulse in the brain. What is your start and end point? Big difference between efforting such a result and experiencing a sensation in your brain as a result of other practice. However if any/all practice create this result I would opine that it would be better to back off to a simple Lower Tantien focus meditation for a while. Perhaps subconsciously you want to experience "controlled" jumping off of bridges and such desire results in this attention going somewhere. Or perhaps this is just a temporary result of whatever it is you are practicing. bottom line though is that for real analysis (short of remote viewing :-) ) one would need more info, and that there is a big difference between trying to make something happen and something happening by itself as a result of practice. FWIW Craig
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Terry Dunn learned from Doo Wai. I know it is long but read the thread. Not a waste of time. Craig
  20. Little1 Stop being passive aggressive. Just be direct it is more wholesome. You think 5ET is just making comments in order to sell his products. I think you are being small minded and reactive, not to mention knee jerk defensive about M.Chia's methods as has been shown so many times previously. While 5ET's comments may not have been the most cogent in regards to this thread, to sneakily imply that he is only responding in order to advertise is to use your word Disgusting. Finally, let me also be direct about the OP. I am highly suspicious of anyone who comes on the this or any board to directly slam ANY system and then refuses to really engage in a dialog about it. In his own words he is unwilling to discuss on a discussion forum. I don't think he is sincere and have said as much a bit less directly. TTFN Craig PS - I have serious reservations about Chia's methods myself, though probably not as extreme as 5ET's views.
  21. Also, Im not interested in discussing it. No offense. DUDE Discussion forum? do you understand the meaning? this is where you are. If you dont want discussion why post??? goodbye Troll
  22. Rickson Gracie Yoga and energy breathing practice

    nice to see you dipping your toe in again. If I had the means and circumstances I would study directly with 5ET in Boise ASAP. Hey Mike. Please come to Portland anytime, I want to experience your work directly. :-) No really. Respect. Craig
  23. putting chi in testicles

    I have a question. If your side effect is always that you have nocturnal emissions this should indicate something to you. Nocturnal emission is "generally" considered an imbalance symptom. I am not sure that I can agree with your conclusion that this result is a positive one. If you are doing retention, obviously having emission will change the state of your hormonal system. Again I think in general what you are describing is an imbalance. Craig