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Posts posted by Thunder_Gooch


    So while you were travelling the world investigating every single bioenergetic system out there, you also took the time to personally meet up with every occult/new age author as well? Damn dude, that's pretty impressive.

    All of it is garbage that leads nowhere.



    Wait, are they hippies or nerds? You're mixing your stereotypes.

    Most of the occult/newage authors have never accomplished anything, still work a min wage job and have never amounted to anything other than writing books.


    At best it could serve as toilet paper or as kindling.

  3. I understand what you're saying but I'm still going to find something else.

    Best of luck, there is nothing else except lots of newage bs made up by silly hippies who live in their moms basement.



    but I'm not ready for mo pai yet.

    You can't not be ready for level one, it's as simple and as basic a meditation as you will ever find.


    That is exactly what is happening but that is exactly what you don't want your heart to have more beats than it should. You want your heart to beat slower and stronger to circulate the oxygenated blood. So, your heart won't be overworked from beating faster. The ideal way for the heart to beat slower is by having more oxygen in the blood. So, the heart knows not to speed up to provide more oxygen to the body cells. The only way to provide more oxygen in the blood is by breathing more air into the lungs.


    Is that what you want to have many more heartbeats to overwork the heart....???

    I agree with Chidragon here. Heart rate will slow down to the point you would be declared dead by an EMT.


    You don't stop breathing or hold your breath at any point, it just slows down, way way way down.

    • Like 3

  5. True, but most people does not equal everyone. What I'm getting from this is basically deep meditation outside for the first step.

    It's very simple but there is a lot more to it than that.



    I want to try this, bu But assuming after say ten years I complete this, where would I go for instructions then.

    Then you look for a better system at that point, and continue meditation. At this point there is no better option I am aware of.

  6. What does the type of power that John Chang......actually prove anyway ?

    What was shown was just a fraction of a percent of his maximum ability, compared to his teacher or his teachers teacher even he wasn't that advanced at all.


    I think most people cut themselves off at a certain point, as it's just too unbelievable.


    Imagine a people alive right now that have become something more than human and reaching an entirely different level of being, beings that would put Hollywood to shame.


    What is happening is as their spirit is developing they are gaining more and more ability, just as a full grown man is infinitely more powerful than an embryo.


    Most people will actively disbelieve that anything more is possible.


    Hence all the sour grapes posts about why powers are silly.


    You can't become a butterfly without wings, you can't make fire that is cold and dark, and you can't reach another level of being without achieving abilities.


    When I see videos of these guys I think of street magicians like Blane and Dynamo etc - nice to watch, but for what purpose, entertainment ?

    There is a purpose. The spirit most people die with is a dead empty husk, a burnt out shell, a dreaming subconscious mind, with no volition, concept or memory of emotion, just a passive observer.


    The point is to become a living breathing spirit before the death of your physical body so you continue to live past death, and prevent reincarnation in doing so.


    That's the point.


    They aren't trying to develop superpowers for the sake of having them.


    There is no way to become such an entity without them.

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    Also, one thing I see is people thinking they need superpowers due to something they read.

    Real abilities are not the end goal, they are only mile markers on your path.


    They also can't be removed from the equation.


    It isn't possible to reach another level of being without also developing abilities, in exactly the same way it isn't possible to become a butterfly without developing wings.

  8. cut the cords of karma and then mix it with a yin channel. What does this mean specifically in English?


    Most people will never fill their LDT (or anything else except their colon) during their lifetime.


    Worrying about the next step is pointless if prevents you from taking the first.



    There are two types of chi.


    Yin and Yang.


    Yang comes from the atmosphere, it's an active energy, electrical in nature, bright whitish blue unless opposed by yin at which point it will glow red. Our consciousness is 100% pure yang energy.


    Yin energy is a passive field type energy, like gravity, which comes from direct electrical contact with the earth. Our spirit is 100% pure yin energy.


    no I don't give a Rattus Norvegicus's rectum what Ya Mu or anyone else says on the matter.




    During extremely deep states of trance, while grounded to the earth, yang chi is drawn in and stored at the naval, while grounded an equal amount of yin builds at the perineum.


    The LDT is filled to the brim, then compressed, then made mobile, then sent to the perineum where it attaches to the yin storage center there and is brought back to it's original position where the two are forced together.


    That isn't instruction on HOW to do it, it's just an overview of what is happening.

  9. I believe that all systems have some grain of truth to them, like religion.

    You can believe in rain gods and do rain dances and sacrifice goats to appease them that doesn't mean it's true even if you have a PhD. in rain god theology.


    You can spend your entire life with random teachings and that doesn't mean you'll go anywhere or accomplish anything.


    in my opinion it is not worth fully pursuing because it only explains the first 3 levels.

    That is still more than you can realistically hope to master in your lifetime if you live a normal western lifestyle.


    Virtually everything else is just make believe.

    • Like 1

  10. People involved in the official school and lineage of Mo Pai have shown power, whereas those who are trying to do it without the lineage on their own from books and second hand information have demonstrated no power except the ability to balance books on their head.

    Which is still more than can be said of any student of Gurdjieff's teachings.


    The group you are referring to has invented it's own system, which they claim isn't mo pai but is just as good as mo pai, even though they run a forum titled mo pai.

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  11. A request towards you, personally, to demonstrate to proove your qualification and power of your practice, is about YOU.

    It isn't about me, it's about the system itself. What evidence exists already is as good as it's going to get.


    I am not interested in trying to sell myself as a teacher, I am a student.


    I am only looking for others that want something real, it's not my job to teach them anything. They can do the teaching part themselves.


    don't accuse others due to maybe unfriendly reactions you assume to happen, without even having tested that.

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  12. why shouldn't it?



    Let's not play coy. If a biophysicist, a medical doctor, and the head of the mind science foundation stripping a guy to a shirt, checking him for metal and watching him power an LED with chi isn't enough to convince you, then nothing short of the academic, scientific, and medical communities changing their opinion on the matter would.


    you should first demonstrate anything before making claims on effectiveness.

    It's already been done, I don't need to factor myself into the equation here.



    when you want to teach someone

    I'm not here to teach anyone anything. I just want to find serious individuals who want something real, they can teach themselves.




    take the responsibility yourself and don't blame your imagined "99% of the board" for it.


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    Lol. Are you implying that I ever said Reiki was a valid system?

    We have different definitions of "valid system".






    you think the only requirements for a system to be valid should be your own.

    Results. Either you get them, or you don't. Real simple.






    Any system which actually delivers what it promises is valid


    I promise my system will cost you $250.00 if you decide to pay me, therefor it's a valid system.

  14. I think there may be too much emphasis put on the 'urge to convince'. Before that can happen, a proponent of a valid system must first prime the ground so that minds can at least open to possibilities that there is indeed some credibility to what has been claimed. A primer must always precede any proper paint work. Thats what i am thinking. Both are equally vital. Problem is, most people are only keen to see whats on the surface.

    Either they see the videos and decide to investigate the practice for themselves or they don't.


    If they want to plug their ears, cover their eyes, and scream "neener neener neener... I'm not listening" more power to them.


    Fairly certain the majority of people here accept that Mo Pai is a valid system. They just don't reach the same conclusions from that as you do.

    Valid system in the same way Reiki is a valid system? Yeah I can see your point there.


    We just have different definitions of what valid is.

  16. Im interested in your demo, if you have developed even a fraction of what you claim the system can offer.


    I do not believe anything I could record even if my abilities exceeded JC's would convince you of anything, nor anyone else here.





    ignore third party evidence, which is usually just sales pitch to make more money.


    John never charged any of his students a dime, nor any patients.


    Jim never charged me a dime.


    I've never charged anyone anything.

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