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Posts posted by Thunder_Gooch

  1. I can say it because it's absolutely 100% true.


    We are a heard of ignorant monkey's.


    The Romans called appeasing the masses via cheap food and entertainment, "breads and circuses" (panem et circenses). Huxley's Brave New World also seems to be inspired by this.



    So long as the masses have Honey boo boo, NASCAR, RASTLIN, Duck Dynasty, America's Top Model, cheap food and beer, there will never be a revolution.


    People have to be upset, and they won't get upset so long as they can distract themselves from the horrible reality that surrounds them.



    We are a group of ignorant apes, you have no idea just how stupid the majority of our population really is.



    MPG, how can you say that? Brand argues that in this age with instantaneous communication, an idea can reach the world in a matter of a few clicks of a computer mouse. There are ways to use these things as weapons to help this cause.




    Offering no solution Brian? He is using his time to broadcast this idea of change to the mainstream, ideas that otherwise would of never been aired. You call him shallow? You say he is privileged? That may be but this man paid his dues, he worked for years at comedy clubs for next to nothing. You say he doesn't offer any solution? You must not have watched the video, he states he isn't trying to come up with a Utopian government in a hotel room during an interview. He is using his power, fame, and his time to point out there are people who are more qualified than him and "more importantly" more qualified than the people currently running the world. You are going to have to come up with some better arguments than that Brian. Like I said before I didn't like this man before, but he is intelligent and is using his fame and money for good reasons. Here you are attacking him for trying to help the poor and the needy?

    • Like 1


    so why no MP women masters?

    I remember reading that women who had a child could no longer attempt level 4 fusion in mo pai. I do not remember if this was from a book for from personal discussion with Jim and or students of Kosta however. I do remember reading that. I am unsure of the reasoning behind it.


    *consults the kama sutra* yeah I guess there are not any positions where both partners would have their perineum in contact with the ground :(. Though I get the impression that merging instead of focusing on yin would be more the goal.


    So how come a guy would not collect heaploads of yin while being that connected with a woman? Hell even hugging someone for that matter who is very yin?

    There may be a release of yin energy during female orgasm. Although it feels great to help someone else enjoy themselves, I've never felt otherwise energetically empowered after helping my partner reach climax while not reaching climax myself.



    If this is the case... how come there are not more women neigong and qigong masters?

    There are only 10 people on earth I would say qualify for the title of master, everyone else is a child in comparison.


    However I get what you mean. In comparison to a lay person, there are a lot more "advanced" male practitioners than female.


    This may sound sexist, but I think mainly it's an issue of drive and determination.


    While women are more naturally gifted they lack (in general) the stick-to-it-tive-ness that males have.


    And so in conclusion, the best yin exercise would be to have sex with a man and a woman, on the ground, in a cemetery to gather yin energy?

    Being grounded electrically to the earth at the perineum point will allow you to gather as much yin as you gather yang during meditation.


    I doubt much would be gathered during sex, other than yang chi which would need to be stored away via meditation as well.

    • Like 1

  6. Also, how does one perceive yin?

    You don't, at least until yin and yang have fused as one inside your body. It is not possible, even if a guy who wrote 1000 books says otherwise.


    Only in the deepest depths of trance is it vaguely possible to move into our yin consciousness.

    • Like 1

  7. For starters, does this mean us chicks have it easier? ;)

    From my understanding, yes very much so.


    Women are vastly better able to work with yin energy, than males. They also have access to an unlimited supply of yang energy if they play their cards right :)

    • Like 1

  8. One should never regard science as a conclusion or set of conclusions.


    It is only a process by which we make better paradigms as more evidence becomes available to us.


    To often both scientists and non-scientists forget this and cling to science as though current scientific paradigms are infallible and can never be replaced with more accurate paradigms.


    As to the rest of your argument:


    There is much we don't understand, in the grand scheme of things our science and our scientific paradigms are just monkey paintings on a cave wall. If we understood reality to the degree we pretend we do, right now we would be immortal Gods.


    Assuming we don't kill ourselves off first, we will reach a point where we have a deeper understanding of reality and technology beyond your wildest dreams.


    Science is the best process at getting ever closer to the truth that we have come up with yet, and it has helped us burn away delusions better than any other system I am aware of.


    Not having all the answers isn't the fault of science as a process though, it is lack of determination, vision, and intelligence on our part. We are too busy watching America's top model, honey boo boo, and duck dynasty to care about advancing our understanding of reality.


    We are just a bunch of ignorant monkeys flinging poo.






    Science is good at constructing models which are simplifications that do a better job of describing/predicting the behavioral characteristics of physical processes than the previous models.


    This particular thread has input -- from my personal knowledge -- from a chemist, a biologist, a physicist and three engineers (I'm sure there are several more "hard science"-types posting, too).


    Play a game with me for a moment, KenBrace, if you will. Take a minute or two and explain light in layman's terms, in your own words. You can use Google or Wikipedia or whatever, just make sure it is a 20th century or later scientific understanding, OK?


    Or, if that seems daunting, try one of these highly narrowed cases:

    • Where does light come from?
    • Where does it go?
    • What does "the speed of light" mean?
    • How does a mirror work?
    • How does a light bulb work?
    • What is fire?

    Pick any of them, then I'll ask a simple question or two and we'll see how quickly we get to "I don't know..."




    Don't worship at the altar of Science.

    • Like 4

  9. Depends.


    I would say as a generalization, for men it would be a hindrance, and for women it would be a help.



    In general men must provide psychological, emotional, and financial support, and all of that is energetically draining, not to mention the great deal of yang energy released during coitus.



    For the most part I would say that females would find the most benefit, they are naturally more gifted at working with yin energy..


    They may be able to find a situation where:


    1. They are provided for and don't need to work at all and can focus on meditation and training.


    2. They have access to unlimited source of yang chi.







    Of course this doesn't apply to all relationships and certainly there are cases where the opposite might be true.

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    schwit1 sends this quote from the NY Times "The Justice Department for the first time has notified a criminal defendant that evidence being used against him came from a warrantless wiretap, a move that is expected to set up a Supreme Court test of whether such eavesdropping is constitutional. The government's notice allows the defendant's lawyer to ask a court to suppress the evidence by arguing that it derived from unconstitutional surveillance, setting in motion judicial review of the eavesdropping. ... The practice contradicted what [solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr.] had told the Supreme Court last year in a case challenging the law, the FISA Amendments Act of 2008. Legalizing a form of the Bush administration’s program of warrantless surveillance, the law authorized the government to wiretap Americans’ e-mails and phone calls without an individual court order and on domestic soil so long as the surveillance is “targeted” at a foreigner abroad. A group of plaintiffs led by Amnesty International had challenged the law as unconstitutional. But Mr. Verrilli last year urged the Supreme Court to dismiss the case because those plaintiffs could not prove that they had been wiretapped. In making that argument, he said a defendant who faced evidence derived from the law would have proper legal standing and would be notified, so dismissing the lawsuit by Amnesty International would not close the door to judicial review of the 2008 law. The court accepted that logic, voting 5-to-4 to dismiss the case."








    by Taco Cowboy (5327) on Saturday October 26, 2013 @10:00PM (#45248743) Journal

    ... there is NOTHING FREE !!!

    I am speaking on experience.

    I am an American, a naturalized American citizen.

    I came from China.

    I, and many others, risking our lives and swam to Hong Kong back in the 1970's. They were shooting at us, back then.

    We risked our lives not because we were poor (and we were) but because there was NO FREEDOM for the people.

    Everything that we did - who your friends were, where you been to, what you did, why you did what you did, everything - was under the watchful eyes of the BIG BROTHER.

    I went to the United States precisely because, back then, the United States of America was the only country that could guarantee my freedom, because, back then, the government of the United States of America still had respect for The Constitution.

    I became an American citizen precisely because I found the freedom that I had longed for.

    That was back then.

    Not now.

    Nowadays, the so-called "freedom" has all but evaporated.

    When the prosecutors (or rather, persecutors ) can charge people with warrantless wiretaps , what is the difference between the United States of America and the former East Germany under Stasi or China under CCP ?

    Back when I became a naturalized citizen of the United States of America, my new government was still operating under the Constitution of the United States.

    No more.

    Under the Obama administration, I am sorry to say, the Constitution of the United States has become as valuable as soiled disposable diaper.

    As an American, I am sad.

    As one who was from an oppressed state, risking live in order to gain freedom, I am HORRIFIED.

    I am watching THE COUNTRY THAT I ADOPTED turning into just like the one I ran away from.

    • Like 2

  11. 'It took him a long time to die': drone operator traumatized by killing missions



    When he quit the air force in 2011 after six years' service, he was presented with a list of achievements for his squadron's missions that counted the number of enemies killed in action as 1626. ''The number made me sick to my stomach,'' he said.

    • Like 1

  12. What I was getting at is that at no time during 1925-1945 did the German people think anything was wrong (the majority of them).


    They didn't believe the Reichstag fire was a false flag, which was used to pass the enabling act giving Hitler near dictatorial power, they didn't think anything of using Jews as scape goats for all their countries problems, they didn't think anything of the wars their country started, from their perspective it was all just normal life.


    Living in the middle of it you never realize how bad it really is.


    You are right that it is different this time, removing the current administration would be only removing a sock puppet from a hand controlling it.


    You aren't exactly right though, that we can't know the true face of those behind the curtains. All you have to do is follow the money and ask yourself... Cui bono.. Who benefits?


    They are the 1% income earners, the ones in control of the financial systems, the banks, the federal reserve.


    "Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws".

    -Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838









    No what I am saying ... if you look at what I actually say ... is that the control now comes from unseen sources and our culture(s) have been degraded to a point where there is very little that people get energised about. We are kind of politically sedated. But its not fascism because with Mr. Hitler and others you knew where the power was and could attack it ... now our leaders are not our leaders ... they are puppets. Material prosperity is a kind of anaesthetic ... and so on.


    Anyway if you want to call it fascism that's up to you guys ... the OP title had a question mark which I thought meant this was about a debate ... but I guess you prefer to use this term ... so I'll go away and play with my chakras ...


    No what I am saying ... if you look at what I actually say ... is that the control now comes from unseen sources and our culture(s) have been degraded to a point where there is very little that people get energised about. We are kind of politically sedated. But its not fascism because with Mr. Hitler and others you knew where the power was and could attack it ... now our leaders are not our leaders ... they are puppets. Material prosperity is a kind of anaesthetic ... and so on.


    Anyway if you want to call it fascism that's up to you guys ... the OP title had a question mark which I thought meant this was about a debate ... but I guess you prefer to use this term ... so I'll go away and play with my chakras ...