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Posts posted by Thunder_Gooch


    Different people have different abilities, from what I have found.


    And I'd need to re-read the insult policy again before responding to that second part ;). I am soooo not a newager.


    Seriously though... just because you (or others) cannot perceive a certain thing, does not mean it does not exist.

    Well it isn't directed at anyone here in particular.


    Imagine you met a God like being, who came down and demonstrated abilities like walking through walls, the ability to fly, heal stage 4 cancer instantly, virtually anything you can imagine.


    And he told you that even he couldn't see an aura unless he was using near his maximum potential.


    Then the group of people next to you spurt out with well DUH you are wrong cause I can see auras...




    Lot's of people claim lots of things, and lots of people claim they know better than the most advanced beings on earth, doesn't make it so.


    Most of these people who claim to see spirits in waking consciousness, feel yin energy, see auras, even if told directly by such a god like being they were delusional would only argue with the teacher and call him a fraud.


    That's sort of what I am getting at.

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  2. I do not know where your certainty comes from regarding the feeling of yin.


    Lot's of people claim to be able to feel yin and what they call yin energy may be a real energy.


    The problem here is what Chang refers to as yin energy is something else altogether.


    Two separate things sharing the same name here is causing massive confusion.

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  3. mistaken point regarding the ability of the open eye to see a magnetic field?

    Again I will give you people can believe they see something, but I've seen all sorts of silly newage people claim to see all sorts of silly things.

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  4. If you ever come to see auras with your eyes open

    The most advanced being on the planet that we know of at this point is only able to perceive an aura when he unleashes his full potential, normally he does demonstrations with less than 1% of his maximum ability.


    People who think they can see auras are deluding themselves.


    My breath caught in my throat. “What color is my aura?” I blurted out without a hint of subtlety.


    “I don’t know.” He raised a hand to silence my protest.


    “I can see the deepest color of your aura only when I am at full power, during the times when I am training in the mountains. Not now.”


    Danaos, Kosta Nei Kung: The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages (p. 10)

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    yin feels awesome.


    I really wish that Chang had called yin energy something else.


    The nature of the energy he describes as yin is such that it cannot possibly be directly experienced by a human mind.


    It can only be felt as it interacts with the yang in the body, not directly. The only exception to this I know if is via the deepest most profound depths of trance and stillness. (or the person has achieved fusion of yin and yang)


    Lot's of people (a famous teacher even), claim you can feel and absorb yin energy on an airplane, ungrounded, on a plastic seat, 10,000 feet in the air, or while moving around doing exercises.


    What Chang describes as yin can only be obtained via direct electrical contact with the earth, and synthetic materials block it's flow, and only then during the deepest depths of trance.


    The fact still remains that whatever it is these guys are "feeling" and calling yin, and what Chang are calling yin is not the same energy.


    I think we need new terminology to avoid serious confusion.

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    Oh I can most definitely perceive yin entities no problem (and confirmed by others). Been able to since I was born. Wasn't so pleasant when I was a kid, now it's... a good thing most of the time.


    Uhm, trance state is extremely important in magic, and any spiritual path I figure. The shaman folks (sorry don't know a better term, and hate that one) had it right!

    I think trance is popular, but wildly misunderstood by most. Most people I talk to hear the word trance and think they can achieve it by mantra or repetition of some activity. That isn't the same state I am referencing to. The state between waking and sleeping, it's something we each pass through for a split second before we lose consciousness at night. The trick is learning to keep a foot on either side of the doorway.



    I've met a lot of people who claim to see spirits, based on my own experience unless they were in profoundly deep states of trance I think probably these entities were imagined.


    Perhaps the imagination was inspired by subconscious communication with the conscious mind, and it is accurate but I don't think it is the result of direct observation of yin energy.

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    I can feel magnetic energy though :). Sometimes in a quite uncomfortable manner (had to move the neodymiums out of my bedroom!) Is it possible in this sense? PS that vid is awesome!


    I'm still curious though, what is the energy from the stuff which I perceive as yin? Woman, the dark moon, deep night, deep into the earth (when you send roots down during meditation), cemeteries... I'm trying to understand what it is :).

    I wish I had a better explanation for you. When you are moving around and aware you are experiencing your yang consciousness, and it just is not possible to experience yin at all via the yang consciousness.


    You can look at paintings which make you feel emotions, of a woman, a dark moon, a deep night, or the earth. You can even say, these things I am looking at are yin. However the energy it is being perceived with is 100% yang energy.


    In yang consciousness only extremely dense fields of yin can be perceived, only then by their interaction with the yang energy in your body.


    This is much the same way that you can't see a magnetic field, yet if using a ferrofluid you can see it's interactions with it.


    After yin and yang are fused as one you can more directly perceive yin energy in the environment in normal waking consciousness.


    The only exception to this I am aware of is during the deepest depths of trance where breathing stops completely, in perfect total and absolute stillness. During this state you can perceive the yin aspect more so than in waking awareness.

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  8. The only exception to this rule that I know of is that in the most profound and deepest depths of trance you are more in your yin consciousness, only then that I am aware of can yin entities and the yin side of reality be more directly perceived.


    This isn't a state most people will ever experience in their lifetimes however, as most forms of meditation don't take you there, and most people scoff at trance as useless to their path.

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    How do you perceive yin energy?

    You don't. That is the thing.


    Yin energy is not perceptible as your consciousness itself is made of 100% pure yang energy.


    You can only perceive it's interaction with the yang in your body.


    This is much the same as how you can't see a magnetic field without something like a ferrofluid, but it can never be seen directly by your eyes.


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  10. ..... bagua, you can feel Yin.


    With 100 percent certainty, you are wrong.


    Yin can only be perceived by it's interaction with the yang energy in our bodies. Our consciousness itself is 100% pure yang energy.


    If you believe you are feeling yin energy, it is a sure sign that you are not.


    You can call energy you feel yin because you believe it so, but that doesn't mean you are correct.




    Of all people on earth will never fuse their yin and yang energies as one, and will never directly perceive yin energy.

  11. I didn't mean they were the same thing. I meant that they remain the same as they previously were. Not combined together, but as they were. Separate, but working together. United by intent.


    “These energies are opposites; they can never meet." You quoted that.

    Well normally they can't, but yet it is the fusion of the two as one that is the goal of the system I study.

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  12. Though More Pie Guy, you telling me that folks can't feel yin.. confuses me a bit... why would there be one energy in the universe that cannot be felt?

    Right now your consciousness itself is made of 100% pure yang energy. That being the case you cannot perceive yin at all.


    Imagine trying to see pure darkness using a flashlight.


    Once yin and yang are fused as one in your body your consciousness will be able to perceive yin energy directly.


    As it stands now Yin energy can only be felt by yin's indirect interaction on the yang energy in your body.





    “Can you show us what yin and yang are like, individually?”

    Andreas asked.


    “Yes. Touch my hand.” John extended his arm, and Andreas

    touched his fingers with his own. John sent a burst of ch’i to his

    fingertips; immediately Andreas pulled his hand back as it he had

    been burned. I had suffered the same display many times in the past.


    “Hot, isn’t it?” John laughed.


    “So when you demonstrate by setting a newspaper on fire, it’s

    yang ch’i that you send down to it?”




    “And what is the yin ch’i like?”


    “The yin is passive. It can only follow, never lead. It can absorb

    energy but never initiate motion.




    “I can show you what the yin is like,” John said. “Just a minute.”

    He disappeared for a few minutes.



    John came up behind me and pulled my shirt out of my pants. As

    with Handoko, he put a knuckle up against the small of my back, in

    the area of my kidneys.


    Suddenly I felt like I was being pumped up with air. I could feel

    my belly distending and my bladder being squeezed; I wanted to

    pee. There was no other sensation; no cold, no rush of energy, no

    electrical discharge, nothing. Just the feeling of fullness.




    John had mentioned that a student had to be at least Level Three

    to be able to sense the yin; that a human being, by his own nature

    yang, cannot sense yin energy directly. Rather, a human senses the

    presence of yin by its reaction to the yang. Here is an unidentified

    force that leaves no trace of itself, that we cannot feel inside our own

    bodies even in excess (unlike electricity, but perhaps like gravity),

    but whose results I had witnessed, experienced, and felt.

    It was a frustrating position for an engineer to be in. I had seen

    the “ether” but needed a way to prove its existence to the world. 13

    What was also intriguing was the fact that most people in the

    West think of yin and yang as philosophical concepts rather than as

    actual physical energies. A serious presentation placing the two in

    an orthological vein would be revolutionary at best.



    The Magus of Java p111



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  13. They are not the same:

    You understand about yang and yin?” he had asked. I nodded.
    In this day and age few people in the West had not heard of these
    two opposing universal forces. “Inside our bodies, both flow in equal
    amounts,” he continued. “These energies are opposites; they can
    never meet. Yin and yang normally run parallel to each other, never
    letting go of one another. I use my yin and yang together as one;
    that is why I can do what I do. By itself, yang ch’i cannot pass the
    limits of the body.”

    The Magus of Java p13

    Our physical bodies are yang; the energy and being
    of spirits is yin. Conversely, yang comes from heaven, yin from the
    earth. Both forces are present in everything alive on this planet, but
    they are not harmonious forces, as often represented in the West.
    Instead, they are in constant struggle, never able to meet yet always
    interacting. It must be stressed that this clash is a struggle of natural
    universal energies, not a contention of sentient deities! Neither yin
    nor yang has anything to do with good and evil; they are independent of
    purpose and morality.

    -The Magus Of Java p180

    I think I know what you mean. These do seem to integrate closer and closer. It's more like the intent becomes one but the energies are still fundamentally the same. It's more to do with your own body as a reference point. The yin is when you are receptive (let go, be passive) which does result in a certain gravitational feeling. The yang is the projection of whatever.

    Yin/yang in terms of this thread is a much larger topic and the reference point changes which makes it a lot more dynamic. That reference moves from yourself to any particular person that you might choose.

    Probably another good thing to take note of. There is no yin or yang without a reference point.

  14. I watched the video but it didn't do much for me to be honest.


    Just some Hippy declaring the revolution is going to happen and voting is stupid and stuff.


    It might rile up the ones already riled up, but it's going to take watching people they love brutally murdered by military police, starving to death, and hell on earth to bring about a real revolution if it even happens then.


    You don't get just how docile, ignorant and stupid the vast majority of our population really is.


    They'd rather devour a bucket of KFC than take a day off work to go protest something they don't really understand anyway.


    The situation we are in so insane you just have to laugh, because that's about all you can do.

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  15. I am not upset, just saying happy people never revolt.


    Obviously people are just happy enough, just content enough to stop them from revolting, otherwise we would have passed the tipping point by now.


    We are force medicated sodium fluoride to increase docility and reduce intelligence.


    Our foods are sprayed with fluoride compounds, and it's in many medicines as well.


    People get depressed they get medication.


    People are depressed they smoke pot and drink.


    People are upset, but not upset enough to rock the boat (obviously).


    Who wants to be a Snowden and give up a cushy upper middle class lifestyle to wake people up, and run and hide the rest of your natural life as a consequence?


    Who wants wants to paint themselves a target?


    Most people just want to live their lives and be left alone.


    Not until they watch people they love brutally murdered by military police under marital law, till they are starving and looking death in the face, not until they have lost everything, not until then will we see a real revolution.


    There is no reason to get upset, I didn't say happy people revolted. Are you saying people are happy today? Is that why there is so much medication being prescribed? Is that why so many people are using drugs? Is that why so many people are in prison?


    I'm not sure why we are arguing. People are pissed, people just don't know what's going on. This video does that, this video can wake people up. You have an A list celebrity, you have the video being broadcast everywhere, and it explains in detail the problems with what's going on. It's the perfect way to wake up people who are tuned into to tv. Again, watch the video. I'm confused on why you are confused.

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  16. The first guy can stand up and look like an idiot and everyone will laugh, but when a second person comes, he solidifies the idea that, "wait a minute, there might be something to this". When people see the 2nd, or in the case the first couple million views, they will the same exact thing. Than when it's becoming the new "trend" people rush to join so that they are not "left behind"




    You mean like operation wall street.... Yeah that worked out real well.


    The problem is people won't move if they are comfortable, and most people are comfortable.


    They are still making enough money to cram their face with junkfood and cheap bear and watch honey boo-boo as their brain cells shrivel up and die by the thousands.


    That is your average American citizen, an idiotic mouth breathing imbecile who has no idea WTF is going on.


    Until these dip****s are force fed the red pill there will be no revolution.


    I don't care what history book you quote, that's reality.

  17. Happy people don't revolt, if you read otherwise in your history books you should get a refund.


    Spain, Egypt, Greece..


    They looked pretty **** ****ed off to me.


    Revolution will never occur until the populace wakes up and is outraged at the reality around them.



    That's not true, I'm a history major and people have revolted before. Did you not see the protests in Egypt, and what was it Spain? I'm not sure but anyways people are waking up, watch the effing video. All your arguements will be answered that's why I posted the video.


    Good! Keep up the fight my man.


    That's not true, I will tell you how to guide sheep into a revolution. I saw a ted talk on it. It's not the first person that starts the revolution, it's the 2nd guy. The first guy can stand up and look like an idiot and everyone will laugh, but when a second person comes, he solidifies the idea that, "wait a minute, there might be something to this". When people see the 2nd, or in the case the first couple million views, they will the same exact thing. Than when it's becoming the new "trend" people rush to join so that they are not "left behind" This is about getting this video across, because it is so intelligently spoken, few arguments are left unanswered. Both these man were smart, and the reporter tried everything he could to make Brand look foolish. He tried what Brian did earlier, but Brand had a question and a logical reason for everything. There's gold in this video. I feel it.

    Again if you watch the video, Brand will be able to explain this.




    Until you watch MPG please don't reply. I want someone to argue with who knows what we are arguing about. You can't see the world revolution and than just spit of bunch of jargon. I mean you can... but it's really wasting both of our time and we could spend that time changing the world. Have a good day.

  18. Just look at it like Dorian explained. They're relative terms. You cannot merge a difference in potential.


    Think about it for a while.


    Well they are just names, but in the school I study yin energy is a real energy like gravity, and yang energy is a real energy like light. The fusion of these two energies, a passive field type energy and an active radiant energy, is the point.


    They are not abstract concepts but real energies in our environment.

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  19. Nothing will happen until people are no longer well fed and entertained.



    Content people don't revolt.



    I feel that I am actively working to wake people up.


    Until 90% of the population is awake and aware to reality there will never be change in our society.


    The revolution will happen in the minds of the population, not with guns and pitchforks.


    People's paradigms and worldviews need to change, they need to be slapped awake.


    No revolution is coming until that happens.



    I respect you MPG so I will reply to you on this.

    Did you watch the video? I feel you shrugged it off without giving it a real listen. I'll even bold the important parts. Direct quote from Brand,


    "Remember that – yeah, totally, there’s gonna be a revolution, it’s totally going to happen. I ain’t got even a flicker of doubt. This is the end. This is time to wake up. I remember I seen you in that program where you look at your ancestors and you saw the way your grandmother would have to brass herself or had to have got fucked over by the aristocrats who ran her gaff, and you cried because you knew that it was unfair and unjust. And that was, what was that, a century ago? That’s happening to people now. I just come from a woman who’s being treated like that. I just been talking to a woman today who’s being treated like that. So if we can engage that feeling, instead of some moment of lachrymose sentimentality trotted out on the TV for people to pore over emotional porn, if we can engage that feeling and change things, why wouldn’t we? Why is that naive? Why is that not my right because I’m an actor? I mean, I, I’ve taken the right. I don’t need the right from you. I don’t need the right from anybody. I’m taking it."



    Sheep need a Shepard, if you sit back and do nothing you are just as much to blame.



    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

    Edmund Burke



    I can pull quotes off in the internet as well. ;)

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  20. Oh, and men on the spiritual path fall under the opposite statistical scenario?.. So comforting to know. It's only women who get fucked up by choosing the spiritual path, or alternatively, the spiritual path is laid down just so as to fuck up only women. Well, we women have it made then. Exemplary specimens of mental, emotional and physical health is all we'll encounter in our endeavor to mate with a spiritually slanted male. Hooray.



    I wouldn't say this is true.


    Most of the spiritual men I meet are retarded newage ***hats. Absolutely the most absurd, limp wristed, inane, people you can imagine.


    I've only met a few serious students.


    Most people in general (male and female) are just absurd, stupid, ignorant, horrible individuals.


    I am not sure this is a men vs women thing, humanity (both male and female) is pretty ****ed up.

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  21. Government is just a reflection of the people. You have a stupid ignorant apathetic populace, you get an absolutely and totally corrupt government as a result.

    "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."

    ― Edward R. Murrow



    No more derailing, I would like to redirect to the topic of this discussion on the idea of a revolution. What do you see wrong with the government? What would you like seen done? Would you partake in a revolution? Who are the aristocrats running things? These are the types of questions I was hoping to see not to read fabricated stories from Brian and attacks on a man's past. We are talking about the future, and only a conservative aristocrat who is "privileged" would come on here and try to attack the idea of helping starving poor people.

    I see Brian is typing another argument, I will not respond and I ask that no matter what he says about Russell Brand, you all just ignore it. That goes with any other post who is here not to contribute to the health of our planet, but to attack a man who has done nothing but work hard, get rich, and use his riches to help the people.

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