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Everything posted by Thunder_Gooch

  1. Fuck karma

    Pretend the multiverse is static, unmoving, unchanging. What is moving is your consciousness, like a pulse of energy moving through a wire. As time progresses reality around you isn't what's moving, you are. In front of and behind you and in every other possible direction there are other mindstreams all who believe themselves to be you and in fact they have as much claim to that title as you do. None of them however have bodies, they only have the experience of having a body which isn't the same thing. As you make choices you navigate between realities, if you are speaking with another person, you will not be speaking to just one person, you will be moving past an infinite number of mindstreams each of them believing they are that person. At each moment in time and space for which there is an observer it is populated by mindstream as real as your own. I wouldn't call it swapping out, so much as it's just your movement through time and space.
  2. Fuck karma

    That's all you or anyone else has ever done since birth. The present moment isn't a firm static reality, it's a nexus between realities. As you make choices, think thoughts, etc, you are moving between realities each and every moment you are alive. Also the me of a moment ago is no longer the same mindstream, but rather another mindstream with an identical history. As time progresses you will interact with an infinite amount of mindstreams you believe to be one person, yet as each individual mindstream makes choices it will move to other realities. Right now everyone you ever loved that died, that system of information still exists and is populated by active mindstreams still believing they are that person. Everything we could do in our lifetime had already been done before we were born. Every possible life action and outcome exists just as real and is also populated by a mindstream living it's life believing it is you, because it is. All ideas you could have, books you could read, things you could do, all of those existed prior to your birth. All realities exist as real as all others, future, present and past are just perspectives that exist in relation to your location at any given moment. More like, if I have plenty of money in my bank account and buy a pair of shoes does it matter? At death all debts come due, and all payments are made or at least that is my understanding. Perhaps a drop in the bucket doesn't matter at the moment but over time it adds up. Well either way your account will reach zero before the next stage before rebirth. Yes.
  3. Fuck karma

    All realities that could exist, do exist. All realities are just as real, just as alive, just as populated with mindstreams (as real as yours) as the one you are in right now. The reality you currently reside in, is the one your mindstream has navigated to via your actions thoughts etc. That's karma. Karma is burning your hand on a hot object, or winding up in the wrong neighborhood at 1am. For every action there is a consequence, most are unforeseen. If your third eye were open you would be able to realize the consequences of your actions before you performed them invoking a sort of retro-causality. Chang says there is indeed a bank account like system for our actions while alive, if the bank account is in the red you go to a temporary hell where you burn it off via suffering, and if in the black you experience a temporary heaven to burn off the good karma. Neither state lasts forever.
  4. Debunking a Creator

    What if God doesn't exist in the same sense that you don't exist? ;D
  5. What are those dam goats doing on the dam wall.
  6. The FBI can secretly activate a computer’s webcam to spy on an individual without turning on the indicator light, a former official revealed to the Washington Post in an article published Friday. According to the Washington Post’s account of what Marcus Thomas — former assistant director of the FBI’s Operational Technology Division in Quantico — said, “The FBI has been able to covertly activate a computer’s camera — without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording 2013 VS 1984
  7. U.S. Spy Rocket Has Octopus-Themed 'Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach' Logo. Seriously. This is the real mission patch for a rocket carrying spy satellites heading into space today.
  8. I have to wonder though, why someone would do that. 99.9% of the people I meet feel fake, plastic, artificial, not genuine, etc. Why would I pick up someone that feels like a stranger and try and do nice things with them to build up empathy? Seems a little silly to me.
  9. I don't think real love is what Hollywood sells us. Romantic love as best I can tell is a sham, and exists only as something like a drug induced altered state of consciousness to ensure babies get made. Most of the men I know personally that got married and had kids are now divorced or still together and miserable. What good is trading a few years of bliss for a lifetime of misery with the wrong person? I don't think I could ever be happy with anyone if we weren't on the same wavelength, working towards the same goals. What is the point of being in a relationship if you have to change who you are, or compromise your life goals to make the relationship work? For me any real love would have to be with someone who was on the same path I was, and wanted to team up to work towards that goal with me, otherwise they would just be a distraction holding me back.
  10. I know for me personally I could never love someone who doesn't share my dreams, perspective, motivations, etc. I have lot's of friends but at the end of the day, it's a sort of interspecies relationship. Love for me would have to be a situation where I didn't feel like I was forced to make compromises, nor forcing someone else to either. A partnership where we both shared the same goals and path and worked together towards that end. As best as I can tell there just isn't another person out there that could live up to my expectations. Maybe it's ok to be alone? Being completely alone isn't bad at all if you enjoy your own company.
  11. Debunking a Creator

    From the perspective of your cells, you are a God. Yet from the perspective of your cells you don't even exist. Imagine for a moment that each of your cells was an individual, with it's own intelligence, ego, identity etc. Imagine that collectively your cells work together exactly as a society does and it is their cooperation, intercommunication, and exchange of energy and information that gives rise to your very consciousness itself. Imagine that one day one of your cellular citizens looked over at another and said he was an atheist, and didn't believe in a grand overseeing consciousness. From the perspective of the cells he would be correct, there is no independent consciousness separate from them. Yet as they work together, and share energy and information over a vast organic internet and coordinate themselves as a society they generate consciousness as a function of the exchange of that energy and information. We as a society perform exactly the same role as neurons in a neural network as we interact and share energy and information. We generate exactly the same sort of consciousness we ourselves experience. Yet it has no existence independent of us.
  12. Debunking a Creator

    I like turtles.
  13. Minerals and Mo Pai, and other kinds of nei gong

    It has everything to do with that
  14. Minerals and Mo Pai, and other kinds of nei gong

    You can define yin chi however you wish, however you won't be absorbing what mo pai calls yin chi unless you are grounded to the earth during meditation. That's how it is. Previous replies inside the spoiler:
  15. Minerals and Mo Pai, and other kinds of nei gong

    (deleted to consolidate posts)
  16. Yin chi number 3

    To improve readability everyone get's their own thread in an offsite forum. I would have used my own PPF, but I couldn't be given permission to do this without it being called spam. I would rather not risk it. It is not possible to join this forum and reply to threads, this exists as an archive only. You are welcome to copy and paste my replies back into the debate here if you wish. _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
  17. Neikung Master Around John's Level (Demo)

    Well to be honest I wouldn't try, you are likely to hurt yourself.
  18. Neikung Master Around John's Level (Demo)

    Get high end air rifle one you can easily shoot through a thick tin can (not soda can), pump it to maximum capacity, and discharge it point blank into the palm of your hand. Let's see a youtube video of you doing that (don't do this, you might get hurt)
  19. Yin chi number 3

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  20. Yin chi number 3

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  21. Yin chi number 3

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  22. Yin chi number 3

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  23. Yin chi number 3

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  24. Yin chi number 3

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