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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. Taoists have useful cultivation methods, that's where I get on the train, and where I get off. (Yay for Qigong and Meditation!)
  2. Transgender HRT and Jing

    If you'd like - you can simply practice meditation that cultivates chi, along with Qigong instead of relying on the body's natural process to due it for you.
  3. Bro, seriously. The only reason people say to do something a certain amount of times is to ENSURE that you put the work in. You don't have to do it for a set amount of times, you just want to relax, and focus on the area while rubbing. Pay attention to the body and energy, feel deep inside the Dan Tien as you rub. you don't have to do an exact 36/24/300 times. Breath into the belly, low and deep - slowly and rub the area slowly as well. Its about feeling. Quality over quantity. If you practice this way you may end up rubbing 50 times, but it doesn't matter, your cultivating health and energy and that's the real point.
  4. Neigong at the Beach!

    How quickly is this workshop filling up?
  5. I'd be more interested in SM or KAP teachers. But we all have different goals.
  6. Is violence justified

    If you won't protect yourself, someone will have to do it for you. If no one will protect you, for you - then you die. Yes, if you don't defend yourself - you get bullied, beaten or worse. I feel that at times violence is justified, but now-a-days so much legal is involved in protecting ones self. I'm glad you knocked that idiot out.
  7. What information are people reading that makes Mopai seem so interesting?
  8. I have an idea, don't listen to anyone who tells you without a doubt that they have the right answer, sometimes they will also tell you not to listen to anyone else. I've seen a few of those posts already.
  9. You can apply offensive energy techniques such as Dim Mak against anyone, it does not matter who, or the relationship they do or don't have with you. The problem your running up against on this board, is that it seems unlikely unless it has happened to you personally.
  10. Jing conservation / sexual balance

    I suggest using Secret Smile practice - Posted By Santi, here: Secret Smile Eventually you can create internal orgasms that are energizing, much later on. The non sexual areas of this practice will do wonders for keeping you on track.
  11. Thanks for sharing. My favorite part about chi kung - sharing online is hearing about the experiences of others. I need to get one of you guys out to me! (One day I will attend a workshop) *
  12. Levels of Consciousness

    What does the reader say Vegita? IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!!
  13. The Dao is open?

    Your funny dude, It's the interwebz, if you don't like a site, just leave it. Hell - make your own!
  14. Heart As Qi Circulation Focus

    Holding energy in the body as a means to project conciously. Chi kung, meditation... Learning to trance while in sitting meditation can bring you to the stepping platform. You can Google techniques for just Astral Projection, even Youtube has instructional videos. If you practice it, you'll get it.
  15. Philosophical question

    That song is too sad for me! Easy! The answer is that there is a part of the brain that becomes excited when you experience something new(whatever that part is called) It lights up and sends pleasurable signals. Once you've heard a song too many times it stops feeling good, UNLESS you've enjoyed a song so much it created a pathway that activates whenever you hear it, like a trigger. So 3 Doors Down for you activates that pathway and you can still feel good when hearing it, unless you stop feeding it those good emotions. Just an idea, the brain thing is real I just can't remember the terms.
  16. Right, but I always thought imaginations were tools, but in a sense they weren't perfect becuase the imagination itself color's the vision. Like astral travel(for example) the opinions I had read online is that it is much better to project from a waking state as an effect of meditation and chi kung then it is to do so from dreams, to ensure the experience isn't imagined. On the flip side, shamanic techniques and visualizations can move energy and intent fairly well. I suppose every case study is different in its variables.
  17. Philosophical question

    And a carpenter and a healer and a god in a human body. What a one-upper jerk. J/k!
  18. It would be fine if no one listened to the crap he spews.
  19. 3D cinema - not so impressed

    3D movies don't impress me much - Shania Twain. lol. Now, seriously I think all 3D movies suck(the 3D part of them). But movie content keeps getting worse anyway. Especially when looking at what Adam Sandler is putting out.
  20. I know someone who vibrates as part of practice, I don't know what vibrating into the enviroment is supposed to do, but he vibrates inside of his body as a practice, or at least part of it. He had recommended to me to try holding a vibrating tool and just follow that feeling into the body. It was difficult.
  21. Philosophical question

    It pulls the right strings
  22. Desire for diffrent reality

    Sounds like advice for sad Emo teens.
  23. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    People, even. Improve I mean. Creativity expressed postivitely is a great quality in my book. I met a very funny guy who was able to cheerfully express himself differently all throughout the day.
  24. Greg Braden Healing Powers

    What is it in a nutshell? Peanut if you don't mind.
  25. Uniting heaven and earth in 2nd chakra?

    Just to piggy back, as a beginner to Chi Kung i've found that just intending to esnd the energy (as Rex said above) is normally enough, and the more you practice the more you'll feel internally(my experience) after a while you'll be able to tell the difference, anyway. Especially if your practice has a quiet sitting practice, that allows you to feel the inside of the body energeticly and physically.