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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. SHOCKER! "Avatar" Angers the Pope Because xtians can do no harm according to gih
  2. KAP

    My reiki teachers energy always felt "off" when he had been drinking. It was always weird to notice it over an MSN chat.
  3. KAP

    The jet pack is the best way. Speed!
  4. Kunlun and Demons

    Does Max still run workshops and teach?
  5. How to Contact The Ascended Masters

    That is how it started after I had my experience, IMO I was told that they would also use emotions and feelings to protray what needed to be expressed. I think at one point I started seeing symbolic images of the emotion, but didn't feel anything. I must be broken. As far as becoming responsible: I can't wait to become more skilled, so that I'm not a burden on those who have contacted me. Right now I feel like the retarded step-child trying to play back when I'm being poked at for fun and watched for improvement, the humor thing is straight on the money.
  6. Kunlun and Demons

    Imagine he walks up to you and asks kindly if he could toss your salad. Reptillian bastard! Of course you can!
  7. 7 Levels of Reiki

    You only need to be able to vibe sense energy, and have a small working knowlege of theh igher self to self attune to anyone's system. You can do the seven level thing, or the three level thing. Just check out the vibe of the founder. Also, the strength of any Reiki sytem is at first based upon who channeled it, until you yourself become proficient at using the energy. Good luck.
  8. KAP

    Ah, this is good discussion. Jed Mckenna says the same thing, I suppose it depends on a few things. Like your goals. Spiritual Autolysis is just a fancy name for contemplation, and writing out your thoughts to pull out all the BS until your mind is free like you described above. In that guys experience, he found that his "oneness" experience and other spiritual experiences meant nothing, because his goal wasn't to play with the energy aspect. But he did have experience in it. Working things out that way can be painful. I started it and decided that I should either stop or quit my job because I was freaking people out at work, they just had to look at my face, I must have looked the way I felt as I stripped my beliefs and BS away at top speed. Well anyway, on the flip side of the coin I have EXPERIENXED how someone with a working knowlege of subtle bodies can remove junk from said bodies, meridians and (yes I know you hate this) chakras. These things, to me seem to be intrinsicly related and part of one another. But I suppose that is completely moot, as you don't validate the existance of the above. Anyway, the power your mind has might seem outstanding to some, but flaws are readily apparent in the manner which you approach the subject of kundalini or energies. Qi/chi/prana what have you. By discreduiting these ideas you also discredit the many other intelligent personnel that post on this forum. At the least I had thought you would be more tact. But again, this is about the conversation, exchange of ideas and learning with each other - IMO I think that you GIH would benefit from working with someone who is heavily into a practice, so you can at least ask questions and receive feedback in real-time. Anyway, is it that you don't believe in energy, but believe in auras? It wouldn't make sense for you to assume the existance of one but not the other, again - IMO. Anyway, I don't mind you discounting my experiences and theories, I'm not trying to convert anyone, but I would love to see what you think about energy work, and chi kung, whatever, after spending some time with anyone who honestly practices such a thing often. I look forward to more non biggoted posts from you in the future! BTW, was the guy who just posted an assumed name or did he just get lucky and ask a question in such a perfect way as to allow you to share "above" wisdom with us?
  9. KAP

    Or just the horses mouth, but not an authority. Only an idiot wouldn't notice that you try to evade questions by attacking others. Varj is just your fucking scapegoat. Man up.
  10. KAP

    No worries Gold. I shall also confess, that at times when my girlfriend is not available, I am also a master-debator!
  11. KAP

    When writing a case for someone, you don't normally choose a direct quote where that person was insulting, and even misinformed, since he related that he has no experience. I think some Texans call that speaking out of your ass.
  12. How do you get more qi?

    I just wanted to warn against dikscounting anyone's system based on your own observations. In the case of Robert Bruce I have never heard of negetive responses to his classes or workshops, and on his website he has a forum where it seems many succesfully practice his methods and achieve, OBE.
  13. KAP

    Or we could all take his advice and ignore his posts from now on, our very own Sherlock Holmes probably deducted this from the start.
  14. The Nature of Beliefs

    Jed Mckenna's Spiritual Autolysis, or Robert Bruce's Catch Basket goes through the annoying bits and pieces of throwing out the BS and only leaving what you have experienced directly. Even then you should break that down, since perfect understanding is a bit difficult, given the humanity-thing. I think the point is to pick and choose what you want to believe in after you've gone back to as close to zero as possible. For me it was like knowing simple things abstractly, like touch and sight. "I'm cleaning out my closet!" I never finished either, I started Jed's method in 2006 and I started freaking out and walking all night with my demons in hand, we frolicked togther as I let them go. The pulling out of BS keeps creeping on its own too, I just aint scared anymore, its just acceptance that I don't know, or only know from my own perspective, which is enough. It was surely rocking when I was ready to throw out all of my spiritual beliefs, but some godamned witch had to end up liking me and forcing me to consider it with abilities similar to what I hear Kunlun's Max does with Orgasming people.
  15. KAP

    Hi Gold, I have noticed that you don't have many questions. I assume that you answer them all yourself, either through research or through some thought-process that I assume is very effective. You have so many posts, though. I was wondering if you could help me find one that specificly states your views on that elusive "Chi" stuff, or "energy/chakras" or whatever. Posts written by you are always, always intellectual, but I have no backing of your beliefs so I can't always understand the reasoning behind your posts and ideas. (And I can't find one, I stopped due to sheer number of postage on your part) I am also curious about what your practice consists of, beyond your powers of conceptualization. Past experiences would be interesting for me to read, during meditation or Tai Chi. I assume if you had heard a Tai Chi instructor say something it was during class and you were participating. The reason I ask is because it is sometimes easy for me to get a feel for the people who post, but not so for you, I just get a swelling of the head because so much of what you say goes over my head or just seems misplaced, thanks. - James
  16. Kunlun and Demons

    Why would you consider that anything spiritual either has to be human, or is a creation of a human, thoughtform or otherwise? This is very important to any thread dealing with entities or demons. IMO, more practice with various stripe of entity needs to be done if you have only touched on the easy to identify stuff. Then again - some consider the astral to be nonesense. As if it has no reason for 'being' selective choosing of planes is also debilitating because it leaves you with less knowlege than the more avid explorers. All IMO, not meant to rile anyone up.

    I think that it is very easy to stand in at least one Chi Kung position a day. I'm going for 12 minutes in horse stance today. Then I'm going to listen to low music and use Yoga Nidra, now that I remember what to do and no longer need to listen to the CD, which I've lost. I may even send Reiki to myself. I think that bouncing it off a wall and up my feet is a good idea. It works the 'muscles' for sending.
  18. External Qi Transmission Video

    When my practice works well or I get good energy I get the laughter too. Its a deep belly laughter sometimes. The really good stuff gives me belly laughter.
  19. KAP

    I can't imagine how lunar shakti must be, but when I walk in nature or just out and about during the near full/full moon I start getting very emotional and it slowly mounts the more I walk in the rays. Is that some special quality of the moon? What could anyone suggest for clearing that sadness out?
  20. Has Anyone Faced Their Demons?

    I can't seem to deal with fears, and the shadow intellectually. It has no lasting effect. I'v started trying to recreate the feeling and tracing it to it's source. It works better for me but I can't always locate the issue or remeber where a fear comes from or even what the fear was. Maybe that's just me though Also, often I run into upsets in the form of unmovable feeling of 'hurt' from my past. I suppose everyone has their 'walls'
  21. Your saying that you charge their Dan Tien? That is the lower one in the Navel? It feels so good to orgasm while that area is full of energy. What about that is perverted? Drew, What is it called when the orgasm is being brought on by a female, or other advanced energy user(Sorry if my termonolgy sucks, you have a stronger grasp on it then me) And they bring the orgasm all the way up the body, and out the head? Does it have different names, according to which area is energeticly stimulated?
  22. There are ways of looking at people, and finding them with intent that doesn't violate the surface of their energy that allows anyone to decide for themself if it is worth paying for a certain exchange or energy. Normally, in my own case, daily meditation allows me to stay at a level of sensitivity that lets me feel the energy behind posts. The more emotional the easier to feel. Sort of like being harmed through the angry intent in the persons words. In this case it can be used to decide if someone at least has the ability to even send chi or transmit over distance. Even those who hide it. I suppose many Tbum conversations are like arguing over dreams, it is just up to the individual to decide. Not for anyone to force a belief onto them. At distance I have sent up through a persons feet and they became extremely energetic and happy. Do 'energy blockages' come into play at a physical level? Or chi flow into the energy created by food and sunlight and oxygen? I just wonder what is going on when a dramatic change like that occurs.
  23. KAP

    My own meditation made me more sensitive to 'energies' and thoughts, among a few other tbhings. No matter what energetic experiences I had they never 'healed' my eyes or anything else. I'd like to know a bit more about what sort of practices are physically healing. Even emotionally healing. If ya'll don't mind. Shaktimama, can you Pm me any other forums, or chatrooms you visit that I could visit and learn in) I can share my own knowlege if it is a reasonable exchange.
  24. KAP

    Blazingfire, if you came to discuss technique or critique KAP your not showing it. In fact, I think that it is suspicious that post 3 is your first 'flame' post. Take it down a notch.
  25. KAP

    Would recieving Shakti from discussing in the forum be some form or accident or say more about the person who recieved it? Or are a few of you sending it out as well as posting? I'm curious becuase I've set Reiki to flow out of posts and forums before but it worked, without me understanding the logic behind it. *shrugs*