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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. Starhawk, Great idea bro. I do chi kung over skype with friends all the time. It noticably increases the energy. Even just connecting and meditating together distantly at the same time works amazingly, I used to do it with my buddy Tom in Iowa, and I was in Nevada at the time. You can really notice the boost! I want in. :-)
  2. We need to lighten up.. Youtube kitty awolnation*
  3. nope

    Fools! You could easily have cancelled out hit negetive answer with another negetive! Feel the POWER: "Nyet nyet!"
  4. Spirituality and Religion

    If you need the church to be sociable then their is a deeper issue that needs looking at. If you actually talk to the people who go to church and you've had mind blowing experiences of another reality and of 'God' its easy to realize that being preached at on Sundays doesn't do a damn to bring you closer to God, that is done by the individual. Hell, even the priests and preachers I run across are normally no more interesting than librarians in slacks. Now I ran across a preacher with active Kundalini, once - thats a guy who has actually experienced some spirit.
  5. Pan Gu Shen Gong

    I don't see how blindly reciting numbers and words does anything.
  6. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    First and foremost: BREATHE. Then, just be Harmless, not helpful. Hmm>!~
  7. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    You may be able to beat the number of times Drew has mentioned to use Full Lotus if you practice posting everyday.
  8. Empty Cloud, I had the pleasure of contacting and old animal spirit in the past. I felt it roar within my soul! It was amazing. I can happily report that no possesion happened.
  9. It this Chi I'm feeling?

    Sounds like you'd like Robert Bruce's works, Check out NEW.
  10. Was going to try out Kap2 in Feb(workshop in Miami, FL) - my car broke, money had to go to fixing it. Looking to try the QiRevolution that is coming to Florida, instead.(Cheaper)
  11. Been in the Military for about 5 years, everyone here is pretty serious, people who half-ass don't last. (USA)
  12. I became enlightened

    Sounds like Jed Mckenna, and his version of enlightment. But if I,remember correctly, he was rich and running around doimg whatever he wanted and wrote a few books to show how enlightened he was.
  13. You won't know until you try.
  14. Misquoting Jesus

    I haven't seen anything negetive yet. I have seen alot of research and time put togther in a readable fashion for the general reader of the forum. Vmarco, Informative, but crazy. This really changes what i've heard in everday conversation with a Christian friend of mine, why do you think, with this sort of information being available, the Christian church doesn't simply change their teachings to reflect it?
  15. Obviously, that is the next stage up from sitting meditation, it is a progression. The dynamics of learning meditation while moving are much more difficult, it is experience and knowing other meditators that I say this. Do you live in a community of overly-lazy people? You've actually met someone or more than one person who meditates as an excuse to be lazy? I think it's funny, becuase meditation is very hard work too, my most recent meditation session had an image, a smell, a thought, nearly all at once a second or ever few seconds. Of course, I have just as many thoughts when practicing Tai Chi and Qigong, and when I go to the gym to lift - It is a personal belief of mine that as a westerner, a quiet mind is a foriegn Fkn thing.
  16. Misquoting Jesus

    I'm hoping to find God through meditation and chi kung. If my crown chakra doesn't do it before I awaken Kundalini, hopefully it will after. I have heard religion can help open to God and the divine, but I prefer religious feelings in my chi kung.
  17. Living In A State Of Constant Bliss

    Wow! You've all passed the stage the OP is in? Sounds like it. Personally, if I haven't been through something I don't give advice on it.
  18. When HamSa becomes SoHam

    I dont understand. Is he sayimg you should listen for a naturally accuring SO and HAM feeling in the left and right sides, and then draw it into the centrL channel? Anyway wish I had someone giving transm issions near me!
  19. do dragons exist?

    Not physical ones, met many non-physical becuase of a friend.
  20. Auras and what do they mean?

    Aura stories?? Wanna hear/read sum!
  21. So... I was laying on my back and found my attention pulled towards the pulsing of my heart. I let myself be drawn inward, and was suprised how effectively I was "hearing" my heart beat(or maybe it was blood pulsing in my ears?) I had a hand on my chest over my heart and the feeling from my hand correlated w/the feeling. It really sounded like drums being played next to me, and my internal imegry was effected, it became 'closer' somehow and much clearer and pronounced. Well the next sensation was a droping away of all bodily sensation, and the room seemed to disappear, it felt like floating in a gently rocking soothing void. Then I had a wierd moment that pulled me out. 'wondered what my little sister was up too and felt 'tugged' along to a vivid picture complete with sound of her crying. Funnily enough it turns out she had been crying becuase she had been fighting with her friend a neihborhood over. Is this an example of the OBE?
  22. Exiting of conciuosness?

    Are these projections fueled by chi?
  23. When to meditate and when not.

    Silly goose! Everyone knows it's difficult to meditate while wearing gay clothing! J/k - If your eyes are closed, what does it matter? lol!
  24. Water purification

    Just keep eating that Cilantro!