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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. Anyone tried remote viewing?

    Yeah dude, used to do energy work and reiki with a kid online, im in the states and he was in europe. I remote viewed some black leather gloves he had hanging on the wall. Freaked me out to be right.
  2. Growing Weary

    Your comments can make an entire hour of my day brighten up. How about they have a Horse-stance-stand-off?@!?!?!
  3. Growing Weary

    Instead of so often correcting misreadings and misunderstandings between each other, we should throw chi balls at each other, through Skype, until one passes out(the loser).
  4. Awesome posts on standing meditations! Thanks for sharing gals and guys (See what I did there?) I practiced at Tidewater Tai Chi in Virginia for a little over a month, a few days a week, and sometimes missed classes. But I started getting the super relaxed body during and after an hours practice, if the same principles can be related to ZZ or WUJI standing - you may just want to find subtle ways to remind yourself to relax, it's more of a letting of yourself relax. When standing or moving through postures allow your conciousness to move through your body and settle on tensions and move on through it. Or just experiment. I had lots of fun, even being 20 in a class of extreme elders! There was a time an older man was leaving Tai Chi Sword practice and I stepped out of the way to let him pass, he said: "Now there is a youngester that understands! When an old man with a sword comes walking down the hall you step out of the way." LOL These helped me:
  5. Offering from the Mojo Doctor

    I don't know how to work with an audio transmission! :-(
  6. Kundalini progress

    You don't know how to deal with different opinions? Do you work or go to school in a straight jacket? :-P
  7. Dude! (Dudette), You just need to practice and you'll have those direct experiences. Stay in observer mode so you don't get caught in them though. It boils down to, practice every day, at least for alittle bit. :-)
  8. Healing others

    IMO - feeling like you HAVE to suffer is a trick to hold you down like a dog.
  9. Train stations

    I don't use the "everyone" is immortal thing. or even the everyone goes to an appropriate afterlife thing. IMO - You have to build enough strength of spirit to survive the bodies death and keep on.
  10. Offering from the Mojo Doctor

    Does this mean Keeney is doing public teachings? "
  11. Pine Needles and Hermit Survival tips!

    No way man, Pine needles? I hear they have more Vitamin C than Oranges though, I wonder what dosage they make that claim off of though. Hey, when you eat some, however you decide to prepare them, please tell us how it tastes! I'm totally curious.
  12. Growing Weary

    I suggest dropping the philosphy for a while and just going for direct experience through your practice. Zazen or whichever is your choice. It helps cut the BS.
  13. Iodine

    ARAB, Hey! That Iodine really made you feel that good? I am taking Chlorella to take out heavy metals but hadn't heard of Iodine or it's uses, before.
  14. Spirituality and Religion

    Curiosity has grabbed me. Please name every church you've been too that has given it's congregration direct experience of God or of the afterlife, thanks. Hmm, I'd also like to know how many preachers/priests/holy men of the church preach from an experience of God, and not just their personal interpretation of whichever religious works they read? An example would be - "My heart opened up and I felt joy, bliss and love, and the Holy Spirit entered into my body!" as opposed to "This holy scripture says to love everyone, or you'll be thrown into the lake of fire!" LOL.
  15. Are you profitable?

  16. Connecting with Qi: No System Required

    Teachers for in person transmission! I would love to try shaktipat. Personally, the idea of having some clearing done for me is a great idea. :_)
  17. Navel chakra, kidneys, full lotus

    Actually, what FL may or may not do, i'm sick of searching the web for good stretches to be able to sit this way, I'm hoping it would be more comfortable than a chair once I have the inner thighs loose. Unfortunatly I asked my Half Chinease half Korean friends if they knew how to get into the position, but they didn't know what it was! So I showed them a picture on Google, they both broke out laughing, easily moved their legs into the position for the first time after seeing it on the Google, and lifted themselves up with their arms and started walking around laughing so hard. They thought it was the funniest thing for some reason. I KNOW those guys never had to stretch to get into that position. I wonder if being asian makes it easier. Damn being a round eye J/k
  18. Stillness Movement

    I was hoping that I can attend the next workshop. A friend of mine is feeling the same way, any news of an upcoming workshop?
  19. Spirituality and Religion

    I plan on increasing my chi, and awakening my kundalini. When I can move in the Void, i'll know for myself. I really like that last part, the part where I said: "i'll know for myself." Why? Becuase I'll know for myself.
  20. I like it, take out the linear time thinking and just "tune" in to our shared meditation on that day!
  21. Navel chakra, kidneys, full lotus

    I always thought "they" said that becuase sitting in a chair works just as well.
  22. American on the east coast time. Saterdays sound awesome. What time zones do we have so far?
  23. from what I can tell, even though yiu take the moral high ground you still instigate further argument with your passive aggresive posts. G'day to you!