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Everything posted by taolover

  1. taolover

    I am interested in yoga, pranayama, tao, acupuncture, buddhist meditation, tantra, ayurveda, numerology, allopathic and homeopathic medicine.
  2. tao expert help required

    dear tao / yoga experts, I need your help. I am male 32 years old. I had gone to a world renowned mystic/healer/physiotherapist doctor in bombay, india for the treatment of my sleeping problem in 2002. his main technique is a gentle massage of the spine. although I had not mentioned any sexual problems, he used to press my hui-yin point repeatedly. he did this acupressure at the huiyin for quite some time every day for about 2 months or so. after this I noticed that my penis became numb / cold and the erections feeble. I did discuss this with him but he assured me that it will be alright. after I left him - the problem persisted. after a few months the condition improved marginally. now, more that 3 years have passed - but, my erections / strength of penis / sensation / heated feeling of the erect penis is nothing like it was before. (similar problems are faced by people who ride bicycle / practice forced mulabandha (a yogic kundalini practice) / practice siddhasana (a yoga posture where the perineum is forcibly pressed by the heel of the foot) etc. etc. in all these cases the penis may go numb / impotency may occur. many bicycle riders do suffer from impotency. this numbness of the penis is due to the pressure / trauma to the perineal nerves.) can you help me? how can I come out of this problem? please guide me. I am interested in yoga, pranayama, tao, acupuncture, buddhist meditation, tantra, ayurveda, allopathic and homeopathic medicine. you may write your reply from any perspective. regards, dr n