Edward M

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Everything posted by Edward M

  1. Lust and the undeveloped mind

    Thanks for posting article! it's interesting how motivations evolve relative to our development, and how also its not a one way street, they can devolve if we dont keep up with the practice..
  2. coming to terms and knowing you're okay

    Good post Roger!!
  3. The Hell planes

    **EDIT--oops wrong thread!**
  4. Buddhist ajna chakra training?

    ok fair enough Jeff, i'm not anywhere near close, so was uneducated guess
  5. Buddhist ajna chakra training?

    Look at the lives of saints, mystics and boddhisatva's etc, do you not see a pattern emerge?
  6. Buddhist ajna chakra training?

    No, i'm saying this without mental filters we would probably treat each other in a way that is thought of as very moral/honest/ethical, because the dao is all about harmony. Maybe we are thinking of different things, i'm talking of the basic dont lie, dont hurt others, etc etc EDIT-think of prajna/higher wisdom, it understands more completely, so will be less reactionary and more understanding of other beings... its a way of understanding that expresses the wisdom of the way.
  7. Buddhist ajna chakra training?

    I think the ethics/silla are the way/dao filtered down into this world of duality, the natural expression of dao when filtered through a human being in this realm. Not only does it help us to cultivate, but it helps others to cultivate, and maintains harmony of the way. With Jeff's point i think the closer one gets to their inner self, the easier it is for that self and dao to express through the individual heart, and at that point probably no need for guru relationship.
  8. Actually it doesn't say that at all... apologies bums, i got mixed up, don't quite know how...but there you go... sorry for wasting your time!!! thanks again to all involved in this thread
  9. Thanks for posting this thread, wasn't aware of this nerve until i read it! well i found this article : https://hiddenlighthouse.wordpress.com/tag/kundalini/ that says there is a gap in the vagus nerve that science hasn't found yet, and that kundalini bridges this gap when awakened... i don't know enough about anything to have an opinion on it really, but thought some of you may find it of interest. It's the second article down on the link i posted. Cheers. Edward
  10. Hey, since i just got out of hospital and found my blood type, i'd like to start a topic on the possible significance of blood types when it comes to spiritual training/meditation etc? I know in Japan, they place a lot of significance on blood types and say each blood type has general characteristics in behaviour and temperament etc Also, i heard in USA, the Native Americans have a saying, or possibly a tradition that is about how well the bloods mix when it comes to trusting people. Hope to hear your replies soon, thanks in advance, and sorry that i wont be replying much, have developed a dislike of the computer whilst in hospital, spending little time on here. Cheers, Edward
  11. Thank you TaoMeow! That was a very interesting read, you have obviously looked into this quite a bit, thanks for sharing! Cheers
  12. Thanks TaoMeow! Dont really have the energy right now to think of exactly what i would like to know, but anything in general terms would be great, if you have the time? thanks! Meow and bye for now! Cheers
  13. You are spirit

    Locate your centre, your self that is your spirit that operates through your nervous system/spinal cord and work from there. Gain back control. You as Spirit must take control of your body, don't let your body control you. When you operate from spirit, when you are yourself, your breath will change. This is your real breath. Not the other breath. Don't trust ANYONE that says they can enlighten or empower you. You are spirit. Triumph over the control by others whether human, or subtle beings or through any other means and regain your freewill. Stay away from societies, orders, esoteric schools etc Freedom is the only truth and contains all other truths within it. Peace
  14. You are spirit

    Thanks Marblehead, was an enjoyable discussion we had for sure! **raises one for freedom** Peace
  15. You are spirit

    I'm bowing out of this discussion now, i don't have a working model either, and have to accept that trying to theorise one isn't going to help one bit in getting closer to reality of things. It's just a bit of fun, that's all.... Peace
  16. You are spirit

    No worries Marblehead, where i'd disagree is i think a key point. You say tao isn't a thing, but a process, but doesn't a process have to start somewhere, from an impulse? I have my own views as well from experiential pointers that together for a wider picture, but this is by no means complete, and something i experience in the next five mins could turn it all upside down or cause it to implode... think i'm guilty of trying to get you to see things from my perspective using materialistic language... using you for validation.. apologies, and thank you for putting up with this game! My view is the original impulse is the way/the will of the great mystery, and this will, this way, this impulse is also our original spirit, or will. Anyway man, i need a break, this has been fun, but exhausting mentally! Peace
  17. You are spirit

    Cool Marblehead, totally respect your decision dude!
  18. You are spirit

    One idea springs to mind, we have the un-manifest, infinite potential, once something has become manifest, can it really then become un-manifest again, or can it continue as a kind of quantum memory? and if so, only in the minds of those manifest beings who experienced it, or is the fabric of reality itself aware and capable of retaining memory? would this mean that reality is made of spirit and is a being? Sorry i'm replying with mainly questions, today that seems to be my only way of expressing my will to find a mutual understanding/bridge between spiritual and material points of view. Peace
  19. You are spirit

    Infinite potential is a mystery, because it contains all within it, and is totally beyond our human intellectual understanding. However, it's as real as you can get. Yeah, agree with you that our body dies when spirit leaves, but i'd say that the spirit is not in the body, and the body serves as a door way into the greater awareness/world of spirit. I mean, what about experiences people have of meeting others in dreams, and both of them remember it upon awakening, that kind of thing. Peace
  20. You are spirit

    Marblehead, i like your answers!! i have one more question, if the other 4 dimensions didn't exist, could the 5th dimension of Spirit exist on its own without them? With your last reply, i agree we need to act our physical desires to continue living, but if it were the case that we are spirit and can exist independently of the other dimensions as pure spirit, then it would be a question of whether spirit wants to continue living through/operating in this physical the body/brain or not once self realisation occurs, which would determine whether it goes with what the body wants. Probably a lot more to it than that.. but well, thats all i got right now.. Peace
  21. You are spirit

    still here, ok thanks for that Karen, when i say free will, i mean the will of the spirit, so spirit willing action through the medium of the body, rather than the body or desire nature etc willing the action. the spirit is truth, and will act in truth/do the right thing... so i'd say living in wu wei is when spirit has a direct avenue of action from where it is into this physical world, through the body. and for that to happen , the flesh the body must give up its will. ok peace out
  22. You are spirit

    Hi Marblehead, Just a quick one, i'll be back later.... when you say sub conscious mind, how do you see this, apart from being outside of our awareness? is it like a bank of automations, or is it more like the dream world, where we become aware in our dreams, the flip side of everyday waking awareness? If it's the flip side, where is it? does it reside in the brain tissue as a function, or is it another plane of awareness? If another plane of awareness, where is this plane? Are you this plane, or are you in this plane? Like i said just a quick one, i'll check back later... of course i'm guessing your answers on each question... so will be intersting to see what you say.. peace
  23. You are spirit

    Haha yeah i see your point however on the other hand (no pun intended) it's said pure spirit can shape-shift into different beings with different ways of expressing themselves. So thumbs are another avenue for expression of spirit. Peace
  24. You are spirit

    Just a thought, the difference between humans and animals, could well be just our ability to express ourselves as spirit through a physical body. So we go up in degrees of free will each time we go from one birth to another, until finally we attain complete freedom as pure spirit once more. Just an idea! Peace
  25. You are spirit

    Hi Marblehead, Well, isn't everything energy/chi, just at different frequencies and densities? Someone once said to me that energy is awareness and awareness is energy. With the freedom part, where i was coming from was if spirit is the core of who we are, it is where the impulse to do something comes from, then the more free will we have the more we would be able to control our physical bodies, so i'm reminded of yogi's controlling their vital functions with their will. I wont go into details, but a decade ago things happened that took away some of my free will, i used to be able to raise each eyebrow individualy and had full control over my whole scalp. Now i can't raise either individually, and both together is not much movement, so i'm unable to fully express myself since then, which to me feels like i'm trapped in this body in this plane of existence. This isn't strictly the case as the spirit is multi dimensional though. You might not agree with that, being a materialist, but at least you know where i'm coming from. Also one interesting point about the expression thing is it also cut off some of the higher emotions, and this means i'm less able to tune into higher frequencies, which i fear means i'll attract lower vibration events etc maybe even rebirths. So, my freedom to cultivate towards a good rebirth or indeed freedom from rebirth has been significantly impaired by the events/beings involved back then. Hope this turns into an interesting thread. Peace