Edward M

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Everything posted by Edward M

  1. Is this possible?

    Thanks Moment!
  2. Is this possible?

    Thanks Michael! Are you just stating the a logical fact, or can you feel it? its got something to do with awareness of the skull, the more complete the awareness, the less dense it feels, almost as if its going to release and disappear... Cheers mate!
  3. Does anyone else have the same problem as I do, that they cannot visualise/imagine very well with the eyes closed, and instead need to have them open as if they are actually looking at the imaginal object in front of them? I've a feeling its to do with mental noise amping up when the eyes close. It's my main way of understanding things, so its surprising i can't do it with eyes closed. Anyone else get this, or have any suggestion about how to remedy it??? maybe it doesn't need remedying, just got to be more aware of where my eyes are pointed, so others dont get wrong idea..... Cheers!
  4. Visualisation/imaginal work/meditation

    Thanks Roger! Peace
  5. Visualisation/imaginal work/meditation

    Thanks Michael, I think its because with eyes open one is still aware on some level of potential danger, whereas with the eyes closed, that sense is shut off. Suppose it depends on the life one has lived... Thanks Spotless, That second one sounds difficult, but worth practicing... briefly tried the taking a step back method you describe, that has an interesting effect, it all seemed to go cuboid, if that makes sense, the inner place seemed like a cuboid Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, about position within the head and anxiousness, that is really extremely helpful, thanks!! I don't know if kundalini is awake in me or not, but i did see a diagram in a book that showed an incorrect path and when i tried making that pathway correct to the other diagram, it was the same as what you are describing, and took pressure of the heart and eased this jittery anxiety im prone to. Explains a lot! Thanks everyone for your input and help Peace
  6. Visualisation/imaginal work/meditation

    Thanks, i'll factor some of that in at some point... ive got quite a lot on my plate at the moment... ive never heard of the people you mention, but i'll look them up at some point, many thanks! Cheers, thanks again
  7. Visualisation/imaginal work/meditation

    Excellent, cheers Arramu, that is really helpful. Trataka is brilliant, I use a dot on the wall, rather than a candle... smoke alarm outside my room door.. Ive just had an insight., when eyes are open, usually my mouth hangs open as well, i drop all sense of self.,, probably its when eyes are closed, its much harder to drop that sense of self... which of course means your advice is gonna come in very handy! thanks mate! Peace
  8. Visualisation/imaginal work/meditation

    Hi Silent Thunder, yeah i dream in vision as well... its just when i'm awake that i have trouble seeing with eyes closed... just realised if i'm meditating with eyes closed and i do start seeing things, it usually means i'm going to enter the dream state and wake up with a jolt... weird! I bet your wife has some unique perspectives on the world.. interesting conversations! Peace
  9. Visualisation/imaginal work/meditation

    Just to clarify, its not seeing the object in front of them, but rather, the eyes merge with the heart and look into the imaginal world.... its not superimposing imaginal onto this world..
  10. Atma-shakti

    With all the talk of letting go and giving up will power etc.. I'd like to start a discussion on the will of the soul, or atma shakti... I don't have much to say myself right now on it, but am interested in hearing the members views on this topic. Maybe, a question to start off, how do you differentiate between atma shakti and ego will? When you are attuned to atma shakti, where do you sense it the most in your system if at all? Bit of a lame starter for this, but I have faith in you bums to make something good of this!! Peace.
  11. Atma-shakti

    Thanks again Steve, that's really very helpful!
  12. Atma-shakti

    Thanks Steve!
  13. Atma-shakti

    Thanks drew, I don't pretend to understand the theory you have outlined, but inner listening makes a lot of sense as far as true will goes.. it's that listening for one's conscience that naturally orientates the will to the true will. I'll check out your pdf thanks for sharing Peace
  14. Atma-shakti

    Actually dwai, I know what you mean, not that I'm awakened or anything, but perhaps the word I'm looking for is commitment to the true will, that way it's a gentle coming back into harmony rather than a forcefully willed get back into gear thing.. like in meditation, but on the wider scale,.. Peace
  15. Atma-shakti

    Thanks dwai, wouldn't it be true then that perhaps true will requires a certain type of Will in order to not give in to the small ego self want/will, and stick to the true will? Peace
  16. Atma-shakti

    Thanks dwai, perhaps I'm making the mistake of mixing traditions here. I've read in Gnostic Christianity traditions they talk of the indwelling Christ, that holds our personal will as God wants for us. I assumed this would be similar to soul will. Also what really sparked the question was an experience with a shaman to invoke the true will, that is as I understood it our highest will for this life in tune with spirit/soul. It's probably a mistake on my part to assume cross tradition terms are interchangeable, or I'm just completely missing the point. Cheers
  17. Hope you don't mind me chiming in... i'm not awakened or with an open third eye or anything, but wouldn't it be that its a case of causing the unconscious to become conscious, and like that having free will/true freedom...isn't this freedom from suffering, freedom from sin/error, so that life becomes a choice rather than an illusion/prison? Peace
  18. Why would you want to raise Kundalini?

    Interesting points in this thread... bumping it up in case anyone has anything more to say...
  19. Good days, Bad days...

    Anyone else experience this, you get say a week of very good days during which you can let go, feel very light within and content,, then its always proceeded by a few days of really heavy, grasping etc, discontent days when you just can't shift the darkness? I think its a case of recognising this and becoming aware of the space around it, that just came to me after writing the above, it lessened its grip.... Peace
  20. Good days, Bad days...

    I think they do get better in the long term, and also knowing its not just us, there are many others experiencing the same process, helps a lot. Part of the cause may be when things get better, we, or at least i, tend to grasp at the positive feelings and then when the oversensitive feelings detector sets in and detects a low period is on its way, panic sets in, and attempting to push away the expected negativity, which sets up an amplification of the negativity. cheers
  21. .

    Fair enough, that was the first thing i found on google when this thread prompted me to do a search, seemed to fit with some other things id heard.
  22. .

    edit-never mind
  23. The Perils of Meditation

    Thanks for posting! This is close to home, I've experienced very similar, although not retreat triggered. Just sitting quietly and getting used to being still naturally is a good state to be used to before anything like that. Otherwise your inner world when wide open is very foreign and very scary. It doesn't say what anti anxiety medicine she was on... when I took paxil/seroxat I'd get ridiculously high from meditation, danger level. That's a variable to take into account. It's possible she touched upon a higher plane briefly and then couldn't remember it but knew it happened, and that's where the psychosis started. Those pharmaceutical meds are strong! Very sad for her and family, meditation definitely isn't one size fits all.
  24. Yoga/meditation cushions best filling

    No, i was right! https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003AGEYQW/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 But yeah, husks haha
  25. Yoga/meditation cushions best filling

    haha maybe i meant husks of buck wheat, or maybe that was in the pre biotic i was looking at haha- oops! Sorry Gerard! haha honest mistake!