Edward M

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Edward M

  1. horseboy(documentary)

    Thanks for posting!!!
  2. OK Seriously Where To Get KUNLUN BOOK?

    Hey bums! I have the 3 in 1 set,, how would you advise going about it, like what to start with? Thanks Ed
  3. Neurotransmitter in the Belly

    Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but: http://www.healtouch.com/csft/bodywork.html Body work and neuro-peptides!! PEace Ed
  4. Any recomended concentration meditation?

    Agree with Nei Chuan, I did counting breaths for years before starting with watching the breath. It is a lot harder than it sounds and it also very very rewarding. Highly recomended!! Ed
  5. It Will Pass

    It Will Pass A student went to his meditation teacher and said, "My meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted, or my legs ache, or I'm constantly falling asleep. It's just horrible!" "It will pass," the teacher said matter-of-factly. A week later, the student came back to his teacher. "My meditation is wonderful! I feel so aware, so peaceful, so alive! It's just wonderful!' "It will pass," the teacher replied matter-of-factly.
  6. It Will Pass

    Hahaha, your'e a funny guy Marblehead!! Take it easy bro! Peace Ed
  7. It Will Pass

    Marblehead, yep well let's agree that wu wei is non-dual action, and that beyond good and bad is non-dual discrimination PEace bro Ed
  8. It Will Pass

    Marblehead, I hear you!! but i don't think wu wei implies you lose your powers of discrimination, if anything they become more acute. Just look at the daoist or zen martial arts master. They don't stand there and let someone punch them on the nose. They just do... Ed
  9. It Will Pass

    Jeff, right back at ya mate!! Marblehead, another quote- the mental must always stay calm, for when the mind cannot be moved there is no longer good or bad, there just is. Changes are wonderful when you cling to the ones that seem good or uplifting, but the goal is for them all to merge as one. You probably know this, sorry if i sound like i'm talking down to you dude Peace Ed
  10. Any recomended concentration meditation?

    IMO you should continue this for so long as you are alive, the beggining and the end this practice is. Mind is key and this meditation is focusing, calming and centering... PEace Ed
  11. Marijuana syndromes

    Have't read the s ite or seen the video yet, so if it has been pointed out already i apologise. In the Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali it says that enlightenment by the herb is inferior to enlightenment via yogic methods like meditation. On a side note i'm about to download a pdf book on the role of Cannabis in world religions.. it is called : Chris Bennett, Lynn Osburn, and Judy Osburn- Green Gold: the Tree of Life, Marijuana in Magic and Religion On a personal note, i used to smoke a lot of weed/skunk until about 8 or 9 years ago. It really stunted my personal development and caused a great deal of social problems. Now i've stopped i can think more clearly and actually meditate properly without all the dreaminess and thinking oh that thought was so profound i must pursue it etc... My chinese doc told me it is really bad for the kidneys as well... from reading around it seems there are endo-cannabinoid receptors in the gonads and in most organs, so it would seem it effects the energy somehow. It seems obvious that if there is a system in the body like the endo-cannibinoid system, then taking in something that stimulates it is going to put it and all the other systems in the body out of balance including the cerebral systems as they are all interconnected by neuro-peptides. Anyway, just my 2 cents PEace
  12. New Qigong/ Meditation/ Ritual DVDs

    Bro, get your self an external hard drive and back up every time before you turn off computer Thanks for your information, you have interesting material!! PEace Ed
  13. Anyone ever heard of vajra boxing?

    Anyone heard of Mukti Dharma?? http://www.lionsroar.name/mukti_dharma.htm peace Ed
  14. Schizo-Finding the voices origin

    I third that and agree you should get help. I have had psychosis for ten years and if i had not gone on medication within a couple of months of it occurring i may not have been here today to write this. Bear in mind though that your perception and judgment right now may have wrongly diagnosed yourself... we here in the UK recognise cannabis psychosis which most often goes away once use of cannabis is stopped. Would you mind telling us a bit more about these 'delusions' you have when you are around other people? i have a few idea's... pm me if you want to? Meditation is great for this condition, but i'd advise against energy meditations like micro - cosmic orbit as it may/probably will give you too much baggage to handle. Also vippassana may be too much,, what did it for me and allowed me to come off medication was samatha. Start off with counting out breaths until you get to 10 then start back at 1 again. when you have mastered that and your mind doesn't keep forgetting to concentrate and remember the counting, then you are ready to just concentrate on the breath going in and out itself. The reason for all this is the frontal lobes executive function is what is impaired or switched off like you say... specifically working memory which the counting relies on. Try to do something everyday as a occupational therapy such as painting/drawing, anything creative allowing outlet...singing is great if you can join a group and do it in front of others. It opens up the heart and clears the solar plexus of excess emotion. The key is not to let the mind wonder but to stay focused. Like it says in a certain book, idle minds attract the devil is the same meaning as what buddha tried to get across in his meditation teachings.... to a degree at least... you are not being attacked by literal devils, never think that! like you allready identified it is the mind, the thoughts that are the problem. Do you know what the root of them are? where you in some kind of inner crisis about a particular theme/subject when this all occured? did you have preocupations? these are all clues that become keys to unlocking this disorder to create order Someone to talk to is a must.. a proffesional and you must be honest with them and with yourself first. The best of luck!!! hope it goes well for you..... this is your chance to bring out the warrior spirit within and defeat this disorder PEace Ed
  15. Where's my mojo?

    Rich, Patrick holfords moodfood contains 5htp and his brain food contains dmae.. Peace Ed
  16. Where's my mojo?

    OOps, forgot you already have done taiji and going to do YaMu's material.... good luck with it!! Ed
  17. Where's my mojo?

    Rich, Have you tried mindfulness meditation? it is good for detaching from ups and downs as well balancing out the ups and downs. I'm only 31 but i've felt much the same as you for a long time. I was diagnosed with severe liver and kidney yin deficiency not long ago which is being treated with chinese herbs... i've come along quite far with it now. Recommend Patrick Holfords brain food and mood food also. I get it from as nature intended. But be careful not to pay to much attention to your moods when you take it or anytime, because that just amplifies the moods including downers. Are you in London? if so i can recommend a good chinese doc. Also try some kind of body work such as Intu-flow (free on youtube) or internal martial art like taiji, bagua or xingyi. Again i can recommend teachers. All the best Ed
  18. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    At the risk of being ridiculed etc let me say that I saw Christ in a vision 6 years ago while praying to him. He said four words and i replied to him. Then this colossal conveyor belt of energy went up my neck and i felt an opening a few inches above my crown. Things happened after that which caused this energy to disappear, but, while it was still there the knowledge i recieved was all about compassion. Mainly that we are united in suffering, absolutely everyone feels pain etc... It says clearly in the new testament that Christ brought a new law for those who would listen. Hebrews is a good book to read in the New Testament, it was written by an unknown christian initiate, not Paul as many believe...so i've heard. Secondly, the books of the new testament and i think the old testament are books of initiation. They are a lot of the time explained as being a diluted form of spirituality, but that is not the case...in fact they are simply too hard to get into and understand for most people (including me). Just my 2 cents... i don't want to discuss this further on the forum in public, thanks... Just writing this for those who are willing to listen and be open to the possibility that Christ was and is still around. All the best Ed
  19. Wing Chun Stance

    Hi Bums, Mike K has put up some new videos with detailed training of the wing chun mother stance. The last vid covers hei goang breathing. http://www.youtube.com/user/yongchunwales#p/a/u/0/ZGDqeX8blkI http://www.youtube.com/user/yongchunwales#p/a/u/1/xCjSZcwJDT8 http://www.youtube.com/user/yongchunwales#p/a/u/2/9-45HJormfc Hope this interests some of you! Ed
  20. Measuring meditation

    http://www.meditationexpert.com/measuringmeditation.html I cannot tell if it is all marketing hype or this ebook is worth getting..can anyone enlighten me on this subject? Also is it available in paper copy, my eyes get painful reading pdf's and I don't have a printer. Cheers Ed
  21. Sense of identity

    Hey Bums, I've been struggling with having a solid sense of identity for about a decade now and it has caused all kinds of problems. For instance in the past i've replaced that loss with another identity, a false one. This must be the case when people get locked up for believing they are Jesus or Ceaser etc..... What do you think makes up a solid sense of identity, what do you identify with and do you think it is an illusion or real? Some identify with the religous/spiritual teacher they follow or rather being a follower is their identity. Some identify with the colour of their skin etc this all to me seems like labelling and is useful only for people other than them selves. My opinion is Jesus said it best, when he said a man is his works. Thanks Ed
  22. Sense of identity

    Thanks for replying everyone!!! Don't have enough mindspace right now to answer you all individually but let me clarify what i meant by the Jesus quote. I take it to mean we are nothing but our effect on the world. Seeing as we individually on our own don't exist, we cannot sustain ourselves and we are all interconnected.. i guess we are all parts of one big identity and what we contribute to that identity/being is what we are, what we manifest. PEace Ed
  23. Magus of Strovolos

    Have not read the book, but, here is a video about hermits in eastern europe, i personally found it very interesting: Peace Ed