Edward M

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Everything posted by Edward M

  1. How to Accept this Moment? Talk by Jeff Foster

    Agreed BaiQi, I was talking in relation to the subject at hand, mind stuff Peace
  2. How to Accept this Moment? Talk by Jeff Foster

    It doesn't mean accept and follow these thoughts, feelings etc.. it means accept them, because then they are not a problem and can be left in the past instead of lingering around and causing a constant battle within. It's considered that fighting/battling is a part of the egoic mind... so it makes sense not to fight thoughts and just accept they are there and let them go. Tibetan buddhist meditation stresses this point very strongly...... Peace
  3. ...

  4. Kundalini

    Oh haha,, seems symbolic for sure! i was meaning shakti as the feminine rising energy within us, a terms used for kundalini.. doesn't take anything away from the symbology that you just had though Stay grounded dude.. shakti can make one so blissful it can be ungrounding an if you are not careful cause attachment to feelings.. you probably know all this anyway! Peace
  5. Kundalini

    Could well be the beginning of shakti saying hello! treat with respect and you should be fine! Peace and good luck
  6. apparently this isn't getting any coverage in usa: I just hope they survive so the police can get to the people who are brainwashing and radicalising them. Sorry if this is not appropriate for this forum... Peace
  7. Vaccine cover up in UK

    http://nsnbc.me/2013/05/10/the-vaccine-hoax-is-over-freedom-of-information-act-documents-from-uk-reveal-30-years-of-coverup/ Peace
  8. happened here in london today

    Indeed man... this poor guy walking up the street has a father and mother, maybe his own family.. and then..this.. Don't know how this stuff will ever end, seems like we in a never ending vicious cycle.. how the hell do we break it!?! Peace
  9. Power animals (shamanism)

    Power animals are real and compassionate spirits that volunteer to help individuals. They can give you energy towards certain qualities that you have yourself... the power animal you have will symbolise those qualities you already have.. The main practice with them for someone who isn't able to journey shamanically is to welcome them and allow them to move you to drumming sound.. you can do this for 5 mins or much much longer.. you will notice a big change during and afterwards. It's best to see a shamanic practitioner or shaman to see if you have one already or for them to do a retrieval and see which power animal volunteers to help you.. or you can do a power animal journey to find one yourself, but be careful, you should be trained in journeying to do this.. Peace
  10. It's called procrastination... from now on make it your mission to take back your self-control.. take self-responsibility for your life! Did you know in the old days, no one, i mean no one would be allowed to be even considered for spiritual training unless they had already taken 100% self-repsonsibility for their lives.. JUST DO IT! FEEL THE WHATEVER IT IS YOU ARE FEELING AND DO IT ANYWAY Peace Edward
  11. Inner Peace and Nei Kung

    ok, i'm back just to answer justice points.. first of all if micah was at one time a student of Jim's, why the heck would he have to steal via a corrupt email the instructions and pics??? even the traitor who leaked Jim's instructions and pics on the internet didn't need to do that. Secondly, shifu lins details/identity is kept secret because he would get in trouble with the indo school if it were revealed, simple! No I have not met Micah or Lin in person.. but i know he has tolerated a lot from me.. advised me on personal issues and generally put in a lot of time to help me out. Thirdly, there are no pics of Jim in any of shifu lins books.. Ok, i'm not getting involved anymore.. peace Ed
  12. Inner Peace and Nei Kung

    Will get back to this later, it's getting on a bit here in uk.... i can explain some of the points you have raised.. Peace
  13. Inner Peace and Nei Kung

    Justice, I wouldn't call myself a low level poster.. i have been on here for years now, some know me on here from neijia seminars here in the uk and another from a different forum from about 7 years ago. As I said, i know first hand the transformation of my friend who practiced under Micah.. and know from talking to Micah quite a bit that he is a good guy. Just for a second consider the possibility that he may have the legit teachings from a legit shifu and you are putting in all this work to stop something legit and others from pursuing it. Peace Edward
  14. Inner Peace and Nei Kung

    Why do you feel the need to give the forum a running commentary on your communication with Micah? show some decency man! Peace
  15. Inner Peace and Nei Kung

    Hi all, Micah is a good friend of mine and has helped me out with certain other practices and been very patient when I couldn't pay etc.. I don't know what all the fuss is about, it seems possibly some on here want something so bad that when it comes along they can't accept it, would rather keep dreaming about it. Micah teaches someone I know very well and they certainly have gained 'something' from the practice, including virtual full recovery from a chronic fatigue syndrome. After reading Micah's scholarly books on the abrahamic religions I have no doubt he is a serious guy with some serious knowledge. I say, unless you try the teachings and put them into practice, you cannot know if it legit or not.. no amount of mental activity can discern if it correct or not. Unless you have someone willing to teach for free, you have to pay some money and take a risk..the only way right now.. All the best, Edward
  16. Vmarco-- stop trying to corrupt someone's dream!! Over and out Peace
  17. forget everything i said.... it's not relevant lol.. didn't think it through at all!!! peace
  18. Haha can see the holes in what i said already lol :) peace
  19. Forgive me for not remembering the names of the experiments or the theories, but there was an experiment that showed awareness of an event altered the event. There was also a finding that showed if something is aware, then it is only aware when it in turn has something aware of it. I think what buddha found was only naked awareness of a kind not meant by the first experiment i mentioned can reveal the truth of things... The second finding shows that there is a universal awareness... if there was only one human alive with no animals alive, this law still applies, so who/what is aware of this one and only human? Science has the use of tools that buddha didn't have access to at that time... i'll try to find the source of what i said, it's been some time since i came across it! ps, i think we are in a bit of a if a tree falls is there a noise if no one is there to witness it situation! Peace
  20. Vmarco, you don't know what i mean by 'being' so please don't make conditioned assumptions about it Peace
  21. Being is not conditioned.. if something just exists, it just is, then it is being, it be... it does not become! being and becoming are different, all that is coming into being and going out of being, becoming... That which always is, is being..and that being just is..nothing else, is just being... Peace

    Now, I haven't done this.. but i hear from someone who has done this and has got somewhere, that it isn't about killing the ego, it is about purifying it through a retraining based on wisdom and understanding. Basically the more you understand about your own psychology, and the deeper the level of understanding e.g from the heart, then the more you will see through the ignorance of the ego. This all involves dealing with ones stuff and not taking the easy route of projecting it onto others. That in itself takes a lot of heart felt understanding to do. I feel making some way through the various jhanna's would help with that.. see gerard's post in the celibacy thread. Peace
  23. Starting on Qigong...But Where?

    here is the first posture of zhan zhuang: This will deff help with your kendo, you need a strong structure.. it will also relax and open the body including the energy channels.. good luck!
  24. Starting on Qigong...But Where?

    Zhan zhuang or stillness movement neigong is my advice for what it is worth. Depends how much money you have.. if you can afford it go with the nei gong, or if no money look for standing like a tree on youtube, easy to learn and effective plus will help with your martial arts as it is part of martial training.. Peace
  25. This was posted on the taobums facebook page by Simon Das, so if you want to message him you know whereto go!: Seminars on Silat Ksatriya in and around Virginia comming soon ...Please inbox me if your interested .. Silat Kysatria is a perfect synergy of the Malay/indo and indian arts ...covering , armed /un armed mulitple oppenents 2 man drills conditioning inner power meditations footwork patterns forms combat techniques and a lot more , , seminars will take place on the weekends and regular classes during the week in the northern virginia area ..contact soon to reserve your places and to book courses and seminars in your area ...!!! Jaya Haribol Peace