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Posts posted by fish-head

  1. I've been reading a book by Mantak Chia - Taoist secrets of love : cultivating male sexual energy.


    The author talks about a technique for pushing chi into your scrotum by swallowing air. There might be a better way to explain it but has anyone read this or done anything similar? he mentions swallowing air and then imagining it like a ball as you push it downwards to your scrotal area. Does he mean to actually swallow air (causing a sort of burp reflex) or something else? otherwise it's really just taking a deep breath.


    Any thoughts or help? all appreciated..

  2. This internal energy monitoring happens through "proprioreception" which is the sensation of pressure from electromagnetic signals. It's also the "tingling" or "chill" sensation which is the detection and subsequent clearing of the internal energy blockages from food.


    If I eat any sugar -- including from fruit -- then I'll get this tingling reaction because the sugar feeds the shit bacteria. So then I take vinegar which causes a spike in the tingling that decreases the glycemic index and kills off the shit smell.


    Smell is the only sensation which over-rides the prefrontal cortex -- going straight to the cerebrum instead of being filtered by conscious awarness. This is why people only smell NEW sensations and then can't smell themselves -- but the proprioreception TINGLING is closely related to the pressure electrochemical waves of the sense of smell.


    The book "The Secret Life of Lobsters" has great details on smell as actually a quantum perception -- in other words smell is from quantum resonance as "direct" consciousness perception through the electromagnetic signals. Cleve Backster calls this "primary perception" which is the same as plants having emotions and ESP, etc.


    At a certain level most food causes blockages -- since it's an impure form of energy -- compared to getting the pure jing sex energy itself. So the "modified bigu" diet is supposed to be mainly vegetables -- raw or slightly cooked -- Chunyi Lin likes to eat all the different colors of vegetables since each color heals a different organ. He eats one small veggie meal a day and then fasts one day a week. So mainly it's a no food lifestyle.


    I'm constantly off-gassing the shit bacteria because the brain leaches the toxins via the vagus nerve as the lower body serotonin is also transduced up into the brain. I call this "full body digestion" but it's also called "turning shit into gold" just like Asian farming uses humanure.


    So diet is very crucial but it's hard to follow for me since my family thinks being vegetarian is a cult -- much less a NO SALT diet! haha. I just eat whatever and enjoy the fun but the people around me suffer the consequences.


    Again I can monitor the damage from the internal tingling sensations -- like if I take vinegar it kills off the tingling sensation -- kills off the bacteria.


    You say tingling/chill sensation. Do you mean the spine-shiver sort of thing or endorphins? is that what you mean? because I feel a rush from sugar and it's hard to stop eating it because of that. Also get the same feeling while going to the toilet.

  3. I am a sore loser. There's probably a better term for it,s but that's what comes to mind. I have always been this way since I was a child. Some things do not worry me but used to. I avoid doing group activities/any form of competition for this reason but I have gotten better with many things.

    If I play a simple computer game or don't understand things after repeated tries, I become absurdly frustrated and project this onto anyone or anything nearby.


    Are there any suggestions from anyone that may help me correct this? are there any chapters from the tao te ching that give reference to this? Any other books?