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Posts posted by megamorphg

  1. On 5/26/2024 at 11:11 AM, Sahaja said:

    If I recall correctly there is an action that should be taken if the wrong image is seen in the mirror. seeing images in a mirror that you didn’t intend  to see seems a bit spooky to me. Forewarned is forearmed. 


    It's more of a preventive measure than a reactive one: you recite Ohm Ha Li Di Ga as the vision stabilizes.

  2. 3 hours ago, SirPalomides said:

    So does anyone do the thing with the mirror? 

    Yes! The mirror is a part of the full sadhana and visualization. It's a great realization to realize you are the Buddha and see yourself with the arms and each thing they symbolize.



    I think it is good to do initial parts of the sadhana ("Ohm lah" purificatory stuff), too, which most people skip... I do it as part of hungry ghost offering rituals. I think it helps to carve out a space, mentally speaking, for cultivation fruits and purity, so the practice holds a different space and life (rather than mixing up with worldly life always).

    Also, although the zhunti mantra is unique in that it is acceptable to be done under any condition (while in the bathroom, etc.), other than the respect shown to the deities involved, there are many benefits to fully immersing in the full sadhana once in a while... including as Bill Bodri indicates how it clears away errant thoughts through the "positive" method of meditation where you overwhelm your mind with meditative concentration on all the complicated features of the sadhana (wheel, letters, body energy visualization, arms, objects, etc.) and drop away all worldly thoughts.

    • Like 1

  3. Do you do the full sadhana? Life "sucks" (dukkha) with or without the mantra... much more without the mantra IMO. Is it still the arthritis? Sure it isn't oxalates or something else :-P

    I feel like I always get secret solutions and synchronicity when I do the mantra + take massive action (as Bill Bodri talks about in his book White Fat Cow). Like things fall into place. But only after lots of initial effort and wanting... but could it have just happened regardless? I just have been addicted because of the pleasant feelings I get and dharma symbolism surrounding each arms, serving as a foundation for other practices.

  4. That's really fascinating... I've had similar very clear shifts in karmic affinities when practicing versus not practicing.

    It is better to diffuse one's negative karma with a little bit of bearable pain than in other more fatal or unbearable ways. Definitely wouldn't be the first spiritual practice where deities use their nirmanakaya manifestations to help clear someone's energy system or life karma. May actualy be common to all genuine spiritual traditions.


    Anyway, just sharing this video and FB group for those interested:


    • Like 1

  5. Breath stopping (xi) is normal even in the earlier levels of samadhi.

    Heart stopping is possible at the 3rd jhana/samadhi. There are stories of hindu samadhi masters even being buried for days while in samadhi.


    However, it would be good to know your practice regimen and if it is naturally induced (due to consciousness) it would be good not to be alarmed/stressed by such a natural phenomenon (which can harm the system).

    • Like 2

  6. 8 hours ago, Cheshire Cat said:

    I believe that even if you can solve all of your life problems with a magic spell from the Middle Age, the power to do so is still in your own mind and not anywhere else. 



    Yes definitely! No one can help the self-victimizing.

    But there is certainly some sort of "outside" influence and help via aka nirmanakaya manifestation when uttering the specific mantra of a specific being. It might even be able to penetrate whatever wall of self-pity and evil one shrouds oneself with...

    • Like 1

  7. 3 hours ago, JustARandomPanda said:

    BTW, Because Sadhguru's talk finally made the lightbulb turn on for me about the levels of mind (and Cundi mantra) I've decided to practice it again and pair it with the Vairocana mantra that Bodri says goes very well with it.

    Cool! I listen to a lot of Sadhguru... which talk was that?

  8. On 4/11/2018 at 12:11 AM, Mandrake said:


    If you're after the sanskrit version and pronunciation it's a bit different than above. Trying to convey the pronunciation in English:

    (the 'h' are aspirated)


    Namah saptaanang

    samiak sang-buddha kotinaang


    om chale chule chundi swaha


    The 'ch' is the same sound as in 'ch'ange.


    There are sanskrit pronunciation guides online, so I'd recommend going through a couple and then you shouldn't have any problems at all.






    Interesting... Any particular links you can share?

    I find it surprising it is "chundi"... it all feels very chinese... especially since I'm pretty sure the "chale" is referring to the popular hindu deity "kali", right? I guess the masses have been pronouncing it wrong?

  9. I've been practicing a long time the chinese transliteration per master nan's instructions and I've recently switched up to the sanskirt pronunciation.


    Any sanskirt experts know how do you pronounce the last part?


    Phonetically here is how i pronounce it:


    Namo sadoh nah

    samyak sam-buddha

    koteenam tadyatha

    ohm kalee kulee kunde soha!


    I appreciate your thoughts.

  10. 12 hours ago, lifeforce said:

    Cundi Dharani.

    Namobuddhāya. Namo dharmāya. Namaḥ saṃghāya. Namaḥ sarva buddha bodhisattvebhyo. Nama ārya mahā-cundīye. Namaḥ saptānāṃ samyak-saṃbuddha koṭīnāṃ. Tadyathā, oṃ, cale cule cunde svāhā. Mahā-vīrya apratihata śāsane. Mahā-bala parā-krame, asi musala paraśu pāśa gṛhīta haste, mahā-krodha krodheśvarī ugra rūpiṇi, ananta mukhī, sahasra-bhuje, ajite aparājite aghorī dur-dame sahasra-akṣi. Sarva tathāgata-adhiṣṭhāne. Sarva devatānāṃ vanditā pūjitā pra-sādite. Vajra-ghoṇi vajre vajra-avahe, vajra-āyudhe, vajra-kāminī, vajrottami jvalita akṣi, akṣaye aghore ghora-rūpiṇi vi-kṛta darśane, vajra-vaiḍūrya-alaṃ-kṛtā śarīre. Oṃ bhagavati cunde druṃ druṃ, truṭ truṭ, bhroṃ bhroṃ, ru ru, sru sru, dru dru, gṛhṇa gṛhṇa, ā-veśaya ā-veśaya, gṛhṇāpaya gṛhṇāpaya, hara hara, sāra sāra. Māraya māraya, dara dara, bhañja bhañja, marda marda. Māraya māraya, paca paca, daha daha, gṛhṇa gṛhṇa, idaṃ duṣṭa grahaṃ jvaram ekāhikaṃ, dvāhikaṃ, tryāhikaṃ, cāturthakaṃ, saptāhikaṃ, nitya-jvaraṃ, mauhūrtikaṃ graha bhūta vetāḍa yakṣa rākṣasaṃ kuṣmāṇḍaṃ, yoni-jaṃ karma-jaṃ, sthāvaraṃ jaṅgamaṃ, ye mahiṃ śānti ke-cid duṣṭatāṃ, sarvāṃ sādhaya sādhaya, mardaya mardaya, śoṣaya śoṣaya, tapaya tapaya, ucchedaya ucchedaya, hana hana vajreṇa, sāra sāra daṇḍena, māra māra khaṇḍena, huṃ huṃ huṃ, culu culu, dru dru, cuṭ cuṭ cuṭ, druṃ druṃ druṃ. Oṃ, cale cule cunde sarva sādhaya svāhā. Oṃ svāhā. Cale cule svāhā. Cunde mama śānti-kuru svāhā.

    (read the long dharani 7x or more every morning until you’ve learned it and can practice it internally)


    I'd like source, methodology, and translation please?

    Also an english pronunciation audio/guide would be great.

    Bill explains that in his audio it is the one-pointedness that matters most (so even incorrect pronunciation but doubt-free one-pointedness will work) however I'd like to know especially this being so darn long.


    This dharani really feels like the usnise vijaya dharani, too. 

  11. On 11/30/2017 at 0:50 PM, dontknwmucboutanythng said:


    In the below image which hand position is the correct one, the one on the left most or right most? Are the two pinkies sticking up (left most image) or fold down (right most image)?  Also do the tips of the two thumbs touch the other fingers or stay up in the air as in the left most image?

    Lastly can I use this mudra while praying in general or praying to other Buddhas? Have you ever seen a Christian holding this mudra while praying in a church?

    Many thanks.





    The one with the pinkies is dangerous, it will summon a big energy field explosion like in Kung Fu Panda... "skidoosh"



    Jokes aside, I like that one since it hurts fingers less. Holding the one that Master nan suggested (2nd) kinda hurts after a while..

  12. On 1/18/2013 at 7:51 PM, 林愛偉 said:

    Zhunti Mantra:


    Ji Shou Gui Yi,

    Su Xi Di,

    Tou Mian Ding Li,

    Qi JIu Zhi.

    Wo Qing Cheng Zhan Da ZhunTi

    Wei yuan ci Bei

    Chui jia hu


    Namo Sa Duo Nan

    San Miao San Pu Tuo

    Jiu Zhi Nan

    Da Zhi Tuo


    Zhe Li Zhu Li


    SuoPo He


    Does anyone do that FULL full mantra?

    Because I am used to only doing the 2nd stanza.

    The whole thing does sound very beautiful however.


    Attached are a few zhunti audios I like--I have more if you guys are interested. The 3rd one is great as wake-up tone!




  13. 14 hours ago, dmattwads said:

    My experience with this mantra has been wonderful and horrible lol. A few years ago I was doing it extensively (like several hours every day). A few odd things I noticed was that I had to urinate in small amounts constantly after I got into the second hour. Also while doing this mantra I met my current girlfriend who is one of the nicest people I have ever met anywhere. On a less happy note it seemed like all sorts of crap in life was coming out of the woodwork as well. 

    Wow a few hours? Like multi-tasking or just full focus sadhana?

    Does your girlfriend practice, too?

  14. On 12/27/2016 at 2:28 PM, C T said:

    this mudra, when perfected, has the power to cut through even the densest negative energies, or ward off unwanted visits from the twilight zone. 


    Yeah, I sometimes do it while falling asleep and I can feel the energies becoming lighter and lighter to some level of satisfaction.... If I do it too long my pinky hurts though. I need to find a way to not make my pinky hurt after 30 min of doing it...


    23 hours ago, lifeforce said:


    Great find. Thank you.


    Yeah wow, I wonder if they took it down due to image copyright.


    Have you guys read Nyasa Yoga by Bill Bodri?


    It's a new book and he talks about special mantras that can help raise the yang chi (in addition to Zhunti mantra).

  15. Hello,


    In the below Zhunti mantra, is the phrase "Om Bolin" need to be added at the end of each Zhunti's mantra?  I am not sure what is "the end of each reciting cycle" mean, hence the preceding question.


    Hopefully this is not too dumb a question,  section "IV" paragraph "IV"  the "image" might show up in one's mind (visualization) and not actually in front of a prayer while his/her eyes open, right?  Incidentally I can't even visualize a straight line.


    Many Thanks.


    End of each recitation cycle I took to mean after each session, however short (even one minute).

    The visualizing part is not a "might show up"... BIll explained in his how to mantra audiotape it should be like it just appears.


    FOr example, think of an apple. You just saw it your mind right? You did not have to make any effort in imagining it correct?

    Same with things like imagining a woman you like and sexual acts involved... you do not have to make any effort in visualization... it just happens. Have the same attitude towards visualization.

    I also recommend Bill's newest book on visualization. It is a gem.

    • Like 1

  16. How do you guys chant the mantra? Do you do mudras or just silently recite it from the heart? Or verbally?



    Hey, I am curious if anyone from this original thread (or anyone else) has maintained the Cundi / Zhunti mantra practice? If so, would you mind sharing your experiences?


    I have been practicing on and off for the past decade.


    You can do it with varying degrees but the more you do it according to the Master Nan's instructions... the more ideal.


    At the minimum I would recommend saying it out loud with the proper mudra.

    Anything less and you won't feel the effect as strong.


    I will sometimes integrate other visualizations into the (already) complex visualization such as skeleton meditation and duck



    I think after 100,000 recitations I had a connection and even when I don't practice for a while and come back to it again... I feel the effect. It's a good feeling in the chest and an easy smile. A glowing light from within. Even when I just think of the mantra and am not saying anything, this feeling now arises. I have a long ways to go though and have had only a couple of dreams in the past 10 years of zhunti, both dreams ecstatic and pretty nice. I think concentrated practice is the way to go when more serious but if not feeling it any minimal practice will do!




    This is an interesting dharma door that seems quite rare for Western native English speakers, and besides Bill Bodri's (extremely helpful) online promulgation of Nan Huai-Chin's recommendation of the mantra, it seems the only western audience this practice receives is in certain Chan schools (Master Hsuan Hua and Master Sheng Yen come to mind) where the practice seems either somewhat selective, or limited, to a degree. Though I am not yet affiliated with either of their schools so honestly I really can't say what degree Cundi is practiced. (That said, I've seen an account of the late Master Sheng Yen recommending 200,000 repetitions to a lay student in order for the student to remove obstacles to ordination...and of course it worked.) 


    I do feel that the community of Zhunti practitioners is relatively unknown and disconnected, even though many do practice variants


    I just now started a group called "Cundi Bodhisattvas" and am adding those few I know who practice it... feel free to join and be a moderator:


    So ... everyone who was instructed in the basic levels, later on he/she can work furher with the book instructions only ...


    I believe he only talks about up to level 4 in his books.

    Surangama sutra talks about everything though all the way up to complete buddhahood and freedom from all layers of the 5 skandhas.

  18. Yeah this was the first time I saw the thread, and found the PDF ok, but I'll admit there's a lot of talk in between. Some of the clueless posts are actually by serious practitioners who just happen to be too busy with their path to worry about the weird mo pai fuss, and I did a bit of a palm to the forehead move when I saw them too, but...maybe because I've seen some of their other posts and know they aren't half retarded beginners (whatever exactly that means :) ), I was more kind.


    Have a good weekend.


    sorry that came out the wrong way.


    Here's what I think are the best questions and my own answers to them:

    More_Pie_Guy, on 27 October 2011 - 07:49 AM, said:
    1. The twin goals of "enlightenment" & "immortality" are often listed as the ultimate neidan
    endgames.. However, "enlightenment" is often described as the transcendence of all duality
    (including Self)...whereas "immortality" would be the eternal preservation of "Self," no? It
    seems almost contradictory, but I suppose this "immortal self" that does goes on would be a
    transcendence of life/death (belonging not quite wholly to either state) as Sambhogakāya?
    Or no?


    Amazing question. And yes I would have to agree. Keeping your question in mind, I would recommend you read "The Diamond Sutra Explained" by Master Nan Huai-Chin... you would have many insights.

    The Tripikaya originally is considered ONE thing.
    The sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya are both rupakaya. The dharmakaya is the formless aspect of that Tripikaya.
    I think that "ball of immortality" that you get when you combine your yin and yang energies, a sort of constructed immortal soul.. it could be considered a rupakaya or dharmakaya thing depending on where in the timeline you are with it.
    nondualism > yin-yang converge > physical counterpart of yin chi and yang chi converge
    nondual Reality realization > dharmakaya level up! > can materialize as sambhogakaya >>> yang shen projects/nirmanakaya/etc.
    Reportedly during this process you will be able to sense where your yin and yang chi and unite it although many Christian, Taoist and Zen masters just achieved this "centering" in complete and total ignorance of the body's energetics! Read the religious articles on to learn more about this phenomenon.
    Any transcendent evolution of consciousness originates from dharmakaya improvement acts:
    drop into nondualism
    learn to rest in your own center
    reach true samadhi
    read prajna texts to help you detach, etc.
    In short, yeah you're right. I just have to add that one's quest for dharmakaya, forgetting the self and all dualistic concepts through achievement of samadhi (using whatever centering technique is best), are key to accessing the sambhogakaya bioenergetics and not letting the power corrupt you in the end.
    "Answer: Sifu John has a book given to him by his master with the practices of the school
    outlined in medieval Chinese all the way up to Level 72. I have seen it, but of course could
    not read it."


    Would be interesting to see THAT on TPB.

    What type of meditation does Kostas prefer to practise in terms of what he believes gives
    him most benefit; for instance would that be standing (wu ji, Zhan Zhuang) or seated for
    instance (lotus, seiza).
    Full-lotus is arguably the best for a Immortality/Enlightenment cultivator... buddha himself said so.
    How exactly does the fusion of Yin Qi and Yang Qi in Houtian neidan (like MoPai) lead to
    enlightenment and/or immortality?
    It basically gives birth to something else inside of you.. the immortal fetus.
    Macrocosmic discussion:
    Whenever yin and yang come together (if they are able to) something (1) beneficial and (2) revolutionary happens.

    With the body: yin and yang (sperm and egg) combine and give a whole new life.

    On a more psychotherapeutic spectrum: yin and yang (calmness and energy) create a more wholesome individual. Try this with other spectrums.

    Try it with the paramitas.


    And.. the rest of the answers were specific to Kosta I hope my answers to these questions provide some value to others as well.

    • Like 2

  19. I just really prefer people use their resources and THEN ask brainy questions. I really appreciate higher-minded conversation especially when it is uninterrupted by things like "who's kosta danaos?"


    And for people newly reading here is the ACTUAL Q&A pdf for this thread! (i linked the wrong one earlier)
    Should've been pinned. I spent an hour looking for it lol
    AMAZINGLY ACCURATE ANSWERS BTW... Master Huai-Chin Nan would approve!

    Awesome talk btw brian definitely would love to discuss it after I finish listening later, I'm going to Friday prayer to mix with my community a bit now..

  20. All this discussion of chakras and complicated mantras makes me wonder if Master Nan (one of the few cross-culturally confirmed Enlightened ones, has some great books) is right about the best thing is to just let one's body do the work naturally by awakening the Kundalini energy/yang chi through lots of Emptiness practice (realizing Emptiness and abiding without abiding).

    • Like 1

  21. In his website, Bill really says that most important mantra is the Zhunti mantra which helps open up the heart chakra--the seat of enlightenment. Many Zen masters even used it, practitioners who were often against mantra-ing of any sort.

  22. I answered some of my own questions reading your posts so I thought I'd give back by elucidating the nature of jing-chi-shen transformation on the road to immortality and especially the notion of jing/semen retention within Taoism, Buddhism, and the Great Learning in general. Astral and others already gave a great description but there is a specific time sequence in Taoism.

    These articles really explain the sequence well and the difficulty in overcoming the "toxicity" (i really like this idea) of our normal condition, especially the 100 days that is required to complete the jing collection, after which there is a massive reduction in sexual desire, especially if one has been masterfully managing the psychological component.


    Also there is a big connection IMO to being an Immortal and being a Sex God because both have unlocked and developed the capacity for full body enjoyment (something a woman naturally possesses because of the nature of Tao, the yin).


    May those who wish to succeed in this great endeavor find success within this distracting and degenerate Desire Realm.

  23. u misread. his meditation blog and my my experience says

    anahata = zhunti mantra

    and anja = vairocana


    he actually says that if you do ANY mantra at all, one should try zhunti since it opens up the heart chakra, the most important for reachign enlightenment

    try it out, it has a high learning curve... but i really feel it working!