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Posts posted by qijack

  1. Hi,


    It seems to me that chi / kundalini has effects in the torso depending on which organ is involved. So if it is in the pelvic area there may be some sexual effects, if it is in the head you'll get some hallucinations or psychological changes. But what exactly does it do in the arms and legs ?? I've been experiencing a lot of heat in the limbs recently but I have no clue what it is doing there. There are no visceral organs there at all, and it's not like I'm running faster or lifting better or anything. So is the heat in the limbs completely useless, or does it serve some function? How do I stop the heat from going there ? Thanks.


    Heat doesn't necessarily mean it is kundalini. According to Taoists there are channels in the arms and legs that store energy, the heat could merely be a sign of this energy accumulating in these channels.

  2. No feeling of energy is required. Just relax as much as possible as you do what ever you do to lessen the urge to ejac and breath deeply into your abdomen. Just do it as if your not doing any type of energetic practice, treat like a purely physical practice. Just doing this i can last as long as i want in every position except doggy position, Must be the angle or something

  3. I dont know man. Im just going to take a stab in the dark and say find a chen tai chi teacher in your area and learn that. Ive recently started to train in chen tai chi and found it's good for sinking chi into the dan tien.


    Also the reason people have discomfort when they do the mco is due to the chi being blocked in the head, once the chi passes through your head all your problems should go away. Eventually it will break through. Just try relax as much as possible and dont let your mind become scattered

  4. Only qi gong that was able to correct the deviations I had created from many years of incorrect mco meditation practice. Level 1 should be practiced for 6 months to open the channels and balance everything out. Level 2 practice is when the strong energy is created. Level 3 is secret but I think it is more of a seated meditative practice

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  5. I thought i had awakened my kundalini about 6 years ago after having energy surge up my spine ending up with my astral body shooting out of my third eye but now realize i have not even scratched the surface of awakening real kundalini

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  6. Has any one done the Xiao shou tian fully completing the pre requisite stages? As I understand it the foundation takes a long time. It seems most people get impatient and attempt the Xiao shou tian prematurely
