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Everything posted by Christoph

  1. Fedor vs. Coleman

    Watching Fedor fight is like watching Michael Jordan play basketball back in the day.He is ahead of the curve for sure. Coleman with his kids in the ring after the fight is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in MMA.
  2. heat versus ice

    Just from my own experience,15 years,ice is by far the best for injury chronic or acute. Heat, for me atleast ,only increases inflamation and does not speed recovery in the least.
  3. Matt Furey - Chuang Shang de Gong Fu

    The Bas workouts are awesome! If you have done boxing or kickboxing before you will love it,if not you need to be trained with proper technique first. He really pushes the pace calling out the combos and its an amazing cardio workout.
  4. IMA vs. MMA

    Seeing is believing and from what I have seen in contrast to your supernatural stories leads me to believe some of you are totally delusional.I have never seen one shred of evidence to even begin to suggest that and IMA could face off with an MMA. That is not why people train IMA is it? Self defense is different from a duel. Fighting is physical it is external by definition. Show me someone who can take a punch on the jaw from Lidell,Tyson Fedor ect and not be effected and I will beg to be a disciple.
  5. Aluminum

    Teflon releases toxic fumes but only at very high temerature. Also what about aluminum in deoderant? I would be more concerned about that.
  6. John Chang Video

    Wow! This thread is amusing. 3rd hand accounts of walking through walls...telekinesis....$5,000 workshops for lucky selected few...HT is childish rubish that may harm you...very interesting.
  7. Bow Before Me...

    Paganism 75% Buddhism 75% atheism 71% Satanism 71% agnosticism 71% Hinduism 54% Islam 50% Judaism 29% Christianity 25% Seems fairly accurate for me.
  8. How is the air quality where you live? I get this feeling when I have been outdoors with less than perfect air quality in this city, especially when it is warm.
  9. Rmax Article On Cst, Rkc And Crossfit

    "Interested in more thoughts. What do YOU consider overtraining. If somebody is hurting themselves physically, of course that's demonstrative of a lack of balance..." Besides the obvious of constant fatigue and soreness increased resting heart rate. "First of all Christoph, I posted the link originally (and the text of the article later when asked to because someone was having trouble reading it) because it mentioned CF, just like I post links to BJJ articles on BJJ sites, whether they are positive or negative." This is exactly what I meant in my first post. When you spread neagativity dont be surprised when it comes back to you. Who cares what method of exercise people use if it is working for them??
  10. Rmax Article On Cst, Rkc And Crossfit

    If it was poor form to to portray other systems as inferior to CST was it not equally poor form to post the article from a members forum to a competitors forum? IMO internet forums magnify real life in that if you put out negative energy/criticism etc..justified or not, that is what you get in return 2 fold.
  11. Intu-Flow

    I am still doing the beginner with some intermediate in the Intu Flow. I have only been doing it for a few months and with the other material I am in no hurry. Personally I didnt wait to start using the minis because I was very curious as to how my shoulder would handle it. From a previous injury overhead pressing just the 45 lb bar would cause discomfort....I havent found 1 single Clubbell exercise that was anything but beneficial for my shoulder stability. Flowfit is keeping me in shape for BJJ while on hiatus.Be Breathed is really cool to although it is basically a very detailed explantaion of every variation of the spinal rock. I have gained lots of ab strength from it though, much more than from the traditional ab exercised I was doing. Forward Pressure is kicking my but!! I will never bench again from my shoulder injury but thats OK now that I have FP. It will really work your chest,tris and shoulders with, for me atleast, no shoulder or elbow pain that I would get from bench or dips.
  12. Intu-Flow

    I tried Intu Flow and my results impressed me and the wife so much I got Be Breathed,FlowFit,Forward Pressure,15 lbs Clubbells and BBook Of Clubbells. After 15 years of conventional weight training I will never go back!!! Scotts CST has been nothing short of amazing for me and the wife.
  13. Crocop Vs. Silva

    That whole event was awsome!! If you have never seen a Pride ppv and are an MMA fan you are missing out. I dont care that they weighed in within 5 lbs of each other, Crocop was much stronger than destruction. No one else in MMA has a patented move like Crocops left head kick.
  14. If You Were To Open A Vegetarian Restaurant?

    I went to a vegeterian festival and had an exellent Ethiopian dish of spicy lentils and flatbread.
  15. Shamanic Tiger Qi Gong

    I have been working on this form for a month or so and I really love it. I am a bit of a qigong newb as my only other experience is with Winns fundamentals 1,I do 5 animals every morning. The tiger qigong is really different.Its great for the shoulders,elbows and wrists. It gives me a charged up energy feeling even restless sometimes where 5 animals is relaxing.Once when I was doing bi-naural beat meditation afterwards it I felt like energy was flowing through my arms and legs.It also makes me feel really pumped or strong in my diapram,ribcage and lungs. I think I may switch to shamanic tiger in the morning and 5 animals in the evening.
  16. Renzo and Ryan

    I am a little surprised that some people on here actually like Furey s stuff. Every other bboard I have been to that is MA or physical culture related consider him a huckster.Talking to Farmers Burns ghost?come on. His marketing after 9/11 was slimey and his products are very overpriced IMO. But if his material benifitted you than that is what is important. Also Sonnon has much more competitive grappling experience than "Mat Furrey".
  17. Crossfit ROCKS!

    Congrats on your progress!! One word of caution about is easy to break your form when you start to get fatigued and possibly get injured. On the videos on their website some of the form makes me cringe. Many exercises they do they "cheat".
  18. Help me find a martial art

    No I dont really believe in the demonstrations by masters but I like to think I have an open mind. An Akidoka taught me how to do un-bendable arm in about 2 minutes. I left my cynical side behind after I turned 30.
  19. Help me find a martial art

    Is there a certain branch that is harder style like what you studied??Was it an overly formal environment??There are a few schools in my area but I havent been there yet to watch a class.One thing that kind of turns me off about the training I have seen is the uke(?) running with your hand sticking out then getting violently tossed around.
  20. Help me find a martial art

    Well everone does martial arts for different reasons but for me personally I dont really think I could get into Aikido even though the sword work is interesting. Aikido has some problems when it comes to real life applications.The entire system stems from the idea that people are wearing swords. Wrist locks can be great if someone is trying to grab your weapon(cops)or you need to subdue someone who isnt exactly attacking you(cops) otherwise they do not work.No amount of Ki will help you if someone is trying to visciously beat you down unless it helps you run faster:(
  21. Help me find a martial art

    ZMA is goos because heavy sweating depletes your magnesium. Buddy Are you familiar with Park Bok Nam??His school is 5 minutes from me.
  22. Help me find a martial art

    Watch out for Turkish oil wrestling!!Oh and BJJ is only gay if you make eye contact. I was actually thinking of quitting BJJ and training Bagua at a nearby school.I have got 4 years invested in BJJ but the very thing that makes it so effective also keeps me in a constant state of injury. It is like being in an abusive relationship!
  23. Help me find a martial art

    His turtle style is no match for my butterfly guard!!
  24. I have been looking at this course offered by Roaring Lion. It seems interesting but a little sketchy at the same time. Some of the marketing and endorsments kind of turn me off. So has anyone tried it??
  25. poll: what's your favorite asana?

    Downward dog has helped my loose shoulder quite a lot.