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Everything posted by Encephalon

  1. schizandra with horsetail

    I'm just going with powders now. I'd like to buy a bag of dried berries some time just out of curiosity. http://www.swansonvitamins.com/Search?doSearch=true&keyword=Schizandra I'm a very amateurish herbalist, but I wanted the horsetail for bone density and cartidage following my surgeries. I jsut noticed after the fact that it worked well with the schizandra.
  2. My New Year Cleanse and Fitness Routine

    'Tis working. 153.4 lbs. I'm encouraged by this system of cleansing insead of strict fasting because one, the psyllium and the hempseed/sprout salad kill the hunger and two, I have a feeling tnhat if I were to continue a 10-14 day fast every quarter I would most likely digest my hard-won muscle tissue, and that ain't no good. Aren't you all finding this fascinating? Aren't the subtleties of my bowels the most compelling drama of this modern age?
  3. New subscriber

    Watch out for the moderators. They have cooties.
  4. Students of C K Chu

    I sure hope you tell us how it goes. Anything that can help us acquire precision with the postures to get that "tuning fork" effect is an absolute gift!
  5. My New Year Cleanse and Fitness Routine

    Wed. morning weigh-in - 144.4 lbs. A pound a day, right on schedule. Besides the sprout salad with hemp seed, I cheated with a carrot. I think my future may actually hold a dietary regimen that is semi-fasting in nature. Undereating during the day - buckwheat for breakfast, berries for lunch - followed by a chef's salad at night. I'd love to get ripped again and not get that bogged down feeling that comes from eating either too much food or the wrong kind. If I don't consider this option I am doomed to gaining the weight back again, but at least I can work out again. Yesterday's yoga routine with my favorite TV yoga guy, Steve Ross, kicked my ass. I used to sail through this show and did it for 6 months straight. Unfortunately, it's not airing right now, but I recorded dozens of episodes. It's not for purists; the music can be a little over the top, but it's a massive upper body workout. And the chicks are hot.
  6. My New Year Cleanse and Fitness Routine

    Yeah, he's a fellow Angelino. I've seen him at the beach. He's also vegetarian and freakishly strong.
  7. My New Year Cleanse and Fitness Routine

    Very true. I dig Sonnon's routine because it targets the entire arm from fingers to traps. I have this goal of using these routines to improve my chin na but I'm probably kidding myself; you need to be incredibly fast for chin na and I'm slowing down at 50+. I weighed in this morning at 155.6 lbs. That's down from 157 yesterday. I still have two "meals" of psyllium and sprout/hemp salad inside of me, so it's probably less, but a pound a day is average. I feel fantastic. I did 3X50 with the 12KB K-bell yesterday and hardly felt it, except for a little back tension this morning, but that's what the inversion table is for. I think I'm benefiting from the 7-Keto!
  8. http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-ultra-deep-field-3d.htm Well, for whatever reason I can't insert the video today but it's better watching at Full Screen anyway. This is what they saw when they aimed the Hubble at an "empty" part of the universe for 11 days.
  9. The Foolhardiness of American Presidential Elections

    The subject of American Exceptionalism is a vast one, full of true believers and their tomes of unabashed conceipt. Compared to other nations that are thousands of years older than the US, yes, they have their ethnocentric mythologies, but it doesn't compare to the policy statements such as those of the recent neoconservatives' Project for the New American Century or any number of political mythologies that we've been conning ourselves with for the last 50 years, so says Bracevich and others. I am under no delusions about Chinese opportunism deferring to peaceful co-existence if they can secure advantages, but they've got problems of their own. If they get a handle on their ecological affairs before it's too late, they might share their achievments with the rest of the world.
  10. Tough guy cheating

    Sort of cheating. 3 minutes is a long time on your ankle and stabilizer muscles, but doing this with your eyes closed is the real test. Anyone can do it with a month of daily practice.
  11. Tough guy cheating

    I understand. I was thinking along the lines of hanging by our feet in the branches, but I have seen people typing with their toes.
  12. A question about Zhan Zhuang

    I hope I was clear that ZZ progress is all about becoming more precise with your posture. I plugged k-bell swings for overall strength and conditioning, but I hope I didn't let loose any misinformation that they were remotely related! My apologies if I did!
  13. Tough guy cheating

    BOSU drills are ideal for this function. Visiting the BOSU website and reading some of the data on the studies that have been done is mighty inspiring. It doesn't seem plausible that our feet could ever match the neural sophistication of our upper limbs - we'd have to go back several hundred million years for that - but balance training, including all the stabilizers in the foot/ankle/calf complex can create a magical sense of groundedness. Toward the same end, I make sure my baby daughter's daily tui na session includes the yongquan - "bubbling spring" points on the bottom of the feet.
  14. My New Year Cleanse and Fitness Routine

    Correction - I don't own clubbells, maybe someday. For now I use these leverage bars that I made from scratch. Just weight one end and slip some foam handles over the opposite end. Talk about a serious arm workout, from fingers to shoulders... you even recruit traps when doing reverse blocks. And of course, I do all clubbell/leverage bar routines on an upside down BOSU for added balance and core strength, as this young lady demonstrates. Aren't ya'll dreadfully inspired?
  15. My New Year Cleanse and Fitness Routine

    There's something about declaring your intention that lights a small fire under your seat.
  16. Images of the Ultra Deep Field

  17. The Foolhardiness of American Presidential Elections

    Yes, he's joking... no need for insults at all.
  18. It's always a pleasure to read thoughtful and well-written posts. Well done. It would appear that you're something of a synthesist at heart as well. Seeking out the commonalities and patterns that connect is a rich path. I had the good fortune to get my introduction to Taoist alchemical practices with Nei kung as developed by Master CK Chu - www.chutaichi.com This is direct, internal martial arts chi kung. I've also purchased about 2 dozen books on Taoist theory and practice during the last three years and "Opening the Energy Gates" by Frantzis has been a gold mine for me. Between these two practices, I acquired the ability to manipulate chi fairly quickly, and my leg meridians opened up at abut the 2-year mark. I am in no position to adequately assess the advantages or limitations of combining these two practices, but I took care not to create my own hybrid regimen. I also experimented with Gary Clyman's tidal wave chi kung which I found very helpful and powerful, so powerful that I overheated myself and broke out in eczema and dry skin. I had to see a TCM doc to rectify it, and I put the Clyman DVDs to rest. My point being that I tried a handful of things too, including SFQ, which was nothing compared with Thw Water Method. The Dalai Lama has said that we should only evaluate our meditation practice every ten years, and from that I glean that we should devote considerable time to just one practice before we can assess it adequately. From what I have gathered from different sources, though, is that the intermediate phase where we acquire the manipulate energy at will throughout our torso and limbs averages around three years, + or -. Best of luck.
  19. If you're using the term 'fusion' the way I used it, referring to the fusion of body and mind, then I agree with you that a deliberate attempt at fusion is ill-advised. It would be prohibitively difficult because this is a process that develops on its own over time; I think there would be little efficacy in pursuing this course consciously.
  20. Mostly just this -
  21. I've scanned my comp using three different drivercare downloads and they all say the same thing; 29 drivers are ancient and they all require a $30 for the new downloads. Is this legit for an older computer, and do I have to cough up the $$, or is there a place to get new drivers for free? Thanks in advance.
  22. Anyone up to speed on updating drivers for computer?

    problem solved. thanks everyone. I get horny a lot now; I think it's related to my PTSD and misquoting Jesus, so now I just chant Kun' lun Hoa Tou a couple thousand times or until I feel heat in my palms. I don't know... I think I've lost it. Maybe the Super Moon this March 19 will solve my problems and I won't have to jump in front of a bus. Otherwise, drivers okay.
  23. Sure they would, like origami and bass fishing! Seriously, they stand alone, but compliment each other the way any combo of physical regimens and medition styles would. Balanced development, and the superior quality of life that represents, is all about the gradual fusion of body and mind and there are many paths to that goal. I can't say enough about the positive benefits of the dissolving method.