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Posts posted by johntrevy

  1. I am sorry to hear about your friend and wish him and his loved ones all the best.


    Sounds like a steep sum. But with the wide variety of individual differences is any person always going to be able to help every person every time? Others have had good results for much less........... Still in cases of failure showing that it was about "helping" rather than "getting money" is important to me.


    Also I fail to see how the negativity of the outcome for your friend would change regardless of if MTS had an ironclad 2000 year lineage or just made it all up himself.


    Excepting the endless lineage debate is this the first MTS FU failure ?!?


    I look at these posts by MTS, and he seems more like a salesman trying to sell used cars than a taoist.

  2. I've read somewhere that that is because of too large a particle size, and that ionic should be used instead of colloidal.


    Bottom line is, thwy make the virus to make us give our fear energy to them. But it is not working. The B$ just isnt cutting it anymore. and i live to see the day the monetary system collapses, so "so called healers" wont have any excuse to be more like salesmen anymore.

  3. does anyone know if this is legitimate.



    I read the post until i saw the word "Obama". The last thing Obama, or any politician or world leader wants is peace through love. All they think is "Peace through Power!!"- Yes i know that quote is from command and conquer.

  4. I personaly think we should follow the "Prime Directive" and not interfere in such cultures. JUst look at ourselves. Civil war over money. The people in the developing countries are not stupid, otherwise they wouldnt have survived over all these years.


    Charity= Foreign voluntry tax.


    And please dont give all that bull about karma, since is an illusion created by greedy corrupt individuals.

    and 2.i am in the belief that if i cannot remember my past lives, i should not be accountable for them. Otherwise i would be saying sorry for an infinate amount of things that i have no memory of.


    I believe in karma for PRESNT life though, as ive seen it with my own eyes, but when you die it gets wipes clean (like starting a new game).


    There is no new game+ in this world otherwise everyone would be guilty of somthing.

    Think about it, if some cop came up to you and said "i want you to sign a confession for somthing that happened a thousand years ago". Would you sign it? No of course not, its essentialy framing yourself for a murder you did not commit.


    It is the same with karma.

  5. Totally agree.


    Also, personally I can't stand anything new age. It's all absolute junk. Especially channelers. Just my opinion.


    I think anyone who charges copiuos amounts of money for courses, healing, or any other induction to knowledge is a fraud.

    Sorry, but thats the way it is. Money and Ramtha was created by greedy corrupt individuals who seek to enslave the world and this dimension.


    Meow:damn keyobard.

  6. The $300 something was the given "minimum" amount of donation, you can donate more if you want. The minimum is calculated to ensure the effect does work due to karma balancing. If you are going to donate or one of the donors, I would be glad to hear from you.


    The word donation in Taoism is actually an amount of money given to the temple as a support for the temple to run and help other people.


    We do require people to give a specific amount of donations for each service as a "minimum" amount. If they like it, they can pay more to get more effect of course. Karma balances.


    You see this is where ive got a BIG PROBLEM with this. Using Somthing that was created by negativity, corruption and lies (money) for improving negative karma. If anything, it could make things worse.

    Please just admit you are selling a product and accept donations on top of that.


    The way you are wording this, i would NEVER come to you for healing Mak Tin Si, no matter how good you proclaim to be.

  7. Just so this process doesn't get sidetracked by trivialities the money issue is in this case 'no issue'. There are quite a few threads elsewhere concerning the debate of charging money for spiritual services.


    Enough for it to be said that everyone actively engaged in this arrangement were and are happy to have the dollar contributions paid and recieved.





    Thats kool Stig, i wasnt trying to stop the proceedings as i know that would be futile. But i still think the whole money thing is wrong.


    But anyway, good like to Gossamer i hope everything goes well for you.

  8. The phrase "the are no free lunch in this world" really tells a story here.


    One have illness because of their own past actions and karma accumulated. To reduce the problem which is to gain health and luck back, you must give out something to balance the yin and yang of nature. Therefore, money is charged. Those who are kind and have a nice heart now say they are willing to pay for the money part, so these people are doing good deeds to Gossamer by helping him to pay off the debt and get him healed first. Then later on Gossammer will own all the donors bits by bits which he will repay in the future or past life without a suffering stage. Which is a way to get him out of a painful life too.


    I am amazed by the amount of people who are so supportive too.


    There are many "FREE" doctors out in china, but non of the patients get a complete heal, why? Because the karma is not balance. Yin and Yang do not balance, how can one achieve peace?


    You do realize that money is nothing but numbers on a computer screen right?Money was created by greedy, powerful people who want to control the world. So by using money, you are essential asking for these greedy powerful people's permission to 1.heal Gossamer and 2.validating greed and corruption.


    I would rather take the "FREE" doctor because i could be at ease in my mind that no-one suffered as a result of my healing and also i didnt have to ask those who would take my freedom away for permission.


    As regards to Yin and Yang becoming balanced, i dont agree that is possible unless you are a master. Most who claim to be in balance are either lying, or deluding themselves. Its not about being perfectly balanced, it is about being as balanced as realisticly possible. I just see perfect balance as being another goal that is so hard to reach that you will just end up killing yourself spiritualy.

    Just look at Stephane Hemon from Ideagasms, now that is a guy who is so spiritualy dead he has just become a robot that sells dvds on how to scare women away.


    Like i said, i dont mean to be rude. Im just disagreeing.

  9. Exactly. We are working on Goss at the moment with a specific ceremony in sight.

    Let's not get sidetracked into other things.


    Not to sound rude. But why is it necerssary to throw money at a problem when there is always a free remedy available? Like i said All 3 of them need healing, not just Gossamer. But i would never throw $1000 (or $300 for that fact) at a problem that quite obviously has a FREE remedy. No offense to Mak Tin Si, but it sounds like a way of profiting from others misfortunes.

    If i HAD to pay somthing for this kind of treatment, i would pay $100 tops, no more.

    Im not doubting your abilities, but charging the amount you are just seems very odd IMO.


    I will no doubt get grilled like a duck for this. But its worth it (Hmmmmmmmm Duckie).

  10. Now I've ordered a Holy Hand-Grenade (The inventor must be a Monty Python fan :D) and some other orgonite items. Either their high efficiency will make me forget my plans about DIY or it will give me the drive to try it out nevertheless. ... It still would be an interesting experiment ... mixing about a dozen amethyst shards with stainless steel wool.


    Will be interesting in connection to my Kunlun practice. Maybe it'll give it a kickstart. :lol: ... I hope it won't compete for raw energy. :rolleyes:


    BTW... can you estimate what the interaction would be between orgonite and an air-ionizer? It creates electric arcs to clean the air by catching electrically positively charged particles and organisms our of the air.



    Good question, although i have a small candle salt lump, a Amethyst lamp and numerous pieces of oprgnte, i hvent noticed any ill effects. So you should be okay. But make sure you get some amethyst, eithr raw or in orgonite, i really does help you relax. Just balance it out with some herkimer diamonds (i think) because the effect can be extreme where you just wont care anymore about anything. (well, thats what i researched anyway)

  11. I know im only a fledgling, but i want to add my own two pennies, instead of just concentrating on healing Gossamer, how about heal Snakecharmer and Argentum Corvus at the same time, 3 for the price of 1? it seems obvious that All of you need healing. Whether or not Snakerchamer or Argentum corvus has been firing bullets at Gossamer and vice versa is irrelavent. I think receiving healing from the master to BOTH parties is only fair. David, I hope you dont mind me calling you by your first name. I have read the entire topic. I dont know what to think, May be you have done what Gossamer said about (hacking) or you havent. (Its tic for tac as far as im concerned). But what is clear, there needs to be a peaceful remedy. NOW before i saw the whole story, i thought the pair of you should be locked up for crimes against computers (David and snakecharmer). But i dont think so anymore.I think you ARE ALL to blame (David, Snakecarmer, Gossamer) for all of this, and therfore ALL OF YOU need to be healed. So i petition to Mak Tin Si to a addion to the healing charter.

  12. The recent thread about one of these devises had some information written by knowledgeable (IMO) folks.


    There is also "orgonite", which ive had good experiences with. My room feels more cleaner, since my step-dad is a energy vampire (he is negative beyond all belief), i feel like problems in this world dont get to me as much when i am near orgonite.


    Wether or not it is "me" doing all these things is another thing, but i really DO think these devices are good.

    Ive not tried Tachyon tech yet, i would like to though, if its anything like orgonite.

  13. Hello


    As so often. Trying to achive the same phenomena as before isn't the right attitude! When trying it that way you didn't do it the same way as when it first happened. When it first happened you didn't try to do anything more than feel the love and compassion, not for a purpose!


    It is so! Don't try to do or have the same feelings as before then they most sertainly not arrives! Just do spiritual work and be happy for whatever happens or not happens.

    F D


    I think i totally agree with you here. By trying to induce it, it was like i was asking for somthing perhaps i didnt have the right to explore further. It seems the experience is "invitation only". I got invited once, i went, but i didnt get invited again. Oh well it happens. I guess this was only one of a multitude of parties i can goto.

  14. I've had similar experiences. I think you've answered your own question though about "inducing" it:

    I might be wrong, but this does look like your answer from my point of view.


    I did try it again (thinking of love) to induce it, but it didnt really do much. It must have been a "Right place, right time" moment to happen on its own. But im not sure.

  15. We are multidimensional Beings of Light that simultaneous operate on many worlds. One of the things we have to do in our learning is integrate the experiences; in other words what we do on one world can effect what we do an another.


    You ate a mushroom for breakfast.


    I dont eat mushrooms so it cant be that... It was so wonderful though, everything just seemed right. So it could be that in that world, i and everyone else was just a blue orb of light.

    Could explain why i felt no pain, just bliss and the feeling of being taller (floating perhaps).

  16. Beginning last year i had annixety problems brought on by the job i had at the time (Redundancies). Everyday i was in emotional and physical discomfort. However one-day i was sitting in my car just about ready to walk back to work. For some reason i started to think about love (not girls, just the feeling of kindness, compassion and understanding), i started feeling very relaxed in my body and i seemed much taller than what i was.


    I got into my work place to go back to work, and for some reason in my minds eye (you knowwhen you think about somthing, you kind of see it?) i could see this golden forest, The background was a bright gold colour and there were beautiful trees that were white shinning light out of them, these stretched out for what seemed infinate.

    When i was walking around doing my work, where people were i could see a blue orb where their head was.

    I could feel nothing but bliss in my body at the time this was happening.

    It was wierd, though, i could see where i was going in the real world but i was also (seeing) this other place of wonder at the same time. it was like i was in two places at the same time.


    It was funny really because as i felt differnt (bliss- not orgasm, just lovelyness) when i was talking to people they thought i was on drugs or somthing. lol


    If anyone understands this..has it happened to anyone else?If so, any way to induce it?

  17. I did a work exchange at a Yoga place for a year and it was pretty relaxed. I didnt do yoga but practiced tai chi on my breaks instead of the yoga and after Sunday Yoga services I'd head into town to go to the local Catholic church.


    Not all retreats are created equal. Visit for a day or two before a long stay.


    Im glad that it overall is a positive experience. Has anyone else been to a retreat?

  18. Ive been considering for a long time to go to a spiritual retreat, i understand there are a few in UK. I understand that there is a daily routine (get up, have breakfast, do chores, meditation time, more work, rest, meditation time, bed). Is this correct? What is this routine like? Is it hard to settle into?Are the people friendly?


    I was just wondering because i really could do with a more straightforward existance (i really am not cut out for this modern day larkey). Im willing to do my bit in the function of the community (as it should be), but i really would like my acomplishments to be based on somthing that has meaning. As oposed to earning running around on a hamster wheel chasing my tail for money that never existed in the first place.


    Any help would be appreciated :)

  19. From Werewolves With Love - The History Of Valentine's Day

    By Brad Steiger

    FATE Magazine


    Everyone thinks they know the origin of Valentine's Day. According to the most commonly accepted story, Emperor Claudius of Rome issued a decree forbidding marriage in the year 271. Roman generals had found that married men did not make very good soldiers, because they wanted to return as quickly as possible to their wives and children-and they didn't want to leave them to fight the emperor's battles in the first place. So Claudius issued his edict that there should be no more marriages, and all single men should report for duty.


    A priest named Valentine deemed such a decree an abomination, and he secretly continued to marry young lovers. When Claudius learned of this extreme act of disobedience to his imperial command, he ordered the priest dragged off to prison and had him executed on February 14.


    Father Valentine, the friend of sweethearts, became a martyr to love and the sanctity of marriage, and when the Church gained power in the Roman Empire, the Holy See was quick to make him a saint.


    The early Church fathers were well aware of the popularity of a vast number of heathen gods and goddesses, as well as the dates of observation of pagan festivals, so they set about replacing as many of the entities and the holidays as possible with ecclesiastical saints and feast days. Mid-February had an ancient history of being devoted to acts of love of a far more passionate and lusty nature than the Church wished to bless, and the bishops moved as speedily as possible to claim the days of February 14 through 17 as belonging to Saint Valentine, the courageous martyr to the ties that bound couples in Christian love.


    February Is for Mating


    Actually, there is no proof that the good priest Valentine even existed.


    Some scholars trace the period of mid-February as a time for mating back to ancient Egypt. On those same days of the year that contemporary lovers devote to St. Valentine, men and women of the Egyptian lower classes determined their marital partners by the drawing of lots.

    But the time of coupling that comes with the cold nights in February before the spring thaw likely had its true origin very near where Valentine supposedly met his demise.


    Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Wolf Charmer was called the Lupicinus. Perhaps hearkening back to prehistoric times, the Lupicinus may well have been an individual tribesman who had a particular affinity for communicating with wolves. As the tribes developed agriculture and small villages, it was necessary to have a person skilled in singing with the wolves and convincing them not to attack their domesticated animals. The Lupicinus had the ability to howl with the wolves and lead them away from the livestock pens. In some views, because he also wore the pelt of a wolf, the Lupicinus also had the power to transform himself into a wolf if he so desired.


    Rites of the Lupercalia


    The annual Lupercali festival of the Romans on February 15 was a perpetuation of the ancient blooding rites of the hunter in which the novice is smeared with the blood of his first kill. The sacrificial slaying of a goat-representing the flocks that nourished early humans in their efforts to establish permanent dwelling places-was followed by the sacrifice of a dog, the watchful protector of a flock that would be the first to be killed by attacking wolves.

    The blood of the she-goat and the dog were mixed, and a bloodstained knife was dipped into the fluid and drawn slowly across the foreheads of two noble-born children. Once the children had been "blooded," the gore was wiped off their foreheads with wool that had been dipped in goat milk. As the children were being cleansed, they were expected to laugh, thereby demonstrating their lack of fear of blood and their acknowledgment that they had received the magic of protection against wolves and wolfmen.


    The god Lupercus, represented by a wolf, would next inspire and command men to behave as wolves, to act as werewolves during the festival.


    Lupus (wolf) itself is not an authentic or original Latin word, but was borrowed from the Sabine dialect. Luperca, the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus, may have given rise to secret fraternities known as the Luperci, who sacrificed she-goats at the entrances to their "wolves' dens." For centuries, the Luperci observed an annual ritual of chasing women through the streets of Roman cities and beating them with leather thongs.


    Scholars generally agree that such a violent _expression of eroticism celebrated the ancient behavior of primitive hunting tribes corraling captive women. Once a wolfman had ensnared a woman with his whip or thong, he would lead her away to be his wife or lover for as long as the "romance" lasted. Perhaps, as some scholars theorize, this yearly rite of lashing at women and lassoing them with leather thongs became a more acceptable substitute for the bloodlust of the Luperci's latent werewolfism that in days past had seen them tearing the flesh of innocent victims with their teeth.


    As the Romans grew ever more sophisticated, the Lupercali would be celebrated by a man binding the lady of his choice wrist to wrist, and later by passing a billet to his object of desire, suggesting a romantic rendezvous in some secluded place.


    Christian Marriage


    One can easily see why the early Church fathers much preferred the union of man and woman to be smiled upon by St. Valentine, rather than the leering wolf god Lupercus. And, of course, they encouraged a knot tied securely by the sacred rite of marriage and blessed by the priest, rather than a fleeting midnight liaison.


    By the Middle Ages, the peasantry in England, Scotland, and parts of France honored St. Valentine, but their customs seemed very much to hearken back to ancient Egypt and Rome. On the evening before Valentine's Day, the young people would gather in a village meeting place and draw names by chance. Each young woman would write her name or make her mark on a bit of cloth and place it into a large urn. Then each of the young men would draw a slip. The girl whose name or mark was on the piece of cloth became his sweetheart for the year.


    This method of celebrating St. Valentine's Day quite often led to circumstances and situations that encouraged long-term and lasting relationships, blessed by the recital of marriage vows in the local church. If the young couple did not take the necessary steps to become bound in a church-sanctioned union, the parents of the respective "bride" and "groom" would actively arrange for the marriage sacrament to be observed.


    It wasn't long before the peasant method of utilizing St. Valentine's Day to guarantee the next generation of field hands, construction workers, and merchants reached the ears of the upper classes, and the custom became popular among the young men and women of the aristocracy and the landed gentry. Since the prospect of arranged marriages between successful families meant far more to the upper classes in Europe than to the peasantry, parental supervision most often limited the interaction between their children to be "sweethearts" during Valentine's Day parties.


    By the late 1400s, the upper classes of Europe and England would come together in homes to celebrate Valentine's Day and allow their young men to draw a "valentine" with the name of a member of the opposite sex, beside whom he would be seated at a lavish dinner party. Hostesses took advantage of the holiday theme to express the tradition in colorful decorative schemes.


    Gradually, Valentine's Day came to be synonymous with the exchange of pretty sentiments, written in flourishes on scented paper and decorated with hearts, arrows, doves, and cupids-those little pagan deities maintaining their hold on the ancient holiday. By the early 1800s, young men were taking care to create symbols of their passion on elaborate cards that they could offer to "My Valentine."


    Today's Customs


    By the 1850s, Valentine's Day cards were being manufactured and sold commercially in England, and the custom of observing the holiday with cards to one's sweetheart became popular in the United States in the 1860s, around the time of the Civil War.


    Today, of course, we have vast commercial enterprises centered around St. Valentine's Day, insisting that callow young men and seasoned husbands must buy their sweetheart a box of candy, a dozen roses, a diamond ring or necklace, or at least a five-dollar card. But don't let the slick advertisers fool you with all this talk of a saint named Valentine who was martyred for love. Remember that it all began with a hyped-up wolfman smeared in blood chasing the object of his desire with a leather thong.


    One last word of advice: Forget the whip and stick with flowers and candy


    Or just forget the whole thing and think "Why should i love him/her more than usual for ust one day a year (feb 14), and not a whole lifetime?". Then again, when money and corruption is involved, it can only be described as a cat chasing its own tail


    EDIT:I apologize, i didnt mean that to sound rude,

  20. Hi,


    Ive been a lurker on the "Bums" for quite a while now. I frequently post over on the Aneros site also under "johntrevy".

    Im interested in all sorts of energy work and healing. Im here mainly to learn stuff that i can put into practice for self healing :)


    So there you have it.

