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Everything posted by Herodes

  1. What is a healthy sex rate? What are the reasons for the low sex rate in japan? P.S.: Al Bundy on the topic:



  5. You forgot all about genetic factors. It´s easier for mesomorph men to build up muscles which are essential for fighting. And what happens if your brothers and teachers are attacked by someone who uses weapons, pepper spray, a stun gun or a taser gun?
  6. Top 3 advice from you to you

    Hey, this reminds me of a great episode of south park i watched some time ago (Go God Go Part 1+2) http://www.twiztv.com/scripts/southpark/season10/southpark-1012.htm http://www.twiztv.com/scripts/southpark/season10/southpark-1013.htm
  7. Is Chili harmful?

    Yep, Dr. Huang was recommending strong flavours to me
  8. Sugar

  9. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,523988,00.html If you decide to go to china some day, remember this.
  10. China Being Poisoned by Its Food Industry

    According to the Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International, corruption is more widespread in China than it is in Europe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index#Rankings
  11. China Being Poisoned by Its Food Industry

    The author of the article i was referring to reported merely about the general situation in China. Hygienic standards are not everywhere as good as in Hong Kong. Moreover, you seem to forget that officials in China are more likely to take bribes than officials in Europe and the USA. see also: By the way, the german magazine "Der Spiegel" is a reliable source
  12. Sugar

  13. Sugar

  14. countermeasures against hairloss

    I disagree. I think that ejaculating can be harmful. It may have been said before, but let me clarify this aspect: My Observation: My scalp itches after an ejaculation. My theory: Ejaculation increases the testosterone level in my blood. The hightened testerone level elevates the level of dihydrotestosterone. The hightened level of dihydrotestosterone leads to hair loss because i am genetically prone to hair loss. The hightened level of dihydrotestosterone leads to an inflammation in my scalp. Then my immune system starts attacking hair cells. A symptom of this inflammation is the itching of the scalp See also:
  15. countermeasures against hairloss

    http://ezinearticles.com/?5-Easy-Steps-to-Combat-Hair-Loss-and-Maintain-a-Full-Head-of-Hair-Forever&id=1454685 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldness I just found some additional information. The best aerobic exercise is running on a regular basis. Hiking is also good. I am much of a couch potatoe but i think about changing my way of life and try it out. What do you think about this approach? Might aerobic exercise ease hair loss?