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Everything posted by sean

  1. Reveal Weird Stuff About Yourself Thread

    I love so-called internal martial arts like baguazhang and taijiquan and MMA style arts like Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Judo and boxing. I find the oft-antagonistic divide between these two "camps" unnecessary and I hope to see more cross-pollination between them in my lifetime. I also wish this wasn't weird, but it seems unfortunately so for some reason? ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Sean
  2. new member

    Welcome @Yang šŸ‘‹
  3. Qigong that reduces anger

    Welcome @funnerfun šŸ‘‹
  4. Yeah, I like this idea. @Wytfang would you like a PPD and for me to move your topic? Feel free to PM me to. Sean
  5. Couldn't find anything re: PM drafts unfortunately. Surprising, since there are post drafts. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Sean
  6. Hello

    Welcome @Vagari šŸ‘‹
  7. The Way of the Living Ghost

    Yeah, it's quite fascinating. The premise is that many of us living humans are effectively already ghosts. It then proceeds with a kind of haunted version of the Daodejing, a Daodejing written by a hungry ghost , the "Dao of the Living Ghost" ē”Ÿå‘½é¬¼é“. Ticking a lot of boxes for me because I love Daoism, ghosts and horror. šŸ˜„ Was also pleasantly surprised to see my late teacher Liu Ming mentioned as a source in the first chapter. Sean
  8. I think what I meant is an emphasis or even primacy given to a linear-ish conception of a "divine", salvational ascension of some sort. This seems to fit naturally with a self-power accretive, hierarchical cosmology. Most world religions seem invested in some version of this framework as well. Sean
  9. Jun Yu Xian and his philosophy

    Welcome @OverseerFeatheredImmortal šŸ‘‹
  10. (All bold emphasis above, my own.) Very interesting. So occultism, distinct from shamanism, seems to aim or at least gravitate toward grandiosity, hierarchy and personal power inflation. Off-the-cuff, another common and related feature seems to be a focus on vertical ascendance. Whereas shamanism seems more grounded, rooted, tortile. šŸ Sean
  11. Hey guys

    Welcome @MellowDude šŸ‘‹
  12. Continuation

    Gotcha, OK, so simply naming this neigong exercise in their practice would be enough for you to feel heard, respected and concede that their practice is indeed neigong? Sean
  13. Continuation

    OK, I think we have exceptionally different conceptions of proof so I'm trying to get clear on what your full criteria is. So, at a high level, "proof" for you would be a description of practices that "transmute the three treasures". Let's say they described such a practice and made this exact claim. Specifically what components would have to be present in their practice for you to agree that, OK, yes, this practice does in fact "transmute the three treasures". Sean
  14. Another FAQ question: How does your practice "transmute the three treasures", and if it doesn't, how would you respond to people who would argue it's therefore not truly a neigong practice? Sean
  15. Continuation

    No, I was asking you what your criteria is for this "proof" keep asking for. Like, can you give me an example of what MildMouse23 could say that would cause you to respond "Oh, shit. OK. Looks like you're right. That is neigong you're practicing and not qigong. You proved it, conclusively. Thanks." Or is that just not even a possible scenario based on your current convictions? Sean
  16. Continuation

    This keeps coming up. Can you describe the criteria for which their group could sufficiently prove to you that they "use neigong"? Sean
  17. @Starjumper I realize you're like the deadliest, most extremely heterosexual boomer alive in the world today, so it's probably tough not to trip over your own swole dick here, but maybe asking sincerely worded questions in good faith would be more effective? That is, if you genuinely care for dialogue. If you already know the answers, which it sounds like you're sure you do, maybe there's no point in even asking most/all of these disingenuous questions? Just a thought. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Sean
  18. Continuation

    I meant marketing more in the sense of "communicating effectively with intent" which your initial attempt at a FAQ did so poorly it may be indicative of a deeper failure to articulate your own praxis at all, obviously here on this forum, but perhaps even internally within your group. I get there's challenging hostility here that you feel it's important to push back on, but maybe investing in clear, direct communication for this FAQ is an opportunity for you as well. Sean
  19. The Way of the Living Ghost

    Yeah, pricey even for the paperback, I like supporting small publishing companies when I can though. Sean
  20. Some basic questions: What is Mo Pai? Who are the current lineage holders? What schools currently practice? How does Mo Pai compare with other traditions and practices? Can Mo Pai be practiced without a teacher or group? Sean