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Everything posted by sean

  1. Bogus Status Updates?

    i'm implementing something to purge invalid accounts soon. thanks, sean
  2. hey, yes, it appears these errors relate to members flagged as spammers by mod team. sean
  3. cant access general section

    yeah tablets and mobile devices tend to rely heavily on caching (the assumption being you may have limited bandwidth) and additionally shield you from being able to easily clear it. not sure how to cache clear on android dolphin, srry. sean
  4. cant access general section

    that's funny you're using dolphin. they're a client of a media company my brother works for. i helped him brainstorm a funny commercial for them where this guy is cradling a baby dolphin and baby talking to it. anyway, damn. i hope this is just a caching issue and not a continued database problem. can you guys try to clear your cache, login again, refresh? sorry, i know that's an annoying "i.t. guy" variant of "have you tried rebooting?" sean
  5. cant access general section

    are you still getting this error, flolfolil? thanks, sean
  6. personal practice page request

    thanks for your patience, you're all setup now. sean
  7. Can I get

    yes, you're set. sean
  8. you're all setup now. sean
  9. can I have a personal practice log?

    thetaoiseasy, you're all setup now. sean
  10. PPJ request

    yes. you're all set. sean
  11. azad and thetaoiseasy, i've added forums for you both. sean
  12. signing out

    are you still having this problem since the latest upgrade? thanks, sean
  13. i fixed permissions, you are mod of your own ppf now. sean
  14. can you give more details: are you actually clicking "like this" or are you hovering over and clicking specific member names? sean
  15. ok, you're all set. sean
  16. PPF request

    you're set.
  17. hopefully fixed some lingering issues and didn't break several new ones. please let me know if anything is out of place. thanks, sean
  18. january 2013 - forum upgrade

    thanks viator. and a fellow ubuntu user! ok, i see now. i usually keep the wysiwyg toggled off (top far left button) and i can see the code. but with it on things get wonky. writing developers for help. thanks, sean
  19. january 2013 - forum upgrade

    weird, i can't reproduce this issue. i'm on latest chrome on ubuntu 12.04 fwiw. would someone having this issue be so kind as to take 15-20 minutes or so to make a screencast of this problem and share with me? sean
  20. january 2013 - forum upgrade

    can you explain more? what's happening with the quote that's different than before? re: speed. i'm moving to ANOTHER server this month. really hoping three times is a charm. sean
  21. Big blue snake

    sure thing.
  22. Big blue snake

    viator, how about now?
  23. Big blue snake

    it's definitely coming for em.
  24. Big blue snake

    year of the snake looms nigh.
  25. sweeet. no problem. sean