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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Increasing Jing

    Just throwing this out there. Found it over on the penis expansion forums and those guys are getting really big into it. Basically it works through bio-electricity to help your body produce more hormones. It's funny that they are taking matters into their own hands, and doing extensive research into genital well being and growth and how that can roll over from one field to another. Regardless, check it out here: There is also the blako ring Lots of older men swear by this thing, that they get their erections back and the like. Other guys speak on that they start shooting porn star loads... There it is fellas.. haha. John
  2. Increasing Jing

    Word. John
  3. There no awakening for Kundalini

    Both self improvement, and self acceptance. There is no progress... and yet you seem to progress if you practice... John
  4. No such thing. You need good for there to be bad. It's all perspective. John
  5. Increasing Jing

    Yea it doesn't feel that way for me. Even when I do recreational sex, I still feel like I'm more energized afterwards. Especially when I'm with someone who I'm really in tune with. It's like we share and are creational in our energetic exchange.. like 1+1 = 3 or something. I meant the final culmination of it being creation of a baby. Like the most ultimate form. I'm just pointing out that there is a general scarcity mentality in some taoist stuff, as if you need to hoard your three treasures. Taken in the worst way (with biased perception and insecurity applied) hoard them, and keep them from THE OPPOSITE SEX WHO IS TRYING TO STEAL THEM!!! And that even peoples interpretation of the texts which are inherently neutral, are biased based on their perception and past. But still, all this is my theory. Could be my life is getting shorter as we fuck.... haha... .... But I don't think so. Or that I'm extending my life as we fuck... Hue Hefner is pretty old and still rockin it.. Again that said, when I haven't masturbated for three months while doing kunlun, at one point it did feel like all the turn on got sucked out of my dick pulled back and shot up to my head. But that's masturbation and not sex with another. So not conclusive.. I'll have to go do some research with my girl. John
  6. Increasing Jing

    I agree with Trunk, except with the DHT comment. Could you give me a source for that or something? I'm a big advocate of dht, as it seems to be very very positive and the primary masculinizing hormone. It's just it gets a bad rap for causing hairloss in guys genetically predisposed to it. For me, being 26, I don't feel anything around my dick but I do notice more flaccid length, and I do notice my energy goes up as well as more assertive tendencies and the like as associated with more testosterone. And I do notice even more of a drive for sex and women... I view this as a great thing, I don't know why all the guys on the taobums seem to want to rid themselves of sexual desire. But then I'm approaching taoism as it applies to life (emotions, clearing out perceptions and body stored stuff, and cause it just feels good), love (relationships, women, sex and all that awesomeness), and... then maybe to shoot fireballs or something. John
  7. Increasing Jing

    Yea, I just don't think through sex there is a loss, I think that it is a coproduction of things. I just know that I feel awesome after sex and recharged rather than when I masterbate alone I feel loss and burnt. Like I don't think it's a competition or adversarial, but again cocreative. The final culmination of this being a baby. Like the white tigress green dragon stuff? Reading these books. This is assuming a loving relationship of giving, not codependence, or taking. Again not sure.. just reporting how I feel. Who knows haha, but I'm continuing to pay attention. John
  8. Increasing Jing

    Not devolved. It was the point of it from the beginning. But other jing stuff is welcome here. Not sure... but I was reading in one of the other threads that it's qi that causes the woman to orgasm... which may be what transfers the jing to men? Lots of maybe's and theory.. but .. who knows. Like, you attract women who are in similar places as you.... but yea man it could be that. Like there has been a lot of research done that for guys it's more about their sense of self and character rather than looks(housed at third chakra?) for women. Where as for guys it is a lot more about their looks, and their character plays a lesser role. Probably a way to include bioevolutionary psych and spirituality together... I'll bring it up with Ken wilber. Regardless I agree with the last bit of dual cultivation.
  9. Yea I have a lot of friends that find both to be very effective for letting things go. I'd also recommend sedona method, or the abundance coarse... or hell any of the energy work here. Journaling, zazen, zhan zhuang, mirror work.. the list goes on. Seems to me that energy work in general cleans out the body of trama, which frees you to clear the mind of poor beliefs/ideas/values. But you have to examine them. So... go for it. John
  10. Zhang zhuang

    Releasing! Continue. Watch your assumptions, that just because something is happening, that it is what the practice does.... in fact just watch your assumptions in general. When I do Zhan Zhuang, my emotions get grounded, and I gain more awareness in my body. As well as a host of other things. John
  11. Increasing Jing

    Yea that place is where I got mine. They are very prompt and have always had good service with them. John
  12. Increasing Jing

    I think your body may hit a top limit, I hear about guys having testosterone amounts of up to 1,000 nl which is amazing high. I don't think you can develop a tolerance to it, as it's your body thats doing the producing this just facilitates that... but I don't know. Worth testing out and finding. But if that was the case, cycling it would probably be the solution. One month on one month of or the like. I think the big point though is that when it's on, your body is producing and creating testosterone, sperm, and the like. So basically your adrenals are rolling. So be sure and take time off. I hear about guys that wear it at night, and it doesn't work so well. When I've worn it at night, I wake feeling tired as hell. Leads me to believe that you need to give your time to recuperate and all that. John
  13. Increasing Jing

    No. Same results. In fact I think the ROP is more effective than the blakoe. The blakoe just has fancy components and the like. John
  14. She wants me to cum

    This. John
  15. She wants me to cum

    You attract into your life, people your ready for and are like. People suck off energy, not just women. Men too. Scarcity mindsets are based off insecurity. That video is a bunch of assumptions and weird assertions. ... and really... "she's arguing with me, she must be stirring up my emotions to try and suck off energy! OR CONTROL ME!!" Seems paranoid to me. In other spiritual communities, they look at the feminine, as something that challenges and helps the masculine grow, and the masculine the feminine..... either through challenge, or emotion, or whatever. You just have to pay attention... John
  16. Increasing Jing

    I'm not sure man. I know that if I take it I do get pretty hot. Your best bet would probably be to check for yourself. No side effects that I know of.
  17. Increasing Jing

    Yea, I use the ring of power, and my testosterone goes through the roof. As well as my cum loads, and general penis health... like it seems to exercise the same muscles as the kegal muscles or something, as well as the prostate? My dick hangs more flaccid, and has a more veiny look. John
  18. Increasing Jing

    I don't have much other than it works on the leydig cells, and it activates your body in a way that causes you to develop more testosterone. This guy is the best to buy tongkat from, as he bulk orders, and sells his extra. Way cheaper and way way way higher quality than anything I've seen thats marked up like crazy. He gets it from the main tongkat distributor in Thailand. John
  19. Increasing Jing

    I've heard celery is good in general as it has a chemical that makes you smell good... it's always been good for me when my stomach had acid burn.
  20. Feminine issues

    Hey everybody, My girlfriend has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, which causes her to have cysts on her ovaries and a host of other issues, including hormone imbalances and the like. Is there anything anybody could recommend? I'm thinking about recommending Spring forest qi gong, but is there anything any of the ladies could think of? John
  21. Increasing Jing

    Hahaha, yea. Bio electricity! from the ring of power anyway. The blako ring maybe not haha. John
  22. Increasing Jing

    Yea man. I can account for tongkat. It activates your leydig cells through Luteinizing hormone, which is what cranks up during puberty. Maca for sure too, I get hot when I take maca. Like intensly hot. I have to watch it or I get overly aggressive on it. They say it is a adaptogen, so it causes peoples bodies to self regulate. So it has a different effect on men, than on women. So women start to produce more estrogen, and men produce more testosterone? Or just self regulate, and move towards homeostasis? Not sure. John
  23. Increasing Jing!!!!&highlight=ring+of+power There are a posts of people with positive results, and posts of negative results. It seems though that like working out, you have to let your body rejuvenate through the night, or your adrenals get burnt out. And you have to provide your body with the right vitamins/minerals for the thing to work, etc etc. But yea there it is. It's in most of the PE forums, and I know on thundersplace too. John
  24. Feminine issues

    Thanks again guys. Yea she's trying kind of a shotgun approach. And she said her hair stopped falling out when she started taking vitamins... so maybe she has a deficiency of something her body needs? And this forum seems to have a wealth of people trying different approaches: From Shaktimama. But yea, I was reading and other girls had similar problems because their hormones got out of whack, which lead to all the other problems (insulin, hypoglycemia, etc). But again, I appreciate all replies and help John