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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Totally frustrated

    Just let go.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, Does it activate the lower chakra's as well? Continually impressed with this qigong. Thanks, John
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Agreed. Somatic psychology is all about this, as well as subluxation in chiropractic work. Google subluxation and you can see some charts that map out really well with chakra theory. John
  4. I agree with this in general. Tantra even speaks of that women's heart is her positive pole and mens penis is his positive pole. John
  5. This. I get turned on in response to my girl getting turned on. Likewise if she gets close to orgasming, it can tip me over the edge and I cum. So there is definitely a energetic connection/interaction going on between people at all times. I think too, that it's all about your relationship to yourself. If your doing things to get something, or because you think it'll get you happiness, self love, etc (going to get women, so that through their attraction to you you feel love for yourself, working hard at work so that through accomplishment you feel good about yourself) you are making it hard on yourself to get it and too... it won't get you anything as the feelings are on the inside in the first place. That all emotions generate internally, and you can relax meaning and be happy with everything... which tends to get you what you want, in my experience. But it's a bit of a leap of faith to let go of strategies/manipulation/insecurities and just be your self. The way I see it is that you are imprisoned in a cage of smoke, that your mind makes real through emotions connected to meaning. Be present to the emotion (disconnect the meaning/past/bullshit), and you are free to test the cage, and find that you will push right through it. John
  6. What happens when "Jing" flys everywhere ?

    Man, I jinged all over this girl. It was so hot.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I seem to be aiming at healing, and enlightenment. Jenny's yi gong seems sharp as hell and she just seems like a great great teacher. Just getting started so, I'll let you know. I just hope the systems are compatible? I know yi gong is maoshan I think. John
  8. The "Choking Game"

    I'm so very sorry for you santi. Peace and love bud, John
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you Sifu Terry, It's interesting to me to find that different qi gong systems impart different energy. And it has me wonder, what other types of energy and qigong stuff is out there? Are some more effective/less effective? Aimed at different application, other than healing? Are they all generally the same, just some are very unique? I guess I need to get clear on what I'm looking for in my practice. I currently practice level 1 yi gong/kunlun for an hour before bed (10pm - 11pm), and spring forest qi gong for 30 minutes in the morning at lunch and when I get home, with zhan zhuang in between (try for an hour from 9-10 pm). I think I'm going to practice fp qi gong instead of sfq. Thanks again, John
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, Is it alright to mix Flying Phoenix chi kung with other qigong's? Or if I did this qi gong would it limit me in doing other qi gong's? Would it compliment? I guess I'm asking because the idea that you get a specific energy from this qigong, vs other qi gongs? Thanks, John
  11. Hey guys, I was wondering if all practicing can create different results or do they all lead to the same place (the tao, enlightenment, kundalini activated, mco, rainbow/golden dragon body)? Like I know some are geared toward healing (sfq?) and some martial application (mo pai/tenaga dalam?/tai chi and the like), and others spiritual... but isn't spiritual include healing and martial, but also have more? I guess what I'm asking is do some paths have you develop certain things, but all paths don't have you develop that? Like are all these things the same, just being called different names? Just being markers on the path? Or do only some paths have you activate kundalini, others only activate mco, others give you the ability to fight with your chi/light shit on fire, and others lead you toward enlightenment/immortality/the rainbow gold dragon body? John
  12. Is it too late for me?

    With all due respect, quit being a little bitch. You gonna give up and run away, or are you going to accept what you have right now, and deal with it? Stand up dude. So you have some work to do, cool. Accept it and move forward. The only losers are the ones who give up. The only winners are the ones who don't. You can do this. Hope things go better for you. John
  13. Thanks guys for the posts.
  14. Thanks guys for all the replies.
  15. qigong styles

    I was reading about it, do you need to go to a seminar to know it or can you learn it from a dvd? I was reading on amazon, you needed to receive a transmission for it to be really effective. John
  16. Loneliness

    Lack of connection to your self. That you need other people to satisfy some need that is inherently inside.(the love tube that usually flows inside, has to go outside, meet some criteria then is allowed to come back). John
  17. qigong styles

    I suddenly find myself wanting to buy your book... John
  18. confidence + arrogance + ego

    Don't make it complicated, keep it simple. Journal, mirror work, qigong/energy work, meditate, and dig inwardly. Practice, live and love. The energy work will help you release bodily blockages which will open up your mind. And examine your mind, beliefs, values and perceptions which will allow you to live better/freer. Usually once you let go of the emotion around a belief/action/pattern, you can usually just change by making a decision. Because what is 'confidence' really? A lot of these things are just labels we put on states of mind and emotion... that are transient. Like are you supposed to be 'confident' at all times? Cause sometimes your not going to be. It's more about being present to emotions as they come through and not letting them impact you. Not maintaining some state of superawesomeness or whatever. It's basically that your mind has played an amazing trick on you and convinced you that what you feel is real. And that you have created a cage of smoke, that only feels real because of the emotions you feel inside... but if you were to act anyway, you would see the prison really is only smoke, made real by you through how you feel. Remove and let go of the emotion, test the cage, and be free. Probably starting with that you need to be confident... or whatever. Cause what is it that you think confidence will give you? And why is arrogance bad? And it sounds like you get apathetic, but what has you? Why do you not care for things? Like if you put effort to things or cared about them what? I'd also say, don't just call it your ego, put some more definition around it. Because yea, it's your ego, but what about it? Like you start to abuse people when you feel good, because you feel that you are better. Are you really? How do you know? what if they are better? can they abuse you? And dig and question around it till you find the assumption. Cause you can just be present to all these things, or you can tackle it by digging into it. Being present is like shaking the table to get something off of it, and laser focusing on it is like picking it up and moving it off. The focus is only on one issue, while presence may have you dump a bunch at once. The more awarness you have around all your trips and the like, the easier it is to change them. Fish water, man unto himself. Fish doesn't know he's swimming, and man doesn't know his perception and world view is skewed, biased and warped. Till you see you have goggles on. And you take them off. ---- Practice: There are programs and things out there that can help, but mostly just be curious and dig inward. You will unravel these things by virtue of paying attention and noticing your trips and deciding to continue to do them or (most cases) stopping. Ken wilbur's work is great, especially integral work and all that. Psychology is good, but lacks in some places and isn't holistic. Zen, and the like is just 2000 year old psychology that is much more complete. is very powerful, in that they focus on how you are with anything is how you are with everything, and help you to see what your swimming in (my mom did this, my dad did that, I hang onto the past and project onto the future and live everywhere but right now.) The sedona method/abundance course are really good. Both based on Lester Levinson's ideas. EFT and the like are also good. John
  19. What is the GOAL of your cultivation?

    It's fun, and has me have more fun in life in general. Just plain neat. John
  20. Hey everybody, So I read Chia's multiorgasmic man, and practiced pressing the million dollar point pressing to stop cumming and just general not cumming and retention for 3-4? years. I started noticing that it felt like things were getting blocked up... and then recently read that all that stuff was a bad idea unless you knew what you were doing. So now I have trouble pissing, like if I feel any expectation or pressure on me I can't piss. And when I have sex I have issues cumming and even connecting to my dick and the like. Or even enjoying sex. It literally feels like unless I'm heart connected I can't cum in sex. And just sensation down there feels numbed out sometimes. Furthermore when I get triggered around being important, or enough, it's like my dick head and prostate hurt. Which I think is around the psychosomatics of it. And for the most part of the day my dick head is cold.... which seems unusual to me. Like there isn't enough circulation going on. I've been using the Ring of power to increase circulation and the like down there, and just started doing relaxation of that whole area, and increasing my awareness of everything in my pelvic region. Is this stagnation? Or another issue? Do you guys have any recommendations for this? Thank you for any help, John
  21. Lower Dantien Stagnation?

    Thanks guys. Yea I stopped retention and pressing the point about a year ago. And I do 30min-1 hour of zhan zhuang daily, with Sfq 1 -2 times daily, and 1 hour of kunlun. I can cum and do have sensations, just feels like there is numbing down there at times. Like the freedom I used to have around all this feels more restricted and the like. So yea, I'm taking up belly breathing and actively relaxing down there. Also doing the massages and the like. Yea man. I think I'm trying to hard to cum... which makes it harder to cum haha. Thanks again, John
  22. Seems a bit pompous, and way way way over priced. And I can't fucking stand the way sensationalized, sticky paged website design, or how he talks about stuff in general. As he's reinvented everything and his is the word. He may be the real deal though... Doesn't matter though if he's a sheister.