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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Kunlun Lvl 1 with Max Feb26-27

    Your post. It's greater than 9000. John
  2. Dude, What I was talking about was, that you have options. You can intellectualize about it, or go and do it. It seems to me, you would rather post and whine and whimper about this stuff, than actually go find out how the world works. John
  3. I can't believe how these threads have turned into woman hating bullshit. I find this very sad. Humans can be very petty. - fixed that for you. Dude... this sounds to me an extremely biased view, based out of anger toward the feminine. Like you just need some love, and to be laid. A lot of your pain around the social norms is you being a victim. The point being... so what man. What are you going to do about it? You can intellectualize and bitch to forum people about it, or get up and go meet some women(who are super damn awesome btw). Because they are people. Like others have said, it's not women are this, men are that. It's people are people. What ever your belief, your going to look for evidence for it. But first you have to realize your beliefs are subjective, so. How to identify your beliefs (that are completely subjective to you) People are x Women are y Men are z The world is q Fill in the gaps. Those are your beliefs about the world. Depending how open/closed they are, they hinder or help you. If you can ever think of one time when one of those beliefs isn't true.. it's complete bullshit. That you may have learned them from poor sources(painful histories, hurt pasts, etc) so that happens once, then you look for as much evidence as possible to back up the belief, because your mind wants to be right.... and it will try to protect the structures on which it lives. And if you ever stop to question how you know what you think you know, you might find... it's pretty fucking ridiculous. Socrates was a pro at this, using the Socratic method. (to challenge beliefs and values by asking questions). The point being that these color the lens through which you see the world. Deal with the emotion beneath this and it is easier to change the beliefs. Loving my nonjudgmental, loving, awesome, playful, caring girlfriend, who is very satisfied with me and loyal, John
  4. I promote Non's exploration. The very suppression of these things is also part of the problem. Rather than people coming on and doing the "I KNOW THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS! And you need to stop talking about this because I DON'T LIKE IT!" Open discussion can lead to better conclusions and more open opinions. John
  5. Pot? Meet kettle. I promote Non's exploration. Your trolling bullshit sucks. Let him be, and if you don't like it, don't be a part of it.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, I have to say thank you for bringing this qigong to light. I want to give a big bump to everything said so far, that this is a very powerful qigong. I've had times when doing it where I would feel extreme emotion come up, or when afterwards my girlfriend would scratch me and I would be super sensitive from the energy. Either way, I've noticed it healing a shoulder injury that had been lingering and opening up very tight areas in my back, and groin area. I had doubts to that it was a specific energy... but it is. It's also brought me to awareness around the different energies that other qigong's cultivate. Do you know if this is compatible with Jenny Lamb's yi gong? The energy it cultivates feels more vibrating, and people have called it more magnetic and is aimed at awareness then healing (from what she says), where FP this energy feels very cool and soothing and you've said aimed at just healing. I find myself wanting to do this practice, and follow up with a neigong meditation (yigong) but not wanting to hurt myself with different energy and the like due to energy incompatibility??? Basically I don't want my ignorance to hurt me. What kind of energy is incompatible with FPQG? How would you tell? What would happen if I did? Thanks, John
  7. Well.. maybe I spoke too soon. I think they return to their original nature, cause it's like some guys are gay whcih is yin?... But yea, that you clear out all social conditioning, prejudices, anger towards others, emotion towards the past and future, challenge assumptions and basic ideas about the world, and let go of shame(about sex, love, life) That everyday you let something go. And all thats left... is you. Not what you 'should' be, to be happy, not what others/your family/whatever think you should do to be happy. And the energy work and the like are part and parcel to this. That it's mind and body work. Not one or the other, but both. This guy has spoken on this in different terms: I find the rop to be really useful, sex drive goes up, and testosterone, and could probably be used in conjunction with cultivate. I know that I have a lot more cum load when I wear it. Although I have heard people have trouble with it if they wear it 24/7. Basically that your body needs a rest and if you wear it all the time, your body is constantly producing. Burns you out. Have to have some downtime. So periods of wearing it, then off. ----- Oh, and the natural grounding practice was a random practice made by a dude, that doesn't necessarily know what he's doing. Just a bunch of hearsay and newageness. John
  8. Ring of power. And yes, very recommended. It's like that your mentality/energy creates the hormones, and the hormones create the mentality/energy. That everything is energy and the like. John
  9. Assertion about how the world works, but isn't necessarily true. Sometimes. Not always though. Probably can. Subjective assertion again. The point being, that this is subjective to YOU, about how the world works and what is or isn't. But. Men naturally are more yang, and women more yin. And what I have seen is when men do their work, in clearing out psych trauma, stored emotion, and bullshit ideas, beliefs, and perceptions, they become very yang. And women, very yin. But then more questions come in, like is confidence yang/yin? Furthermore does it matter? The real question is, why did you post this? Cause I'd say it has to do with some distress around not wanting to be yin, and thinking you need to fix yourself. There is nothing more 'beta', than trying to be 'alpha'. And there is nothing more 'alpha' than just being your self. Differently said, There is nothing more insecure than trying to be confident. And there is nothing more confident, than just being your self. John
  10. shaktipat

    Hey guys I wanted to just give a very positive review to Phore. When I donated it felt like he started sending healing energy, leading up to the shaktipat, which felt good. During the session I felt a lot of energy, allowed it to do its work. I felt like it was well worth my time and money, and thanks Phore again. John
  11. Love and Relationships

    Energetic interaction... and hell could be a million different things. When I'm deep in my masculine, every girl I want, and I inspire their feminine. Like I feel our polarity pulling together. Could be you weren't connected to your self, she to her self... and on and on. But one meeting doesn't indicate ALL meetings. Everything ebbs and flows. My girl, I was really annoyed with when we first met, and that annoyance later became a lot of passion for sex. But that there was an emotional interaction, that I was present(observant) to, rather than making judgments about. John
  12. Love and Relationships

    This. Basically, be who you are because when they fall in love with YOU, ... its you. But if you fake, create rules, etc etc they are falling in love with a mask of yours. And the person you meet will be the perfect one for you. My girl I met, and she loves that I'm on the path, loves that I meditate, and is willing to explore tantra, sexuality, yoga, etc with me. ..I forget how awesome she is sometimes. John
  13. Love and Relationships

    This is so much about how you are being, rather than what you are talking about. You can talk about squid bukkake, and have women(people) love it, or talk about how the weather is and have women(people) totally creeped out. It's more about your relationship to yourself. The thing that stuck out for me was that you thought you weren't doing anything stupid... as if there is a 'correct' way to do dating, and things to do. But who defines what correct is? Like are all women the same, and agree on this correct stuff you should do? Who taught you what 'correct' is? How do they know? And is it really true? The caveat there is that, the more you know women, the less you'll be able to know a woman. That your preconceived notions will get in the way with you relating to her, because you'll see your notions rather than find out about her. The more important part being, do you feel connection between you and the girl? And you've talked about having sexual desire and the like thats really strong.. If you let that desire speak, you are not going to have women complaining. (As long as it's with respect) You could also call them up and ASK!! rather than try and mind read, or have a bunch of random people on the internet give you answers (That may be completely crazy and terrible advice! ) I could tell you different ways to view the world ( how women are), or different tactics to do(how you should talk to women/people/whatever to get what you want...), or how to's but none of it matters. The reason being is that you are you... and that is what the woman and people will like or not like.. because it's just you. What I'd recommend looking at is are you trying to have women so that? Like, so you feel good/love/whatever for yourself? Are you completely cool and happy being alone and doing your own thing? From there women(people) are bonus and can be enjoyed fully and without clinging/codependence/insecurity/etc. All this stuff is instinctual. You just need to get out of your own way. Think less, and have more fun with her (like talking and being with her, among other things). John
  14. Reacting to compliments

    This. Spot on.
  15. Love and Relationships

    Awesome. This is what I was pointing at. Cause sex can be a massive conduit for heart blowing open sex that has you feel bliss in just touching your woman and being close to each other. John
  16. Love and Relationships

    This. Basically bud I hear that, she hurt you, so you became passive aggressive in a way that could hurt her (Fine, since your not safe I'll get my needs met elswhere!). You also didn't feel safe with her, or able to be vulnerable in sharing your sexuality. This can pile up. So what was originally very loving slowly gets toxic, because of held resentment, and pain. Then two since you start reacting to her hurting you in a past pattern kind of way where you look to other women as an outlet rather than your current one, you saw two options it sounds like. 1 Demonize your sex drive (demonize yourself), or 2. Demonize her ( cheat, which would mean breaking a bunch of morals and potentially the relationship). You decided on number 1. The issue though is not your sex drive, it's that you feel bad about wanting other women( sounds like shame), and it's that your relationship has unresolved shit in it, that needs to be acknowledged and you need to take a look at. I recommend the authentic man program.... and if you have the money go take one of their intensives. It'll change things in a massive way, and for the better. You could also read Nonviolent communication, and radical honesty to start opening up the channels between you and your girl. John
  17. Learning the Sexual arts...

    Well I agree... that it depends haha. I have had sex that was very draining, and I have had sex that is massively energizing (to the point of, having a hard time getting to sleep afterwards), both with and without orgasm. I just want to say though that a lot of the science can be skewed any way you want to back up your perceptions and bias of the world. (like they are finding that oxytocin isn't actually a cuddle hormone but an enhancing hormone. If given while angry it enhances the anger.) The tao you can name, is not the tao. John
  18. Learning the Sexual arts...

    Careful with Karezza... some of the tantra is fantastic, but is full of sexual shame and pseudoscience, as far as I've seen it. That everything in balance, that we are both biological and spiritual. Not spiritual at the expense of the biological, nor biological at the expense of our spirit. yang and yin. Astral_anima is a pretty clear example of what seems like a lot of attempts to cut away parts of himself that are 'wrong' or whatever. Seems like a shit ton of shame over how he was made. Cause you can ask, 'what makes them wrong?' who says these things are bad? Why shouldn't you do these things? Whats so bad about it? When did you learn it was bad? It's like hell... it's fun, and should be enjoyed. This is an awesome thing called sex, that is tons of fun, and creates amazing connections as well as enjoyment for everyone involved. So... whats bad about that? John
  19. Learning the Sexual arts...

    Who says the itching/bubble sensations are bad? Also it seems like you've got shame around your sexuality.. as you ejaculating and feeling depressed afterwards is a unique experience to you. I'd say you have emotion to clear and channels to open. Keep practicing, and have patience. John
  20. Dude... I agree with this. I have extensive studies in psychology and specifically the dynamics between men and women, relationships and your relationship with yourself. The book 'No more mr. nice guy' almost specifically is a road map for this. It's about guys becoming healthy rather than being manipulative and 'nice'. The guy is very weak yang, doesn't ask for his want's doesn't do what he wants in the world and is generally looking to the woman for what to be doing. Over time this eats at him (sometimes! Some guys like this, all a choice being the deal. Some men like being yin, some women yang... although we are best in our homes is my theory, that being men being yang women yin.) As the guy starts to set boundaries, take care of himself, etc etc he becomes more yang, and another side effect for a lot of guys is sex starts to be good again, the woman suddenly stops having headaches and the guy starts getting in touch with his primal side. It occurs to me that all actions and the like come from where your at energetically. If your yang and more masculine it has a certain feel to it(think gladiator, russel crowe) and you can do anything from that place and it is yang and masculine. Where as if your yin and the like (think.... some of the more metro guys.. I'm sure there are good examples) then you do anything and it comes off more feminine and yin. Psychology has terms for this stuff that the taoists call different things, but there is an extreme amount of overlap and we are all looking at the same thing from different perspectives and labels... but it is the same thing. John
  21. Collar Broke

    Flying phoenix qigong is amazingly effective. Highly recommended.
  22. good guys finish last

    It's more that the loser finishes last. Or the manipulative guy that lets everyone before him because he secretly wants things from them, finish last. Those guys call themselves 'nice'. Self deprecating manipulators really. Women know and understand this usually... it feels gross and creepy. But that the guy that goes for what he wants, gets it. And how much of a compliment to everybody involved. ... and mating less=die younger? bullshit. John
  23. Adrenal Fatigue/PE/Over Masturbation

    I'm totally for cultivation, if thats your goal. Like the golden flower, and sublimating sexual energy I'm all for. So yea you don't masturbate, or watch porn. What I'm talking about is how that site uses pseudoscience to explain how orgasms are bad and cause depressions, etc. My point though is that orgasm isn't bad, neither is porn, and its more about your relationship to the subject matter. Furthermore that depression and the like is more about how your living, beliefs/values/perception, etc. That anything can be an escape/addiction/etc. But all these things in balance. John