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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. No it's not. You will match up though with those that you are similar to, development/psychologically/and place in life. John
  2. Dude this is how your mind has skewed the facts, because your insecurity around this. Studies show women are attracted to MASCULINE men during those times. I know, I've read them, and studied this at length. The masculinity is not inherently anything though dude. Think Gladiator, where Russel Crow just wants to go to his wife. Etc.. This is more of your insecurity sounding like, you have to interact with women correctly, or you wont get love/sex/attraction/etc. Which really relates to how you feel about your self... that if you get that stuff, you'll feel good about your self, otherwise you won't. Part of the issue is it sounds like you don't see women as humans, but as these machines or organisms that you can get something from if you act the 'correct' way. The real point though dude, you will only be you at all times anyway. So if she doesn't like that, then she doesn't really like you. And even if you think you are changing yourself to be like what she wants the funny point is ... your still only being you, and your only deceiving yourself that you have 'tricked' her in some way. AKA - studies show that people who have fun, continue to want to have fun. So this looks like a reason for you being not enough, because you haven't had those experiences... but dude... everybody starts without having those experiences. With you dude, all I see is a boy who is scared shitless of women, and trying to understand them and do things so that you won't be hurt. But the hurt is all in your mind in the first place, and you just have to go out there and chat and enjoy women. And sometimes it takes being hurt to realize it won't kill you. Get the fuck off this forum, go meet women and you might find they are some of the most caring compassionate, loving, amazing creates to grace this ball of dirt. Much more than any of your guy friends. But they are also extremely sensitive and hyper aware of creepers and the like who might secretly be trying to use them to feel good about themselves. In fact I've found women tend to pick up spiritual practices a shit ton faster than men. John
  3. The Lower Chakras

    Totally man. And what I mean though is that it's your relationship to it, which it sounds like your starting to resolve, but that you look at it as a curse because it drives you. But that it is a 'curse' is due to your relationship to it. Like how you interact and handle it internally. the shame/judgement/ideas/etc that you have about all of it. But you can use that energy as fuel. Especially sexually energy. That as you resolve these things and move towards acceptance of them you might find this to be a gift. The more specific, the more clear on how you actually see things, which is personal and subjective to you. It's interesting to me the journey your taking, working through the chakra's and noting the body/mind interaction that is going on. My approach has been different, specifically working with the psychology first (5/6 years), then moving to the body/energy work. And I've found the more open I am and accepting the energy/thoughts/emotions the more I can use it as fuel an the like. But that it takes both. Like someone said from another thread, that the 3rd chakra is highly associate with your ideas/values/beliefs about your self. But I too feel attraction at my solar plexus, and have had this mirrored by other men. And as I've worked through these things I've had bizaroo experiences with women. (like once I got really cool with myself, they come out of the wood works to be with me and the like, similar to what I heard you say I think). And when I hold my attention at my perineum throughout the day I'll feel a major charge and attraction through my body to a lot of women. And they notice me kind of stuff. And while after doing Tibetan tummo, I'll feel a very distinct difference between yang and yin energy and can feel my pull towards yin women. And I've done some research on the relationship between yin/yang - chi - and their correspondence to hormones. Generally that dht is the most yang, but still with a bit of yin otherwise it wouldn't exist and estradiol(maybe) is the most yin but with a bit of yang. Keep it up man... I'm reading. John
  4. Building Jing

    The logic I have goes that if everything is energy then it would go to say that certain hormones are 'yang' energy and certain ones are 'yin'. I know when I took some estrogen, that my body felt very... squishy on the inside, and the like, while on yang I always increase heat/burning, and my body gets very hard. John
  5. The Lower Chakras

    I don't, but I don't think about my libido as something I need to 'cure' like a disease. I like having my libido up, and feeling the fire. John
  6. Masturbation and the Law of Attraction

    Far fetched. This is more about your relationship to these things.
  7. Zhan Zhuang Rocking

    Me too! Just slow rocking... not sure but whatever. John
  8. Bad experiences with chi kung

    I too had anger and things come up. I became very very sensitive, to everything. I think this speaks to the power of this qigong. I also think that this is part of the healing process, that you are releasing stored tension with different parts of the body. Sadly... I think you have to just ride it. I'm careful when I practice because of this haha. John
  9. shaktipat

    Bumping for Phore.
  10. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    Hostile, But majorly insightful. Take it for what it's worth.
  11. Wang Li-Ping Seminar 15-18th March .

    This sounds like a lot of people trying to make a buck of wang li ping. Does li ping charge this or do others? Could someone clarify this for me? Thanks, John
  12. David Shen Verdesi

    I heard he was 9 feet tall.
  13. Cultivation side effects

    This occurs to me as personal stuff. To dig into it, what do you mean by different? Flesh this out some. Because you do energy work does that make you special or inferior? Because they don't are they less than or some how superior? Do you feel like other people think energy work is strange or weird? What has you feel like you can't relate to others? The point here is it's more dealing with your relationship to how you feel about it, which leads to how you express it, and expect others to be impacted by it.... which leads to how they are impacted by it. (aka, how you feel about it and the energy of your body is projected outward when you talk about it, and people pick up on it?) and questioning these things gives you an avenue to feel into it. You can talk about chicken soup and make it amazing, or you can talk about sex and make it boring. Personally, I feel cultivation has made it easy for me to connect with people, love more, and generally enjoy life in a deeper way. Some of the trend I've seen is that people do things they think will make them feel good about their selves. The path they are on and the thing they seek, then become what they are attached to (or not attached to, and attached to not being attached) and are better than others for. The internal self love flow being an if/then. (if others do this/women love me/I make money/FILL MY DANTIEN, etc THEN I will feel good about myself/be happy/love myself/etc.) The reality is, all you've got is right now... no future, no past and all that. So any 'once I do this, then x' is just outsourcing your happiness to never. And even knowing that doesn't always change it.. and their is still future and past, and a strange relationship to 'experience'. but anyway. John
  14. Making the penis bigger

    From the psych perspective, all this stuff is releasable and changable. With men I've worked with, these issues go away as they start to dig through the meaning and release the pent up emotion around it. And then they can suddenly feel access to their turn on, feel access to their body in different ways, they walk different/talk different, feel their worth, are suddenly attractive to women, etc. It's interesting reading about these things from the taoist perspective... and may be worth bringing to the table with some of the other therapies. Because what all this points to is emotional integration, and releasing pent up emotions and trauma. John
  15. So golden I wanted to post it again after it had been posted already. John
  16. Making the penis bigger

    Not pua stuff... although Bayer's marketing is kind of puaish sometimes. Those guys are my buds. All came about because one of the guys had a major heart opening (decker), started getting off the wall success with women and relationships (shitty shirts, wimpy look, 'yin' as hell), and another of the guys was like 'what the fuck.' (bayer) Authentic man program was the result. The point being in improving yourself and improving your life, people and women naturally want to be a part of it. That even if you do get this 'yang' stuff you think you need... what kind of life and world would you be inviting women and others into? John
  17. What I mean is that all biases and prejudices and any thing you think you know about the world is bullshit. ALL OF IT. There are parts of our brain that actively filter things so that we only see what our belief system says is true. But that you REALLY think it's true. Because your struggle, and your insecurities depend on it. The point being that you can just stick with that you don't know the way the world works. Meditators all get there eventually. The tao said it best with: The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. Aka, nobody knows 'reality', cause it's fucking subjective. In fact right now, depending on how you feel, you will have a good 'past' or bad 'past'. but you'll modify your memories to make it fit what you want. ---- All this is about fear, internal pain, and shame. That your not enough, that your whatever. And that this will mean in the future or at some point your going to be abused, misused, hurt. And your trying to do all this stuff to protect yourself from that. Ironically this is also what causes your situations of 'yin-ness' or whatever. And there is nothing more low status(yin or whatever) as trying to fix yourself so you can be yang, high status, strong, whatever. There is nothing more high status(yang, strong, whatever) than just being your self. Cause it's fucking hard to just be your self. John
  18. Jam Jong after sex

    As long as you want. John
  19. Making the penis bigger
  20. Internet Generation and Tao Training

    Anybody upset with what 5ET said may want to take a look at how they actually think about themselves in that way. That he hit a nerve. 5ET, I hear you. Although I have an unshakable faith in humanity. We(humans) are lazy, but we are also hard working when we don't like something. We won't stop destroying the environment till its a pain in our butt, but once it is we'll hustle. And anything we destroy we can recreate. Frankly some change would be good, I think. John
  21. What is the best religion?

    The best religion is the one you enjoy most.
  22. This is so spot on. The funny thing is if he would go out and actually test a lot of his 'theory' he would find its all bullshit. Rather than intellectualizing and observing then coming up with conclusions based from bias. (aka bullshit) Frankly this whole thread and a lot of non's threads are disappointing to me. It is so overly angry towards women and men (towards himself and his realtionship to the feminine), so then he tries to fix himself, which only affirms that he is broken. So he gets more 'yang', what will he have to fix then? It'll be something else after that. The real problem is that he thinks he has a problem. Really he just seems like he needs a woman to hug him, a solid male role model and a really good long cry. John
  23. In psychology this is called integration. And you start to connect with your self, realize that good and bad is perspective, that you are enough and any woman that doesn't want you wasn't meant for you, etc. John
  24. testicle breathing variations

    Man.. just because some people say it on the forum doesn't mean its true. Find out for yourself. There is a lot of people on this forum that are illinformed, speaking as if they know 'THE WORD' and it is the truth. They've felt a kundatickle, and they think they are enlightened. Trust yourself, find for yourself and do your own learning. John
  25. Chunyi Lin's Master

    Maybe. I know he took a seminar with Yan Xin, and that healed his legs. And isn't Wang li ping a lineage holder of long men pai taoism... and how is this guy. John