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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Qi and charisma

    A lot of maybes here... because there is a lot involved. Psychology(beliefs, values, etc)/physiology (stored trauma, organ issues, body armor, etc)... so you may have high energy, but if you think that that is bad or people will make fun of you, you'll limit yourself. And you'll filter for/create what you believe, till you let it go.(Ie, BELIEF: people only like high energy people - outcome: so you'll ignore people that seem to be friends and not act friendly toward potential friends, etc) I have noticed though, that when I do a bunch of energy work I become very open and magnetic.. like my boundaries are down and I'm openly having fun and enjoying myself as well as caring about people and the like. It almost seems like my aura glows or something and people want to be around that. It's like when I feel really good, people feel good being around me. Other times, I'm super charged up and the shit hits the fan majorly and I learn a lesson haha. Usually once the lesson is learned life goes back to being good. But the shit only hits the fan because I resist feeling or going through something. That it is a subjective thing all the way. I'm a major fan of zhan zhuang (standing meditation) and practice for an 30 min to an 1 hour daily. It can be subtle, but seems to build jing/sexual/body energy. And also depends on what posture you hold. Kundalini style stuff has a lot going on around this.. like I'd get a shaktipat and women would come out of the woodworks to talk sexual stuff with me. Seth Ananda could probably speak to some of this, and Vajrisatva. Bump to Lomax, he definitely would be one of the most experienced here to speak to on this too. John
  2. The Lower Chakras

    I would agree with that... loneliness is kind of a sadness, and if explored for ME is like 'I'll never find anyone' or something like that. Cause it's like it's without hope or some such.. but thats for me. Which sounds lungs to me. Furthermore, fear is a more acute emotion, and loneliness occurs to me as like a sinking despair or grief. Maybe heart too? As I think about this, I'll bet you could identify what organ is what based on the quality of the emotion. John
  3. Wanted: Mentor & Enlightenment

    Morepieguy can probably help you the most, although there are many routes. What I last heard was that John chang isn't teaching any more.
  4. Wanted: Mentor & Enlightenment

    What has you want to learn Mopai? Good luck though, you seem genuine, and I like that you decided to depend on yourself rather than pills. John
  5. The Lower Chakras

    Hmm Kidney -> liver And lungs -> kidney Not sure.. - triple warmer meridian.. This stuff would take forever without the internet haha. John
  6. Michael Lomax

    Could we get a mod banhammer this guy?
  7. Michael Lomax

    Dual cultivation? Could you elaborate on that? Is that the practice you talked about in your book? Is there more? I'm fascinated. Thanks, John
  8. Body armour, trauma, David Berceli

    Yea I hear that you can tell a rolfing session is going on by the screaming, haha. But I also hear it is fantastic for you. John
  9. The Lower Chakras

    Yea, I've done a lot of research on hormones, and it is fairly complex. But it all seems interlinked between your mind/body/spirit. Your hormones have you feel like your good/solid/sure, and things that affect those are, healing your body, energy work and the like. From there your mind creates thoughts and beliefs in accordance to that. (so if you feel fear, you create beliefs that the world is dangerous. While if you feel strong, you believe things are cool ,etc). But then the mind comes in and needs to be in line with this as it seems to be a feed back loop in some way.. so you need to examine beliefs, values, etc. Aka this shit is mad complicated. The one thing too is all the hormones are a felt experience, that all this works together to create who you are and how you feel, which then goes on to define how you think. And you can change them through herbs and the like over time, or through qigong/neigong, or through meditation or psych work. I don't think there is anything artificial about it though.. as what I've heard is the body will incorporate everything you put into it, to build into you. And if you look at it as a whole... then this also includes your intent. The kicker is, in my experience, that as you clear your psych up and open your body, your hormone levels change (as Matt has pointed out in how he feels). As you feel more empowered, so to do your hormones change to create that internal environment for you at the same time. Insofar as the status/alpha/thinking you need something to be attractive to the opposite sex: It seems to me as I do qigong/meditate and the like... that I naturally don't sweat status or what others are or aren't doing. I just do what I feel like doing... that there is nothing more beta than to worry about status, and nothing more alpha than to just be yourself and do what you feel like doing. It makes me wonder if all the evolutionary psych is heavily influenced by the people doing the research, and there are a set of assumptions and beliefs that everyone is buying into indirectly by reading and buying into their research. Like what if a meditator/qigong practitioner did the research? The alpha/beta stuff is only relevant if your measuring yourself to others. And anyone, will come up with reasons to reinforce how they view things, and negate what is contrary to that. (whether they attract it/this is reality or not doesn't matter)And that you need that stuff anyway, is just a feeling.. to allow yourself to feel a certain way so you can just take action. John
  10. Sexual Urge

    Right? It's like what could possibly be more spiritual than creating life and love with a partner? Shesh. I can't remember who said it, but it was the orgasm at a distance guy, had a theory that as we have a lot of chi built up (haven't had sex in a while, guys you know what I'm talking about) when we have sex it causes us to generate love. Non, Who says you have to do anything with it? In fact part of the issue is guys feel tension and you don't enjoy/act on it or let it drive you. You try and squirt it out, or escape it some how. Which I wonder may have to do with how open or closed your body is (meridians, organs, etc). But then too as Matt has pointed out in other threads, it is definitely about your relationship to your own sexuality and these different parts of your self. I know guys that did the no masturbation thing for 30 days and ended up with a girl at the end of it. .... but I and others talked with you at length on all this shit. John
  11. Sexual Urge

    Accept and ENJOY IT. but that doesn't mean you have to do anything about it... Why the fuck do so many of the spiritual guys shun something that is so awesome/fun/amazing? Probably shame in some way... John
  12. Because you experience everything inside. John
  13. Weightlifting and cultivation

    I think yes you can do cultivation and weight lifting. In fact I think they can be beneficial to each other, majorly. When you exercise it is complimentary to your health. Not a detriment. I don't think building muscle increases qi blockages.. if anything I think it opens them up. Which is why things like physical rehabilitation work. It also makes you wonder why shaolin monks develop themselves physically. Everything in balance. John
  14. Acne cure

    Pumkpin seed oil is also a great place to get zinc.
  15. Gains in strength and size For much less than 100$
  16. I know. It's fucking ridiculous. John
  17. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    You've learned from the pickup community, who learned and took things from evolutionary psychology in the SAME way Non has and applied it to trying to gain connection. With anger and hostility towards women.... although it is getting better. Consider that 90% of those guys don't have a fucking clue. there are a few solid guys though, and the trend is getting better, more healthy and the like. It's based on poor assumptions, just because they haven't seen what is available, so they call it true. Hell I knew those guys back when all of them were just starting out, and was at the project hollywood while style was there. Your links earlier are interesting. John
  18. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    . This.. is in a nutshell everything I have tried to say. Dmattwads, man keep posting in your thread. I'm reading. John
  19. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Then your screwed. Best give up. BTW some of the assumptions of even karezza are poor, but Seth Ananda, Sloppy, and others have some awesome advice. Give up the hate/anger/self hate non. You may yet have what you want. John
  20. It seems to me there are a lot of different types of 'enlightenment.' Non-dual 'enlightenment' may be more in the psychological maturity area, while the kundalini awakening may not be. When I practice Yi gong, it definitely encourages psychological maturity, in that I see that everything is in relation to my self. Not me, but how I feel... aka when I look to meet all those things, its because I want to feel a certain way and trying to control my environment to orchestrate what I want to feel, and avoid what I don't. It seems it requires the correct focus though, as well as development of energy.... But what is 'enlightenment.' John
  21. Mal's post is over 9000. PAY ATTENTION, OR YOU WILL DO THE SAME THING WITH SOMETHING ELSE. Kunlun is the content, your context is you looking for something to (insert your search here)
  22. You know... it's not complex at all. If you want to meet women, go out and meet them. Have fun. You don't need to know anything about how attraction/sex/whatever works. Just have an open mind, have fun, and enjoy them. Do what feels good. Now if your too terrified to even go talk to one, or go out to the place where the type of woman you want to meet is... well then its an inner thing. The real issue isn't that Non wants to meet women, its that he wants to feel good, and he is trying to use women for this. Oh, and the Ladder theory is a THEORY. One that I see some of in reality, but not all. John
  23. The big kicker in the facial match up stuff, is that while that is true to some degree... I know so many guys that are ugly as fuck, who are sweaty, who are all fucked up looks wise, who are amazing with women. And just to mess with things a bit. See if you really take the evolutionary standpoint on this, you could look at that women pick men for their resources, and men pick women based on their looks and the like. (IE, that men want women that will bear beautiful children, and women want men that will bear powerful characteristics). But .... it's a mix of both spiritual and biological things. If you've been following dmattwads posts, you will notice that as he opens up certain chakra's he becomes cool with these things, and moves from what you could characterize as low testosterone/reactive/status/whatever the fuck, to high testosterone/responsive/status/whatever the fuck. It's like a fucking walk through the healing and evolution of this very area. And while I think some of his ideas are half baked, some of them are super spot on and insightful. The more you know 'women' the less you can know a woman. The most beta thing you can do is try to be alpha. And the most alpha is to just be your self, regardless of what others think. The big thing Non is your self discovery into this. If you never got with any woman ever... would that be ok? If not, why not? And till your more ok with your self, with or without women.. it'll be a bitch to have them. And ironically, once you are cool with yourself, the more they'll come out of the wood works to be around and with you. Because you'll be fun and not dependent on them for how you feel about yourself (or whether you'll fucking commit suicide or not). You gotta think it's a bit of a lot of pressure having your life in their accidentaly clumsy hands. Because your self is on the line. John
  24. This, has been my experience. If you fake it till you make it, your still fucking fake. And you know that inside. It's literally 'just be your self'. but not the self you think you should be to get love... but just your self. Who you are regardless of anyone else. Then when you find love/attraction/whatever it's YOU she/he loves. And it takes courage to be that. Because you will be tempted to be anything but. To try to hide it, and be the thing that you think you should be so that... whatever (they'll like you, she'll love you, you'll get sex, etc). John